YA, Sisters/twins swap lives, one fulfils dream of doing ballet

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YA, Sisters/twins swap lives, one fulfils dream of doing ballet

mayo 21, 11:15 pm

It's either YA or childrens novel, Fiction. I would have read it around 2003/04. The book was old, possibly written 70s or 80s, but could be earlier than that.

2 Sisters or twins(might even be cousins) live in separate houses and have separate lives. I don't remember exactly, but they did not know about eachother before hand and met at school. They would have been between 11-15 years old roughly.

Both twins were forced into their hobbies and hated it. Twin A lived on a farm and rode horses, dreamed of doing ballet. Twin B did Ballet at a fancy dance school, dreamed of riding horses. I am not 100% on one sister riding horses, but I definitely remember one doing ballet. Twin B may have just been desperate to escape the Ballet, she really hated it.

Twin B, who was doing ballet but hated it, taught Twin A some of the stances and found that she had a knack for it. They both looked pretty much the same, so they decided to swap places, the Twin who went on to do Ballet was very successful.

Twin/Sister/Cousin A: Used to do Ballet, hated it, Now doesn't do Ballet, lives on the farm riding horses(I think), loves it.
Twin/Sister/Cousin B: Lived on the farm riding horses(I think), Always dreamed of doing Ballet, Now does Ballet under the name and life of Twin A.

There was a climax to the story where the Twin B had been doing Ballet for a while under the name of Twin A and she gets found out. She is ready to throw in the towel, thinking that she will have to go back to the farm and that she'd never be able to dance again, that her life is over.

I don't clearly remember the end, but Twin B was able to continue Ballet after going home.

Editado: mayo 21, 11:47 pm

It's not Lisa and Lottie which is the classic children's twin swap book that the Parent Trap movies are based on.

I can't see anything that matches in the twin swap or parent trap tags https://www.librarything.com/tag/Parent%20Trap though it might be one of the movie novelisations?

There's an Italian book with a similar plot but I can't see an English version Wie ein Ei dem anderen.

mayo 21, 11:49 pm

Ah, I think I've found it: Pirouette by Robyn Bavati

Editado: mayo 22, 1:11 am

>3 Aquila: it sounds similar, but the one you mentioned was first published in 2013. I was an adult by then, The book I am looking for was a favourite when I was a child. It may have been a YA novel, my reading was very advanced as a kid.

Editado: mayo 22, 1:37 am

>4 Yoshabell: Could it be Masquerade at the Wells?

eta: There's a whole series of Sadler's Wells ballet books.

mayo 22, 4:34 am

Long shot since I don't think it involved reunited sisters, but there's an '80s book called Twin Switch by Carol Stanley. I read it so long ago that I can't remember anything else about it.

Also some overlap with Switcharound by Lois Lowry except that's a brother and a sister.

mayo 22, 9:05 am

>5 vorkosigan: I also think this sounds like Masquerade at the Wells. Jane and Mariella are cousins; Mariella is expected to be a dancer like her mother but she'd rather have a country life like Jane, who hates it, so they manage to swap places.

mayo 22, 4:17 pm

>7 Sakerfalcon: I agree. They don't look alike-Jane is dark haired like Mariella's mother, and Mariella had red hair. She remarks that they'd get a shock when she turns up at the ballet school.