999 challenge?

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999 challenge?

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Dic 11, 2008, 2:53 am

Anyone of you going to do the 999 challenge? Or maybe another challenge?
I am trying to do the 999 challenge. I don't think the number of books will be difficult, but if the books I read will fit into the categories I chose is another thing..

Dic 11, 2008, 8:05 am

I'm doing the Dewey Decimal, Library of Congress and 75 Book challenges.

Dic 11, 2008, 9:03 am

I'm only doing the 75 book challenge. I would like to start reading the 100 banned books also.

Dic 13, 2008, 12:10 pm

I'm doing the 100 book challenge this year. The 999 challenge looks like too much work for me.

Editado: Dic 27, 2008, 11:04 am

I'm doing both the 999 Challenge and the Paranormal 999 Challenge (with some overlaps). I'm also a member of the TBR Challenge group. I still plan to keep on with the 50 book challenge, although my goal for 2009 will be 125 books.

My goal for this year was 150 which I'm falling short of (I think I'm at around 121).

Ene 2, 2009, 12:54 pm

Last year was the first time I ever set a reading gaol for myself; 200 book in 2008. I made it, but found that the "grand total" goal actually took a little joy out of reading for me. I found mysle frushing through books I'd rather have lingered over.

So I decided that this year I'd do a different challenge; I will read one non-fiction book for every piece of fiction, and every fifth work of fiction has to be a classic. Sort of a "quality not quantity" type of thing.