Artist wants copies of 1984

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Artist wants copies of 1984

Editado: Dic 27, 2023, 6:14 am

An artist is collecting 1984 copies of 1984 for a special exhibit.

I thought I'd get the appeal seen a bit further. Unfortunately, my copy is very boring. It's obviously been read several times, but no notes or old sweet wrappers. Just the blue dot I added to books when entering the into LT.

Dic 30, 2023, 8:55 am

My copy is long gone.

Dic 30, 2023, 10:12 am

I have a hard copy but have no idea where it is at the moment. If I happen to find it I will let you know. But shipping will be an issue since it is across the ocean.

Ene 8, 9:09 pm

Mine is a first edition so, much as I would like to help, I think I'll have to let this one go.