Book Bullets from the Dark Side - Darth Heather 2024

CharlasThe Green Dragon

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Book Bullets from the Dark Side - Darth Heather 2024

Feb 20, 10:26 am

oops, I realized that I hadn't started a new thread for this year. Where have I been?

Mostly following all your threads; a lot of you have some stuff going on, and I am interested in keeping up with it all even if I don't often have any remarks worth adding. Also some of you put so much effort into writing wonderful book reviews, and I get caught up in reading all of them.

So, I've been lurking around but haven't put any time into my own thread. Its time to change that!

Significant reads of January: none. Really, I read a bunch of soft stuff, which was entertaining but not worth reviewing or recommending.

Significant reads of February:
Starter Villain by John Scalzi, which was a book bullet from someone not on LT but was the same friend who recommended Redshirts. I have seen several of you list this as a recent read, and I'm glad to see it making the rounds and getting appreciated!

Lessons In Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus - another one that has been making the rounds. This was a gift from my brother, who is known for exceptional taste :) I thought the premise was fascinating, although there was one small thing that bothered me: I didn't love the author's choice to write the dog character as though he has superhuman thoughts and ideas. It was cute, but IMO a little too cute to fit such a serious story. It was a small enough niggle that it didn't keep me from enjoying the book though

Editado: Feb 20, 10:59 am

>1 Darth-Heather: Happy new thread!

Interesting! I loved the dog character. Most of the rest of the book had such fantastical elements that a brilliant dog didn't seem to stick out as the only thing that was unrealistic to me.

Feb 20, 11:13 am

Happy new thread. It is reassuring to know you are lurking…I think.

Feb 20, 11:33 am

Happy new thread! It's good to see you again!

Feb 20, 12:59 pm

Happy new thread! It's nice to see :)

Starter Villain was really entertaining, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Feb 20, 5:32 pm

Glad to see you again!

Abr 17, 3:44 pm

Unfortunately recent weeks have had very few reads worth mentioning - no really bad ones, but quite a lot of mediocre meh.
The ones worth recommending, though, are quite good!

Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel is very well done; the seemingly loose threads are skillfully managed to a satisfactory ending.

Love Will Tear Us Apart is the third installment in the Stranger Times series, where some of the ongoing themes are developing into bigger impacts. I look forward to the fourth one, currently languishing on my TBR list.

Unsouled, Soulsmith, and Blackflame by Will Wight are the first three in a lengthy series that I just can't tear myself away from. These are billed as 'progression lit' which means that the premise revolves around the way that the main character starts off with little of the magical skills that denote status in his society, but gradually works towards developing and upgrading his skillset. Wen Shi Lindon is well beyond the age where children in his clan usually start to show an aptitude toward a magical leaning of one of the four main types, and is treated as an outcast. He devises a way to try to get on a learning path, and embarks on a grand adventure with clever twists and interesting characters. I am impressed by this author's inventiveness, and can't wait to get to the next installment.

Abr 17, 3:59 pm

>7 Darth-Heather:
I am glad to hear you are enjoying the Stranger Times books.

By the way, in line with a few pictures I sent last year I have a few snaps from this week of the vines in the local vineyard starting to sprout.

Abr 18, 9:30 am

>7 Darth-Heather: I'm happy to hear another person say that Will Wight series is so good. (He gave away the first seven books a few years back and I snagged them all.)

Abr 18, 3:44 pm

>8 pgmcc: Have you read the fourth Stranger Times? Does it seem like there will be more to come?

Oh yes, the grapes! They are so pretty when the greenery comes out. Do share your photos if you get a chance! Are you still travelling or have you returned home now?

>9 clamairy: I think there are twelve in the complete Cradle series; I can't even imagine where he's going to take this. I'm only through with three and so far a TON of things have happened. His writing style is very good, and I would recommend these to anyone who enjoys fantasy. The characters are very engaging, and each volume has added a few new main ones.

The same friend who recommended this series also recommended The Elder Empire series by the same author, but I think I'm going to get through this series first before I confuse myself trying to keep track of too many threads. Insufficient powers of concentration I guess! :)

Abr 18, 4:11 pm

>10 Darth-Heather:

I hope these give you a feel for the vines as they start their season.

We return home at the end of July, so I should be able to catch the grapes at different stages if you are interested.

Abr 18, 4:27 pm

>11 pgmcc: aww, their little ruffly leaves are so cute!

the sunrise shot is a perfect composition, I hope you are pleased with it!

I am always interested in any nature photography, please do share if you get others that you like.

Abr 18, 4:52 pm

>12 Darth-Heather:
Thank you. Yes, the sunset shot came out well.

Abr 18, 5:03 pm

>10 Darth-Heather:
The grapes made me forget to answer your first question. It was probably the grape juice that did it. :-)

Yes, I have read the fourth Stranger Times book and I would say it is clear there will be more. The fourth book is very entertaining and i will say no more about it lest I spoil your fun as you delve into its mysteries. Have fun.