What Your Family Is Reading, February 2007

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What Your Family Is Reading, February 2007

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Feb 10, 2007, 11:00 am

Please share what you all are reading! Read-alouds, assigned readings, and books for pleasure.

Feb 10, 2007, 12:17 pm

Our bed-time read-aloud is Warriors, The New Prophecy: Midnight #1 by Erin Hunter. In the car, we are listening to the audiobook of The Looking Glass Wars.

DS is reading The Five Ancestors: Tiger.

I'm reading Thunder Head by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, as well as The Price of Glory: Verdun 1916 by Alistair Horne.

DH tends not to read books. He has a trade magazine (Editor & Publisher) on his nightstand.

Feb 10, 2007, 5:22 pm

I'm currently reading aloud Peter Pan in Scarlet to my children. I'm not sure that any of us like it or not. In fact, we haven't touched it in several days.

I'm currently reading Mission of Motherhood, Great Expectations and The Collectors.

As I was browsing the scholastic order, my husband made the comment that we have enough books-SHOCK, HORROR! No way!! He is not a reader at all. School/reading wasn't deemed that important in his childhood. I think he's started two books in the ten years we've been together, and I don't think he finished either.

Thankfully, my little ones, love books!!!

Feb 11, 2007, 1:23 am

My boys just finished their January books (lots of basketball games and practices). I am Joe's Body and a biography on Jedediah Smith.

I am reading The Wheel on the School, which I will probably recommend in the other thread when I'm done. Also A Christian View of the Church and a biography of a woman named Harriet Weaver who was instrumental in getting James Joyce published. A very long biography which is interesting, but is beginning to drag a bit. Oh, and Clouds of Witness by Dorothy Sayers, that is for a group read.

Anyone else notice the touchstones being touchy? I'll check back in when I've assigned my boys new books to read. Sadly, they would never pick one up for themselves.

Feb 12, 2007, 7:09 pm

Epona, let me know how you like Thunder Head. I have that on my to-read shelf! Big fan of those 2 authors.

Anyhow, here's what we're reading:

I'm finishing Lisey's Story by Stephen King. Then I move on to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer along with my 11 and 12 year olds (this is for the Lightning Literature we're doing). My 11yo dd is also reading Hitty: Her First Hundred Years and the study guide that goes along with it.

I'm trying to decide on our next read-aloud and think I'll do something geared towards our younger kids. Maybe Rabbit Hill or Ginger Pye.

My 2nd and 4th graders are reading--with help--the history books by Guerber and select stories from the "Ten Girls Who..." series ("Made a Difference", "Made History", "Didn't Give In"...).

Oh, for fun when we're in the van or just in our spare time we are listening to some of the Chet Gecko audiobooks. We tried one on a road trip several months ago and ALL of our kids, from 5-12, were cracking up!

We're also reading The Art Fraud Detective and The Great Art Scandal. We love these books.

This is all drawn out throughout our week, not everything every day, lest I give anyone a complex. LOL

Feb 14, 2007, 8:52 am


Thunder Head wasn't bad, although it left some things VERY unresolved. It was fun seeing how Nora and Smithback met, since I read Cabinet of Curiosities (where they were moving in together) a few months back. I enjoy Preston & Child's fiction, as mind candy. I'm trying to find a copy of Douglas Preston's Dinosaurs in the Attic for DS, but our library doesn't have it and we haven't been having any success with ILL. Which Preston & Child is your favorite?

Feb 14, 2007, 11:28 am

The Wind in the Willows by our read-aloud, Saint Valentine by Robert Sabuda for Valentine's Day.

And we're studying about Ancient Greece and Rome, we're currently in Greece so we're reading Favorite Greek Myths and Aliki's The Gods and Goddess of Olympus among many other books from the library.

In science we're reading Ruth Heller's books and studying about animals still.

We're also reading poetry from our various poetry books. We're really enjoying Shel Silverstein.

8goodgolly Primer Mensaje
Feb 15, 2007, 7:31 pm

To my 10yos, Castle of Llyr by Alexander (working our way through the Prydain series), taking turns reading Henry and the Paper Route by Cleary

My younger boys favorites this week are: Tops and Bottoms by Stevens and Johnny Appleseed by Aliki

with my 14yod Vienna Prelude by Thoene

by myself, Created to be His Help Meet by Pearl

Feb 19, 2007, 3:10 pm

Hi, Everyone!

We just read "A Single Shard" by Linda Sue Park, for my son's homeschool bookclub. I loved it, but my son (age 8) didn't like it that well. I think he's not quite sophistocated enough yet to understand that all the bad stuff that happens during the book really ends up turning out all right in the end, so he felt sad.

Our next book is "Call of the Wild," which I've never read either, so I'm looking forward to that.

Feb 19, 2007, 5:07 pm

#9 - Be ready to comfort your son some more! It's a great read though.