What are you reading in August 2010?

CharlasHappy Trails Family Book Club

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What are you reading in August 2010?

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Ago 14, 2010, 10:59 pm

Ok...Looks like we are lagging behind on keeping up with the books..or busy..LOL...

I finished The Passage and Murder is Binding...hope to get reviews up for both soon!!

Reading The Wild Irish Sea by Loucinda McGary and Bookmarked for Death by Lorna Barrett.

Ago 14, 2010, 11:20 pm

I'm still working on Revolutionaries: A New History of the Invention of America by Jack Rakove. A few more days, I hope! ;-)

Editado: Ago 15, 2010, 10:47 am

I've been reading magazines... waiting for my nook to arrive. Weight Watchers, All You, Prevention, TV Guide. I also bought a family circle and ladies home journal (combo pack) because of the recipes, but they had interesting articles about pre-teen/teens and computers/security.

I've been loading up my Kindle Book Wish List... Mockingjay, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl who played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked Hornet's Nest, and Wicked Appetite.

Ago 15, 2010, 11:37 pm

Did you finish Catching Fire??? CAn't wait for Mockingjay!!

Sep 6, 2010, 5:49 pm

I began the month with Fire: Tales of Elemental Spirits by Robin McKinley. It had a nice set of short stories, but wasn't really very engaging.

Next, I read Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld. This was an outstanding book! Be sure to check out my review.

Finally, I read By the Time You Read This, I'll Be Dead by Julie Anne Peters. This chilling realistic fiction book for teens was great.

Sep 6, 2010, 5:53 pm

I've got The Passage on my nightstand, but it will need to wait until after Mockingjay.

Sep 16, 2010, 10:44 pm

I will be interested to see what you think of the Passage!!