Serie editorialIslamic philosophy, theology, and science

The Abbreviation of the Introduction to Astrology por Abu Ma'shar 8 copias
Abu Ma'Sar on Historical Astrology: The Book of Religions and Dynasties on Great Conjunctions (Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Science) por Keiji Yamamoto 2 copias
Aristotle's Rhetoric in the east : the Syriac and Arabic translation and commentary tradition por Uwe Uwe Vagelpohl 5 copias
Averroes and the Aristotelian Tradition: Sources, Constitution and Reception of the Philosophy of Ibn Rushd 1126-19 98 Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium ... (Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Science) por Editor Gerhard Endress 2 copias
Averroes und die Arabische Moderne: Ansätze zu einer Neubegründung des Rationalismus im Islam por Anke Von Kugelgen 2 copias
Avicenna and the Aristotelian Tradition por Dimitri Gutas 17 copias
Before and After Avicenna: Proceedings of the First Conference of the Avicenna Study Group (Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Science) por Yale University) Avicenna Study Group. 6 copias
Chance and Determinism in Avicenna and Averroes (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science) por Catarina Belo 9 copias
The Conclusive Argument from God: Shah Wali Allah's Hujjat Allah al-Balighan por Marcia K. Hermansen 8 copias
The dispensatory of Ibn at-Tilm (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science) por Kahl 7 copias
Ethical Theories in Islam (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies) por Majid Fakhry 11 copias
Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi and Thomas Aquinas on the Question of the Eternity of the World por Muammer Iskenderoglu 2 copias
Freethinkers of Medieval Islam: Ibn Al-Rāwandī, Abū Bakr Al-Rāzī, and Their Impact on Islamic Thought por Sarah Stroumsa 7 copias
Ibn Rushd's Metaphysics: A translation with introduction of Ibn Rushd's commentary on Aristotle's metaphysics, book Lam (Islamic philosophy and theology) por Averroës 8 copias
Ibn Taymiyya's Theodicy of Perpetual Optimism (Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Science) por Hoover 5 copias
In synchrony with the heavens : studies in astronomical timekeeping and instrumentation in medieval Islamic civilization por David A. King 3 copias
Interpreting Avicenna: Science And Philosophy In Medieval Islam-Proceedings Of The Second Conference Of The Avicenna Study Group (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science) por Jon McGinnis 6 copias
Islamic Philosophy, Science, Culture, and Religion (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science) por David Reisman 6 copias
Islamic Thought in the Middle Ages: Studies in Text, Transmission and Translation, in Honour of Hans Daiber (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science) por Anna Akasoy 7 copias
A Jewish Philosopher of Baghdad: Izz Al-dawla Ibn Kammuna (D. 683/1284) and His Writings (Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Science) por Reza Pourjavady 9 copias
The Making of the Avicennan Tradition: The Transmission, Contents, and Structures of Ibn Sina's Al-Mubahatat (The Discussions (Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Science) por David C. Reisman 4 copias
Medieval Muslim Scholar at Work: Ibn Tawus and His Library (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science) por Etan Kohlberg 7 copias
Method, Structure, and Development in Al-Farabis Cosmology (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science) por Damien Janos 3 copias
Muslim Writers on Judaism and the Hebrew Bible: From Ibn Rabban to Ibn Hazm (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science) por Camilla Adang 7 copias
Organizing Knowledge: Encyclopaedic Activities in the Pre-Eighteenth Century Islamic World (Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Science) por Gerhard Endress 4 copias
Philosophy in Early Safavid Iran (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies) por Reza Pourjavady McGill University 4 copias
Prophetic niche in the virtuous city : the concept of Ḥikmah in early Islamic thought por Hikmet Yaman 5 copias
The Reception of Aristotle's Metaphysics in Avicenna's Kitab al-Sifa: A Milestone of Western Metaphysical Thought (Islam por Amos Bertolacci 4 copias
Relational Syllogisms and the History of Arabic Logic900-1900 (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science) por Khaled El-RouayhebHarvard University 5 copias
Scripturalist Islam: The History and Doctrines of the Akhbari Shi'i School (Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Science) por Robert M. Gleave 4 copias
Scripture and Exegesis in Early Im M Shiism (Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Science,) por Meir Mikhael Bar-Asher 6 copias
Socrates in Mediaeval Arabic Literature (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science) por Ilai Alon 3 copias
Studies in the History of the Exact Sciences in Honour of David Pingree (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science) por David Edwin Pingree 6 copias
Talking About God and Talking About Creation: Avicenna's and Thomas Aquinas' Positions (Islamic Philosophy, Theology, an por Rahim Acar 2 copias
O Ye Gentlemen: Arabic Studies on Science and Literary Culture, in Honor of Remke Kruk (Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Science) (Multilingual Edition) por Arnoud Vrolijk 5 copias

