British Author Challenge May 2024: Portal Fantasy

Charlas75 Books Challenge for 2024

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British Author Challenge May 2024: Portal Fantasy

Abr 27, 4:55 pm

I am grateful for this nudge to get back to the Thursday Next series with First Among Sequels.

Abr 27, 5:09 pm

>2 cbl_tn: I will be reading my next in series installment of The Invisible Library.

Abr 27, 6:20 pm

I love Diana WYnne Jones and Dark Lord of Derkholm is a very fun read.
Another magical trilogy -
The Queen of Dreams by Peter F. Hamilton - he wrote these for his daughters, not his usual scifi fare.
Not sure what I'll pick to read as yet, I've read most of your list already.

Abr 27, 7:01 pm

>3 alcottacre: That one is new to me. It sounds like fun!

Abr 27, 7:46 pm

>5 cbl_tn: It is! I hope you give the series a try at some point, Carrie.

Abr 27, 8:43 pm

I have a few that appeal this month. Maybe the Pears but a couple of YA books also stand-out to me.

Abr 27, 9:25 pm

I found my copy of Imajica so I might try that. I've read two of the Abarat books and another of his. Also requested a copy of The Invisible Library.

Abr 27, 9:39 pm

>4 avatiakh: I'm currently reading The Queen of Dreams for the Wildcard and am enjoying it.

>8 avatiakh: Imajica is probably my favorite Barker book.

Abr 27, 10:45 pm

>9 amanda4242: Oh thanks for saying that about Imajica.
The Queen of Dreams books have such awful covers that I almost didn't read them, but I'm a completist of Peter F Hamilton so I did and really loved the world he imagined for the books.

Abr 29, 2:55 pm

>1 amanda4242: Looking forward to going down the Rabbit Hole again with Alice's Adventures!

mayo 17, 11:20 pm

I'm not finding much tie for Imajica, only managed 55 pages so far. It's interesting so I'll keep going, mostly other reading getting in my way.

Editado: mayo 20, 3:39 pm

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis

I decided to go with a re-read of my second favorite* Narnia book, mostly because it has one of the best opening sentences in all of literature: "There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it."

*If anyone is wondering, my ranking of the series is:
The Silver Chair
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Prince Caspian
The Magician's Nephew
The Horse and His Boy
The Last Battle

mayo 28, 8:05 pm

mayo 31, 12:18 pm

I finished The Burning Page today (just in time!) and found it to be the best of Cogman's Invisible Library series to date, although it is only the third volume. I am looking forward to continuing on with the series in the future!