Is this (name a book!) worth finishing?

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Is this (name a book!) worth finishing?

Mar 25, 2023, 11:49 am

Hi folks! (Apologies if this thread exists elsewhere -- for all I know, I may have started one just like this before! -- but I did try to search and didn't come up with it. I've never been successful searching talk threads!)

I am 55 pages in to Percival Everett's The Trees and really like it so far -- racist guys in the town of Money, Mississippi, end up dead with the corpse of Emmett Till beside them, but the corpse then keeps vanishing.

Again, I like it so far, but I want to know whether I'm in for 200 more pages of the same, or if things will develop beyond this basic premise quickly. For anyone who has finished this, should I keep going?

Editado: Mar 25, 2023, 12:02 pm

Here's an LT group that may suit that kind of thing:

I'm wondering why you're questioning whether to continue with something you're currently enjoying. I'm more accustomed to people wondering whether they need to give a book more time before they might start to enjoy it.

edit: I've not read the book you're reading, but I've had a look through its reviews by other readers. It sounds as though the author wants you to present you with a challenge by making you question how the story is making you feel, or what it should make you feel; the literary part of what might otherwise be a simple thriller.

Mar 25, 2023, 12:19 pm

The discussion reminds me of

Editado: Mar 25, 2023, 12:37 pm

>2 Cecrow:

Agreed, it's a weird question. I think it's because I read so many short stories. This book has an outstanding premise, but it's a premise that I can see would make a great short story. It's not necessarily a premise that can be sustained throughout an entire novel. I'm also not normally under this kind of time pressure, but it's a library book that has to be returned, plus I have something major coming up that may take all of my time.

Editado: Mar 26, 2023, 12:40 pm

>1 amysisson: Given that you like Brown Girl Dreaming & a couple of other books I saw that we have in common, I think you'll like The Trees.

Mar 27, 2023, 1:13 am

Editado: Mar 27, 2023, 8:07 am

Well I'm embarrassed - I thought I reviewed that book when I read it. Yes, certainly keep going with it. Is it your first Everett? It runs the way a lot of his books go - a bit off, slightly canted and he does things with and in the narrative that I'm just not educated enough to pick up on. This one isn't as difficult as others I've read, much more mainstream, but it isn't easy to crack at first. Interesting situation, good characters and a decent conclusion. I say keep on.

Mar 27, 2023, 12:06 pm

>7 Bookmarque: Thank you!