What are you reading in January 2009?

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What are you reading in January 2009?

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Ene 3, 2009, 10:49 pm

Let's talk about reading in the new year!

I'm currently reading Benedict Arnold's Army: The 1775 American Invasion of Canada During the Revolutionary War by Arthur S. Lefkowitz. It's been fun to read it along with William Preston's diary of the event.

Editado: Ene 4, 2009, 3:15 pm

I have begun How to do Biography: A Primer by Nigel Hamilton because I expect to be writing one or more biographies of my ancestors, after I retire. I need to understand the boundaries of biography, historical non-fiction, and historical fiction, as I choose my subjects and do my research. Earlier books I have been reading relate to those areas, as well.

Yesterday, I picked up Dreaming up America by Russell Banks - really a long essay. It comes from a verbal presentation he gave and prepared at the request of a French television documentary film-maker as a counter narrative to the French view of American History. Since it is short, and an easy read, I plan to "stick it in" as well.

I also just read the preface to In Search of Bill Clinton: A Psychological Biography by John D. Gartner which may also be useful research material, actually. Gartner notes that Nigel Hamilton read this manuscript three times, and was most helpful in it's development, in the acknowledgments.

Editado: Ene 4, 2009, 4:45 pm

I'm supposed to be working, but decided to take one more day off before diving back into book writing. I've been wanting to read the PDF version of Midnight Sun and surprised at how much I enjoyed reading the electronic version.

I know it's just a draft, but I really enjoyed reading Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer. For those who don't know the background, a partial draft of the book was illegally posted on the Internet. Understandably, Meyer was very upset. However since she knew it was "out there" she decided to go ahead and share it on her website. An incomplete draft along with a revised Chapter 1 is available to read as a PDF at http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/midnightsun.html

I've always enjoyed revisiting stories from different viewpoints. Orson Scott Card did a wonderful job with this approach in the recent additions to the Ender's Game series. In this case, Meyer has told the Twilight story through the eyes of Edward. The result is fascinating. The approach provides a new dimension for the story and a much more in-depth look at Edward and his family.

It was easy to overlook the problems inherent in an early draft in order to enjoy the book. I look forward to reading the final version when it's published.

Editado: Ene 9, 2009, 8:50 pm

Lets see...the books I was reading...

Murder is Binding by Lorna Barrett
--still reading..its been delagated as read when have time!

The Lady Flees her Lord by Michele Ann Young
--finished..review should be up this week..really liked it..kinda different time period for me to read.

Eon: Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman
(Haven't started this one but need to read by Xmas)
--well, gave up on this one..just didnt' grab me!

Perfect on Paper by Maria Murnane
--loved it!! very enjoyable..go check out the review!

In addition have read:

Wind Dancer by Jamie Carie - Came out Jan 1,2009 (got an ER of it :-) )
--Really liked this one about a women raised in a British held frontier town during the American Revolution. Free spirit girl meets frontier man ...should have review up for this one this week.

Starting to read:

No Place For a Lady by Maggie Brendan
(just came out Jan 1, 2009, got an early copy from the author) About a girl who's father has died in Atlanta and is starting over in Colorado with an aunt in 1892.

Reading next:

The Edge of Light by Ann Shorey (just came out Jan 1,2009, got early copy from author)

Editado: Ene 11, 2009, 12:10 am

I did finish reading Dreaming Up America by Russell Banks. It was a bit strange.

I did publish a brief review of Ladies of Liberty by Cokie Roberts.

Back to How to do Biography: A Primer ...

Ene 13, 2009, 8:05 pm

It was windy last night, so my Internet connection was down. The book The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J. K. Rowling was a great choice for a blustery night. It was a quick read and will be popular with Harry Potter fans. I did a brief review.

Ene 13, 2009, 11:42 pm

I read Death Seem'd to Stare": The New Hampshire And Rhode Island Regiments at Valley Forge by Joseph Lee Boyle. It contains the name of our great-great-great-great grandfather, William Preston. Cool! Check out my review.

Ene 22, 2009, 10:24 pm

Where is the review? Not listed at the book...

Recently got The Invention of Air by Steven Johnson, a biography of Joseph Priestley - I'm about half way through. Priestley was a close associate of Benjamin Franklin as a scientist, in England, was a founder of the Unitarian Church, and later, was an associate of Thomas Jefferson on this side of the pond.

Editado: Ene 23, 2009, 12:13 am

For some reason the review didn't get posted, so I tried again. Go to Death Seem'd to Stare": The New Hampshire And Rhode Island Regiments at Valley Forge by Joseph Lee Boyle to see the review.

I'm on a Valley Forge kick, so I also read Washington at Valley Forge by Russell Freedman. It provides a great overview to the event. I've posted a review.

We heard Steven Johnson talk about his book The Invention of Air on NPR, so we've got it too!

Ene 23, 2009, 9:03 pm

Ok....I finished:

No Place For a Lady by Maggie Brendan

The Edge of Light by Ann Shorey

Neither book links yet in Librarything!! Hope to get reviews up this weekend... Along with "Wind Dancer" review...

Next up:

The Family Bones by Kimberly Raiser

Drood by Dan Simmons

and try and get Etta by Gerald Kolpan read too!

Ene 25, 2009, 8:01 pm

Wind Dancer review is up !!

Ene 25, 2009, 11:05 pm

Happy to see the two Valley Forge reviews posted. Thanks! Dad ;-)

Ene 25, 2009, 11:06 pm

Enjoyed reading the Wind Dancer review at your blog, Allison. You must have really enjoyed it. Hard to beat Am Rev background period! ;-)

Editado: Ene 27, 2009, 11:22 pm

Finished The Invention of Air: A Story of Science, Faith, Revolution, and the Birth of America by Steven Johnson - the last part about his relationship with Thomas Jefferson and how much it affected the later correspondence between Jefferson and Adams was fascination. They mentioned Joseph Priestley many more times than any of the Founding Fathers. A good read about a person who excelled in science, religion and political thought and theory. Review completed. Had to enter through "my recent adds"...


Abr 1, 2009, 12:46 am

I thought I'd posted the review, but I couldn't find it, so check it out now.

Benedict Arnold's Army: The 1775 American Invasion of Canada During the Revolutionary War by Arthur Lefkowitz