Biblioteca heredadaEdmund Quincy

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Library Information

Fecha de biblioteca
"AAAA-MM-DD", "AAAA" "AAAA-MM-DD AC", "5º-6º c. AC",
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"Boston, Massachusetts, EEUU", "Londres, Inglaterra", "el hotel Plaza, Nueva York, Nueva York, EEUU", "Hogwarts", "Alpha Centauri", "el infierno"
Library Size (titles)
Número de títulos en la biblioteca. 1,459; ~50; 100-200; Desconocidos ("1 lote libros")
Tamaño de Biblioteca (volúmenes)
Número de volúmenes en la biblioteca. 1,459; ~50; 100-200
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Newspaper advertisement for sale: Boston Evening Post, 17 April 1758, p. 4; 24 April 1758, p. 4
Newspaper advertisement for sale: The Boston Weekly Advertiser, 17 April 1758, p. 3; 24 April 1758, p. 3
Newspaper advertisement for sale: The Boston-Gazette, and Country Journal, 24 April 1758, p. 2
Newspaper advertisement for sale: The Boston News-Letter, 27 April 1758, p. 4
Noted in George L. McKay, American Book Auction Catalogues 1713-1934: A Union List. New York Public Library (1937), p. 44
Will (1765, approved 1784); Probate inventory (1675)
Library Notes
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Advertisement text (Evening Post, 17 April): "TO be sold by publick Vendue at the House of Mr. Cord Cordis, at the westerly Part of Boston, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, the Houshold Furniture of Edmond Quincey, of Brantree, Esq; consisting of [long list]: And on THURSDAY NEXT, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the same Place, to be sold the said Edmond's Library, a Catalogue of which may be seen at the Office of William Story in Boston. ..."
Advertisement text (Weekly Advertiser, 17 April): "TO be Sold by PUBLIC VENDUE at the House of Mr. Cord Cordis at the Westerly Part of Boston, on Wednesday next, at THREE o'Clock in the Afternoon, the Houshold Furniture of Edmond Quincy of Braintree, Esq; consisting of [long list]. And on Thursday next at 3 o'Clock in the Afternoon at the same Place, to be sold the said Edmond's Library, a Catalogue of which may be seen at the Office of William Story in Boston."
Advertisement text (Evening Post, 24 April): "TO be sold by publick Vendue, at the House of Mr. Cord Cordis, at the westerly Part of Boston, on THURSDAY NEXT, the Houshold Furniture of Edmund Quincey, of Brantree, Esq; consisting of [long list], and also the said Edmund's Library, a Catalogue of which may be seen at the Office of William Story in Boston. The Sale to begin at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon."
Advertisement text (Weekly Advertiser, 24 April): "TO BE SOLD by PUBLIC VENDUE, At the House of Mr. Cord Cordis, at the Westerly Part of Boston on Thursday next, THE Houshold Furniture of Edmund Quincy of Braintree, Esq; consisting of [long list]. Also the said Edmund's Library, a Catalogue of which may be seen at the Office of William Story, in Boston. The Goods may be seen the Day before the sale. The Sale to begin at 3 o'Clock."
Advertisement text (Gazette and Country Journal): "To be Sold by Public Vendue, at the House of Mr. Cord Cordis, at the Westerly Part of Boston, on THURSDAY NEXT, at Three a Clock in the Afternoon, The Houshold Furniture of Edmund Quincy of Brantree, Esq; consisting of [long list]. And also the said Edmund's Library, a Catalogue of which may be seen at the Office of William Story in Boston."
Advertisement text (News-Letter): "TO BE SOLD by PUBLIC VENDUE, At the House of Mr. Cord Cordis, at the Westerly Part of Boston THIS DAY, at Three o'Clock, P.M. The Houshold Furniture of Edmund Quincy of Braintree, Esq; consisting of [a long list of furniture, &c., as well as "one Negro Man, one Negro Woman and 3 Negro Girls."] "Also the said Edmund's Library, a Catalogue of which may be seen at the Office of William Story, in Boston."
The sale came about due to bankruptcy proceedings against Quincy, whose business partnership with his sons had proved a failure.
Provenance Marks
Diseño de exlibris, marcas de propiedad comunes, etc.
Legacy Categories
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Bibliotecas de los Primeros Años de E.E.U.U.; Artistas; Formantes de la Declaración de Independencia; Presidentes de E.E.U.U.
Valor Total del Libro
$300; �52/10/2
Total Inventory Value
$3000; �654/13/5
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Entity Information

Fecha de Nacimiento
"AAAA-MM-DD", "AAAA" "AAAA-MM-DD AC", "5º-6º c. AC",
Fecha de Fallecimiento
"AAAA-MM-DD", "AAAA" "AAAA-MM-DD AC", "5º-6º c. AC",
"mujer", "hombre", "n/a" o introduce texto libre
Lugares de Residencia
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"Boston, Massachusetts, EEUU", "Paris, Francia", "Argelia"
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"Universidad del Estado de Mississippi (BS|Library Science)","Universidad de Oxford (Christ Church)", "Universidad de California, Berkeley"
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fontanero o camarero o ingeniero
Legacy Connections
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Hancock, John (son-in-law)
Flynt, Henry (uncle)
Huxley, Julian (hermano), Orwell, George (estudiante), Huxley, Leonard (padre)