LibraryThing Request for Help: Microsoft Contacts Needed!

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LibraryThing Request for Help: Microsoft Contacts Needed!

Abr 22, 2:03 pm

To our wonderful LibraryThing community,

Some of you may have already been following or been affected by TinyCat's recent blocks from Microsoft/Edge (see for full details). We have been diligently working on the issue for the last couple of weeks, and our members have even chipped in and submitted reports to Microsoft to mark us as safe. Unfortunately, we have not been able to make any headway with Microsoft. At nearly 3 million strong, we are asking for your help!

If you or someone you know has a contact at Microsoft that might be able to help us with regaining users' access to TinyCat, please reach out to us! You can post here, message myself (kristilabrie) or Ganawa (Ganawa) directly, or you can email us at /

Thanks so much for your help and for your patience while we work on clearing TinyCat's name.

Abr 22, 2:09 pm

A little sugar to sweeten the deal: I will gladly give free swag to the person who finds the contact at Microsoft who can help us! You can bedazzle your gear with enamel pins, stickers, and stamps with glee.