
CharlasUnitarian Universalist Readers

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Sep 22, 2008, 5:29 pm

Hello there! I came across this group and thought I would join- I've always been a voracious reader and have long had an interest in UUism- I began attending a local congregation- Unity Unitarian in St. Paul last April and I'm going to join next Saturday. I enjoy studying/learning about different religions, mythologies and cultures. One book I'd recommend that I read recently is Speaking of Faith by Krista Tippett it's a sort of memoir-ish exploration of her faith journey and insights she has picked up talking to various people in her radio show by the same name.

Sep 24, 2008, 2:42 pm

Hi Tanith--
You are lucky to be joining the congregation led by the Revs. Rob and Janne Eller-Isaac--my old ministers at the First Unitarian Church of Oakland!
Welcome to the group.

Oct 9, 2008, 11:10 pm

Hi, Tanith! I'll second your intro with my own, thanks to David's encouragement. I have been a member of Universalist National Memorial Church in Washington, DC, for almost 19 years. I'm also a full-time grad student nearing the end of the Engaged Humanities M.A. program at Pacifica Graduate Institute, which I sometimes call a "seminary for spiritual activists." You'd probably love our courses on depth psychology, mythology, and their practical applications to contemporary issues. One of the most moving books we're reading this quarter is No Future without Forgiveness by Desmond Tutu. When I need some inspiration, I often turn to Love Poems from God by Daniel Ladinsky, a very contemporary (and often quite intimate) translation of great mystics' writings from many traditions.

I also am an LT author, but that's largely from another life. -- Sue Mosher