SeriesLeft Behind

Autores de la serie: Jerry B. Jenkins, Tim LaHaye

53 Obras Popularidad 921 (9,481 Miembros) 55,910 Libros 458 Reseñas ½ 3.5


Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days por Tim LaHaye 7,418 copias, 122 reseñas1
Tribulation Force: the Continuing Drama of Those Left Behind por Tim LaHaye 4,860 copias, 40 reseñas2
Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist por Tim LaHaye 4,732 copias, 33 reseñas3
Soul Harvest: The World Takes Sides por Tim LaHaye 4,381 copias, 27 reseñas4
Apollyon: The Destroyer is Unleashed por Tim LaHaye 4,311 copias, 28 reseñas5
Asesinos por Tim LaHaye 4,076 copias, 27 reseñas6
The Indwelling: The Beast Takes Possession por Tim LaHaye 4,045 copias, 24 reseñas7
The Mark: The Beast Rules the World por Tim LaHaye 4,047 copias, 27 reseñas8
Desecration: Antichrist Takes the Throne por Tim LaHaye 3,801 copias, 25 reseñas9
The Remnant: On the Brink of Armageddon por Tim LaHaye 3,308 copias, 17 reseñas10
Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages por Tim LaHaye 3,265 copias, 21 reseñas11
Glorious Appearing: The End of Days por Tim LaHaye 3,166 copias, 22 reseñas12
Kingdom Come: The Final Victory por Tim LaHaye 1,064 copias, 12 reseñas13
The Authorized Left Behind Handbook por Sandi L. Swanson 28 copiasHandbook
The Rising: Antichrist Is Born por Tim LaHaye 1,412 copias, 14 reseñasPrequel 1
The Regime: Evil Advances por Tim LaHaye 989 copias, 8 reseñasPrequel 2
A Visual Guide to the Left Behind Series por Tim LaHaye 4 copiasVisual Guide


Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days [Abridged Audiobook] por Tim LaHaye 45 copias, 2 reseñasAbridged Audiobook - 1
The Remnant: On the Brink of Armageddon [Abridged Audiobook] por Tim LaHaye 54 copiasAbridged Audiobook - 10
Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages [Abridged Audiobook] por Tim LaHaye 25 copiasAbridged Audiobook - 11
Glorious Appearing: The End of Days [Abridged audiobook] por Tim LaHaye 28 copiasAbridged Audiobook - 12
Kingdom Come: The Final Victory [Abridged Audiobook] por Tim LaHaye 7 copiasAbridged Audiobook - 13
Tribulation Force: The Continuing Drama of Those Left Behind [Abridged Audiobook] por Tim LaHaye 46 copiasAbridged Audiobook - 2
Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist [Abridged Audiobook] por Tim LaHaye 31 copiasAbridged Audiobook - 3
Soul Harvest: The World Takes Sides [Abridged audiobook] por Tim LaHaye 43 copiasAbridged Audiobook - 4
Apollyon: The Destroyer Is Unleashed [Abridged Audiobook] por Tim LaHaye 30 copiasAbridged Audiobook - 5
Assassins: Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist [Abridged Audiobook] por Tim LaHaye 43 copiasAbridged Audiobook - 6
The Indwelling: The Beast Takes Possession [Abridged Audiobook] por Tim LaHaye 31 copiasAbridged Audiobook - 7
The Mark: The Beast Rules the World [Abridged Audiobook] por Tim LaHaye 26 copias, 1 reseñaAbridged Audiobook - 8
Desecration: Antichrist Takes the Throne [Abridged Audiobook] por Tim LaHaye 26 copiasAbridged Audiobook - 9
Left Behind: An Experience in Sound and Drama por Tim LaHaye 14 copiasAudio Dramatization - 1
The Remnant: An Experience in Sound and Drama por Tim LaHaye 9 copiasAudio Dramatization - 10
Armageddon: An Experience in Sound and Drama por Tim LaHaye 5 copiasAudio Dramatization - 11
Glorious Appearing: An Experience in Sound and Drama por Tim LaHaye 6 copiasAudio Dramatization - 12
Tribulation Force: An Experience in Sound and Drama por Tim LaHaye 22 copiasAudio Dramatization - 2
Nicolae: An Experience in Sound and Drama por Tim LaHaye 15 copiasAudio Dramatization - 3
Soul Harvest: An Experience in Sound and Drama por Tim LaHaye 23 copiasAudio Dramatization - 4
Apollyon: An Experience in Sound and Drama por Tim LaHaye 9 copiasAudio Dramatization - 5
Assassins: An Experience in Sound and Drama por Tim LaHaye 14 copias, 1 reseñaAudio Dramatization - 6
The Indwelling: An Experience in Sound and Drama por Tim LaHaye 17 copiasAudio Dramatization - 7
The Mark: An Experience in Sound and Drama por Tim LaHaye 28 copiasAudio Dramatization - 8
Desecration: An Experience in Sound and Drama por Tim LaHaye 12 copiasAudio Dramatization - 9

Colecciones y Selecciones

Left Behind Complete Set, Series 1-12 por Tim LaHaye 20 copiasBooks 1-12
The Left Behind Collection (Volumes 1-12) por Tim LaHaye 79 copiasBox Set 1-12
Left Behind Boxed Set 1 (books 1-5) por Tim LaHaye 89 copias, 5 reseñasBox Set 1-5
Left Behind Boxed Set 2 (books 6-10) por Tim LaHaye 36 copiasBox Set 6-10
Rapture's Witness: The Earth's Last Days are Upon Us por Tim LaHaye 26 copiasOmnibus 1-3
The Left Behind Collection I, Books 1-4 por Jerry B. Jenkins 22 copiasOmnibus 1-4
Left Behind Series (Books 1-6) por Tim LaHaye 34 copiasOmnibus 1-6
World's End: On the Brink of Armageddon por Tim LaHaye 21 copiasOmnibus 10-12
Deceiver's Game: The Destroyer Is Unleashed por Tim LaHaye 30 copias, 2 reseñasOmnibus 4-6
The Left Behind Collection II, Books 5-8 por Tim LaHaye 20 copiasOmnibus 5-8
Evil's Edge: The Beast Rules the World por Tim LaHaye 21 copiasOmnibus 7-9

Otros Nombres

Holandés: De laatste Bazuin — Inglés: Countdown to the rapture


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