Mystery Authors

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Mystery Authors

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Ago 12, 2006, 6:29 pm

Ron Faust is one author who I think is vastly underrated. He writes literate thrillers with international settings. Many take place at sea or involve the sea as a secondary character. There are oftentimes elements of noir and there is usually a femme fatale. Lord of the Dark Lake, When She Was Bad, and Fugitive Moon are three of his novels I have read and I was extremely satisfied with all of them.

I think what hurts him is that he does not have a series character, he does not write traditional mysteries, and the settings are not tied to a single locale or region. Nevertheless, if you like intelligently written crime stories with exotic locales, Ron Faust is the author for you.

Ago 15, 2006, 11:25 pm

Mitchell Smith is another mystery writer who is relatively unknown. His Stone City is an absolutely absorbing read about an imprisoned accountant who is coerced by a fellow inmate into investigating a prison death.

Daydreams is a police procedural with a rookie female protagonist.

He's wrote three or four additional thrillers before moving on to a well-received sci-fi series (The Snowfall Trilogy) set in post-apocalyptic America.

I've just learned he also writes a series of westerns under the name Roy Lebeau.

Ago 19, 2006, 8:02 am

I checked out Ron Faust on Amazon and it appears that in his later books he does develop a series character--the most recent three all feature Dan Shaw. They look pretty good, so I'm ordering the first one.

Mar 20, 2007, 4:10 pm

Great overlooked mystery writer: Doug Allyn. Mostly a short story writer, but does have at least six novels out (and at least 2 short story collections). His books tend (or appear to) to go out of print about a month after publication.

Abr 5, 2007, 7:46 pm

Paul Mann writes mysteries set among the corruption of modern India. The protagonist, George Sansi, is a half-Indian, half-British police detective. Mann's books make it into mass market paperback, so I'm not sure if he qualifies as underappreciated, but I never hear his name mentioned anywhere. Season of the Monsoon and The Burning Ghats are two of his books.

Elizabeth Cosin has a couple of good mysteries with bad titles - Zen and the Art of Murder being one of them. The mysteries are set in LA and star a hard-bitten female detective Zen Moses.

Abr 6, 2007, 8:12 am

TheBlindHog (#2):I loved Stone City! Unfortunately, the other two books I've read by him, Due North and Karma, were big letdowns ... a couple of recommendations: Colin Harrison writes some very good thrillers, and James Sallis's series starring Lew Griffin are excellent books, although more for their characterizations, etc., than the actual mysteries.

Ene 27, 2008, 1:10 am

The Conjure-Man Dies: A Mystery Tale of Dark Harlem, by Rudolph Fisher is arguably one of the best American detective-novels. It improvises upon and blends conventions of the amateur sleuth, forensic investigation, police procedural, village cozy (Harlem of the '20s is a kind of small town), and ghost story. Dart and Archer are as amusing to see interact as Watson and Holmes. Like Conan Doyle, Fisher was a physician.

Jul 25, 2008, 10:16 pm

#7 ostrom - The Conjure-Man Dies sounds really interesting. I'm definitely going to look for it.