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Henry Frederick Lutz

Autor de Early Babylonian letters from Larsa

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Incluye el nombre: H. F. Lutz

Obras de Henry Frederick Lutz


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Well, I will put it down as special interfaith, since it seems basically religious, although it seems to peter out into 5,000 year old bar tabs at the end, or whatever. (I didn’t really know what it was when I bought it, which I think works out this time, although the Amazon route bit me hard re: that astrology tome, The Rulership Book, which is garbage, basically. Written in 1971 at pretty near what to me would be its best-by date, it has nevertheless stayed in print somehow, despite being really backward-looking and crusty. It’s like, the awful mistake of trying to define and make finite and put a cap on the infinite, and the Mistake Most Awful of making the subjective and alive seem objective and dead, and therefore ‘worthy’. Garbage.) But yeah, I wasn’t sure at first whether this was like, Middle Eastern shamanism or Middle Eastern witchcraft, so to speak: whether it’s the shamanism/magic/witchcraft, all the same thing, really, of the palefaces or the children of the noble dark earth, you know. Shamanism, or witchcraft, or general magical religion, as I call it, witchcraft being the major component of that, at least in our own time. The distinction is arbitrary, but America and most of the world constructs race, so I want to know how I contribute to that conversation…. But yeah, on the one hand, a lot of Middle Easterners ARE very Italian-looking, even though that’s not their reputation, and they’re connected to the Hebrew lore, and Hebrew lore was obviously married to the lore of Europe. But I don’t know…. Like, when Crowley called his deck “The Thoth Tarot”, the smallest consideration of his nature leads me to think that he wanted to underline the non-Western roots of Western magic, and Egypt is a big draw for many Black/African pagans…. I don’t know, it’s very ambiguous, but I feel like Egypt and Babylon (I realize the book isn’t about Egypt, but you know what I mean) does have a more alternative feel than Greece or even the Hebraic lands…. I mean, to the ‘good’ Hebrews, Babylonians were the Bad Other that they had zero ties with, even though that wasn’t true, you know: but it was a powerful perception….

…. I don’t think I’m going to copy them all down before I give the book away—incredibly inefficient use of space; pictures of the original tablets for 100 pages at the end (!), 100 pages of half English half garbage: I’m sorry, Akkadian, is that what it is….? And very large margins, right…. But yeah, I guess in 1919, if you belonged to a certain class, you learned Akkadian or something so you could talk to your Masonic friends without your dirty, sexual wife knowing what’s what, right…. I mean, fine, do an Akkadian-language edition for the specialists, right: but how is the translator the vanilla flavor of the market, right? Do you know what a translator is, right?….

And yeah: I don’t think I’m going to copy them all down into my craft books, and I don’t think I’m going to start with an occasional event like an eclipse, but it is heartening to think that even the Babylonians had to pray weeping and crying like a little bitch to Marduk when there was an eclipse, right; sometimes I wonder if I’m a “bad pagan” or something—I’m sorry, a what? Am a Christian or a Mason or something?—for not viewing an eclipse as an opportunity, right: after all, when there’s more energy, theoretically it’s an opportunity—but usually people don’t perceive it as that, right. They just jump up and down and curse like little bitches: again, including myself, right…. Of course, today we’ve taken a big step forward, we Edwardian-lite people: because we know there are NO patterns to our problems and no real way to solve them; our job is just to document/complain/blame, right! And that’s a big step forward. 🥸

…. Yeah, it is a sort of shamanism or whatever, because it is sympathetic in covering several gods such as Shamash and Enlil, but as far as (funky spelling of) Lilith goes—it is kinda a sort of anti-witchcraft folklore, you know: which does pre-date Christianity and those religions, right…. It’s like rap, gangsta rap. “Yo for shizzle, curse me down this witch-hoe, homies….” You know: I don’t know how to talk rap. Obviously some of it isn’t like that; some of the political-themes rap lyrics are actually a lot more diverse-themed and creative than vanilla pop, right; but I digress….

It is shamanism, even if it’s a sort of sexist shamanism. The vanilla monotheist reaction is kinda humorous, almost, you know: Wow, look at all the chaos from gender-alienation…. (steals Thor’s Hammer from him) Maybe we could solve the problem by by ~transcending~ gender, by ~demeaning it as a topic~ and ~increasing gender alienation~ and ~making sure women can’t fight back, so that they’re no fighting~, right. ~Smashes the Arthur’s Round Table with Thor’s Hammer~ ~fairies be running like shit is going down yo: this is the running we do in the hood, we don’t do like, suburban running: we running cause somebody done and called the fuzz on us~


…. Sometimes writings thousands of years old are just once-born nonsense past its sell-by date; or else old legalism, right: which somehow we have trouble understanding because of the Bible and the anti-cell-phone gossip, and so on: before, thousands of years ago, the Bible was written!!! Today, we have Facebook!!!…. Sometimes people try to make it sound like people, ~back then~, just, ~were better~, right: like, if you had given an Akkadian-speaking peasant, a microphone, or whatever, right….

But even if you take the ~writings~ of the old times: it’s funny, because Christianity is almost founded on the idea that Jewie’s Legalism is Bad!! (skater punk tongue-out), right…. But then they try to trick you into thinking that they never said that, right…. They gaslight you…. But yeah: and then it’s also, especially in Protestantism, which is the most founded on that Good Old Book God Wrote In Eden, right, all that BS: it is even MORE founded on the idea that some early Christian/biblical-tradition writings were trash; but then because trash is suppressed, you’re supposed to forget it even exists, until all you’re left with, is yeah: (chef’s kiss) I make you a beautiful propaganda; I make it in Eden, for you: Eden’s Kitchen—I call it the Bible…. 🍝 Eat up!….

You know: sometimes old writing from thousands of years ago is just garbage-noise, of interest only to deluded linguists, basically, you know….

Dear Bob: This is Charlie’s Tavern. You keep getting drunk here, and not paying your bill. You have to pay out your whole tab, or we won’t let you come here. We don’t want there to be trouble. ~Management.


Esteemed colleague. I just got out of a meeting with the city’s king, and he agrees that the “situation” at Charlie’s Tavern has been allowed to fester for too long. Certain steps must be taken. We move tonight. ~V.I. Lenin P.S. Select your toughest men for this mission.

~You know, like…. There have always been bullshit, once-born thoughts swimming around in the collective unconsciousness…. The only thing the precession of the equinoxes, you know, the thousands of years, can do, is, make it clear that some shit needs to go in the dump. And maybe, give the heads up, that some of what us hoomis do is B.S. WITHOUT, you know, creating this…. This nonsense where it’s like, “But I have the Bible/my old chemistry textbook/(fill in the blank)….” You know: so that means, I don’t have to be careful, because I don’t make mistakes, you know.

(chef’s kiss) I maka you a beautiful propaganda. 🍝

Right, like….

It’s like: to be twice-born is to die many times; it’s to become comfortable with endings and beginnings…. It’s not to play a cheap trick on God, and expect to go along with it, right…. I mean, sometimes he smiles slyly, and answers AS IF he’s going along with it, right: nobody really knows why….
… (más)
goosecap | May 21, 2024 |

