Astrid Lindgren’s Book Collection

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Astrid Lindgren’s Book Collection

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Feb 25, 2009, 11:46 am

Somebody mentioned that MARC records could be imported to LibraryThing if the library who has the records is willing to cooperate. Astrid Lindgren's Book Collection is catalogued in Regina (the catalogue of National Library of Sweden = Kungliga biblioteket). The records are in Libris database, too.

There are more than 4000 books in the collection, so it would be nice to get the records as bulkimport.

How is this done?

Editado: Feb 25, 2009, 12:42 pm

This message says that you can email Casey with the records (as an attachment?) when you have them, but it sounds like you need to download them first, which would involve contacting the library and finding a way to download the batch of MARC records or have them emailed to you.

Lycka till! I'd love to see her library!

Feb 25, 2009, 2:35 pm

>2 Katya0133:
Thanks for the information, Katya. I have still quite a lot of editing to do in my first dead person's library (Eeva-Liisa Manner), but I try to find out if the people of Kungliga biblioteket are interested to have Astrid Lindgren's books in LT.

Feb 27, 2009, 1:51 am

I created profile for Astrid Lindgren. Let's see if I can find anybody from the Kungliga biblioteket who wants to join to help me.

I wonder why the html-tags didn't work in About me section. Aren't the p and br tags supposed to work in profile?

Feb 27, 2009, 6:17 am

You have to add a book first, or be switched over to lifetime. Once you find out about the books, we'll do that.

Mar 5, 2009, 10:50 am

I think (hope) that I have soon some good news to tell you about the Astrid Lindgren's collection.

mayo 6, 2009, 12:41 am

Last week I received a nice message from the National Library of Sweden (Kungliga biblioteket) and they promised to send the MARC records. They have contacted Casey, too. Now I am waiting for Casey to tell us how to proceed.

mayo 18, 2009, 1:30 pm

Any update on this?

mayo 18, 2009, 1:42 pm

I know that Casey has told the contact person in National Library of Sweden that he is prepared to receive the MARC records, but I don't know if he has those records yet.

Jun 2, 2009, 12:28 am

Now the records have been imported. Kristin Olofsson from the National Library of Sweden provided the records and Casey imported. Thank you so much!

Jun 2, 2009, 7:28 pm

Excellent news! How do the records look? Do you need any help with cleanup? (When I'm entering legacy libraries, I usually do a lot of author and work combining at the same time, but I also tend to work on older libraries.)

Jun 3, 2009, 12:43 am

>11 Katya0133:
How do the records look?

I haven't had time to look thoroughly, but I think that the records look good enough for LibraryThing = the books are identifiable. I try not to look at the records as a cataloguer - if I do, I feel the urge to start heavy editing. LT doesn't show all the info in the records, which is a pity.

It would be nice if you helped with the combining etc. If you like to edit or tag I can give you the password. I haven't yet thought about tagging, but I think it would be fun to put signums as tags. The books are still in Astrid Lindgren's home and the signums tell in which room the books are, e.g.
SIGNUM Astrid Lindgrensamlingen Hallen Golvhylla. 91 (in English: Astrid Lindgren collection, bookcase in the hall). She had books all over the place: bedroom, kitchen, hall, dining room...

There are also dedications in many books. I would like to add those, too. Comment field is probably the best choice for them.

Jun 4, 2009, 12:09 pm

I just noticed that there is a virtual home museum where I can see Astrid Lindgren's books in their natural environment:
Astrid Lindgrens hem på Dalagatan.

Jun 18, 2009, 8:08 am

I just noticed this addition to the Dead People's collections. Wonderful. Thank you for pushing this, Anneli. Tack, kiitos, Danke, merci, dank U, dankon, grazie, gracias...