Etiqueta236gcomorphology: of the sub-regions: Northern Negev Hills 57; CentralNegev Hills 57-58; Judean Hills 58-61; Shephelah 61-62;Judean Desert 62-63; East Samarian Hills 63-64; NablusSyncline 64-65; Iron Hills 66; Menashe Plateau 66; Mt Carmel66-67; Central L

Incluye: 236gcomorphology: of the sub-regions: Northern Negev Hills 57; CentralNegev Hills 57-58; Judean Hills 58-61; Shephelah 61-62;Judean Desert 62-63; East Samarian Hills 63-64; NablusSyncline 64-65; Iron Hills 66; Menashe Plateau 66; Mt Carmel66-67; Central L, 236gcomorphology: of the sub-regions: northern negev hills 57; centralnegev hills 57-58; judean hills 58-61; shephelah 61-62;judean desert 62-63; east samarian hills 63-64; nablussyncline 64-65; iron hills 66; menashe plateau 66; mt carmel66-67; central l

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