Collecting bookmarks


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Collecting bookmarks

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Dic 26, 2006, 6:00 pm

Other than haunting used book stores or perusing ebay, anyone have any ideas on where to get bookmarks? I've contacted my local library to see if they are willing to give me the ones they find (supposedly they usually toss them) and my sister-in-law works in a library but the relationship there isn't the greatest. I ordered a jumbo lot of 100 from, otherwise I'm having a difficult time.

Any ideas?

Dic 27, 2006, 9:01 am

Have you checked your local bookstore? Not only do they usually carry a selection (mostly from Antioch around here) you can buy, but they might have the free ones that publishers distribute to advertise books.

Dic 27, 2006, 9:32 am

I will do that; however, I can't do a lot of browsing as I have mobility issues. Most of my shopping will need to be online. I looked over the Antioch site but they don't seem to have much of a retail selection online.

Dic 27, 2006, 9:53 am

I usually pick up a lot at science fiction/fantasy conventions. A lot of authors will leave bookmarks and other information on the freebies table. (I've done this for my own books as well.)

Some are pretty cheap, but others are quite nice. And as a bonus, sometimes you can track down the author to get them to autograph said bookmark, if you're into that kind of thing.

Dic 27, 2006, 11:21 am

I'm not sure who would sell Antioch online. Searching on bookmarks and Dover at Amazon will lead you to the Little Activity Books series. They have some fun designs. I also have bookmarks from

mayo 2, 2007, 11:52 am

eBay is a great source. I look under "bookmark" though you could also check "bookmarks." Often they are the same, but sometimes people will post them in only one of the categories. You'll find all kinds on there.

I also have on my web site a page which has links to bookmark manufacturers. Try this:

mayo 3, 2007, 7:22 am

Put out a standing request to friends and family, that whenever they go visiting any place they bring you back a bookmark. Because they are small light and generally cheap, most people might not mind doing so.

mayo 4, 2007, 4:22 pm

I agree with reading in 7>. In my experience, if someone knows you collect something cheap and portable, you'll get plenty! Especially if they go anywhere near a museum! And if you are willing to repay (price limit or not), then you may get more than you want...

mayo 4, 2007, 4:30 pm

When I buy used books from businesses (not users), on ebay, amazon, etc. they usually send a complimentary book mark as well, unless your looking for a little higher quality...

mayo 4, 2007, 4:37 pm

One of the thrift stores I go to has a little box with free bookmarks. They keep it next to the books they are selling... You might ask around. And I bought some at the 99cent store too.

And the library sometimes has some stacked at the check out desk, free for the taking, and the library gift shop has nicer ones for sale. My local Friends of the Library prints bookmarks with the dates of the sales. (Phoenix Arizona)

mayo 4, 2007, 10:34 pm

Book festivals like the recent Los Angeles Times Festival of Books are great places to pick them up. Not only did I get a bunch of festival ones, but many of the exhibitors had them as well. I still have a few left. If anyone is interested, I would be happy to send you one. Send me an email with your address at bibliobuffet at yahoo dot com; first come, first served until I run out.

mayo 5, 2007, 8:38 am

>11 BiblioBuffet: Lauren, I got my "goodie bag." OH MY GOD!

*bows, chanting, "I'm not worthy!"*

I love them! THANK YOU!

mayo 25, 2009, 9:35 pm

Whenever I order books online, I enter in the comment field a request for a bookstore bookmark. I almost always receive one with the shipment. I probably have over 100 of them, displayed on the wall on a large sheet of poster board.

I don't use any of them, because I only put pH-neutral paper in books as bookmarks, in case I forget and leave them in the book. I can never tell if a commercial or advertising bookmark is the right kind of paper. And, of course, if the printing is permanent.


Jun 9, 2009, 1:11 pm

>11 BiblioBuffet: Hi BiblioBuffet, I happened to wander on to your website the other week. I have been a bookmark collector (or at least amasser) for years now. Most of mine possess so much more personal significance than monetary value. I'm 39 yrs old and one of them is from elementary school that has an old scratch and sniff sticker on it. It is one of my favorites because it takes me back to a specific point in time in my childhood. So basically it is value-less and priceless at the same time. Of course I do have some unique ones as well such as a set from China from my ex-brother-in-law sent while he was in the navy.

Anyway I stumbled onto your site because I was wandering how many true bookmark collectors are out there and because I am interested in putting some serious effort into maintaining and increasing my efforts in this hobby. What a great coincidence to bump into you here on LibraryThing as well. I just wanted to let you know how impressed I was with your website.

I am planning on scanning pictures of my bookmarks and displaying them on-line for anyone who is interested in them. But right now I'm heading to e-mail to graciously "beg" for some of the bookmarks you are offering to send out. Hope you have some left. Hope to chat with you soon.

Jun 9, 2009, 11:40 pm

Osbaldistone, it is very nice to meet you. Thanks so much for writing. I have to say I love the idea of asking for a bookmark from the store you order from. I may start doing that myself. If you ever order from Book Soup in Los Angeles be sure to definitely get one (or more). They are great!

I have somewhere around 1,300 of them, most antique but of every material available except gold. Like you, though, I don't use them. Instead I use the ones I had made for my web site. If I forget or lose them it's no big deal. There's always another. Besides, many of the old ones, especially the metal or bone, are too thick for today's thin paper even in hardcovers.

exlibrismcp, thanks so much for your email. I wrote you back (and included three others who also share our passion for collecting them). For anyone interested, I have a page on my site called "Bookmark Blogs and Sites" that links to interesting places focusing on -- what else? -- bookmarks. Thank you for the kind compliment; it means a lot. And even though my original offer is about two years old I still do have some and will be sending you a nice gift of them. I hope you like them.


Jul 15, 2009, 7:38 pm

If you haven't already done so, visit my blog, . I am publishing a series of printable bookmarks created mostly from the illustrations of 19th century publications.

Editado: Ene 16, 2010, 5:42 pm

You should check out a website called World of Bookmarks, at There's a section where you can swap bookmarks with other collectors, it's really nice. I've been contacting with people from other countries for the last month and I've received bookmarks from Australia, New Zealand and England. I'm starting a blog about my collection (I'm new into collecting bookmarks). You can see it at

