🪶Poetry Month treasure hunt; clues for 10

CharlasLT Treasure Hunts

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🪶Poetry Month treasure hunt; clues for 10

Editado: Abr 25, 2023, 12:09 pm

Quill 10
A group of fools, but who can say,
That their foolishness is not the way,
To drink a draught of bliss sublime,
To play with words and dance with time.
These members worship at the feet of muses,
Such wise foolishness does have its uses.

12 SandraArdnas : #10 LT group.

46 Chrisethier : #10 is a Librarything group. Part of the group's description is in the clue.

49 EerieMist : for 10 it's a LibraryThing group. Once you get to the Groups page, search 'poetry', and the name of the group has a word that is often repeated in the clue.