Making Your Own Bookmarks


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Making Your Own Bookmarks

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Dic 27, 2006, 2:36 pm

Have any of you made your own bookmarks? I belong to a Usenet news group that had a meet in Seattle in 2003. I had the idea of making momentoes of the meet and asked those who were attending to email me a current photo, a childhood photo and a favorite quote. Using PaintShop Pro, I combined these, making a bookmark featuring each person. I also made bookmarks using photos I'd taken of the area. Since most of the attendees are readers, the bookmarks were quite popular and are still being used.

I'd like to find out how difficult it is to make magnetic bookmarks using my own photos of birds, butterflies and landscapes of Arizona.

Dic 27, 2006, 3:18 pm

I've made ribbon bookmarks with beaded fringe.

Magnetic bookmarks shouldn't be too hard. Just remember to fold the cardstock over to protect the pages from the magnet and "steel plate." I've seen rust on some older magnetic bookmarks.

Feb 18, 2008, 1:21 pm

Handmade Hardwood Bookmarks

I might have to try making a few of these, for gifts and because I lose every other kind of bookmark I've used.

Feb 18, 2008, 1:27 pm

fleela: That's such a great idea and a cool bookmark! And how happy does it make this classicist that the book in which said bookmark resides is The Iliad!

mayo 21, 2008, 1:31 pm

I used to make bookmarks out of lolly sticks, I'd colour them in with paint or felt tip and then put glue over the top to stop the colour rubbing off. You can stick things on like feathers and gems, but this can make them to bulky.

mayo 21, 2008, 2:30 pm

I've made the book 'thong' bookmarks before with embroidery silk and beads. I've seen a version of them with a waxed thread but I haven't seen any of that to buy and so can't make that sort.

I used the beads from a box of old and broken jewellery I inherited, so it's been useful and personal to have the book thongs.

I like the sound of your meeting momento bookmarks though, they sound like a really personal idea.

mayo 21, 2008, 3:39 pm

Someone once gave me, as a souvenir, a store-bought bookmark that was a set of commemorative stamps, laminated. I always liked it, and last summer I got a package in the mail that had a bunch of really cool and unusual-looking stamps. So I got them off the package as carefully as I could, mounted them on some cardstock, and laminated away. I've been saving up some other stamps to do this with again.

mayo 22, 2008, 5:21 am

I like the stamps idea. I once bought a load of stamps when I was on holiday because they were pretty and now they're just lying in my desk where they've been for the last year and a half.