Local Author Seanan McGuire wins the Joseph Campbell Award at the World Science Fiction Convention S

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Local Author Seanan McGuire wins the Joseph Campbell Award at the World Science Fiction Convention S

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Sep 12, 2010, 1:05 am

Seanan McGuire of Martinez, who has now publlshed four novels in two years, one of which (FEED) is under the pseudonym Mira Grant, just won the Joseph Campbell new writer award at the World Science Convention in Melbourne Australia on Sept. 5! The latest is "An Artificial Night" which was released Sept. 2, and is the third in an urban (mostly San Francisco) fantasy, PI series, with fairies, selkies, halflings and changelings, roaming the Bay Area. See wikipedia for details:


My favorite is FEED, a book about society adjusting to a virus causing zombies! I dislike horror books in general and zombies in particular and I still really liked this book. I saw the zombies as an allegory for all kinds of ills in modern society - the fascination is with how society and in particular news organizations responds to a new disaster, especially when the govt. covers it up and the only reliable news is from bloggers.

PS The books took longer than two years to write - that is just the publishing schedule.