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8 Obras 147 Miembros 3 Reseñas

Sobre El Autor

Obras de Isabel Proudfit


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¡Sí, estos son mis libros de la niñez! … Y en éste, y otros volúmenes a los que reúno bajo EDICIONES PEUSER, deseo rendir un humilde homenaje en primer lugar, a esta gran editorial que iluminó con literatura, a una innumerable cantidad de familias (como la mía), de conocimiento y pasión por la vida.
Y vaya también las gracias a mi padre por su visión, al acercarme estas joyas literarias a mis ojos anhelantes de colosales mundos nuevos, y despacharlos colmados de viajes… entre simples baldosas.
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serxius | Aug 26, 2022 |
This book is a historical biography originally published in 1942. It contains quite a bit of historical tidbits since Noah Webster lived through and experienced the Revolutionary War and the making of the Constitution.

I was especially interested in reading this book because it is about the author of my second favorite book—Webster’s 1828 Dictionary (my first favorite being the KJV Holy Bible). What surprised me was how much I did not know about Noah Webster.

He started as a farmer but went on to be a graduate at Yale, a teacher, a lawyer, and an author of several books including the very influential blue-backed American Spelling book.

This book held my interest. I could see that Noah Webster had a God-given unquenchable thirst for knowledge and teaching. It was puzzling to me that there was almost no mention of his religious views one way or the other. Since he lavishly included scripture in his dictionary definitions I would have thought that God (or “religion”) was a huge part of his life. Either it wasn’t or the author left it out for some reason.

This book seems extremely well suited for home school students, those that like historical biographies or those that like Webster’s dictionary and are curious about the author.

To purchase your own copy of this book go here: Noah Webster Father of the Dictionary

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from publisher through the BookCrash blogging for books program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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cherylcope | otra reseña | Jun 17, 2013 |
Noah Webster is the man that wrote the first dictionary. He’s also known as “The Father of the Dictionary.” He was just a farm boy and worked his own way through Yale. He lived during the most exciting times in American history. Noah was a Connecticut Yankee and his relatives were from some of the earliest settlers in America. He also wrote, “Webster’s Spelling Book”.

Noah Webster also provided many schoolbooks that glowed with American spirit. During his own lifetime, more than 25 million copies of “Webster’s Spelling Book” went out to the little school houses all over America.

Mr. Webster started writing the “Webster’s Dictionary” when he was fifty years old. It would come to be one of his biggest achievements, taking more than twenty years to complete.

In the “Webster’s Spelling Book” he even had them to learn what nouns were, proper grammar, what verbs were and what a complete sentence was. Little did we know that at that time, Noah Webster added such words to the dictionary like: whittle, tackle, shaver and chore.

The man, Noah Webster, became very important in literary history and learning for all. From his time to now, we’ve all been taught many things that Mr. Webster had put into his books and Webster’s Dictionaries are still around today.

There is a book, “Noah Webster: The Father of the Dictionary” that is the story of his life and accomplishments.

I received one of these books by Book Crash for my honest thoughts and review. This book was and is very enjoyable to anyone what loves history, literary or learning.
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liaburres | otra reseña | Apr 14, 2013 |

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