Found: A high fantasy book that I read in 2015-ish

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Found: A high fantasy book that I read in 2015-ish

Editado: Jul 2, 2023, 12:20 pm

Someone on steam recommended it to me, now I cant find them or the book. Pls help me find it.

Here's what I remember:
The book starts or ends with a man manipulating something like a film strip. I think the world is in danger of some kind of catastrophe. It gives the impression that the contents of the book may have occurred in the past and that the man is researching or finding for something within these events.

The main character is a female, she has red hair. There is another character who was often referred to as 'the dragon'. I remember him being a humanoid reptilian. I think there was a third character?

The main character worked at a brothel at the beginning of the book, before setting out on the journey. There was some mystery behind the dragon's past. I don't remember why they set out on this journey.

The most distinct sequence I remember in the book is that they travel through something like a tree or a very large tree. Travelling through it is akin to traveling through time, or something along those lines. The journey through the tree heals the female character and kinda de-ages her: she doesn't become younger, she gains back some vitality, becomes more brilliant or something like that.

It was thick tome, dense book.

That's all i remember. I can't find it. Help!

Jul 2, 2023, 12:34 pm

That is Rhapsody by Elizabeth Haydon.

Jul 2, 2023, 12:35 pm

Thanks! That's Correct!

Jul 2, 2023, 12:37 pm

>2 calm: How was the series btw? I only read book 1, did you read the others?

Jul 2, 2023, 11:00 pm

Read the whole trilogy and still didn't recognize this, guess it didn't stick with me.

Editado: Jul 3, 2023, 8:47 am

>4 poplitard: I've read the first six (of nine). Liked the original trilogy; thought the next three weren't quite as good; haven't read the last three .. yet, I probably would read them if I found them in a library or bought second hand. The ratings on LT are quite consistent over the whole series.

>5 Cecrow: I re-read them last year and the description while not perfect contained enough details, especially the film strip and travelling the root, to identify the book. It is fun to help Name that Book when I can :)