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Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys
Over the past few decades, our culture has adopted a model of parenting and educating children that doesn’t affirm, celebrate, or embrace a boy’s natural hunger, passion, or wildness but rather seeks to tame it. A boy’s endless imagination, thirst for adventure, and passionate spirit are matched only by his deep desire to be affirmed, esteemed, and loved. Based on clinical research, Stephen James and David Thomas have filled the book with practical tips and suggestions. They guide readers through the five stages of a boy’s development, providing an overview and explanation of each stage, followed by a plan to put new principles into action. Discover the Five Stages: • The Explorer (ages 2–4)—As soon as a boy can walk and talk, he begins exploring the edges of his world. • The Lover (ages 5–8)—A boy at this stage is more sensitive to the feelings and needs of others around him, and he begins to experience his first spiritual awakening. • The Individual (ages 9–12)—Boys at this stage are developing a stronger sense of self and have started to consider what it means to be a man. • The Wanderer (ages 13–17)—At this stage, a boy will careen back and forth between his desire for adult involvement and his desire to be left alone. • The Warrior (ages 18–22)—Boys at this stage are full of promise, purpose, and insight in the homestretch of a long journey. Wild Things is a must-have for a new generation of parents and educators, providing fresh insight and much-needed encouragement on the road to raising boys.
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Tyndale House Publishers (Editorial)
(User: modishv)
December 2008
Comienza: 2008-12-08
Acabado: 2008-12-31
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