When the copyright box doesn't contain copyright...

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When the copyright box doesn't contain copyright...

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Dic 7, 2009, 10:04 am

This photo was uploaded by the author in question, but he's using the copyright box to pimp his new book...


Dic 7, 2009, 12:25 pm

I don't think that's flaggable. I would drop him a private comment pointing out that the copyright line is for copyright information.

Frankly, he's not the first, and won't be the last, person who doesn't understand what should be in the copyright line (or the credit line, for that matter).

As long as he has the right to use the image, I wouldn't flag it.

Dic 7, 2009, 12:49 pm

>2 lilithcat:
I'm trying very hard not to ask what's not to get about a copyright line.

Dic 7, 2009, 1:28 pm

> 3

You'd think it would be obvious, but this isn't the first time I've seen an ISBN in that line.

Dic 7, 2009, 1:43 pm

Sometimes I wish LT would bend the rules a little and create a group called 'Self Promotion', as a sort of safety valve for this kind of thing. Although maybe that would just end up making the problem worse.

Dic 7, 2009, 3:16 pm


There is one (here). Unsurprisingly it hasn't helped -- spammers want to get their promos in front of as many eyes as possible, so confining it to a group where it would be appropriate is hardly going to satisfy them.

Dic 7, 2009, 3:39 pm

Wow, looks like my bright idea was about two years too late! I guess we can look forward to flagging pictures of Gingerbread Jimmi, well, forever . . .

Dic 7, 2009, 5:26 pm

"As long as he has the right to use the image, I wouldn't flag it."

Does he have the rights? Just because he is on the photo doesn't mean he owns the rights. I was in the newspaper once, but the press photographer owns the rights to that photo.
And his text does not indicate whether the photo was taken by his order and bought off the photographer.

Dic 7, 2009, 8:00 pm

>7 BOB81: Is that still happening??

Dic 7, 2009, 8:07 pm

>9 christiguc:
Pretty recently, about six or seven weeks ago, if I remember right.

Dic 7, 2009, 8:49 pm

> 8

I agree, but that's not the issue that was posed by the OP.

Dic 8, 2009, 12:13 am

>>11 lilithcat:

But I'd love to bring it up. Authors post pictures of themselves all the time without sourcing them properly, and we always seem to let it go because they're the author.

Editado: Dic 8, 2009, 11:08 pm

I'm much more willing to give an author the benefit of the doubt than I am with a joe schmoe. Unless an author clearly doesn't have the right to post to LT, I won't flag.