Serie editorialRenaissance Latin Drama in England. Second Series: Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge

Renaissance Latin Drama in England: "Cancer", Edmund Stubbe "Fraus Honesta" (Second Series: Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge, 2) por Edmund Stubbe 2 copias2
Renaissance Latin Drama in England: Walter Hawkesworth "Leander", "Labyrinthus" (Second Series: Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge, 3) por Walter Hawkesworth 2 copias3
Renaissance Latin Drama in England: Thomas Watson "Absalom", John Foxe "Christus Triumphans" (Second Series: Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge, 5) por Thomas Watson 1 copia5
Renaissance Latin Drama in England: John Christopherson "Jephthes", William Goldingham "Herodes" Second Series (Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge) por John Christopherson 2 copias7
Renaissance Latin Drama in England: Thomas Legge "Richardus Tertius", "Solymitana Clades" Second Series (Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge) por Thomas Legge 2 copias8
Renaissance Latin Drama in England: Edward Forsett "Pedantius" (Second Series: Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge, 9) por Edward Forsett 1 copia9
Renaissance Latin Drama in England: "Pastor Fidus", "Parthenia", "Clytophon" (Second Series: Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge, 10) por Anonymous 3 copias10
Renaissance Latin Drama in England: "Microcosmus", "Stoicus Vapulans", Robert Ward "Fucus sive Histriomastix" Second Series (Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge) por Anonymous 2 copias11
Renaissance Latin Drama in England: John Rickets "Byrsa Basilica sive Regale Excambium", Thomas Sparrow "Confessor" Second Series (Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge) por John Rickets 2 copias12
Renaissance Latin Drama in England: Abraham Fraunce or H.Hickman "Hymenaeus", Abraham Fraunce "Victoria", "Laelia" Second Series (Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge) por Abraham Fraunce 2 copias13
Renaissance Latin Drama in England: "Zelotypus", John Chappell "Susenbrotus or Fortunia", Aquila Cruso "Euribates Pseudomagnus", William Mewe "Pseudomagia" ... Associated with the University of Cambridge) por William Mewe 2 copias14
Renaissance Latin Drama in England: Samuel Brooke "Adelphe", "Scyros", "Melanthe" (Second Series: Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge, 15) por Samuel Brooke 3 copias15
Renaissance Latin Drama in England: Peter Hausted "Senile Odium", "Senilis Amor", "Alphonsus" (Second Series: Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge, 17) por Peter Hausted 5 copias17
Renaissance Latin Drama in England: Abraham Cowley "Naufragium Joculare", William Johnson "Valetudinarium" (Second Series: Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge, 18) por Abraham Cowley 2 copias18
Renaissance Latin Drama in England: Roger Morrell "Hispanus", Nathaniel Wibourne "Machiavellus" (Second Series: Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge, 19) por Roger Morrell 1 copia19

