EtiquetaThis book about pictographs can be used in a math lesson to teach students how to sort information into different categories and how to graph that information. The students get to graph different objects and this can lead to an activity where they can gra

Incluye: This book about pictographs can be used in a math lesson to teach students how to sort information into different categories and how to graph that information. The students get to graph different objects and this can lead to an activity where they can gra, This book about pictographs can be used in a math lesson to teach students how to sort information into different categories and how to graph that information. The students get to graph different objects and this can lead to an activity where they can gra, this book about pictographs can be used in a math lesson to teach students how to sort information into different categories and how to graph that information. the students get to graph different objects and this can lead to an activity where they can gra

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