What are you reading in April?

CharlasHappy Trails Family Book Club

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What are you reading in April?

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Abr 4, 2009, 12:00 pm

Let's start our discussion of April books. I know everyone is busy, so I thought I'd get us started.

I read Blasphemy by Douglas Preston. I was a little disappointed by the predictable plot, but I enjoyed the southwest setting and religious themes. I've posted a review.

I'm reading a couple books for young people, then I'll be back to some adult fiction and nonfiction.

What are you reading?

Abr 5, 2009, 12:45 am

I just finished a LibraryThing Early Reviewer copy of Early Spring: An Ecologist and Her Children Wake to a Warming World by Amy Seidl . The book skillfully balances expert scientific discussion of climate change with personal experiences living in Vermont. I've posted a review of you're interested.

Abr 6, 2009, 9:23 pm

I took a break from the "thick" books I've started, and read a paperpack mystery, set in Branson, titled: Murder in Musicland by Diana Kirk. I'd rate it about a C-; I did not like her portrayal of Branson, her characters were "over the top" - more of a parody. Many of the "clues" did not lineup with the final story line. Many storyline elements were unrealistic. The plot moved along nicely from about 40-80% points in the book. The end was farcical. Enough said, I guess.

Back to the Hemmings at Monticello! ;-)

Abr 8, 2009, 9:46 pm

Nice seeing you reading some mystery Dad!!! Annette..YA books are real popular these days,even for adults!!

I am reading right now An Offer You Can't Refuse by Jill Mansell....it's a good contemporary relationship book..and I am reading Etta by Gerald Kolpan that was one of my ER books from Librarything..which I just love!! I will have to share it with you guys!!

Glad to see u guys are still reading! ;-)

Abr 24, 2009, 10:49 pm

I've posted a review for The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman. I really enjoyed this true story based about a family who runs the Warsaw Zoo before and during the WWII. After most of the animals are relocated or slaughtered, the zoo is transformed into a way station for people escaping the Holocaust.

I've also posted a review for the graphic novel The Black Diamond Detective Agency by Eddie Campbell. It's an Old West detective mystery.

I'm currently reading Laika by Nick Abadzis, a graphic novel about the first creature in space, a Soviet dog. Next, I'm reading two Nevada Barr books.

Editado: Abr 28, 2009, 4:16 pm

I'm continuing to read the recently named Pulitzer winner: The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family by Annette Gordon-Reed. Excellent research and writing... takes time... very long. ;-)

Abr 28, 2009, 1:56 am

I've completed reviews for Laika by Nick Abadzis and Uprising by Margaret Peterson Haddix. They're both great books for all ages.

I'm now reading the first of two Nevada Barr books.