Sci-fi book with forbidden circles

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Sci-fi book with forbidden circles

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Mar 15, 2007, 2:48 pm

Hi everyone. My husband remembers his father telling him about this book when he was younger, but for the life of them neither remembers the name of the book. Please help if you can!


Can't remember the name or who wrote it. Think it might have been
Heinlein. It's about a guy who crashes on an alien world where the
circle (the shape) is forbidden so they never invented the wheel and
are consequently not very advanced. So he creates machines for them using, like, triangular gears and wheels and such and after a while these wear down into circles and they realize that the machines work better using circles.

Editado: Mar 15, 2007, 3:36 pm

i'm not familiar with it, but could it be a Ray Bradbury book/story? it sounds in a way like the sort of idea he might come up with.

Mar 15, 2007, 4:06 pm

I'm not sure - I've read a lot of Bradbury myself, and it doesn't sound like anything I've read. Plus, my husband's father isn't likely to have read it if it was Bradbury. Thanks for the suggestion, though!

Mar 15, 2007, 4:16 pm

solved! after some more googling, i found it.

it was poul anderson, "the three cornered wheel" which was in his book "the trouble twisters".