Using CueCat to enter ISBNs to other forms

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Using CueCat to enter ISBNs to other forms

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mayo 19, 2009, 2:36 pm


I want to use my trusty LT CueCat to enter ISBNs into other forms on other websites that accept ISBNs. How do I accomplish that? I looked at the source for the "Add Books" page and I don't see any magic javascript.


Editado: mayo 19, 2009, 8:19 pm

You can either try to find software to decode the stream, or you can declaw the thing yourself (it's pretty easy).

You should be aware that the decoded stream may include additional information in a barcode. (For example, in the second picture on this page, if you swipe too far, the CueCat will pick up the second barcode (the 90000).)

mayo 22, 2009, 4:06 pm

I bought my CueCat from LT, is it already declawed?

mayo 23, 2009, 7:32 am


Editado: mayo 23, 2009, 8:57 pm

So how does LT decode the CueCat stream? I want to be able to set up a form on my own website to accept CueCat's ISBN scans and submit searches based on it to services other than LT. If I could imitate LT to start with that might save me a lot of time.