Against the Day


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Against the Day

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Dic 26, 2006, 11:07 pm

I like the Against the Day jacket, but I think I'd like it even more if it was a paperback and it was just the "old book cover" without the white margins. Has anyone else seen the book? What do you think?

Dic 26, 2006, 11:15 pm

Yeah, the margins/borders mystify me on the hardcover edition as well. Although in a non-fake aged way (ugh, irony), they make sense (i.e. how things are repackaged for nostalgia's sake).

It would be great if they could make the paperback copies all bent, misshapen, and spines a-cracklin'. It would probably be the first time that I looked for the *worst* copy to purchase! Ha!

Dic 28, 2006, 12:36 am

I've seen the book and was surprised that was the cover. I also saw a picture of the bound preview copies, they had the same font in the same place.

I was thinking this cover lacked imagination. But with Pynchon's name on the cover I guess they didn't feel they needed much more.

I'm all for a simplified design... maybe if the font was different, that'd be enough to make me happy.

A gorgeous font can make all the difference in the world.