YA novel, from late 1970s, involves kids, time travel & dinos

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YA novel, from late 1970s, involves kids, time travel & dinos

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mayo 7, 2009, 12:26 am

When I was in the sixth grade (which would have been about 1980-81), I remember my teacher reading this AWESOME book about some kids that travel through time and end up in a world with dinosaurs, and they had to figure out how to get back home. That's literally all I remember about the book itself. I have been on the hunt for that book for a couple of decades now because I know that I loved the book when Mr. O'Leary read it to us.

I'm not sure that it actually was published in 1981 - it was a book from our school library at the time, so it could have been published earlier than that.

Any thoughts on what it might be?

mayo 7, 2009, 1:17 pm

Tunnel Through Time is about kids who go through a time machine. I read it years ago too, and I do know there are dino's.

mayo 7, 2009, 1:46 pm

Not the right book, but you might like When Dinosaurs Ruled the Basement by William L. DeAndrea or Rex by Kathleen Duey.

mayo 8, 2009, 12:24 pm

It might be The Bunjee Venture by Stan McMurtry published in 1977. It is a great read-aloud.

mayo 9, 2009, 5:36 pm

I loved Tunnel through Time, and it does fit the questioner's description perfectly.

mayo 28, 2009, 6:51 pm

THAT'S IT! Wow - the minute I saw the cover I went back in time myself. That's absolutely the right book! I'm so excited to FINALLY have a name to the memory!

Editado: mayo 28, 2009, 6:52 pm

Mud and infiniteletters - Thanks for the recommendation - I'm going to check and see if my local library has those, too!