Learn yer new ship!

CharlasA Pirate of Exquisite Mind: Fall 2008 Reading Group

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Learn yer new ship!

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Editado: Nov 6, 2008, 9:03 pm

Allright mateys, some of ye are still gaining yer sea legs, but 'tis time ye learned yer ship! Ye needs to study the diagram below as its a goodly ship view as yer likely to see on this here voyage.

Before we left fer sea, this here book be purchased at yon shop of written word for a mere 5 ducats! The name of this here fantastical book is Pirateology, and is the bestest more wonderful book for this here voyage that I's did find, and contains a mini Pirate Ship for yer littles.

Nov 8, 2008, 1:37 pm

Thanks for the ship diagram--and thanks for the link! I think I know what to get my grandson for Christmas!

Nov 8, 2008, 1:44 pm

Good idea MusicMom41. My grandson has all of the "ology" books and he loves them, the pirate one especially.

Thanks for the post Vintage Books. Its nice to have a visual for what we are reading about.

Nov 8, 2008, 5:47 pm

Thank ye, Cap't! Losin' me way, I was, on the lower decks. This'll help rightly....

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