Lesbian book blogs?

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Lesbian book blogs?

Feb 7, 2010, 6:13 pm

I can't seem to find a book blog that's specifically for lesbian/queer girl lit. There's some general queer book blogs, but that's only queer girl half the time (or, often, less). Does anyone know of any? Also, if I were to start one, would anyone be interested in reading that, or is needlessly specific?

Feb 7, 2010, 9:02 pm

I'd be willing in reading, contributing.

Feb 7, 2010, 9:17 pm

I'd love to contribute

Feb 15, 2010, 12:58 pm

It's up now, and open to contributions!


Feb 17, 2010, 10:12 am

I'm a member of a forum that has a publicly accessible lesbian book review section. Here's the link if anyone is interested:


Feb 17, 2010, 6:50 pm

I'm off to read the blog - well done

Feb 22, 2010, 4:56 pm

the lesbian fiction forum is one of the best around. And they're a friendly bunch, too.

Feb 19, 2011, 10:45 pm

Here's a blog that you might find interesting.

Here's also a spot for some great reviews


Feb 24, 2011, 4:02 pm

I'm glad you find it interesting, because it's the blog I went on to create when I couldn't find one!

Ene 28, 2012, 2:32 am

Oh funny Danneeness! Just ran across this thread. I didn't know your site was so new! It looks like an old comfortable chair over there. Hmmm, did that sound right? LOL! But I hope you know what I mean, considering that you were wondering if a Lesbian book site would be "needlessly specific"!

Anyway, My book, Rose's Will became part of the lesbrary a few months ago. J.E. Knowles reviewed it. What a wonderful job you did on it!

Denise DeSio

Mar 10, 2013, 3:46 pm

I have recently written a lesbian book called "Till Death Do Us Part". Its over at Amazon, Kobo, Smashwords and a few other online stores, while more info on it can be gathered from: http://www.dennisadonis.com

Jul 27, 2013, 2:39 pm

The humble quest to read everything lesbian: a lesbian book blog.

Editado: Jul 27, 2013, 2:46 pm


Piercing Fiction: Straight Arrow Reviews
Literature, movies and whatever else occurs to me.

Lynne also is the administration of the Yahoo group lesfic_unbound@yahoo.com. Lots of authors, readers of lesbian fiction. Always a good discussion going.

Jul 27, 2013, 2:48 pm

Also, a lot of the authors will have a blog going -- they will discuss a variety of subjects, not only just about their books or writing but might be worth looking into.

Jul 19, 2021, 12:51 pm

K. C. Luck has a new newsletter out for July 2021 and can be found here: https://mailchi.mp/a631ea838c0c/its-july-and-im-back-again?e=28dadd0b4c

Jul 22, 2021, 2:33 pm

One of the best author lists to be on is Jae's, because not only does she do all her books (and she writes a lot :D), but, she also really promotes other authors too! It's awesome. Just recently (I think it's over :| sorry, didn't see this thread until after) she did a giveaway where the other part was that you could choose to be put on all the authors' lists who were participating in the giveaway.

Here's the link: https://jae-fiction.us7.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=e5c3f399644085e18ef405c7b&am...