William Walker (desambiguación)

"William Walker" está compuesto de al menos 13 autores distintos, dividido por sus obras.

Sobre El Autor

Incluye el nombre: William Walker

División de autor

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Aviso de desambiguación
1) William Walker (1809-1875), American Baptist song leader and compiler of shape note tunebooks including The Southern harmony and The Christian harmony
2) William Walker (1824-1860), American filibuster and briefly President of Nicaragua; executed by Honduran government; author of The war in Nicaragua
3) William T. Walker, author of Essentials of European history 1848 to 1914
4) William Walker (b. 1821), author of Handbook of drawing
5) Walker, William, 1946- Weapons of mass destruction and international order
6) Walker, William A. (William Alfred), 1956- Five-minute frights
7) William B. Walker - The Missionary Pioneer
8) Walker, William 1623-1684 - Phraseologia anglo-latina, or, Phrases of the English and Latin tongue :…
9) Hans Schmidt wrote Maverick Marine
10) William Walker, 1922 - Genesis Revisited
11) Walker, William, 1926- Locke, literary criticism, and philosophy
12) Walker, William, 1817-1911. Peter Buchan, and other papers on Scottish and English ballads and songs
13) Walker, William, 1958- Paradise lost and republican tradition from Aristotle to Machiavelli
14) Walker, William active 1810-1875 - The Everlasting Dream-Book
15) Walker, Bill 1866-1963 Injun Summer
16) William Walker - "Shoot" Soccer Quiz Game Book