Imagen del autor

Pierre Mendès-France (1907–1982)

Autor de A modern French Republic

23+ Obras 59 Miembros 1 Reseña

Sobre El Autor

Obras de Pierre Mendès-France

Obras relacionadas

France 1940-1955 (1956) — Epílogo, algunas ediciones21 copias
Renouvellement du socialisme - Préface de Pierre Mendês-France (1950) — Prólogo, algunas ediciones1 copia


Conocimiento común

Nombre canónico
Mendès-France, Pierre
Nombre legal
Mendès-France, Pierre Isaac Isidore
Fecha de nacimiento
Fecha de fallecimiento
Lugar de sepultura
Cimetière du Père-Lachaise, Paris, Île-de-France, France (Columbarium, N° de plaque 1630)
País (para mapa)
Lugar de nacimiento
Paris, France
Lugar de fallecimiento
Paris, France
Lugares de residencia
Paris, France
University of Paris
Prime Minister of France (1954-1955)
Member of the French National Assembly
Mendès-France, Marie-Claire (Epouse)
Mendès-France, Michel (Fille)
Département de l'Isère (Député, 19 67)
Conseil de la France (Président, 19 54 | 19 55)
Département de l'Eure (Député, 19 32 | 19 40 puis 19 46 | 19 58)
Conseil économique et social de l’O.N.U. = ECOSOC (Délégué de la France, 19 47 | 19 51)
Fonds Monétaire International (Gouverneur pour la France, 19 47 | 19 59, Président des gouverneurs, 19 48)
Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le développement = BIRD (Executive director pour la France, 19 46 | 19 47) (mostrar todos 12)
Ministère de l'éducation nationale (Ministre, 19 44)
Gouvernement du Front populaire (Sous-secrétaire d'Etat au trésor, 19 38 | 19 39)
Commune de Louviers, Eure, Normandie (Maire)
Barreau de Paris (Avocat, 19 26
Parti socialiste unifié (Membre)
Parti républicain, radical et radical-socialiste (Membre, 19 24 | 19 59)
Premios y honores
Croix de Guerre 1939-1945
Médaille de la Résistance
Biografía breve
Pierre Mendès-France was born in Paris to a Jewish family whose ancestors fled Portugal for France in the 16th century. He graduated from the University of Paris with a law degree. As a teenager, he joined the Radical Socialist Party and became the youngest member of the French National Assembly in 1932 when he was elected a deputy for the Eure department. In the Popular Front government of Léon Blum, he was appointed Secretary of State for Finance. At the outbreak of World War II, he joined the French Air Force. After France surrendered to Germany, he was arrested by the Vichy government imprisoned on a false charge, but escaped in 1941 and reached London, where he joined the Free French government in exile of Charles de Gaulle. When de Gaulle returned to Paris at the end of the war, he appointed Mendès-France as Minister for National Economy in the provisional government and later as director of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as French representative to the United Nations Economic and Social Council. He was a major opponent of French colonialism, and in 1954 became Prime Minister after campaigning to end the war in Indochina. He negotiated the independence of Tunisia by 1956, and began discussions with nationalist leaders in Morocco. He left office in 1955 and resigned as the Radical Party leader in 1957, after a split with Edgar Faure, leader of the conservative wing, over Algeria. He opposed de Gaulle's accession to power in May 1958 and in the elections of that year, he lost his seat in the National Assembly. In 1967, he briefly regained his seat in the National Assembly. He wrote several books on political and economic topics.



Ce recueil d'entretiens avec Pierre Mendès France est la seule forme d'autobiographie disponible sur cet homme politique français. Mêlant l'histoire de la pensée politique et l'histoire biographique de Pierre Mendès France, ce livre requiert une certaine culture politique et historique pour être bien compris, et doit être mis en relation avec l'évolution de la gauche de l'époque pour être bien compris.
falko | May 23, 2007 |

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