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We all know the bad news. Global warming escalates unchecked. National economies are only beginning to recover from the crash of 2008, and in most nations income inequality is growing faster than GDP. The promise of the Arab Spring has largely given way to civil wars and a refugee crisis. Open a newspaper, browse the titles in your bookstore, or click on cable news, and the dark tide will batter you like a tsunami. We are living in an age of unprecedented, irreversible decline--or so we're constantly being told. Jonathan Tepperman's The Fix is a lively and unconventional guide to the global solutions hiding in plain sight. It identifies ten pervasive and seemingly impossible challenges--including immigration reform, income inequality, political corruption, and Islamic terrorism--and shows that each has a solution, and not merely a hypothetical one. In his close analysis of government initiatives as diverse as Brazil's Bolsa Família program, Lee Kuan Yew's anti-corruption crusade, and Bloomberg's reform of the NYPD, Tepperman isolates the universally applicable policy measures that have improved equality, incomes, and stability in wildly diverse societies. It flips conventional political wisdom, suggesting, for example, that the U.S. Congress could learn a thing or two about compromise and conciliation from its Mexican counterpart. As the managing editor of Foreign Affairs, Tepperman is a journalist and policy advisor who has spent most of the last 20 years traveling and writing about international politics. His expertise makes The Fix a work of unusual insight. It is a necessary corrective to the hand-wringing and grim prognostication that dominates international affairs coverage, making a data-driven case for optimism in a time of crushing pessimism.
History, Religion & Spirituality, Nonfiction, Economics
Ofrecido por
Crown Publishing (Editorial)
(User: CrownPublishing)
July 2016
Comienza: 2016-07-05
Acabado: 2016-07-25
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