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Walking the Dog
Santa Margarita y Los Monjes is a small place, but that doesn't prevent things happening on a large scale. Gravity is suspended in the Case of the Disappearing Private Parts, war is turned upside down and inside out because making love really is much more fun, greed gets flushed into the underworld where it belongs, and death is exposed as something less than it's cracked up to be. In these and other tales, the residents of this little known tropical island, which doesn't appear on any maps (the best places never do), muddle through the vagaries of modern life, inadvertently subverting its manifold absurdities and occasionally stumbling across the odd, sometimes very odd, eternal truth. Dodging his Aunt Dolores and her abundant Woes, while pursuing her earthy and amply carnal counterpart, Joy, the narrator recounts the adventures and misadventures of his invincibly elementary cousins, The Boys, of Good God Donald the laid-back missionary, and Magritte his lexically challenged housekeeper, of Georgie Pujol the diffident witch doctor, Mr. Bagwell the life-affirming undertaker, the irrepressible Uncle Ken, a very ardent dog called Newhouse, the island's henpecked despot, the hard-working residents of the House of Low Women, and a succession of hapless envoys from the world without. In the process, we are immersed in a warm and colorful place, a world apart in which you may recognize the humdrum cares of everyday living, but will be astounded at how readily treatable they are when subjected to a little common nonsense.
General Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
The Permanent Press (Editorial)
(User: permanent)
November 2008
Comienza: 2008-11-10
Acabado: 2008-11-30
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