The [X] Book Challenge

Tired of feeling self-conscious for attempting a challenge you just can't achieve? Or are you challenge-phobic? Do you start well but start to dwindle off as the year progresses? Do you want to get that dopamine rush for just finishing ONE DAMN BOOK in the face of overwhelming distractions, disruptions or just plain lack of motivation? Then, the X Book Challenge IS FOR YOU! Read ANY NUMBER of books throughout the year and you have met your goal! No fuss, no muss. It can be 1 book or several hundred. You set your goal, you decide what is a challenge for you and YOU will ALWAYS succeed. No self-conscious lurking on other numbered challenge groups, feeling like a fraud or failure for not meeting some arbitrary number. You are in control of your reading goals and you should feel proud of whatever number of books you read throughout the year. Yeah, shit happens and we can't always rise to the occasion. In this group, you will always read enough, no matter what.

If you like the idea of a very personalized challenge that you set yourself and like that dopamine rush for reading anything at all, this could be the group for you. Quirky sense of humor a must.

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