NYRB Sightings

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NYRB Sightings

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Sep 5, 2008, 2:11 am

The NYRB blog is pretty good about noting any mention of one of the books, but I thought it would be nice to have a thread for other references to NYRB books or authors.

There was a short bump for The 13 Clocks in Entertainment Weekly


The NY Sun also had a review of Rock Crystal by Adalbert Stifter.


Oct 6, 2008, 1:15 pm

In case you missed it, the LA Times ran an article about the NYRB Classics series and other like-minded reprint series (along with supporting booksellers) the other week:


I mentioned it in a recent blog post—in which I also link to a couple of introductions to recent books that have been run elsewhere:


Oct 6, 2008, 3:39 pm

Thanks sarajill, I think the LA times article gets at something of the personality of the reader who like to hunt for an interesting book rather than have books shoved at them.

Oct 7, 2008, 3:09 pm

There was an excellent play in the NY Fringe Festival in July 2008 about NYRB author Glenway Wescott, and the other two men in his life, Monroe Wheeler and George Platt Lynes.

The play was called "III" and was written and directed by Joe Salvatore who also played Glenway Wescott. Here's the show's website. I hope that it is performed again. It was the best play I've seen so far this yaer.


I'm sorry not to have posted this information on Library Thing earlier, but I didn't know Glenway Wescott was a NYRB author until I started looking for a copy of The Pilgrim Hawk a few days ago.

Oct 8, 2008, 12:47 pm

Oh Ortolan thanks, for that information. I loved The Pilgrim Hawk and I think I should perhaps seek out the play.