Primeros reseñadoresForeEdge

The twenty-first century has brought great change to publishing. The ecosystem is adjusting to new climates and new species, including the ebook revolution, the rise of self-publishing, and the dominance of all things digital in how we communicate, sell, market, and produce books. The key to flourishing amidst such transformation is to embrace these changes while never losing sight of the basic humanity of the book.

It is in this spirit that we are proud to introduce ForeEdge, University Press of New England’s first trade imprint in two decades.

Beginning in April, 2014, all UPNE books for national trade audiences on the subjects of history, politics, true crime, music, and other popular topics will carry this new imprint. In book production, “fore-edge” refers to the front edge of the book, opposite the spine. While the spine of a book keeps it all together, it is the fore-edge that transforms the artifact of the book into a form of mental and emotional transport. We see a book’s front edge as a perfect symbol of modern publishing’s meeting point between tradition and the central need to look forward beyond the book itself.
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