Picture books from/about New Zealand

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Picture books from/about New Zealand

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Abr 11, 2010, 4:13 am

Hello all,
I'm looking for picture book from/about New Zealand. I'm after (1) Books in English that are easily available but that are written or illustrated by New Zealand authors/illustrators (2) books that are somehow culturally specific (and may or may not be available in English) (and these two criteria may not be mutually exclusive of course). Basically I want to learn more about New Zealand picture books and am after recommendations for brilliant books that I might enjoy with my own kids.

Thanks in anticipation,

Editado: Abr 12, 2010, 5:25 am

Hi Zoe,

You could try some of the books from the LIANZA Children's Book Awards (LIANZA is the NZ Library Association), they have an award for best illustrations in a children's book. The NZ Post Book Awards are also a good bet.

Abr 12, 2010, 12:04 pm

Hi Killeymoon - thanks for the tip. Shall follow up the links you've given.

Abr 20, 2010, 4:16 am

Just looked at your wonderful website! Will be back to it soon. I have 2 kids, aged 3 and 6, and here are a couple of our favourites:

The Hairy Maclary series by Lynley Dodd
Perky by the Roadside by Michelle Osment (about a pukeko)
The Kiwi who Lost his Mum and others by Bob Darroch

We're overseas at the moment so a lot of our books are in storage. I'll have a look for more later on today.

Killeymoon thanks for those links - I'm about to buy some more books from Book Depository for the 3 yo and they will be good for ideas!

If you want Australian books, our 3 yo loves Wendy Harmer's Pearlie the park fairy series, and anything by Pamela Allen is good.

Jun 9, 2010, 10:56 pm

Hi Zoe,
I have just read your request. I manage a primary school library in New Zealand. Some of my favourite New Zealand children's authors are Dawn McMillan and Dot Meharry.
They are both retired teachers and live on the Coromandel. I think their writing has a distinctly 'kiwi' flavour and are beautifully illustrated. Of course there is also Margaret Mahy who has so much fun with words.
for further fun there is the Kapai the Kiwi series by Uncle Anzac.
Sorry not to have responed earlier.