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Tiny Americans
1978, Western New York state. Terrance Thurber has one hand on a liquor bottle and an eye on the door. In a desperate attempt to get sober, he takes his three kids—Connor, Lewis, and Jamie— into nature daily for a calendar year, teaching them to listen to the heartbeat of trees, build bird feeders, or scavenge for animal tracks. His children will hold on to these memories of their father—both his appreciation of the natural world and the shadow of addiction that haunts him—long after he packs his car and leaves his family for good. The wife Terrance abandons, Catrin, sinks further into herself; locked away in her art studio, she finds solace wielding a flame and building sculptures from scrap metal. Connor and Lewis bash out their quiet anger in games of football with neighborhood boys. Heat rises to their teeth with each violent motion, both boys unable to understand their desire to test the limits of their muscle and bone. Their sister, Jamie, born with an artistic sensibility like her mother, paints everything she sees. As she grows into adulthood, she will seek a partner who has even more scars than her own. Following the lives of the Thurber family for over three decades, we see them each search for meaning, a sense of belonging, in lovers, nature, art, and families of their own, leading them, eventually, back to each other.
General Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
Harper Perennial (Editorial)
(User: HarperPerennial)
November 2018
Comienza: 2018-11-05
Acabado: 2018-11-26
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