Found: SCI FI Novel Title Help

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Found: SCI FI Novel Title Help

Editado: Ago 26, 2021, 9:26 pm

I am trying to find the author and title for a sci Fi book I read years ago. What I remember:

Sci FI Trade Paperback. I believe it was written after 1990.

Cover of the book had a warrior in black robes with a sword standing in a desert like setting with a blue sky background with the sun or a gas giant planet overhead.

The plot: Earth and an alien species just ended a war. The alien species had a warrior like culture that had made them hard to defeat. There was a 3rd alien species that were like trade profiteers from the war.

The warrior culture species was nearly extinct. They had stories that they had originated from a lost homeworld. A soldier from Earth's military somehow ends up with a group of them and they take a journey to find this species list homeworld. They do find it and that their species still exist there. Along the way of the journey they are tracked by the other alien race that is trying to stop them to keep some secret from coming out about what happened in the war. They don't want the humans or the warrior species learning the truth.

Ago 27, 2021, 6:04 pm

This sounds a bit like one of the later books in the Enders game Series. It has been a longgg time since I read them but it sounds very similar to one of the last 2.

Ago 28, 2021, 10:16 am

Unfortunately that's not it. This was a stand alone novel, not a series.

Editado: Ago 29, 2021, 3:02 am

Would this be The Faded Sun by C. J. Cherryh? The cover art sounds like the painting Kutath by Michael Whelan, which was originally the cover art for the third volume but was also used for the omnibus edition of the trilogy.

It actually is part of a larger loose series set in the Alliance-Union universe, as well as being a trilogy itself, but can act as a standalone, yes.

The omnibus edition came out about 2000 but the individual volumes were published over 1978 - 1979 originally. Your summary is a pretty good description.

Humanity had never understood mri culture and thought of them exclusively as warriors. It was only after the war, when the humans were about to take control of the planet that the mri had shared with their former employers (the regul) that Sten Duncan, who was accompanying the first human representative to the planet, actually met a mri warrior and began to find out what the mri were really like.

The regul *really* didn't want humanity to get to know the mri....having the mri potentially change employers, for instance...

The black-robed figure on the cover *is* a mri warrior, but the warrior caste accounts for only about a third of their people; the other castes are non-combatant.

Ago 29, 2021, 6:47 pm

Yes! This is it. I had the omnibus edition. Thank you so much.