Solve me Pirate Riddles and get some of me Treasure.

CharlasA Pirate of Exquisite Mind: Fall 2008 Reading Group

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Solve me Pirate Riddles and get some of me Treasure.

Este tema está marcado actualmente como "inactivo"—el último mensaje es de hace más de 90 días. Puedes reactivarlo escribiendo una respuesta.

Editado: Oct 20, 2008, 2:44 pm

These be the rules, me hearties:

A new Pirate Riddle and a Quiz Question will be posted every day at approx 8.00pm (GMT), together with the answers from the previous day.

Any of ye varlets looking up the answers to me Riddles and Quiz on that internet thing will be walking the plank to Davy Jones locker!

The answers ye give must be yer own unaided guesses (Argh, ye can ask ye three-year old, but that be all!)

Points for the Riddles:

Ye get one point for guessing incorrectly.
Ye get two points if ye be close.
Ye get three points if ye guess me answer exactly.

Points for the Quiz questions:

Ye get one point for guessing incorrectly.
Ye get three points if ye guess the answer correctly.

Only one guess for Riddle and Quiz question per Pirate per day. Only one piece of Treasure per Pirate from this game. Only participants in the Group Read will be eligble for Prizes.

Yer First Mate will tot up them points at the end of seven days. The Pirate with the most points will get some of me Treasure. If there is a tie, I will conduct a draw to determine the winner. Look in me Library in the Tag marked Treasure Chest and choose the Treasure ye want. Then send me a Private message with your address.

- Yer First Mate, The Piratical Tortoise

Editado: Oct 10, 2008, 2:03 pm

Listen up squalls! Ye seem to be havin' the kindest First Mate on this here Seven Seas!

He be wantin' ye to have some here funs that he be SHARIN' his own treasure! HIP - HIP - HOORAY for ours First MATE!

(And ye better show 'im respect, or me will make ye scrub the head, me will)

~Yer Captain

Oct 11, 2008, 12:41 am

may I be askin others three year olds....being bereft of one o me own?? ;)

mighty fine plunderings ye be offerin First Mate

Oct 11, 2008, 5:54 am

More Booty added today - and more to come!

> 3 evedeve: Ye can ask any three year old that knows more than ye!

- Yer First Mate, The Piratical Tortoise

Editado: Oct 18, 2008, 3:15 pm

Here be the oath of The Pirate Brotherhood.

I be a true follower of Captain William Dampier in all his Adventures, Buccaneering and Travels, and no shirking Stowaway.

Signed and Sealed in Me Own Blood!

Penalty for being a Stowaway: Forfeiture in a share of the First Mate’s Treasure and being cast adrift in an open boat.

Ye have been Warned!

- Yer First Mate, The Piratical Tortoise

Oct 21, 2008, 8:02 am

Please post yer discusssions and comments on the Riddles and Quiz Questions in this thread.

- Yer First Mate, The Piratical Tortoise

Oct 22, 2008, 2:11 pm

Ahoy,me hearties. More Booty added to me Treasure Chest today: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

- Yer First Mate, The Piratical Tortoise

Oct 28, 2008, 1:48 am

Looking over the sample riddles, I discovered that my daughter is much better at figuring them out than I am. But she is 17, so I guess I am on my own. :) I loved thinking about them, though. Maybe I will get better as I keep trying. Just to clarify: I asked in another group how to figure my time from GMT, and I was told that it is 6 hours earlier. I am in the US central time zone. I think that next week ends Daylight Savings Time, so then would it be 5 hours earlier? Does GMT have Daylight Savings time? I am sorry, I just keep getting confused about the time changes. Thanks for your help.

Oct 28, 2008, 10:22 am


We put the clocks back one hour on Sunday -so its either five hours or six hours! I will try to find out for you.

- TT

Oct 29, 2008, 3:35 pm


No, it's not "Chico Time"!

LibraryThing is on EST.

So, when the clocks go back one hour in the US on Sunday 02 Nov the following times will prevail:

New York = GST - 5 (8.00pm GST = 3.00pm)
Chicago = GST - 6 (8.00pm GST = 2.00pm)
Denver = GST - 7 (8.00pm GST = 1.00pm
LA = GST - 8 (8.00pm GSt = 12.00pm)

I hope this helps. (I hope I am correct!)

- TT

Oct 30, 2008, 3:16 am

Thanks so much!

Nov 1, 2008, 7:40 am

Ahoy,me hearties. More Booty added to me Treasure Chest today: Lucky by Alice Sebold

The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton. This is a Talking Classics book on Two Cassettes read by Gayle Hunnicutt.

- Yer First Mate, The Piratical Tortoise

Nov 1, 2008, 7:46 am

About me riddles and quiz questions:

Don't be gettin discouraged if ye don't know the answers - this be a bit of fun and ye get points for guessin, points for getttin close in the riddles (so use yer imagination!) and points if ye be gettin the answer right.

The quiz questions be multiple choice, so even if ye not be knowin the answer, guessin correctly will get ye three points!

Good luck to ye all!

- Yer First Mate, The Piratical Tortoise

Nov 2, 2008, 3:12 pm

The first set of questions has been posted.

I recommend that ye copy and paste yer answers to the quiz questions as follows:

D. Captain Morgan

To show both the letter and the the answer.

This will avoid confusion (mine, that is!).

Don't forget to add yer answer to the riddle.

- Yer First Mate, The Piratical Tortoise

Nov 3, 2008, 3:21 pm

No one guessed my Riddle. A Pirate’s brain is of course between his Buccan – EARS!

Remember to think Riddle and think Pirate.

Here are some selections:

“In the head” – this is too literal but gains one point.

“In his Bottle of Rum!” The author of this was the worse for drink! Gains one point.

“Under his flag” again too literal but a nice try. Gains one point.

Only two correct answers received for the quiz. 3 points each, all others one point.

You can still join in – as there is still plenty of points to be won.
This is a guessing game and mainly for fun, the prizes are an extra added inducement. So send me your guesses.

- TT

Nov 4, 2008, 3:03 pm

Of course, a Piratical Tortoise’s Treasure CHEST is under his Treasure SHIRT!

The following are awarded two points because the question was devious!

in his Librarything stock pile o bounteous booty

Link: to Treasure Chest

in his LibraryThing library under the tag "Treasure Chest”

The following are awarded three points as being nearer in spirit to the correct answer:

"In his tortoise shell"

Under his shell

In his shell.

In his shell-ter

All others one point.

There were seven correct answers to the Quiz question – well done. 3 Points. All others one point.

Keep those answers coming, the points are mounting up!

- TT

Nov 5, 2008, 3:06 pm

The five people who mentioned DAMP in their answers gain three points including my favourite, which is very imaginative!

“Because he slipped on a Damp pier.”

All others who attempted an answer gain one point.

There were six correct answers to the quiz question. Three points each. All others who answered the question gain one point.

Always make an attempt to answer the questions because you gain points for guessing!

Remember, if you find the riddles difficult, so does everyone else. Except of course, this one was too easy, wasn’t it?

It’s not too late to join in, so keep those answers coming.

- TT

Editado: Nov 6, 2008, 3:17 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

All those who mentioned “Rats” in their answer receive two points.

You lose a point for missing the “PIE” in your answer.

The following answers receive three points:

Pi(e) - RAT(S) - e


All others receive one point.

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

In the quiz three people correctly identified Fuchs and Hilary – Congrats to them. They gained three points.

Five people correctly identified one of them. They gained two points

All others receive one point.

You can still join in, because not everyone is posting answers daily. So, there are still lots of points to be won.

Thank you for the kind comments received about my riddles and quiz. I am glad you are enjoying them.

Nov 7, 2008, 3:05 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR5: Well done to the seven people who answered correctly.
Three points each. It was obviously too easy for some!

The following answers gain two points:


Mad pirate


All others one point.

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ5: Eight people answered this one correctly – well done!
Three points.
All others one point.

Overall there are only 2 points that separate the top 4 players! And the fifth is closing the gap!

There is another easy riddle today, so everyone should get it! The quiz question may be the decider as to who surges ahead! There is just one more day and six points to be won after this one. Keep guessing.

For tomorrow’s Riddle I recommend that you review the Riddles and answers in post 2. A similar riddle will be posed. Accuracy is essential for this one.

Nov 8, 2008, 3:04 pm

It was obvious that most of you found the riddle and Quiz too easy today as 9 people got the answer to the Riddle and 9 people got the answer to the Quiz question. So three points for each correct answer. All others one point.

Three people are now in joint second position, and there is just one point separating them from the leader! So there is all to play for, so think very carefully about the final Riddle question as I am going to apply strict criteria to your answers. Check out the questions and answers in post No. 2 and apply the same formula. Easy-peasy!

The quiz question is real easy! So I expect all four leaders to get the maximum points for this.

Good luck and no cheating!

- TT

Nov 9, 2008, 3:18 pm

AND THE WINNER IS..........?

This was the winning answer, which decided the outcome of this week’s competition:

“jolly roger vs. jolly dodger” Just one person guessed this correctly, and because of the strict criteria the only one to gain three points.

The following earn two points each:

“One, is the Jolly Roger...the other, an LA Dodger.” Because of the rhyme. Two people guessed this.

“A Pirate flag flies for Mariners and Mariners flag flies for Pirates (from Pittsburgh)” Because it shows imagination.

Unfortunately, I could only award one point for this answer:

“Jolly Roger & Roger Clemens”: Because as you stated: “I don't really think RC played on the West Coast.”

All others one point.

These are the Stats:

1st babemuffin 33/42 (7 Posts) Send me an email with your address and state which prize you would like from my Treasure Chest.

2nd aviddiva 32/42 (6 Posts)

2rd billiejean 32/42 (6 Posts)

3rd lorriephilips 31/42 (6 Posts)

Excluding your hosts there are 31 other members.
12 members participated in the Quiz.

2 members posted seven days

3 members posted six days

6 members posted four days

1 member posted three days

So to improve your chances you need to post as many days as possible, preferably every day.

Many thanks to all participants, your involvement and imaginative answers gave me a lot of enjoyment and made all the hard work worthwhile.

Don’t despair if you failed to win a prize this time. We are starting a new competition this week, and any points you have gained so far may still win a prize for you because I have decided to award another prize!


There are five weekly prizes for the five weeks of the Group Read.

In the final week I am going to add all the points together from the five weekly competitions and the person with the most points can choose another prize from my Treasure Chest.

So even if you win in the weekly competition, keep on playing because even though you cannot be awarded another weekly prize your total points could win you another prize at the end of the five weeks. Also, you don’t want to miss out on the fun, do you?

So keeeeeep guessing! And remember this is a guessing game, not a looking it up on the Internet game! So everyone has a fair chance.

- TT

Editado: Nov 10, 2008, 3:10 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR8: How is Santa Claus like a Pirate?

Five people guessed the correct answer and gain three points.

The following answers receive two points, because they show imagination:

“Santa has buck deers and a pirate is a buccaneer”

“He has a large chest” i.e. they both have large chests.

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ8: Nine people guessed the correct answer

- TT

Nov 11, 2008, 4:25 am

Babemuffin has chosen Girl With a Pearl Earring by Tracey Chevalier as her prize.

New prize added to my Treasure Chest today!

1001 RECIPES: THE ULTIMATE COOKERY BOOK. (The only cookery book you will ever need?) So why have I got another 19!

- TT

Nov 11, 2008, 3:15 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR9: Why did the Pirate give his ship a coat of paint?

The answer below gains two points because the ideas are similar.

“It needed a "coat" to keep warm on the open seas.”

“it was chilled to the bone”

“Because a woollen coat wouldn't make sense”

The answer below gained three points because the idea of shivering is correct.

“Because it's shivering with cold?”

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ9: There were six correct answers

Keeeeeep guessing! And remember that both riddles and quiz are guessing games, not a looking it up on the Internet game! So everyone has a fair chance.

- TT

Nov 12, 2008, 3:03 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR10: Where can you find a Buccaneer's bathroom (Toilet)?

One member wrote: “I checked the ship diagram posted by Vintage Books and came up with this answer.”

Of course, the answer was wrong! Because, it is not a factual question, but a Riddle and riddles are meant to be humorous.

Two members got the right answer.

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ10: Three members got the right answer.

- TT

Nov 13, 2008, 3:05 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR11: What do you get when you cross a Pirate swordsman with a zucchini (courgette)?

Four members answered correctly and gain three points.

Two points for this imaginative answer!

A Zucch-aneer

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ11: Four members answered correctly and gain three points.

- TT

Nov 14, 2008, 3:07 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR12: What is a common injury Pirates get from walking the plank in bare feet?

All the answers below gain three points:

Sliver me timbers

Slivers from timbers

sliver in his sole

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ12: Four members guessed this answer correctly.

- TT

Nov 15, 2008, 3:03 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR13: What do Pirates use to blow their noses?

Two people answered correctly.

This imaginative answer gains two points:

Kleen-X marks the spot!

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ13: Four people answered correctly.

- TT

Nov 16, 2008, 3:13 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR14: Why are Pirates such good fishermen?

The five members who included “hook” or “hooks” in their answer gain three points.

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ14: 6 members answered correctly


1st babemuffin 38/42 (Seven Posts) Prize already awarded.
1st lorriephillips 38/42 (Seven Posts) This week’s winner!
2nd aviddiva 33/42 (Six Posts)
3rd evedeve 27/42 (Five Posts)

Here are the Stats:

12 members played.
2 members posted seven days.
1 member posted six days.
2 members posted five days
1 member posted four days.
1 member posted three days.
2 members posted two days.
3 members posted one day!

So to win a prize keeeeeep guessing!

- TT

Nov 17, 2008, 3:02 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR15: If a Pirate was born in Greece, raised in Spain, went to America and died in San Francisco, what is he?

Only one member got the correct answer: A dead Pirate!
Everyone else got nowhere near!

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ15: Four members answered correctly.

- TT

Nov 18, 2008, 3:35 pm

loriephillips has been awarded Paula by Isabel Allende

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR16: What doesn’t get any wetter no matter how much it rains?

The following gain three points:
The Seven Seas! and lakes, and rivers, and...:-)
The Sea
the ocean

The following gains two points for being imaginative:
a pi-wet

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ16: Four members got the correct answer.

- TT

Nov 19, 2008, 3:16 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR17: When a dirty Pirate has finished taking a bath, what is still dirty?

Four members mentioned water and gain three points.

Two members came up with the following and gain two points:

His mouth.

(TT: a dirty mouth! Geddit?)

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ17: Six members guessed correctly.

- TT

Editado: Nov 21, 2008, 3:45 am

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR18: What kind of bath can a Pirate take without water?

No one guessed my riddle correctly today.

Two points for:
blood bath
(s)wash-ing (buckler)
a mud bath

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ18: Only one member guessed correctly. Christopher Columbus was much earlier! (or not!)

- TT

Nov 21, 2008, 3:45 am

Because there seems to be some confusion regarding the answer to PQ18 I am going to give everyone who cited Columbus three points.

Because it seems that both Cabot and Columbus were Venetian/Genoese and both may have been to America in 1509. (I think!).

- TT

Nov 21, 2008, 3:13 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR19: What is the only time a Pirate can spell backwards?

Only one member answered correctly. All others one point only.

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ19: Five members answered correctly.

- TT

Nov 22, 2008, 3:17 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR20: Why did the Pirate avoid Davy Jones’ Locker?

It was a difficult one, which no one was able to guess.

Not quite, but two points:

the pirate didn't wanna die

An interesting idea! But one point:

Because Davy Jones always stole his lunch money.

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ20: Just two members guessed correctly.

- TT

Nov 23, 2008, 3:20 pm


Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR21: What can a Pirate draw without pen or pencil?

No one guessed the correct answer.

All those who said sword or cutlass gain two points.

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ21: Four members guessed correctly.

These are the Stats:

1st: aviddiva 36/42
2nd. Babemuffin 31/42 Prize already awarded
2nd. Loriephillips 31/42 Prize already awarded
3rd. billiejean 29/42
4th. boekenwijs 24/42

Remember all points count toward the final extra prize.

Five members posted seven days.
One member posted four days
One member posted one day!

Which means provided you post every day and come fifth you will still win a prize!

- TT

Nov 24, 2008, 3:03 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR22: How does a Pirate ship show affection?

Four members answered correctly.

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ22: This one really fooled everyone because you all gave the same wrong answer!

- TT

Nov 25, 2008, 3:14 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR23: What kind of watch is best for Pirate’s who don’t like to have time on their hands?

Not telling today!

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ23: Not telling today!

- TT

Nov 26, 2008, 3:12 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR24: Why is a fish like a Pirate who talks too much?

Three members guessed correctly.

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ24: Five members guessed correctly

- TT

Nov 27, 2008, 3:14 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR25: How can a Pirate tell the difference between a can of chicken soup and a can of tomato soup?

The riddle was too easy-peasy, you all got it!

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ25: Most of you got this, also.

- TT

Nov 28, 2008, 3:17 pm

b>Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR26: What kind of Pirates does England produce that no other country produces?

Three guessed correctly.

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ27:Three guessed correctly, but not the same three as above!

- TT

Nov 29, 2008, 3:04 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR27: What two things can’t a Pirate have for breakfast?

Yes, another easy one!

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ27. With two members not posting one of you is way out in front!

- TT

Editado: Nov 30, 2008, 3:39 pm


Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR28: What is the first thing a Pirate does in the morning?

Only two correct answers recieved.

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ28: No correct answers received.

BTW: Everyone who posted got both answers correct for PR23 and PQ23!

These are the stats:

1st MusicMom41 34/40 (6 posts)
2nd boekenwijs 32/40 (7 posts)
2nd babemuffin 32/40 (6 posts) Prize already awarded
3rd aviddiva 28/40 (5 posts) Prize already awarded
4th loriephilips 21/40 (6 posts) Prize already awarded
5th billiejean 20/40 (4 posts)

Remember all points go towards the final prize. Only 5 points separate the top two, so you need to post every day!

Keeeeeeep guessing!

- TT

Dic 2, 2008, 3:14 pm

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas

PR30: What geometric figure is like a Pirate’s parrot that has flown away?

Four members guessed correctly.

Dodecagon: This answer while technically correct loses the pun therefore you gain two points.

Who Wants to Be a Buccaneer?

PQ30: Five members guessed correctly


- TT

Editado: Dic 6, 2008, 10:34 am

Pirate Riddles of the Seven Seas


All the answers below gained two points:

PR31: an openminded pirate

PR32 One is tough and the other coughs

PR34: both are "going down"
it's going down
Both have rats that want out

These are the stats:

1st babemuffin 36/42 - Prize already awarded
2nd musicmom41 32/42 - Prize already awarded
3rd boekenwijs 28/42 - This week’s winner!
3rd loriephilips 28/42 - Prize already awarded
4th billiejean 23/42

Final scores:
1st babemuffin 170/210 Overall Prize Winner
2nd loriephillips 149/210
3rd aviddiva 135/210
4th billiejean 122/210 Prize awarded by vintage_books for consistent participation and for gaining the fourth highest score overall.
5th musicmom41 120/210
6th boekenwijs 119/210

I am pleased that all of the above participants have been awarded prizes and I want to thank you for your participation in a very enjoyable and rewarding experience.

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