How do I mark an author as a favorite?

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How do I mark an author as a favorite?

Mar 14, 9:44 am

I used to know how to mark an author as a favorite, but cannot find the button on the new author page. I think this question was asked recently, and I still can't find it. If someone could point me in the right direction...

Editado: Mar 14, 9:47 am

At the top of the right sidebar on the author page, there's a button 'Add to Favorites'.

Note: the button doesn't appear if you're on an author disambiguation page. You have to select the author you want from the list of identically-named authors.

Mar 14, 12:19 pm

Thanks! If it had been a snake it would have bitten me!

Editado: Mar 14, 12:50 pm

I’m not seeing a right sidebar on my phone. Will have to try on the laptop.

yep. That worked.

Mar 14, 12:54 pm

>4 2wonderY: On the mobile, it is towards the bottom of the page, just under the new charts and graphs module on the author page.

The whole right column is essentially there for all pages - just scroll down and do not look to the right as on the web site.

Mar 14, 3:29 pm

>5 AnnieMod: Thanks! I thought I had examined the entire page. Must not have.

Editado: Mar 14, 4:04 pm

>6 2wonderY: It is easy to miss them as there is no real separator between the sections :) These days when I look for right menu things on the mobile page, I tend to just scroll to the bottom and start moving up :)

Mar 14, 4:16 pm

I am sooooo tired of scroooooling way down for things that used to be easy to access.