shared books

CharlasArt History

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shared books

Este tema está marcado actualmente como "inactivo"—el último mensaje es de hace más de 90 días. Puedes reactivarlo escribiendo una respuesta.

Ene 12, 2007, 7:16 pm

Does anyone know why the shared books hasn't updated? I know that I have the same books as other people on this list, but they aren't showing up.

Ene 24, 2007, 2:17 am

sometimes it depends on what version of the book you have as to whether the system realizes that others have it. You can do a "search other's libraries" search for a given book, then click on the book, then go to the bottom and see if you are listed as a "list people who own this book" and if you are not there, you can click to "add this book" on the book's page and then delete your mysterious unassimilated copy. But that's a pain, alas.

Ene 24, 2007, 1:53 pm

The group's shared books are listed correctly in the Group Zeitgeist page, but not on the group homepage.

Ene 27, 2007, 11:37 am

I'm only about 10% through adding books. I'm sure others are in much the same boat.