SeriesFathers of the Church

139 Obras Popularidad 5,680 (1,778 Miembros) 6,565 Libros 18 Reseñas 4.1
The Apostolic Fathers (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por Francis X. Glimm 66 copias, 1 reseña1
Writings of Saint Augustine. Volume IV. Christian Instruction, Admonition and Grace, The Christian Combat, Faith, Hope and Charity (Fathers of the Church Series) por Saint Augustine 45 copias2
The Writings of Salvian, The Presbyter por Salvian of Marseilles 45 copias, 1 reseña3
The Immortality of the Soul; The Magnitude of the Soul; On Music; The Advantage of Believing; On Faith in Things Unseen por St. Augustine 61 copias4
Saint Augustine: The Happy Life, Answer to Skeptics, Divine Providence and the Problem of Evil, Soliloquies [Fathers of the Church, a New Translation] por Saint Augustine 36 copias5
The First Apology; The Second Apology; Dialogue with Trypho; Exhortation to the Greeks; Discourse to the Greeks; The Monarchy or The Rule of God por Justin Martyr 53 copias6
Niceta of Remesiana; Sulpicius Severus; Vincent of Lerins; Prosper of Aquitane por Niceta of Remesiana 34 copias7
The City of God. Books 1-7 por Augustine of Hippo 63 copias, 2 reseñas8
Ascetical Works por Saint Basil, Bishop of Caesarea 75 copias9
Apologetical works [by] Tertullian, and Octavius [by] Minucius Felix por Tertullian 29 copias10
Commentary on the Lord's Sermon on the Mount, with Seventeen Related Sermons por Saint Augustine 66 copias, 2 reseñas11
Letters, 1-82 por Saint Augustine 25 copias12
Letters: volume 1 (1-185) por Saint Basil, Bishop of Caesarea 43 copias13
The City of God. Books 8-16 por Saint Augustine 49 copias, 1 reseña14
Early Christian Biographies por Roy J. Deferrari 42 copias15
Treatises on Various Subjects: The Christian Life, Lying, Against Lying, Continence, Patience, The Excellence of Widowhood, The Work of Monks, The Usefulness of Fasting, The Eight Questions of Dulcitius por Saint Augustine 44 copias16
Saint Peter Chrysologus selected sermons, and Saint Valerian homilies por Saint Peter Chrysologus 35 copias17
Letters, 83-130 por Saint Augustine 29 copias18
Ecclesiastical History I, Books I-V (Loeb Classical Library, No. 153) por Eusebius 253 copias19
Letters, 131-164 por Saint Augustine 32 copias20
Funeral orations by Saint Gregory Nazianzen and Saint Ambrose por Gregory Nazianzen 44 copias22
Christ the Educator por Clement of Alexandria 43 copias23
The City of God. Books 17-22 por Augustine of Hippo 40 copias, 1 reseña24
La Trinidad por Bishop of Poitiers Saint Hilary 98 copias, 1 reseña25
Letters (1-92) por Bishop of Milan Saint Ambrose 43 copias26
Treatises on Marriage and Other Subjects por St. Augustine 43 copias27
Letters Volume 2 (186-368) por Saint Basil 35 copias28
Ecclesiastical History II, Books VI-X por Eusebius 214 copias29
Letters, 165-203 por Saint Augustine 31 copias30
Sermons, Volume I (1-80) por Saint Caesarius of Arles 29 copias31
Letters, 204-270 por Saint Augustine 28 copias32
EXPLICACIÓN DEL EVANGELIO del Santo Apóstol y Evangelista Juan por John Chrysostom 46 copias33
Letters por St. Leo the Great 37 copias34
Against Julian por Augustine 44 copias35
Treatises por Bishop of Carthage Saint Cyprian 40 copias36
Writings por Saint of Damascus John 144 copias37
Sermons to the People: Advent, Christmas, New Year's, Epiphany por Augustine of Hippo 126 copias38
Dialogues of St. Gregory the Great por Gregory the Great 101 copias39
Disciplinary, moral, and ascetical works por Tertullian 34 copias40
Commentary on Saint John the apostle and evangelist : homilies 48-88 por John Chrysostom 43 copias41
The Fathers of the Church, Volume 41: Commentary on Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, Homilies 48-88 por Chrysostomus. Johannes 4 copias41
Hexameron, paradise, and Cain and Abel por Bishop of Milan Saint Ambrose 46 copias42
The Poems of Prudentius. Volume 1 por Prudentius 34 copias43
Theological and dogmatic works por Saint Ambrose 57 copias44
The Trinity por Saint Augustine 825 copias, 3 reseñas45
Exegetic Homilies por Saint Basil, Bishop of Caesarea 35 copias46
Sermons: volume II (81-186) por Saint Caesarius of Arles 25 copias47
The Homilies of Saint Jerome, Volume 1 (1-59 on the Psalms) por Saint Jerome 42 copias48
The Divine Institutes por Lactantius 60 copias49
Seven Books of History against the Pagans por Paulus Orosius 53 copias, 1 reseña50
Letters (1-81) por Bishop of Carthage Saint Cyprian 27 copias51
The Poems of Prudentius. Volume 2 por Prudentius 19 copias52
Dogmatic and Polemical Works por Saint Jerome 40 copias53
The Minor Works por Lactantius 26 copias54
The life of Saint Severin por Eugippius 42 copias55
The catholic and Manichaean ways of life por Saint Augustine 34 copias56
The homilies of Saint Jerome, volume 2 por Saint Jerome 44 copias57
Ascetical Works por St. Gregory of Nyssa 70 copias58
The Teacher / The Free Choice of the Will / Grace and Free Will por Saint Augustine 37 copias59
Retractationes por Saint Augustine 77 copias60
The works of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem. Volume 1 por Saint Cyril of Jerusalem 43 copias61
Iberian Fathers. Volume 1 por Claude W. Barlow 31 copias, 1 reseña62
Iberian fathers : volume 2 por Claude W. Barlow 26 copias63
The works of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem por Saint Cyril of Jerusalem 44 copias64
Seven exegetical works : Isaac, or the soul ; Death as a good ; Jacob and the happy life ; Joseph ; The patriarchs ; Flight from the World ; The prayer of Job and David por Bishop of Milan Saint Ambrose 40 copias65
Sermons: volume III (187-238) por St Caesarius of Arles 20 copias66
The trinity; The spectacles; Jewish foods; In praise of purity; Letters por Novatian 29 copias67
Discourses against Judaizing Christians por Chrysostomus. Johannes 42 copias68
Theological Treatises on the Trinity por C. Marius. Victorinus 32 copias69
Eighty-three different questions por Saint Augustine 29 copias70
Homilies on Genesis and Exodus por Origen 77 copias71
On the Incomprehensible Nature of God por Saint John Chrysostom 46 copias72
Apologist por Chrysostomus. Johannes 29 copias73
Homilies on Genesis 1-17 (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por Chrysostomus. Johannes 74 copias74
Three poems : Concerning his own affairs ; Concerning himself and the bishops ; Concerning his own life por Saint Gregory of Nazianzus 46 copias75
Letters 1-50 por Saint Cyril of Alexandria 37 copias76
Letters 51-110 por Saint Cyril of Alexandria 26 copias77
Tractates on the Gospel of John 1-10 (The Fathers of the Church, 78) por Saint Augustine 40 copias78
Tractates on the Gospel of John 11-27 por Saint Augustine 18 copias79
Commentary on the Gospel according to John: books 1-10 por Origen 75 copias80
Letters, 1-29 por Saint Augustine 18 copias81
Homilies on Genesis, 18-45 por Chrysostomus. Johannes 35 copias82
Homilies on Leviticus 1-16 (Fathers of the Church) por Origen 33 copias83
On Genesis (Vol. I/13) (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) por Saint Augustine 195 copias84
Stromateis : books one to three por Clement of Alexandria 38 copias85
Four Anti-Pelagian Writings (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por Saint Augustine 44 copias86
Homilies on Genesis (46-67) por Saint John Chrysostom 24 copias87
Tractates on the Gospel of John (28-54) por Saint Augustine 21 copias88
Commentary on the Gospel according to John (books 13-32) por Origen 26 copias, 1 reseña89
Tractates on the Gospel of John 55-111 (Fathers of the Church) por St. Augustine 21 copias90
Selected prose works: Commentary on Genesis; Commentary on Exodus; Homily on our Lord; Letter to Publius por St. Ephrem the Syrian 25 copias91
Tractates on the Gospel of John, 112-24; Tractates on the First Epistle of John por Saint Augustine 23 copias92
Sermons por Leo the Great 30 copias, 1 reseña93
Homilies on Luke (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por Origen 73 copias, 1 reseña94
Selected Works por Fulgentius 24 copias95
On repentance and almsgiving por John Chrysostom 40 copias96
Homilies on Jeremiah Homily on 1 Kings 28: Homily on 1 Kings 28 (Fathers of the Church) por Origen 34 copias97
Life and works por Thaumaturgus Gregory, Saint 31 copias98
Iberian Fathers : volume 3 por Pacian of Barcelona 17 copias99
On Illustrious Men (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por Saint Jerome 32 copias100
Commentary on the Psalms (Psalms 1-72) por Of Cyrus Theodoret 26 copias101
Commentary on the Psalms (Psalms 73-150) por Of Cyrus Theodoret 22 copias102
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. Books 1-5 por Origen 46 copias, 1 reseña103
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. Books 6-10 por Origen 41 copias104
Homilies on Joshua por Origen 40 copias105
Eranistes por Theodoret of Cyr 30 copias106
Select Orations por Gregory of Nazianzus 31 copias107
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets (Fathers of the Church) por Theodore of Mopsuestia 39 copias108
Selected sermons : volume 2 por Saint Peter Chrysologus 37 copias109
Selected Sermons, Volume 3 por Saint Peter Chrysologus 36 copias110
Commentary on Zechariah por Didymus the Blind 34 copias111
Commentary on the Apocalypse (Fathers of the Church) por Oecumenius 28 copias112
Letters: volume 1 por Saint Barsanuphius 22 copias113
Letters, Volume 2 por Saint Barsanuphius 25 copias114
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets , volume 1 (Fathers of the Church) (v. 1) por Saint Cyril of Alexandria 41 copias115
Commentary on the twelve prophets: volume 2 por Saint Cyril of Alexandria 28 copias116
Commentary on Matthew (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por Saint Jerome 40 copias117
Festal letters 1-12 por Saint Cyril of Alexandria 24 copias118
Homilies on Judges (Fathers of the Church) por Origen 28 copias119
Apology for Origen, with The letter of Rufinus; On the falsification of the books of Origen por Pamphilus 24 copias120
Commentary on Galatians por Saint Jerome 30 copias121
Against Eunomius por Basil of Caesarea 41 copias122
Commentary on the Apocalypse por Andrew of Caesarea 27 copias123
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets (Fathers Of The Church), Vol.3 por Cyril of Alexandria 17 copias124
Commentary on Matthew (Fathers Of The Chrch) por St Hilary of Poitiers 24 copias125
The Fathers of the Church: A New Translation: Fulgentius of Ruspe: Correspondence on Christology and Grace (Fathers Of The Church, Vol. 126) por Fulgentius of Ruspe 14 copias126
Festal Letters, 13-30 (Fathers Of the Church) por Cyril of Alexandria 13 copias127
Ancoratus (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por Saint, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus. Epiphanius 21 copias128
Three Christological Treatises (Fathers of the Church) por King Daniel 18 copias129
The Hymns on Faith (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por Ephrem the Syrian 16 copias130
Anti-Apollinarian Writings (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por Robin Orton 17 copias131
History of the Church (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por of Aquileia Rufinus 12 copias133
Exposition of the Apocalypse (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por Francis X. Gumerlock 14 copias134
Against Marcellus and On Ecclesiastical Theology (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por Kelley McCarthy Spoerl 7 copias135
On Difficulties in Sacred Scripture: The Responses to Thalassios (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por St. Maximos the Confessor 29 copias136
Glaphyra on the Pentateuch por Saint Cyril of Alexandria 4 copias137
Inquiry about the Monks in Egypt (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por of Aquileia Rufinus 6 copias139
Treatises on Noah and David (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por Saint Ambrose 7 copias140
Homilies on the Psalms: Codex Monacensis Graecus 314 (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) por Origen 22 copias141


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