EASTON PRESS DATABASE and Important Links (1)

CharlasEaston Press Collectors

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EASTON PRESS DATABASE and Important Links (1)

Editado: Ene 1, 2023, 12:09 am

**Please do not post photos in this thread**

This data is being provided by Easton Press collectors and historians to other collectors for purposes of identifying books produced by The Easton Press. It is not intended to be sold for profit by anyone. Members with social media connections can post links to the LT Thread, hopefully more collectors will come and join the forum.

The Goal: To identify every book from 1974 to present that Easton Press has sold, or planned on selling, and provide photos of said books with all relevant data for easy identification. This project will take years to bring to date, but several people are working on it constantly so it will be as complete as possible as quickly as possible.

What you can do: Provide photos of your titles in the correct album. I would ask all of you to contribute your own personal photos. Please do not grab pictures from other sources, as we are not looking to steal anyone’s intellectual property. Adding photos to a Google album is fairly easy. I believe you do need to have a Google acct, and then you can just drag and drop your picture into the album itself. If you do not have an account and wish to contribute, just contact me here and I will give you my email address so I can add them for you. When taking photos, please use a white background, and include the following shots if possible: Front cover, spine, rear cover, limitation page, copyright page, title page, frontispiece, chapter list, illustrations list, and as many illustrations as you can. It has also been suggested to add a business sized card (or smaller) in each photo saying something like “for Library Thing Forum Database use”, in order to cut down on theft of said photos. It should be placed in the photo where cropping it out will render the photo useless, but not in the way of pertinent information that we want to see. I’m sure some of them will end up on sale sites anyway, but I want to keep that to a minimum.

I am also looking for older catalogs and any flyers not already included in the albums. Please contact me if you have any that I can scan into the Database, especially pre 2005 catalogs.

Relevant Links:

Easton Press
Historical Catalogs
Reader’s Choice Titles
Deluxe Limited Editions
Illustrated Deluxe Limited Editions
J R R Tolkien Titles
Jules Verne Titles
Neil Gaiman Titles
LucasTrask Flyer Thread
Neil_Luvs_Books ~ Masterpieces of Science Fiction Database

Dates information has been added:
1/1/2020 – 3100-3199 & 0001
1/6/2020 - 3000-3099
1/13/2020 - 2900-2999
2/1/2020 - 2800-2899
3/1/2020 - 2700-2799
4/1/2020 - 2600-2699
5/1/2020 - 2500-2599
5/5/2020 - 2400-2499
5/6/2020 - 2300-2399
5/11/2020 - 2200-2299
6/1/2020 - 2100-2199
7/1/2020 - 3200-3299
8/1/2020 - 3300-3399
8/3/2020 - 0450
9/1/2020 - 2000-2099
10/1/2020 - 3400-3499
11/1/2020 - 1900-1999
12/1/2020 - 1800-1899, 3500-3599, 0400-0499
7/4/2021 - 3600-3699, 3700-Partial, 3998 Series Partial
12/1/2021 - Unedited Dump 0002-0999

Anything you believe is inaccurate or needs to be addressed, please post below. I have researched every title, but even then some inaccuracies can creep into the data. Let’s make this database as accurate as it can possibly be.

A quick way to find any word on this thread is to use the Ctrl+F function. Hold down the Ctrl button and hit f and that brings up a search box. Type in an author, title etc. and it will highlight the word you are looking for if it exists on the page. If there are more than 1 entry, you can scroll down the page to see all of them.

Editado: Ene 1, 2020, 1:02 pm

0001 - Greatest Books Ever Written - Photos
0001-001 - Virgil: The Aeneid
0001-002 - Aesop: Aesop's Fables
0001-003 - Washington Irving: The Alhambra
0001-004 - Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
0001-005 - Arthur Conan Doyle: Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
0001-006 - Confucius: The Analects of Confucius
0001-007 - Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina
0001-008 - Benjamin Franklin: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
0001-009 - Aristophanes: The Birds and the Frogs
0001-010 - Aldous Huxley: Brave New World
0001-011 - Fyodor Dostoevsky: The Brothers Karamazov
0001-012 - Francois Voltaire: Candide
0001-013 - Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales
0001-014 - William Shakespeare: Comedies
0001-015 - Jean Jacques Rosseau: Confessions
0001-016 - St Augustine: The Confessions of St Augustine
0001-017 - Fyodor Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment
0001-018 - Charles Dickens: David Copperfield
0001-019 - Giovanni Boccacio: The Decameron
0001-020 - Charles Darwin: The Descent of Man
0001-021 - Dante Alighieri: The Divine Comedy
0001-022 - Miguel de Cervantes: Don Quixote
0001-023 - Francis Bacon: Essays
0001-024 - Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Essays
0001-025 - Charles Baudelaire: The Flowers of Evil
0001-026 - Ivan Turgenev: Fathers and Sons
0001-027 - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Faust
0001-028 - Alexander Hamilton: The Federalist Papers
0001-029 - Charles Dickens: Great Expectations
0001-030 - Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm: Grimm's Fairy Tales
0001-031 - Jonathan Swift: Gulliver's Travels
0001-032 - Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness
0001-033 - Livy: The History of Early Rome
0001-034 - William Shakepeare: The Histories
0001-035 - Mark Twain: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
0001-036 - Homer: The Iliad
0001-037 - Sir Walter Scott: Ivanhoe
0001-038 - Thomas Hardy: Jude the Obscure
0001-039 - Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre
0001-040 - Daniel Defoe: A Journal of the Plague Year
0001-041 - James Fenimore Cooper: The Last of the Mohicans
0001-042 - Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass
0001-043 - Rudyard Kipling: The Jungle Books
0001-044 - Louisa May Alcott: Little Women
0001-045 - Joseph Conrad: Lord Jim
0001-046 - Gustave Flaubert: Madame Bovary
0001-047 - George Eliot: The Mill on the Floss
0001-048 - Herman Melville: Moby Dick
0001-049 - Robert Louis Stevenson: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
0001-050 - Homer: The Odyssey
0001-051 - Sophocles: Oedipus the King
0001-052 - John Steinbeck: Of Mice and Men
0001-053 - Charles Darwin: On the Origin of Species
0001-054 - John Milton: Paradise Lost
0001-055 - John Bunyan: The Pilgrim's Progress
0001-056 - Aeschylus: The Oresteia
0001-057 - Anton Chekhov: The Cherry Orchard/The Three Sisters
0001-058 - Euripides: Plays
0001-059 - Henrik Ibsen: Plays
0001-060 - Jean-Baptiste Moliere: Plays
0001-061 - George Bernard Shaw: Plays
0001-062 - Robert Browning: Collected Poems
0001-063 - John Donne: Poems
0001-064 - John Keats: Collected Poems
0001-065 - William Butler Yeats: Collected Poems
0001-066 - Aristotle: Politics/The Poetics
0001-067 - James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
0001-068 - Henry James: The Portrait of a Lady
0001-069 - Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice
0001-070 - Niccolo Machiavelli: The Prince
0001-071 - Stephen Crane: The Red Badge of Courage
0001-072 - Stendhal: The Red and the Black
0001-073 - Plato: The Republic
0001-074 - Thomas Hardy: Return of the Native
0001-075 - Thomas Paine: The Rights of Man
0001-076 - Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe
0001-077 - Omar Khayyam: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
0001-078 - Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter
0001-079 - Jack London: The Sea Wolf
0001-080 - Oliver Goldsmith: She Stoops to Conquer
0001-081 - Oscar Wilde: The Short Stories
0001-082 - Charles Dickens: Short Stories
0001-083 - Plato: Symposium
0001-084 - Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two cities
0001-085 - Guy de Maupassant: The Necklace and Other Tales
0001-086 - Richard Burton: Tales From the Arabian Nights
0001-087 - Edgar Allen Poe: Tales of Mystery and Imagination
0001-088 - Sir Walter Scott: The Talisman
0001-089 - Alexandre Dumas: The Three Musketeers
0001-090 - Henry Fielding: Tom Jones
0001-091 - William Shakespeare: The Tragedies
0001-092 - Robert Louis Stevenson: Treasure Island
0001-093 - Laurence Sterne: Tristram Shandy
0001-094 - Jules Verne: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Photos
0001-095 - Harriet Beecher Stowe: Uncle Tom's Cabin
0001-096 - William Thackeray: Vanity Fair
0001-097 - Henry David Thoreau: Walden
0001-098 - Samuel Butler: The Way of All Flesh
0001-099 - Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights
0001-100 - Leo Tolstoy: War and Peace
0001-101 - Ernest Hemingway: A Farewell to Arms
0001-102 - Victor Hugo: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
0001-103 - Edmond Rostand: Cyrano de Bergerac
0001-104 - Robert Frost: Collected Poems
0001-105 - Washington Irving: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow & Other Stories
0001-106 - Mary Shelley: Frankenstein
0001-107 - Alexandre Dumas: The Count of Monte Cristo
0001-108 - George Bernard Shaw: Pygmalion/Candida
0001-109 - Oscar Wilde: The Picture of Dorian Gray
0001-110 - H G Wells: The Time Machine
0001-111 - The Holy Bible
0001-112 - Emily Dickinson: Collected Poems
0001-113 - Anonymous: Beowulf
0001-114 - George Eliot: Middlemarch
0001-115 - Herman Melville: Billy Budd
0001-116 - William Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury
0001-117 - George Orwell: Animal Farm
0001-118 - Victor Hugo: Les Miserables
0001-119 - D H Lawrence: Lady Chatterley's Lover
0001-120 - Thomas Hardy: Tess of the d'Urbervilles
0001-121 - Bram Stoker: Dracula
0001-122 - George Eliot: Silas Marner
0001-123 - William Shakespeare: Hamlet
0001-124 - William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream
0001-125 - William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:08 am

0007 - Collector's Library of Famous Editions - Photos

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:09 am

0008 - Great Singers, Albums
0008/0009-001 - Tony Bennett, Rosemary Clooney, Dinah Shore
0008/0009-002 - The Vocal Groups I: Mills Brothers, Andrews Sisters, Boswell Sisters, Ames Brothers, Modernaires, Ink Spots, Pied Pipers, Four Freshmen
0008/0009-003 - Andy Williams, Jerry Vale, Steve Lawrence & Eydie Gorme
0008/0009-004 - Ella Fitzgerald, Mel Torme, Anita O'Day, June Christy
0008/0009-005 - Judy Garland, Doris Day, Eddie Fisher
0008/0009-006 - Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday
0008/0009-007 - Johnny Mathis, Patti Page, Robert Goulet
0008/0009-008 - Ethel Waters, Mildred Bailey, Sarah Vaughan
0008-0009-009 - Big Band Singers I
0008/0009-010 - Nat "King" Cole, Chris Connor, Thomas "Fats" Waller, Dinah Washington
0008/0009-011 - Harry Belafonte, Lena Horne
0008/0009-012 - Bing Crosby, Russ Columbo, Tony Martin, Rudy Vallee, Buddy Clark, Dick Powell
0008/0009-013 - Frank Sinatra
0009 - Great Singers, Albums
0010 - Andersen's Fairy Tales, special edition
0011 - Roger Tory Peterson: Field Guides, 48 Volume set - $49.25 per volume per WBM
0011-001 - Roger Tory Peterson: Birds of the Eastern United States
0011-002 - Roger Tory Peterson: Birds of the American West
0011-003 - Percy A Morris: Shells of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts and the West Indies
0011-004 - Paul A Opler: Eastern Butterflies
0011-005 - William Henry Burt: Mammals
0011-006 - Percy A Morris: Pacific Shells Including Shells of Hawaii and the Gulf of California
0011-007 - Frederick H Pough: Rocks and Minerals
0011-008 - Peterson, Guy Mountfort, Hollom: Birds of Britain and Europe
0011-009 - Olaus J Murie: Animal Tracks
0011-010 - Boughton Cobb: Ferns and Their Related Families of Northeastern and Central North America
0011-011 - George A Petrides: Trees and Shrubs
0011-012 - Roger Conant, Joseph T Collins: Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America
0011-013 - Roger Tory Peterson: Birds of Texas and Adjacent States
0011-014 - Craighead, Craighead, Davis: Rocky Mountain Wildflowers from Northern Arizona and New Mexico to British Columbia
0011-015 - Jay M Pasachoff: Stars and Planets
0011-016 - Robert C Stebbins: Western Reptiles and Amphibians
0011-017 - Peterson, Margaret McKenny: Northeastern Wildflowers
0011-018 - F H Van Den Brink: Mammals of Britain and Europe
0011-019 - Donald J Borror, Richard E White: Insects of America North of Mexico
0011-020 - Peterson, Edward L Chalif: Mexican Birds, Field Marks of All Species Found in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and El Salvador
0011-021 - Hal H Harrison: Birds' Nests of 285 Species Found Breeding in the United States East of the Mississippi River
0011-022 - Theodore F Niehaus: Pacific States Wildflowers, Field Marks of Species Found in Washington, Oregon, California and Adjacent Areas
0011-023 - Lee Allen Peterson: Edible Wild Plants of Eastern and Central North America
0011-024 - Kenneth L Gosner: Atlantic Seashore, Invertebrates and Seaweeds of the Atlantic Coast From the Bay of Fundy to Cape Hatteras
0011-025 - Hal H Harrison: Birds' Nests of 520 Species Found Breeding in the United States West of the Mississipi River
0011-026 - Vincent J Schaefer, John A Day: The Atmosphere
0011-027 - Eugene H Kaplan: Coral Reefs, A Guide to the Common Invertebrates and Fishes of Bermuda, The Bahamas, Southern Florida, The West Indies, and the Caribbean Coast of Central and South America
0011-028 - William N Eschmeyer, Earl S Herald: Pacific Coast Fishes of North America From the Gulf of Alaska to Baja California
0011-029 - Richard E White: Beetles of North America
0011-030 - Charles V Covell Jr: Moths of Eastern North America
0011-031 - Theodore F Niehaus: Southwestern and Texas Wildflowers
0011-032 - C Richard Robins, G Carleton Ray: Atlantic Coast Fishes of North America
0011-033 - James W Tilden, Arthur Clayton Smith: Western Butterflies
0011-034 - Eugene H Kaplan: Southeastern and Caribbean Seashores, Cape Hatteras to the Gulf Coast, Florida, and the Caribbean
0011-035 - William S Clark: Hawks of North America
0011-036 - Kent H McKnight, Vera B McKnight: Mushrooms of North America
0011-037 - George A Petrides: Eastern Trees, Eastern United States and Canada
0011-038 - John C Kricher: Eastern Forests, North America
0011-039 - Kenn Kaufman: Advanced Birding, Birding Challenges and How to Approach Them
0011-040 - Steven Foster, James A Duke: Medicinal Plants, Eastern and Central North America
0011-041 - Lawrence M Page, Brooks M Burr: Freshwater Fishes, North America North of Mexico
0011-042 - George A Petrides: A Field Guide to Western Trees, Western United States and Canada
0011-043 - John C Kricher: The Ecology of Western Forests
0011-044 - Steven Foster, Roger A Caras: Venomous Animals and Poisonous Plants of North America North of Mexico
0011-045 - James Bond: Birds of the Caribbean
0011-046 - David C Roberts: A Field Guide to Geology, Eastern North America
0011-047 - Jon L Dunn, Kimball L Garrett: Warblers of North America
0011-048 - John C Kircher: Northwestern Forests
0011-049 - John C Kircher: Southwestern Forests
0011-050 - Eastern Birds
0011-051 - Sheri L Williamson: Hummingbirds of North America
0012 - Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist, special edition - per EP
0013 - Mary Shelley: Frankenstein, special edition - per EP
0014 - J R R Tolkien: The Hobbit, special edition - per EP
0021 - Campaigns of the Civil War, 16 Volumes, Canceled before release - per wailofatail
0029 - Library of the Presidents - Photos

Ene 1, 2020, 3:12 am


Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:10 am

0062 - Margaret Mitchell: Gone With the Wind, 2 Volume set - Photos

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:10 am

0067 - Masterpieces of Science Fiction - Photos
0067-001 - H G Wells: The War of the Worlds
0067-002 - Arthur C Clarke: 2001, A Space Odyssey
0067-003 - Ursula K Le Guin: The Dispossessed
0067-004 - Fred Hoyle: The Black Cloud
0067-005 - Samuel R Delany: The Einstein Intersection
0067-006 - Jules Verne: From the Earth to the Moon - Photos
0067-007 - Jules Verne: Around the Moon - Photos
0067-008 - Frank Herbert: Dune
0067-009 - Isaac Asimov: The Foundation Trilogy
0067-010 - Ray Bradbury: The Martian Chronicles
0067-011 - Alfred Bester: The Demolished Man
0067-012 - H G Wells: The Time Machine
0067-013 - Jack London: Before Adam
0067-014 - Robert Heinlein: Stranger In A strange Land
0067-015 - Isaac Asimov: The Gods Themselves
0067-016 - Frederik Pohl: Gateway
0067-017 - John Brunner: Stand On Zanzibar
0067-018 - Arthur C Clarke: Fountains of Paradise
0067-019 - Arthur Conan Doyle: The Poison Belt
0067-020 - C J Cherryh: Downbelow Station
0067-021 - Fredric Brown: What Mad Universe
0067-022 - Hal Clement: Mission of Gravity
0067-023 - Philip Jose Farmer: To Your Scattered Bodies Go
0067-024 - Poul Anderson: Tau Zero
0067-025 - Philip K Dick: The Man in the High Castle
0067-026 - James E Gunn: Kampus
0067-027 - Fritz Leiber: The Big Time
0067-028 - Richard Matheson: The Shrinking Man
0067-029 - Robert Silverberg: A Time of Changes
0067-030 - Roger Zelazny: This Immortal
0067-031 - Ward Moore: Bring the Jubilee
0067-032 - A E Van Vogt: The World of Null A
0067-033 - Brian Aldiss: Hothouse
0067-034 - Joe Haldeman: The Forever War
0067-035 - Olaf Stapledon: Odd John
0067-036 - Clifford Simak: Way Station
0067-037 - John Wyndham: Day of the Triffids
0067-038 - Gregory Benford: Timescape
0067-039 - James Blish: A Case of Conscience
0067-040 - L Sprague de Camp: Let Darkness Fall
0067-041 - Gordon R Dickson: Dorsai
0067-042 - Jack Finney: The Invasion of the Body Snatchers
0067-043 - Daniel Keyes: Flowers For Algernon
0067-044 - Anne McCaffrey: Dragonflight
0067-045 - Larry Niven: Ringworld
0067-046 - George Orwell: 1984
0067-047 - Jack Vance: The Dragon Masters
0067-048 - Jack Williamson: The Humanoids
0067-049 - Theodore Sturgeon: More Than Human
0067-050 - Algis Budrys: Rogue Moon
0067-051 - David Brin: Startide Rising
0067-052 - Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Princess of Mars & At the Earth's Core
0067-053 - Harlan Ellison: Deathbird Stories
0067-054 - Ben Bova: Kinsman Saga
0067-055 - H G Wells: The Invisible Man
0067-056 - George Zebrowski: Macrolife
0067-057 - Kate Wilhelm: Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang
0067-058 - Jonathan Fast: Mortal Gods
0067-059 - Vonda N McIntyre: Dreamsnake
0067-060 - Pamela Sargent: Venus of Dreams
0067-061 - Henry Kuttner: Fury
0067-062 - Michael Bishop: No Enemy But Time
0067-063 - Gene Wolfe: The Shadow of the Torturer
0067-064 - Kurt Vonnegut Jr: The Sirens of Titan
0067-065 - Orson Scott Card: Speaker for the Dead
0067-066 - Joan D Vinge: Snow Queen
0067-067 - William Gibson: Neuromancer
0067-068 - Alexi Panshin: Rite of Passage
0067-069 - Greg Bear: Blood Music
0067-070 - Mark Clifton & Frank Riley: They'd Rather Be Right
0067-071 - George Stewart: Earth Abides
0067-072 - James E Gunn: Listeners
0067-073 - Frederik Pohl: Man Plus
0067-074 - Stanislaw Lem: The Cyberiad
0067-075 - Spider Robinson: Stardance
0067-076 - Ian Watson: The Embedding
0067-077 - Yevgeny Zamyatin: We
0067-078 - Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451
0067-079 - Robert Silverberg: Dying Inside
0067-080 - J G Ballard: The Crystal World
0067-081 - Fritz Leiber: The Wanderer
0067-082 - Barry Malzberg: Beyond Apollo
0067-083 - E E Smith: Skylark of Space
0067-084 - David Niven & Jerry Pournelle: The Mote in God's Eye
0067-086 - Samuel Delany: Babel-17
0067-087 - H Rider Haggard: She
0067-088 - Orson Scott Card: Ender's Game
0067-089 - Ursula LeGuin: The Left Hand of Darkness
0067-090 - Norman Spinrad: Bug Jack Barron
0067-091 - Joan Slonczewski: A Door Into Ocean
0067-092 - Wilson Tucker: The Year of the Quiet Sun
0067-093 - Stephen King: The Dead Zone
0067-094 - Brian Aldiss: Helliconia Spring
0067-095 - Gene Wolfe: The Claw of the Conciliator
0067-096 - A E Van Vogt: Slan
0067-097 - James Morrow: This is the Way the World Ends
0067-098 - Ray Bradbury: Dandelion Wine
0067-099 - Charles Harness: The Paradox Men
0067-100 - George Orwell: Animal Farm
0067-101 - Kingsley Amis: The Alteration
0067-102 - Arthur C Clarke: Rendezvous With Rama
0067-103 - A A Merritt: The Moon Pool
0067-104 - Thomas Disch: On Wings of Song
0067-105 - Piers Anthony: Macroscope
0067-106 - Joanna Russ: The Female Man
0067-107 - H P Lovecraft: The Dunwich Horror
0067-108 - Dan Simmons: Hyperion
0067-109 - David Brin: The Postman
0067-110 - George Alec Effinger: When Gravity Fails
0067-111 - Roger Zelazny: The Lord of Light
0067-112 - Ron Hubbard: Final Blackout
0067-113 - Bruce Sterling: Islands in the Net
0067-114 - C S Lewis: Out of the Silent Planet
0067-115 - Walter Miller Jr: A Canticle for Liebowitz
0067-116 - Anthony Burgess: A Clockwork Orange
0067-117 - Ira Levin: Rosemary's Baby
0067-118 - Edwin A Abbott (A Square): Flatland
0067-119 - Arthur C Clarke: Childhood's End
0067-120 - Conan Arthur Doyle: The Lost World
0067-121 - Edgar Rice Burroughs: Tarzan of the Apes
0067-122 - H G Wells: The Island of Dr Moreau
0067-123 - Gene Wolfe: Sword of the Lictor
0067-124 - Frederik Pohl: Jem
0067-125 - Clifford Simak: City
0067-126 - L Sprague de Camp: Rogue Queen
0067-127 - Isaac Asimov: The Foundation Trilogy
0067-128 - Ray Bradbury: The Martian Chronicles
0067-129 - A E Van Vogt: Slan
0067-130 - Robert Silverberg: Dying Inside
0067-131 - Anne McCaffrey: Dragonflight
0067-132 - Kim Stanley Robinson: Green Mars
0067-133 - George Zebrowski: Brute Orbits
0067-134 - Lois McMaster Bujold: Falling Free
0067-135 - Elizabeth Ann Scarborough: The Healer's War
0067-136 - Connie Willis: Doomsday Book
0067-137 - Greg Bear: Moving Mars
0067-138 - Robert J Sawyer: The Terminal Experiment
0067-139 - Vonda N McIntyre: The Moon and the Sun
0067-140 - Joe Haldeman: Forever Peace
0067-141 - Neal Stephenson: The Diamond Age
0067-142 - Philip K Dick: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
0067-143 - Robert Heinlein: Starship Troopers
0067-144 - Stanislaw Lem: Solaris
0067-145 - Douglas Adams: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:12 am

0088 - William Shirer: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich Collection, 5 Volume set - Photos
0090 - F Scott Fitzgerald: The Classics, 7 Volume set - Photos
0094 - Edward Gibbons: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 6 Volume set - Photos
0095 - Winston Churchill: The World Crises, World War I, 6 Volume set - $57 per volume per WBM
0102 - The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, 10 Volume set per wailofatail

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:12 am

0104 - Military History Series - Photos
0104-040 - The Art of War
0104-144 - On War
0104-146 - Spies In the Himalays
0104-201 - A Wicked War
0104-203 - Devil At My Heels
0104-205 - Level Zero Heros
0104-216 - Duty
0104-221 - The Vanquished
0104-222 - Double Cross
0104-224 - Worth Dying For
0104-226 - The Quartermaster
0104-227 - Hannibal
0104-229 - Mosby's War
0104-230 - Nathaniel Philbrick: Valiant Ambition
0104-231 - James Bradley: Flyboys
0104-232 - Walter Lord: The Dawn's Early Light
0104-233 - Adrian Goldsworthy: In the Name of Rome
0104-234 - Sebastian Junger: War
0104-235 - Jim Sheeler: Final Salute
0104-236 - Robert Hunt Rhodes (Editor): All for the Union
0104-237 - Paul O'Keeffe: Waterloo
0104-238 - Barry Strauss: The Spartacus War
0104-239 - Giles Milton: Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare
0104-240 - Dexter Filkins The Forever War
0104-241 - The War That Forged A Nation
0104-242 - One Bullet Away, The Making of A Marine Officer
0104-243 - Helmet For My Pillow, From Parris Island to Pacific
0104-244 - The Strategy of Victory
0104-245 - Empires of the Sea
0104-246 - Ripples of Battle
0104-247 - The Unknowns
0104-248 - A Time To Stand
0104-249 - Lords of the Sea

Editado: mayo 22, 3:18 am

0106 - Signed First Editions of Science Fiction - Photos
0106-001 - Isaac Asimov: Prelude to Foundation
0106-002 - Harlan Ellison: Angry Candy
0106-003 - Anne McCaffrey: Dragonsdawn
0106-004 - Frederik Pohl: The Day the Martians Came
0106-005 - Unused
0106-006 - Robert Silverberg: To the Land of the Living
0106-007 - Gene Wolfe: Endangered Species
0106-008 - Frederik Pohl: Homegoing
0106-009 - Vonda McIntyre: Starfarers
0106-010 - Poul Anderson: Boat of a Million Years
0106-011 - Gordon Dickson: Wolf and Iron
0106-012 - L Sprague DeCamp: Honorable Barbarian
0106-013 - F Paul Wilson: Dydeetown World
0106-014 - Joe Haldeman: Buying Time
0106-015 - A Attanasio: Last Legends of Earth
0106-016 - Lois Bujold: Borders of Infinity
0106-017 - Andre Norton: Wizard's World
0106-018 - C J Cherryh: Rusalka
0106-019 - Kim Stanley Robinson: Escape From Kathmandu
0106-020 - Ben Bova: Voyagers III
0106-021 - Greg Bear: Queen of Angels
0106-022 - Jack Williamson: Mazeway
0106-023 - Mike Resnick: Second Contact
0106-024 - Orson Scott Card: Maps in a Mirror
0106-025 - Lois Bujold: The Vor Game
0106-026 - Anne McCaffrey: Pegasus in Flight
0106-027 - C J Cherryh: Chernevog
0106-028 - Frederik Pohl: The Gateway Trip
0106-029 - Vonda McIntyre: Transition
0106-030 - Kim Stanley Robinson: Pacific Edge
0106-031 - Michael Swanwick: Stations of the Tide
0106-032 - Brian Aldiss: Dracula Unbound
0106-033 - Unused, William Shatner: Teklord was planned
0106-034 - C J Cherryh: Heavy Time
0106-035 - George Zebrowski: Stranger Suns
0106-036 - James Blaylock: The Paper Grail
0106-037 - Charles Sheffield: Divergence
0106-038 - Alan Dean Foster: Call to Arms
0106-039 - George Effinger: The Exile Kiss
0106-040 - Spider & Jeanne Robinson: Starseed
0106-041 - John Brunner: A Maze of Stars
0106-042 - Robert Forward: Martian Rainbow
0106-043 - Lois Bujold: Barrayar
0106-044 - Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle: Fallen Angels
0106-045 - Harry Turtledove: Earthgrip
0106-046 - Bradley Denton: Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede
0106-047 - Unused, Isaac Asimov: Forward the Foundation was planned
0106-048 - Joan Vinge: The Summer Queen
0106-049 - Julian May: Jack the Bodiless
0106-050 - Greg Bear: Anvil of Stars
0106-051 - Ben Bova: Trikon Deception
0106-052 - Vernor Vinge: A Fire Upon the Deep
0106-053 - John Varley: Steel Beach
0106-054 - Charles Sheffield: Brothers to Dragons
0106-055 - Gregory Benford: Matter's End
0106-056 - Jack Williamson: Beachhead
0106-057 - Douglas Adams: Mostly Harmless
0106-058 - Jack Womack: Elvissey
0106-059 - Mike Resnick: Purgatory
0106-060 - Robert Silverberg: Kingdoms of the Wall
0106-061 - Kim Stanley Robinson: Red Mars
0106-062 - Jack McDevitt: Engines of God
0106-063 - Nancy Kress: Beggars in Spain
0106-064 - James Morrow: Towing Jehovah
0106-065 - Michael Swanwick: Iron Dragon's Daughter
0106-066 - David Brin: Glory Season
0106-067 - Sherri Tepper: A Plague of Angels
0106-068 - Charles Pelligrino: Flying to Valhalla
0106-069 - Roger Zelazny: A Night in the Lonesome October
0106-070 - Joan Slonczeewski: Daughter of Elysium
0106-071 - John Ford: Growing Up Weightless
0106-072 - Andre Norton: Brothers to Shadows
0106-073 - Robert Silverberg: Hot Sky at Midnight
0106-074 - Lois Bujold: Mirror Dance
0106-075 - Anne McCaffrey: Chronicles of Pern
0106-076 - Spider & Jeanne Robinson: Starmind
0106-077 - A Anastasia: Solis
0106-078 - Jack Crowley: Love and Sleep
0106-079 - Bruce Sterling: Heavy Weather
0106-080 - Gregory Benford: Furious Gulf
0106-081 - Sherri Tepper: Shadow's End
0106-082 - Brian Aldiss: Somewhere East of Life
0106-083 - Ian McDonald: Terminal Cafe
0106-084 - Kevin Anderson: Climbing Olympus
0106-085 - Ursula Le Guin: Fisherman of the Inland Sea
0106-086 - Robert Silverberg: Mountains of Majipoor
0106-087 - Charles Pelligrino & George Zebrowski: The Killing Star
0106-088 - Jack Dann: The Memory Cathedral
0106-089 - Walter Jon Williams: Metropolitan
0106-090 - C J Cherryh: Rider at the Gate
0106-091 - Lois Bujold: Cetaganda
0106-092 - Gregory Benford: Sailing Bright Eternity
0106-093 - Ursula Le Guin: Four Ways to Forgiveness
0106-094 - David Brin: Brightness Reef
0106-095 - Aaron Shale: Virtual Death
0106-096 - Ian McDonald: Evolution's Shore
0106-097 - James Blaylock: All the Bells on Earth
0106-098 - K W Jeter: Blade Runner 2
0106-099 - Jack McDevitt: Ancient Shores
0106-100 - Ben Bova: Brothers
0106-101 - Robert Silverberg: Starborne
0106-102 - Kim Stanley Robinson: Blue Mars
0106-103 - C J Cherryh: Cloud's Rider
0106-104 - Joan Vinge: Dreamfall
0106-105 - Bruce Sterling: Holy Fire
0106-106 - Charles Sheffield: Tomorrow and Tomorrow
0106-107 - David Brin: Infinity's Shore
0106-108 - Gregory Benford: Foundation's Fear
0106-109 - Anne McCaffrey: Dragonseye
0106-110 - Ben Bova: Moonrise
0106-111 - Roger Zelazny: Donnerjack
0106-112 - Jack McDevitt: Eternity Road
0106-113 - Larry Niven: Destiny's Road
0106-114 - Elizabeth Moon: Once A Hero
0106-115 - Spider Robinson: Lifehouse
0106-116 - Harry Turledove: How Few Remain
0106-117 - Connie Willis: To Say Nothing of the Dog
0106-118 - Charles Pelligrino: Dust
0106-119 - Dan Simmons: The Rise of Endymion
0106-120 - Robert Sawyer: Illegal Alien
0106-121 - Ben Bova: Moonwar
0106-122 - Kim Stanley Robinson: Antartica
0106-123 - Greg Bear: Foundation and Chaos
0106-124 - David Brin: Heaven's Reach
0106-125 - Gregory Benford: Cosm
0106-126 - Lois Bujold: Komarr
0106-127 - Robert Silverberg: Alien Years
0106-128 - Sherri Tepper: Six Moon Dance
0106-129 - Harry Harrison: Stars and Stripes Forever
0106-130 - Bruce Sterling: Distraction
0106-131 - Charles Sheffield: Aftermath
0106-132 - Alexander Jablokov: Deepdrive
0106-133 - Elizabeth Moon: Rules of Engagement
0106-134 - Anne McCaffrey: Nimisha's Ship
0106-135 - Dan Simmons: Crook Factory
0106-136 - Ben Bova: Return to Mars
0106-137 - David Brin: Foundation's Triumph
0106-138 - Greg Bear: Darwin's Radio
0106-139 - Sherri Tepper: Singer From the Sea
0106-140 - Walter Joh Williams: The Rift
0106-141 - Lois Bujold: A Civil Campaign
0106-142 - George Zebrowski: Cave of Stars
0106-143 - Stephen Baxter: Silverhair
0106-144 - Gregory Benford: Martian Race
0106-145 - Kim Stanley Robinson: The Martians
0106-146 - Sherri Tepper: The Fresco
0106-147 - Sarah Zettel: The Quiet Invasion
0106-148 - Jack McDevitt: Infinity Beach
0106-149 - Anne McCaffrey: Pegasus in Space
0106-150 - Ben Bova: Venus
0106-151 - Wil McCarthy: The Collapsium
0106-152 - Alan Dean Foster: Dirge
0106-153 - Spider Robinson: Callahan's Key
0106-154 - Joe Haldeman: The Coming
0106-155 - James Hogan: The Legend that was Earth
0106-156 - John Crowley: Daemonomania
0106-157 - Ursula Le Guin: The Telling
0106-158 - Gentry Lee: Tranquility Wars
0106-159 - Ben Bova: Jupiter
0106-160 - James Gunn: Millenium Blues
0106-161 - Pamela Sargent: Child of Venus
0106-162 - Anne McCaffrey: The Skies of Pern
0106-163 - Alan Steele: Chronospace
0106-164 - Sarah Zettel: Kingdom of Cages
0106-165 - Mike Resnick: The Outpost
0106-166 - Howard Hendrix: Empty Cities of the Full Moon
0106-167 - Walter Mosley: Futureland
0106-168 - Ray Bradbury: From the Dust Returned
0106-169 - Greg Bear: Vitals
0106-170 - Kim Stanley Robinson: Years of Rice and Salt
0106-171 - Harry Turtledove: Counting Up, Counting Down
0106-172 - Peter Hamilton: Fallen Dragon
0106-173 - George Zebrowski: Swift Thoughts
0106-174 - Lois Bujold: Diplomatic Immunity
0106-175 - Robert Silverberg: The Longest Way Home
0106-176 - Alan Dean Foster: The Mocking Program
0106-177 - China Mieville: The scar
0106-178 - James Gardner: Trapped
0106-179 - Alan Steele: Coyote
0106-180 - Joe Haldeman: The Guardian
0106-181 - Elizabeth Moon: The Speed of Dark
0106-182 - Gregory Keyes: The Briar King
0106-183 - Syne Mitchell: The Changeling Plague
0106-184 - Stephen Baxter: Evolution
0106-185 - Ben Bova: Saturn
0106-186 - John Varley: Red Thunder
0106-187 - James Hogan: The Anguished Dawn
0106-188 - David Weber: Empire From the Ashes
0106-189 - Mike Resnick: Return of Santiago
0106-190 - Ian Watson: Mockeymen
0106-191 - Spider Robinson: Callahan's Con
0106-192 - Ray Bradbury: Bradbury Short Stories
0106-193 - Sherri Tepper: The Companions
0106-194 - Jack McDevitt: Omega
0106-195 - Karen Traviss: City of Pearl
0106-196 - Peter Hamilton: Pandora's Star
0106-197 - Gregory Benford: Beyond Infinity
0106-198 - Paul McAuley: White Devils
0106-199 - Kim Stanley Robinson: Forty Signs of Rain
0106-200 - Richard Morgan: Broken Angels
0106-201 - Greg Bear: Dead Lines
0106-202 - Joe Haldeman: Camouflage
0106-203 - Elizabeth Moon: Marque and Reprisal
0106-204 - Pamela Sargent: Thumbprints
0106-205 - Spider Robinson: Very Bad Deaths
0106-206 - Robert Metzger: Cusp
0106-207 - Gregory Benford: The Sunborn
0106-208 - Alan Steele: Coyote Rising
0106-209 - Jack McDevitt: Polaris
0106-210 - Richard Morgan: Market Forces
0106-211 - Ben Bova: Mercury
0106-212 - Alastair Reynolds: Century Rain
0106-213 - John Varley: Mammoth
0106-214 - Jack Williamson: The Stonehenge
0106-215 - Joe Haldeman: Old Twentieth
0106-216 - Kim Stanley Robinson: Fifty Degrees Below
0106-217 - James Gunn: Gift From the Stars
0106-218 - Jack McDevitt: Seeker
0106-219 - Mike Resnick: Starship, Mutiny
0106-220 - Alan Steele: Coyote Frontier
0106-221 - Walter Mosley: The Wave
0106-222 - Peter Hamilton: Judas Unchained
0106-223 - Greg Bear: Quantico
0106-224 - George Zebrowski: Black Pockets
0106-225 - Alastair Reynolds: Pushing Ice
0106-226 - Charles Stross: Glasshouse
0106-227 - Anne McCaffrey: Dragon's Fire
0106-228 - Catherine Asaro: Alpha
0106-229 - Alan Dean Foster: Sagramanda
0106-230 - Jack McDevitt: Odyssey
0106-231 - Karen Traviss: Matriarch
0106-232 - Stephen Baxter: Emperor
0106-233 - Mike Resnick: Starship, Pirate
0106-234 - Cory Doctorow: Overclocked
0106-235 - Richard Morgan: Thirteen
0106-236 - Alan Steele: Spindrift
0106-237 - John Harrison: Nova Swing
0106-238 - Michael Chabon: The Yiddish Policeman's Union
0106-239 - Kim Stanley Robinson: Sixty Days and Counting
0106-240 - Joe Haldeman: The Accidental Time Machine
0106-241 - Brian Aldiss: Harm
0106-242 - Sherri Tepper: Margarets, A Novel
0106-243 - Ray Bradbury: Leviathon 99
0106-244 - Charles Stross: Halting State
0106-245 - Jack McDevitt: Cauldron
0106-246 - Peter Hamilton: Dreaming Void
0106-247 - Ian Banks: Matter
0106-248 - Mike Resnick: Starship Mercenary
0106-249 - James Morrow: Philospher's Apprentice
0106-250 - Alan Steele: Galaxy Blues
0106-251 - Alastair Reynolds: The Prefect
0106-252 - David Drake: When the Tide Rises
0106-253 - Spider Robinson: Very Hard Choices
0106-254 - Harry Turledove: Man With Iron Heart
0106-255 - John Ringo: The Last Centurion
0106-256 - David Gunn: Death's Head, Maximum Offense
0106-257 - Frederick Pohl & Arthur Clarke: The Last Theorem
0106-258 - Greg Bear: City at End of Time
0106-259 - Jack McDevitt: The Devil's Eye
0106-260 - Mike Resnick: Starship, Rebel
0106-261 - George Zebrowski: Empties
0106-262 - C J Cherryh: Conspirator
0106-263 - Catherine Asaro: Diamond Star
0106-264 - Michael Williamson: Contact With Chaos
0106-265 - Robert Sawyer: WWW.Wake
0106-266 - Howard Waldrop: The Moone World
0106-267 - Ben Bova: The Immortality Factor
0106-268 - Robert Wilson: Julian Comstock
0106-269 - Rudy Rucker: Hylozoic
0106-270 - William Dietz: At Empire's Edge
0106-271 - Jack McDevitt: Time Travellers Never Die
0106-272 - Barnes: Directive 51
0106-273 - Joe Haldeman: Starbound
0106-274 - Greg Bear: Mariposa
0106-275 - Allan Steele: Coyote Destiny
0106-276 - Robert Sawyer: WWW.Watch
0106-277 - Mike Resnick: Starhip, Flagship
0107 - L Frank Baum: The Wizard of Oz Collection, 4 Volume set - Photos
0110 - Library of Great Lives - per wailofatail

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:14 am

0116 - Signed First Editions - Photos
0116-001 - John Updike: Self-Consciousness
0116-002 - Carl Bernstein: Loyalties
0116-003 - John Hersey: Life Sketches
0116-004 - James McGregor Burns: Crosswinds of Freedom
0116-005 - Andrew A Rooney: Not That You Asked
0116-006 - John Cardinal O'Connell & Edward Koch: His Eminence and Rizzoner
0116-007 - Bill Cosby: Love and Marriage
0116-010 - Rick Atkinson: The Long Gray Line
0116-011 - W Bruce Lincoln: Red Victory
0116-012 - George P will: Men at Work
0116-013 - Harvey Mackay: Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt
0116-014 - Wendy Wasserstein: Bachelor Girls
0116-015 - Helen Hayes: My Life in Three Acts
0116-016 - Caspar W Weinberger: Fighting For Peace
0116-017 - John Chancellor: Peril and Promise
0116-018 - Howard Blum: Out There
0116-019 - Larry King: Tell Me More
0116-020 - Charles Kuralt: Life on the Road
0116-021 - A e Hotchner: Blown Away
0116-022 - Charleton Heston: Beijing Diary
0116-023 - Garry Willis: Under God, Religion and American Politics
0116-024 - Hedrick Smith: The New Russians
0116-025 - Charles Scribner Jr: In the Company of Writers, A Life in Publishing
0116-026 - David Halberstam: The Next Century
0116-027 - James Reston: Collision at Home Plate
0116-028 - Howard Cosell: What's Wrong with Sports
0116-029 - Stephen Jay Gould: Bully for Brontosaurus
0116-030 - Anatloy Karpov: Karpov on Karpov
0116-031 - Stephen E Ambrose: Nixon, Ruin and Recovery
0116-032 - Ken Auletta: Three Blind Mice
0116-033 - Max M Kampelman: Entering New Worlds
0116-034 - Geoffrey C Ward: American Originals
0116-035 - Kurt Vonnegut Jr: Fates Worse Than Death
0116-036 - Ginger Rogers: Ginger
0116-037 - Elie Wiesel: Sages and Dreamers
0116-038 - William F Buckley: Windfall
0116-039 - Paul Theroux: The Happy Isles of Oceania
0116-040 - Elliot Abrams: Undue Process
0116-041 - Daniel Barenboim: A Life in Music
0116-042 - Jim Lehrer: A Bus of My Own
0116-043 - Alexander Haig: Inner Circles
0116-044 - Roger Lewin & Richard Leakey: Origins Reconsidered
0116-045 - Antonia Fraser: The Wives of Henry VIII
0116-046 - Harold C Schonberg: Horowitz, His Life and Music
0116-047 - William Kennedy: Riding the Yellow Trolley Car
0116-048 - Twyla Tharp: Push Come to Shove
0116-049 - William Safire: The First Dissident
0116-050 - Faye Dunaway: Looking for Gatsby
0116-051 - Mortimer J Adler: The Four Dimensions of Philosophy
0116-052 - Bill Moyers: Healing and the Mind
0116-053 - Jimmy Carter: Turning Point
0116-054 - Zbigniew Brzezinski: Out of Control
0116-055 - William Bennett: The Book of Virtues
0116-056 - James Earl Jones: Voices and Silences
0116-057 - Herbert Block: Herblock, A Cartoonist's Life
0116-058 - Carlos Castaneda: The Art of Dreaming
0116-059 - Barbara Bush: Barbara Bush, A Memoir
0116-060 - Terry Waite: Taken on Trust
0116-061 - M Scott Peck: Further Along the Road
0116-062 - Peter Arnett: Live From the Battle Field
0116-063 - Larry King: On the Line
0116-064 - Dan Rather: The Camera Never Blinks
0116-065 - Shimon Peres: The New Middle East
0116-066 - Peggy Noonan: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
0116-067 - Haynes Johnson: Divided We Fall
0116-068 - Garry Wills: Certain Trumpets
0116-069 - John Naisbitt: Global Paradox
0116-070 - Erica Jong: Fear of 50
0116-071 - Jeff Kluger & James Lovell: Lost Moon
0116-072 - James Carville & Mary Matalin: All's Fair, Love, War and Running for President
0116-073 - George F Will: Leveling Wind
0116-074 - John C Danforth: Resurrection
0116-075 - Lonnie Wheeler & Bob Gibson: Stranger to the Game
0116-076 - Daniel J Boorstin: Cleopatra's Nose
0116-077 - Moshe Arens: Broken Covenant
0116-078 - Mortimer J Adler: Adler's Philosophical Dictionary
0116-079 - Robert McNamara: In Retrospect, The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam
0116-080 - Buck O'Neill: I Was Right on Time
0116-081 - Hanan Ashrawi: This Side of Peace
0116-082 - Charleton Heston: In the Arena
0116-083 - George Foreman: By George
0116-084 - Anthony Quinn: One Man Tango
0116-085 - Alfonse D'Amato: Power, Pasta and Politics
0116-086 - Benjamin C Bradlee: A Good Life
0116-087 - James Baker: The Politics of Diplomacy
0116-088 - William Bennett: The Moral Compass
0116-089 - Bill Bradley: Time Present, Time Past, A Memoir
0116-090 - Dan Quayle & Diane Medved: The American Family
0116-091 - Calvin Trillin: Messages from My Father
0116-092 - Alan King: Name-Dropping
0116-093 - Theodore C Sorensen: Why I Am A Democrat
0116-094 - Art Buchwald: I'll Always Have Paris
0116-095 - Andrew Young: An Easy Burden
0116-096 - Jay Leno: Leading With My Chin
0116-097 - B B King: Blues All Around Me
0116-098 - Thomas Moore: The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life
0116-099 - M Scott Peck: In Heaven As on Earth
0116-100 - William F Buckley Jr: The Right Word
0116-101 - Waylon Jennings: Waylon
0116-102 - Joan Rivers: Bouncing Back
0116-103 - George Carlin: Brain Droppings
0116-104 - Robert B Reich: Locked in the Cabinet
0116-105 - Boutros Boutros-Ghali: Egypt's Road to Jerusalem
0116-106 - Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Grand Chessboard
0116-107 - Stanley Kramer: A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
0116-108 - John Kerry: The New War
0116-109 - Karl Malden: When Do I Start?
0116-110 - Kirk Douglas: Climbing the Mountain
0116-111 - Kurt Vonnegut Jr: Timequake
0116-112 - Stephen E Ambrose: Citizen Soldiers
0116-113 - Peter Matthiesen: Lost Man's River
0116-115 - Larry King: Future Talk
0116-116 - Ronald Reagen: A Shining City
0116-117 - Judy Collins: Singing Lessons
0116-118 - Jim McKay: The Real McKay
0116-119 - Peter Fonda: Don't Tell Dad
0116-120 - Joyce Carol Oates: My Heart Laid Bare
0116-121 - George Pataki: Pataki, An Autobiography
0116-122 - George Jones: I Lived to Tell it All
0116-123 - Bob Dole: Great Political Wit
0116-124 - George Stephanopoulos: All Too Human - Photos
0116-125 - John Updike: Bech at Bay
0116-126 - Lesley Stahl: Reporting Live
0116-127 - Paul Simon: Paul Simon
0116-128 - Helen Thomas: Front Row at the White House
0116-129 - Annie Dillard: For the Time Being
0116-130 - Dwight Gooden: Heat
0116-131 - Norman Podhoretz: Ex-Friends
0116-132 - Dan Rather: Deadlines and Datelines
0116-133 - Max Frankel: The Times of My Life and My Life With the Times
0116-134 - Whitey Herzog: You're Missing a Great Game
0116-135 - William F Buckley Jr: The Redhunter
0116-136 - Jane Goodall: Reason For Hope
0116-137 - Alan Dershowitz: Just Revenge
0116-138 - John Kenneth Galbraith: Name Dropping, From FDR on
0116-139 - William Shatner: Get A Life!
0116-140 - Kurt Vonnegut Jr: Bagombo Snuff Box
0116-141 - Dan Quayle: Worth Fighting For
0116-142 - Jane Alexader: Command Performance
0116-143 - Frank McCourt: 'Tis, A Memoir
0116-144 - Isaac Stern: My First 79 Years
0116-145 - Joseph Lieberman: In Praise of Public Life
0116-146 - Jerry Stiller: Married to Laughter
0116-147 - Cybill Shepherd: Cybill Disobedience
0116-148 - Bill Cosby: It's All Relative
0116-149 - Stephen Jay Gould: Lying Stones of Marrakech
0116-150 - Jim Lehrer: Special Prisoner
0116-151 - Al Roker: Don't Make Me Stop the Car
0116-152 - Stephen E Ambrose: Nothing Like It In the World
0116-153 - David Gregen: Eyewitness to Power
0116-154 - Larry King: Anything Goes
0116-155 - Gore Vidal: The Golden Age
0116-156 - Arthur M Schlesinger Jr: A Life in the 20th Century
0116-157 - John Updike: Licks of Love
0116-158 - Bob Dole: Great Presidential Wit
0116-159 - Bob Woodward: Maestro
0116-160 - Jimmy Breslin: I Don't Want to go to Jail
0116-161 - Dan Rather: The American Dream
0116-162 - Sumner Redstone: A Passion to Win
0116-163 - Walter Cronkite: Around America
0116-164 - Garrison Keillor: Lake Wobegon, Summer 1956
0116-165 - David Halberstam: War in a Time of Peace
0116-166 - Larry Hagman: Hello Darlin'
0116-167 - Edward Teller: Memoirs
0116-168 - Andrea Bocelli: The Music of Silence
0116-169 - Roger Ebert: The Great Movies
0116-170 - Thomas Keneally: American Scoundrel
0116-171 - James D Watson: Genes, Girls and Gamow, After the Double Helix
0116-172 - Loretta Lynn: Still Woman Enough
0116-173 - Bob Kerrey: When I Was a Young Man
0116-174 - Elie Wiesel: The Judges
0116-175 - Art Buchwald: We'll Laugh Again
0116-176 - Hugh Downs: My America, What My Country Means to Me
0116-177 - John McCain: Worth Fighting For, A Memoir
0116-178 - David Rockefeller: A Memoir
0116-179 - Hadassah & Joseph Liederman: An Amazing Adventure
0116-180 - Tom Brokaw: A Long Way From Home
0116-181 - Bob Schieffer: This Just In
0116-182 - James Jeffords: An Independent Man
0116-183 - Charles Osgood: Funny Letters From Famous People
0116-184 - Madeleine Albright: Madame Secretary
0116-185 - Sandra Day O'Connor: The Majesty of the Law
0116-186 - John S D Eisenhower: General Ike
0116-187 - Bill Cosby: Friends of a Feather
0116-188 - Olympia Dukakis: Ask Me Again Tomorrow
0116-189 - Newt Gingrich & William Forstchen: Gettysburg
0116-190 - Barbara Bush: Reflections, Life After the White House
0116-191 - Steve Martin: The Pleasure of My Company
0116-192 - Winston Churchill: Never Give In
0116-193 - John Kerry: A Call to Service
0116-194 - Paul Newman & A E Hotchner: Shameless Exploitation
0116-195 - Desmond Tutu: God Has A Dream
0116-196 - Cokie Roberts: Founding Mothers
0116-197 - John McCain: Why Courage Matters
0116-198 - Tim Russert: Big Russ and Me
0116-199 - Rodney Dangerfield: It's Not Easy Being Me
0116-200 - John Kenneth Galbraith: The Economics of Innocent Fraud
0116-201 - Trent Lott: Herding Cats
0116-202 - Wynton Marsalis: Moving to Higher Ground
0116-203 - Paul Hornung: Golden Boy
0116-204 - Tommy Franks: American Soldier
0116-205 - Tatum O'Neal: A Paper Life
0116-206 - Kay Bailey Hutchison: American Heroines
0116-207 - Gene Wilder: Kiss Me Like a Stranger
0116-208 - Doris Kearns Goodwin: Team of Rivals
0116-209 - Bob Dole: One Soldier's Story
0116-210 - Jack & Suzy Welch: Winning, the Ultimate Business How-To Book
0116-211 - Ari Fleischer: Taking Heat
0116-212 - Lauren Bacall: By Myself and Then Some
0116-213 - Goldie Hawn: A Lotus Grows in the Mud
0116-214 - Andrea Mitchell: Talking Back
0116-215 - Jerry Lewis & James Kaplan: Dean and Me, A Love Story
0116-216 - James Carville & Paul Begala: Take it Back
0116-217 - Alan Alda: Never Have Your Dog Stuffed
0116-218 - Maureen Dowd: Are Men Necessary?
0116-219 - Any Tan: Saving Fish From Drowning
0116-220 - Madeleine Albright: The Mighty and the Almighty
0116-221 - Fay Vincent: The Only Game in Town
0116-222 - L Paul Bremer: My Year in Iraq
0116-223 - Carl Reiner: NNNNN
0116-224 - Edward Kennedy: America Back on Track
0116-225 - Tim Russert: Wisdom of Our Fathers
0116-226 - Shirin Ebadi: Iran Awakening
0116-227 - John Danforth: Faith and Politics
0116-228 - George Tenet: At the Center of the Storm
0116-229 - Bob Newhart: I Shouldn't Even Be Doing This
0116-230 - Maya Angelou: Celebrations
0116-231 - Bill Bradley: America's Choice
0116-232 - James Baker III: Work Hard, Study and Keep Out of Politics
0116-233 - Cokie Roberts: Ladies of Liberty
0116-312 - Helga Weiss: Helga's Diary ??ebay
0116-343 - Bill Walton: Back From the Dead
0116-344 - Karl Rove: Triumph of William McKinley
0116-349 - Julian Barnes: The Noise of Time
0116-372 - Paul Steinhardt: The Second Kind of Impossible
0116-373 - Sally Field: In Pieces
0116-378 - Nelson DeMille & Alex DeMille: The Deserter
0116-380 - Jason Rzaian: Prisoner, My 544 Days Iranian Prison
0116-381 - Lynn Olson: Madame Fourcade
0116-382 - David Brooks: The Second Mountain
0116-383 - Clive Thompson: Coders, Making of A New Tribe
0116-384 - Mitchell Zuckoff: Fall & Rise, The Story of 911
0116-385 - John Le Carre: Agent Running in the Field
0116-386 - Madeleine Albright: Hell and Other Desinations, A 21st Century Memoir
0116-387 - Paul Krugman: Arguing With Zombies
0116-388 - Robert Dallek: How Did We Get Here? From Theodore Roosevelt to Donald Trump
0116-389 - Anne Tyler: Redhead By the Side of the Road
0116-390 - Brian Greene: Until the End of Time
0116-391 - Michael Connelly: Fair Warning
0116-392 - Louise Erdrich: The Night Watchman
0116-393 - Alice Hoffman: Magic Lessons
0116-401 - Carlo Rovelli: Helgoland
0116-402 - Anita Hill: Believing
0116-403 - Nathaniel Philbrick: Travels With George - Photos
0116-404 - Jeff Shaara: The Eagle's Claw - Photos
0116-405 - Alice Hoffman: The Book of Magic

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:16 am

0117 - Fly Fishing Classics Library, 33 volumes
0117-001 - Nick Lyons: Bright Rivers
0117-002 - Theodore Gordon: The Complete Fly Fisherman
0117-003 - Datus C Proper: What the Trout Said
0117-004 - W C Stewart: The Practical Angler
0117-005 - Paul Schullery: American Fly Fishing, A History
0117-006 - Roderick L Haig-Brown: A River Never Sleeps
0117-007 - John Gierach: Trout Bum
0117-008 - G E M Skues: Minor Tactics of the Chalk Stream and Kindred Studies
0117-009 - Vincent C Mariano: In the Ring of the Rise
0117-010 - Izaak Walton: The Compleat Angler
0117-011 - Ted Leeson: The Habit of Rivers, Reflections on Trout Streams and Fly Fishing
0117-012 - John Voelker: Trout Magic
0117-013 - Romilly Fedden: Golden Days, From the Fishing Log of A Painter in Brittany
0117-014 - F M Halford: Dry Fly Fishing, Theory and Practice
0117-015 - John Voelker: Trout Madness
0117-016 - John McDonald: The Origins of Angling
0117-017 - Tom Rosenbauer: Reading Trout Streams
0117-018 - Ernest G Schwiebert Jr: Matching the Hatch
0117-019 - Sparse Grey Hackle: Fishless Days, Angling Nights
0117-020 - Gary LaFontaine: Caddisflies
0117-021 - Al Caucci & Bob Nastasi: Hatches II
0117-022 - George M L La Branche: The Dry Fly & Fast Water and The Salmon & The Dry Fly
0117-023 - Emlyn M Gill: Practical Dry-Fly Fishing
0117-024 - Arnold Gingrich: The Well-Tempered Angler
0117-025 - Vincent C Marinaro: A Modern Dry-Fly Code
0117-026 - John Waller Hills: A History of Fly Fishing For Trout
0117-027 - Edward R Hewitt: A Trout and Salmon Fisherman For Seventy-Five Years
0117-028 - D Swisher & C Richards: Selective Trout
0117-029 - Harry Plunket Greene: Where the Bright Waters Meet
0117-030 - G E M Skues: The Way of A Trout With A Fly, and Some Further Studies In Minor Tactics
0117-031 - Lee Wulff: The Atlantic Salmon
0117-032 - Alfred Ronalds: The Fly-Fisher's Entomology
0117-033 - Charles E Brooks: Nymph Fishing for Larger Trout
0119 - The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, 3 volume set
0119-001 - Robert Silverberg (Editor): Short Stories, Volume 1
0119-002 - Ben Bova (Editor): Novellas, Volume IIA
0119-002 - Ben Bova (Editor): Novellas, Volume IIB
0120 - Masterpieces of Fantasy
0120-001 - Roger Zelazny: Nine Princes of Amber
0120-002 - Peter S Beagle: The Last Unicorn
0120-003 - Elizabeth Moon: Sheepfarmer's Daughter
0120-004 - Fritz Leiber: Gather, Darkness
0120-005 - Marion Zimmer Bradley: The Mists of Avalon Volume 1 (Signed)
0120-006 - Marion Zimmer Bradley: The Mists of Avalon Volume 2
0120-007 - James Blish: The Devil's Day
0120-008 - Morgan Llywelyn: Lion of Ireland
0120-009 - Brian W Aldiss: The Malacia Tapestry
0120-010 - Ursula K Le Guin: A Wizard of Earthsea Volume 1
0120-011 - Ursula K Le Guin: A Wizard of Earthsea Volume 2
0120-012 - Judith Tarr: The Hound and the Falcon
0120-013 - Terry Brooks: The Sword of Shannara (Signed)
0120-014 - David Eddings: Pawn of Prophecy (Signed)
0120-015 - Robert Holdstock: Mythago Wood
0120-016 - Raymond E Feist: Magician, Apprentice (Signed)
0120-017 - Mercedes Lackey: Queen's Own Volume 1, Arrows of the Queen & Arrow's Flight
0120-018 - Andre Norton: Witch World - Photos
0120-019 - Stephen R Donaldson: Lord Foul's Bane
0120-020 - Jack Williamson: Darker Than You Think
0120-021 - Robert Silverberg: Lord Valentine's Castle
0120-022 - Poul Anderson: Three Hearts and Three Lions
0120-023 - Raymond E Feist: Magician, Master
0120-024 - Piers Anthony: A Spell for Chameleon
0120-026 - John Crowley: Little, Big
0120-027 - L Sprague de Camp, Fletcher Pratt: The Complete Compleat Enchanter
0120-028 - Katherine Kurtz: Deryni Rising
0120-030 - Robert A Heinlein: The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag
0120-033 - Guy Gavriel Kay: Tigana (Signed)
0120-035 - Marion Zimmer Bradley: The Mists of Avalon Volume 1
0120-036 - Marion Zimmer Bradley: The Mists of Avalon Volume 2
0120-037 - J R R Tolkien: The Fellowship of the Ring
0120-038 - J R R Tolkien: The Two Towers
0120-039 - J R R Tolkien: The Return of the King
0120-040 - Patricia K McKillip: The Riddle-Master of Hed
0120-042 - Mervyn Peake: The Gormenghast Novels Volume 1, Titus Groan
0120-045 - T H White: The Once and Future King
0120-047 - Mervyn Peake: The Gormenghast Novels Volume 2, Gormenghast & Titus Alone
0120-048 - Mercedes Lackey: Queen's Own Volume 2, Arrow's Fall
0135 - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The Complete Sherlock Holmes - Photos
0143 - C S Lewis: The Chronicles of Narnia, 7 Volume set - $46.25 per volume per WBM
0144 - J R R Tolkien: The Hobbit - $74 per WBM
0147 - J R R Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings, 3 Volume set - $74 per volume per WBM
0148 - Jules Verne: Classics, 3 Volume set - per AgaEP

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:17 am

0161 - Winston Churchill: The Second World War, 6 Volume set - Photos
0166 - A A Milne: Winnie-the-Pooh and the Collected Stories, 4 Volume set - Photos
0193 - J R R Tolkien: The Hobbit, LOTR Trilogy, The Silmarillion, 5 Volume set - Photos
0196 - Books That Changed the World - Photos
0196-002 - The Meaning of Relativity
0196-009 - Resistance to Civil Government
0196-011 - Beyond Good and Evil
0196-018 - Magna Carta
0196-036 - The Interpretation of Dreams
0196-065 - Thomas Paine: Common Sense
0196-073 - The Prince
0196-087 - The Double Helix
0196-090 - The Communist Manifesto & Other Writings

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:18 am

0199 - Charles Dickens: Complete Works, 21 Volume set - Photos

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:18 am

0240 - Myths of the Ancient World, 10 Volume set - Photos
0241 - Martin Gilbert: Official Biography of Winston Churchill, 12 Volume set - per AgaEP
0243 - Richard Burton: The Complete Arabian Nights, 17 Volume set - Photos
0246 - James Michener: Chesapeake, 2 Volume set - per AgaEP
0251 - Rembrandt Family Bible - Photos
0252 - Treasures of the Library of Congress, 20 volumes per Wailofatail
0255 - The Great Illustrated Classics, 10 Volumes - Photos
0267 - The Library of Travel Classics, 15 Volumes - Photos
0269 - William Faulkner Classics, 11 Volume set - per AgaEP
0270 - Will and Ariel Durant: The Story of Civilization - Photos
0274 - Heroes of the Wild West, 5 Volumes - per AgaEP

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:18 am

0277 - The Greatest Shakespeare Library, 39 Volume set - Photos
0279 - A History of the English Speaking Peoples, 4 Volume set - $52 per WBM
0282 - Richard Nixon Library - per Wailofatail
0284 - Masterpieces of American Literature - per wailofatail

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:19 am

0286 - Harvard Classics, 50 Volume set - Photos
0287 - Ernest Hemingway: The Old Man and the Sea - Photos
0300 - Charles Dickens: A Treasury, 4 volume set
0300-001 - Dombey & Son
0300-002 - Little Dorrit
0300-003 - Martin Chuzzlewit
0300-004 - Our Mutual Friend

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:19 am

0301 - Unused
0302 - World's Great Religions, 6 volume set - Photos
0302-001 - Protestantism
0302-002 - Judaism
0302-003 - Catholicism
0302-004 - Hinduism
0302-005 - Islam
0302-006 - Buddhism
0303 - Impressionists, 5 volume set
0303-001 - Sisley
0303-002 - Pissarro
0303-003 - Cezanne
0303-004 - Gauguin
0303-005 - Seurat
0304 -
0304-001 - The Martian Chronicles
0304-002 - Politics and Poetics
0304-003 - Roughing It
0304-004 - Short Stories
0304-005 - Talisman
0304-006 - Writings of Jefferson
0305- L Ron Hubbard: Astounding Stories
0305-001 - The Case of a Friendly Corpse
0305-002 - To the Stars
0305-003 - The Obsolete Weapon
0305-004 - The Kingslayer
0305-005 - The Ghoul
0305-006 - Ultimate Adventure
0305-007 - The Tramp
0305-008 - The Kilkenny Cats Series
0305-009 - The Indigestible Trition
0305-010 - The Crossroads
0305-011 - Invaders/The Beast
0305-012 - Typewriter in the Sky
0306 - Boswell's Life of Johnson, 4 volume set
0306-001 - The Life of Samuel Johnson volume 1
0306-002 - The Life of Samuel Johnson volume 2
0306-003 - The Life of Samuel Johnson volume 3
0306-004 - The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
0307 - Margaret Thatcher: The Downing Street Years
0308 - America's Achievements in Space, 14 Videos
0309 - The Cloth Hummel 1994 Appointment Diary
0310 - The Hummel 1994 Appointment Diary
0311 - Photographic History of the Civil War, 10 Volume set - per Tom41
0317 - Douglas Southall Freeman: George Washington - per wailofatail
0318 - The Library of The Great American Authors, 12 Volumes - per Wailofatail
0319 - Library of Great Poetry, 25 Volume set - Photos
0319-002 - Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Poems - Photos
0319-010 - Percy Bysshe Shelley: Poems - Photos
0319-011 - Lord Alfred Tennyson: Poems - Photos
0319-012 - William Wordsworth: Poems - Photos

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:20 am

0320 - Great Philosophers, 12 Volume set - Photos
0336 - Henry Kissinger: Diplomacy - Photos
0338 - Carl Sandburg: Abraham Lincoln, 6 Volume set - Photos
0339 - The Civil War Library, 35 Volumes - per AgaEP
0340 - One Nation, America Remembers September 11, 2001 - Photos
0343 - Ernest Hemingway: The Complete Works, 20 Volume set - Photos
0348 - The New York Times Page One: 1851-2002 - Photos
0350 - Unused

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:20 am

0351 - Sporting News: Cal, Celebrating the Career of a Baseball Legend
0352 - Children's Circle
0353 - Children's Circle
0354 - Unused
0355 - The Bible in Art
0356 - Unused
0357 - Unused
0358 - Laura Ingalls Wilder: Little House on the Prairie, 9 volume set
0359 - Unused
0360 - Unused
0361 - Unused
0362 - Don Troiani's Civil War
0363 - The Ultimate Book of Historic Barns
0364 - Signed First Editions
0365 - R I Wilson: Steel Canvas, The Art of American Arms (Signed First Edition) Limited to 1000 copies, 1995
0366 - Alban Butler: Butler's Lives of the Saints, 4 volume set - Photos
0367 - Unused
0368 - Unused
0369 - Margaret Thatcher: The Path to Power (Signed First Edition) Limited to 3000 copies, 1995
0370 - The 500 World's Greatest Golf Holes
0371 - Ruth Eisenstein (Editor): Norman Rockwell's Christmas Book $84
0372 - Muzzy Foreign Language Videos
0373 - Unused
0374 - Unused
0375 - Travelview International
0376 - Unused
0377 - Aircrafts, Videos
0378 - Unused
0379 - Stephen E Ambrose: D-Day and Citizen Soldier, 2 volume set
0380 - Birds Sights and Sounds
0381 - Will and Ariel Durant History 2 volume set?
0382 - Unused
0383 - Unused
0384 - Marco Tosa: Barbie, Four Decades of Fashion, Fantasy, and Fun 1998
0385 - Warriors of WWII, 11 volume set
0385-001 - Patton, with Special Introductory Cassette
0385-002 - Hitler
0385-003 - Josef Stalin, Mussolini
0385-004 - Macarthur, Marshall
0385-005 - Eisenhower, Degaulle
0385-006 - Churchill
0385-007 - Rommel, Goebbels
0385-008 - Franco, Hirohito
0385-009 - F. D. Roosevelt
0385-010 - Halsey, Nimitz
0385-011 - Harry S Truman
0386 - Hugh Johnson: The Story of Wine (Signed)? 1998
0387 ? Science Classics?
0388 - Science Classics - Photos
0388-001 - Stephen Hawking: A Brief History of Time
0388-002 - Galileo Galilei: Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences
0388-003 - James D Watson: The Double Helix
0388-004 - Albert Einstein: The Meaning of Relativity
0388-005 - Copernicus: De Revolutionibus
0388-006 - Charles Darwin: On the Origin of Species
0388-007 - Jonathan Weiner: The Beak of the Finch
0388-008 - I Bernard Cohen: The Birth of a New Physics
0388-009 - Lewis Thomas: The Lives of a Cell
0388-010 - Isaac Newton: Principia
0388-011 - Thomas S Kuhn: Structure of Scientific Revolutions
0388-012 - Carl Sagan: Cosmos
0388-013 - Simon Singh: Fermat's Enigma
0388-014 - Richard Feynman: Six Easy Pieces
0388-015 - Antoine Laurent Lavoisier: Elements of Chemistry
0388-016 - Johannes Kepler: Epitome of Copernician Astronomy & Harmonies of the World
0389 - Richard A Johnson: A Century of Boston Sports (2000)
0390 - Unused
0391 - Unused
0392 - Unused
0393 - Moon Landing
0394 - Unused
0395 - Unused
0396 - Unused
0397 - Albert H Morehead, Richard L Frey, Geoffrey Mott-Smith: Hoyle's Rules of the Game, 2 volume set
0397-001 - Volume 1
0397-002 - Volume 2
0398 - First Edition Library Mysteries (FEL)
0398-001 - Dashiell Hammett: The Maltese Falcon
0398-002 - James M Cain: The Postman Always Rings Twice
0398-003 - S S Van Dine: The Dragon Murder Case
0398-004 - Raymond Chandler: The Big Sleep
0398-005 - Rex Stout: Fer-De-Lance
0398-006 - Mickey Spillane: I, The Jury
0398-007 - Raymond Chandler: The Little Sister
0398-008 - W R Burnett: Little Caesar
0398-009 - Ellery Queen: The Roman Hat Mystery
0398-010 - William Irish (Cornell Woolrich): Phantom Lady
0398-011 - Earl Derr Biggers: The House Without A Key
0398-012 - Dashiell Hammett: The Thin Man
0399 - Unused
0400 - Unused

Editado: Dic 1, 2020, 11:38 am

0403 - Roger Bannister: The Four Minute Mile (Signed) 1999
0404 - William E Wallace: Michelangelo, The Complete Sculpture, Painting, Architecture
0410 - Vonnegut: Cat's Cradle (Signed) 2000
0412 - Dick Francis: Dead Cert (Signed) 2000 - Photos
0413 - Edward I Koch, Daniel Paisner: I'm Not Done Yet!
0418 - Jane Powell: The Girl Next Door (Signed) 2000
0419 - Jim Bouton: Ball Four, The Final Pitch - Photos
0422 - Classics of Strategy and Leadership, 2 volume set - Photos
0422-001 - Sun Tzu: The Art of War
0422-002 - Nicollo Machiavelli: The Prince
0425 - Henry Kissinger: Years of Renewal (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 2500 copies, 1999
0427 - Classic Journalism of WWII, 2 volume set
0427-001 - Ernie Pyle: Ernie's War
0427-002 - Bill Mauldin: Up Front
0428 - Martin Gilbert: History of the Twentieth Century
0429 - Ira Levin: Rosemary's Baby
0430 - Robert Graves: Claudis, 2 volume set
0430-001 - I, Claudius
0430-002 - Claudius The God
0431 - Frank McCourt: Angela's Ashes
0432 - Daniel J Boorstin: Americans
0432-001 - The Colonial Experience
0432-002 - The National Experience
0432-003 - The Democratic Experience
0433 - Nicholas Sparks: The Rescue
0434 - Mort Kuntsler (Illustrator), James I Robertson Jr: The Confederate Spirit, Valor, Sacrifice, and Honor (Signed) 2000
0435 - Allan M Siegal, William G connolly (Editors): The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage - 2000
0436 - Gore Vidal: Lincoln
0437 - Larry King, Pat Piper: Anything Goes! What I've Learned from Pundits, Politicians, and Presidents (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1350 copies, 2000
0438 - David McCullough: Truman, 2 volume set
0438-001 - Volume I
0438-002 - Volume II
0439 - Joseph Wallace, Hamilton, Appel: Baseball, 100 Classic Moments in the History of the Game
0440 - Henry David Thoreau: Classics, 4 volume set - Photos
0440-001 - Walden or Life in the Woods
0440-002 - Resistance to Civil Government and Other Writings
0440-003 - Cape Cod
0440-004 - The Maine Woods
0441 - Charles Darwin: Classics, 4 volume set
0441-001 - On The Origin of Species
0441-002 - The Descent of Man
0441-003 - The Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle
0441-004 - The Autobiography of Charles Darwin
0442 - C S Forester: Horatio Hornblower Classics, 11 volume set - Photos
0442-001 - Mr Midshipman Hornblower
0442-002 - Lieutenant Hornblower
0442-003 - Hornblower and the Hotspur
0442-004 - Hornblower and the Atropos
0442-005 - Beat To Quarters
0442-006 - Ship of the Line
0442-007 - Flying Colours
0442-008 - Commodore Hornblower
0442-009 - Lord Hornblower
0442-010 - Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies
0442-011 - Hornblower During the Crisis
0443 - David Gergen: Eyewitness to Power (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1500 copies, 2000
0444 - Jim Lehrer: The Special Prisoner (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1425 copies, 2000
0445 - Stephen E Ambrose: Nothing Like it in the World (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1650 copies, 2000
0446 - John Updike: The Witches of Eastwick - Photos
0447 - Ray Robinson, Christopher Jennison: Yankee Stadium, 75 Years of Drama, Glamor, and Glory
0448 - Alexandre Dumas: Greatest Novels of the Three Musketeers, 3 volume set
0448-001 - Twenty Years After
0448-002 - The Man in the Iron Mask
0448-003 - The Three Musketeers
0449 - The Vince Lombardi set

Unused Item Numbers: 0400, 0401, 0402, 0405, 0406, 0407, 0408, 0409, 0411, 0414, 0415, 0416, 0417, 0420, 0421, 0423, 0424, 0426
Non-Book Item Numbers:
Total Number of Books:

Editado: Ago 3, 2020, 7:55 pm

0450 - Signed Modern Classics - Photos
0450-001 - Arthur Miller: Death of a Salesman
0450-002 - Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451
0450-003 - Maya Angelou: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
0450-004 - Ken Kesey: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
0450-005 - John Updike: Rabbit Run
0450-006 - Kurt Vonnegut Jr: Slaughterhouse-Five
0450-007 - Ernest J Gaines: A Lesson Before Dying
0450-008 - John Berendt: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
0450-009 - Michael Ondaatje: The English Patient
0450-010 - Budd Schulberg: What Makes Sammy Run
0450-011 - Leon Uris: Trinity
0450-012 - Charles Frazier: Cold Mountain
0450-013 - William Styron: Sophie's Choice
0450-014 - Anne Tyler: The Accidental Tourist
0450-015 - Thomas Keneally: Schindler's List
0450-016 - John Fowles: The French Lieutenant's Woman
0450-017 - Edward Albee: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
0450-018 - Laura Esquivel: Like Water For Chocolate
0450-019 - William Kennedy: Ironweed
0450-020 - Thomas Berger: Little Big Man
0450-021 - Garrison Keillor: Lake Wobegon Days
0450-022 - Harold Pinter: The Homecoming
0450-023 - Annie Dillard: Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
0450-024 - V S Naipaul: A Bend in the River
0450-025 - Gore Vidal: Burr
0450-026 - Jerome Lawrence: Inherit the Wind
0450-027 - Jay McInerney: Bright Lights, Big City
0450-028 - Hunter S Thompson: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
0450-029 - Peter Matthiessen: At Play in the Fields of the Lord
0450-030 - Amy Tan: The Joy Luck Club
0450-031 - Joan Didion: A Book of Common Prayer
0450-032 - Erica Jong: Fear of Flying
0450-033 - Robert Pirsig: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
0450-034 - E L Doctorow: Ragtime
0450-035 - William Styron: The Confessions of Nat Turner
0450-036 - Leon Uris: Exodus
0450-037 - Chaim Potok: The Chosen
0450-038 - Alan Sillitoe: Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
0450-039 - Winston Groom: Forrest Gump
0450-040 - Joyce Carol Oates: Them
0450-041 - Erich Segal: Love Story
0450-042 - Michael Crichton: The Andromeda Strain
0450-043 - Daniel Keyes: Flowers for Algernon
0450-044 - Frank McCourt: Angela's Ashes
0450-045 - Mark Harris: Bang the Drum Slowly
0450-046 - Roger Kahn: The Boys of Summer
0450-047 - Tom Robbins: Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
0450-048 - Mickey Spillane: I, The Jury
0450-049 - W P Kinsella: Shoeless Joe
0450-050 - Ved Mehta: The Ledge Between the Streams
0450-051 - Piers Paul Read: Alive
0450-052 - Peter Shaffer: Amadeus
0450-053 - A S Byatt: Possession
0450-054 - Slavomir Rawicz: The Long Walk
0450-055 - John Mortimer: Rumpole of the Bailey
0450-056 - Peter Matthiessen: The Snow Leopard
0450-057 - Heinrich Harrer: Seven Years in Tibet
0450-058 - Arthur Golden: Memoirs of a Geisha
0450-059 - David Halberstam: The Best and the Brightest
0450-060 - Colleen McCullough: The Thorn Birds
0450-061 - Muriel Spark: The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
0450-062 - Richard Ford: Independence Day
0450-063 - Jane Smiley: A Thousand Acres
0450-064 - Mark Helprin: A Winter's Tale
0450-065 - Tim O'Brien: Going After Cacciato
0450-066 - Jhumpa Lahiri: Interpreter of Maladies
0450-067 - Rick Moody: The Ice Storm
0450-068 - E Annie Proulx: The Shipping News
0450-069 - Richard Russo: Empire Falls
0450-070 - Yann Martel: Life of Pi
0450-071 - Geo Xingjan: Soul Mountain
0450-072 - Zadie Smith: White Teeth
0450-073 - Jonathan Franzen: The Corrections
0450-074 - Charles Webb: The Graduate
0450-075 - Caleb Carr: The Alienest
0450-076 - Oscar Hijuelos: The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love
0450-077 - P D James: Cover Her Face
0450-078 - Sara Gruen: Water For Elephants
0450-079 - Paulo Coelho: The Alchemist
0450-080 - Elizabeth Gilbert: Eat, Pray, Love
0450-081 - James Lee Burke: The Tin Roof Blowdown
0450-082 - Junot Diaz: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
0450-083 - Donn Pearce: Cool Hand Luke
0450-084 - Kiran Desai: The Inheritance of Loss
0450-085 - Nick Hornby: High Fidelity
0450-086 - John Grogan: Marley and Me
0450-087 - Huston Smith: The World's Religions
0450-088 - Russell Hoban: Riddley Walker
0450-089 - Robert J Sawyer: Flash Forward
0450-090 - Charlaine Harris: Dead Until Dark
0450-091 - Stephen R Covey: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
0450-092 - Michael Frayn: Spies
0450-093 - Roddy Doyle: Paddy Clark Ha Ha Ha
0450-094 - Martin Amis: Times Arrow
0450-095 - Tracy Chevalier: Girl With A Pearl Earring
0450-096 - Margaret Atwood: The Blind Assassin
0450-097 - Muhammad Yunus: Banker to the Poor
0450-098 - Siddhartha Mukherjee: The Emperor of All Maladies
0450-099 - Jean M Auel: The Clan of the Cave Bear
0450-100 - Jeffrey Archer: Kane & Able
0450-101 - Michael Chabon: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
0450-102 - Lois Lowry: The Giver
0450-103 - Jeffrey Eugenides: Middlesex
0450-104 - Paul Harding: Tinkers
0450-105 - Edward P Jones: The Known World
0450-106 - Marilynne Robinson: Housekeeping
0450-107 - Adam Johnson: The Orphan Master's Son
0450-108 - Ann Patchett: Bel Canto
0450-109 - David Mitchell: Cloud Atlas
0450-110 - Jonathan Lethem: Motherless Brooklyn
0450-111 - Susan Choi: A Person of Interest
0450-112 - Bobbie Ann Mason: In Country
0450-113 - T C Boyle: World's End
0450-114 - Donna Tartt: Secret History
0450-115 - Diana Gabaldon: Outlander
0450-116 - Chad Harbach: The Art of Fielding
0450-117 - Chuck Palahniuk: Fight Club
0450-118 - Piper Kerman: Orange Is the New Black
0450-119 - Colum McCann: Let the Great World Spin
0450-120 - Richard Price: Clockers
0450-121 - Bret Easton Ellis: American Psycho
0450-122 - Frances Mayes: Under the Tuscan Sun
0450-123 - Julian Barnes: The Sense Of An Ending
0450-124 - Garth Stein: The Art of Racing In the Rain
0450-125 - Sue Monk Kidd: The Secret Life of Bees
0450-126 - Denis Johnson: Tree of Smoke
0450-127 - Michael Cunningham: The Hours
0450-128 - Eoin Colfer: Artemis Fowl
0450-129 - Richard Flanagan: The Narrow Road to the Deep North
0450-130 - David Mitchell: The Bone Clocks
0450-131 - Diane Setterfield: The Thirteenth Tale
0450-132 - Philippe Gregory: The Other Boleyn Girl
0450-133 - Christina Baker Kline: Orphan Train
0450-134 - Irvine Welsh: Trainspotting
0450-135 - Lauren Weisberger: The Devil Wears Prada
0450-136 - Cheryl Strayed: Wild
0450-137 - Chris Cleave: Little Bee
0450-138 - Chuck Palahniuk: Survivor
0450-139 - Jeff Kinney: Diary of a Wimpy Kid
0450-140 - Max Brooks: World War Z
0450-141 - Colm Toibin: Brooklyn
0450-142 - Paolo Bacigalupi: The Windup Girl
0450-143 - Gloria Naylor: The Women of Brewster Place
0450-144 - Chuck Palahniuk: Make Something Up
0450-145 - William Styron: Sophie's Choice
0450-146 - Erin Morgenstern: Night Circus
0450-147 - James Grady: Six Days of the Condor
0450-148 - Isabel Allende: The House of the Spirits
0450-149 - Viet Thanh Nguyen: The Sympathizer
0450-150 - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah
0450-151 - Katherine Paterson: Bridge to Terabithia
0450-152 - Natalie Babbitt: Tuck Everlasting
0450-153 - Charlie Lovett: The Bookman's Tale
0450-154 - Tony Kushner: Angels in America
0450-155 - Walter Mosley: Devil in a Blue Dress
0450-156 - Anthony Horowitz: Trigger Mortis
0450-157 - Robin Cook: Coma
0450-158 - Rita Mae Brown: Rubyfruit Jungle
0450-159 - Armistead Maupin: Tales of the City
0450-160 - Marlon James: Brief History of Seven Killings
0450-161 - Louis Sachar: Holes
0450-162 - Erik Larson: The Devil in the White City
0450-163 - Alice Hoffman: Practical Magic
0450-164 - China Mieville: The City and the City
0450-165 - Bret Easton Ellis: Less Than Zero
0450-166 - Fredrik Backman: A Man Called Ove
0450-167 - John LeCarre: The Spy Who Came in From the Cold
0450-168 - Jesmyn Ward: Salvage the Bones
0450-169 - Desmond Tutu: Made For Goodness
0450-170 - Thomas H Kean: Without Precedent
0450-171 - Sandra Day O'Connor: Lazy B
0450-172 - Bill Nye: Unstoppable, Harnessing Science to Change the World
0450-173 - Andrew Sean Greer: Less
0450-174 - Andy Weir: Artemis
0450-175 - Neil Gaiman: Stardust
0450-176 - Nikki Giovanni: A Good Cry
0450-177 - Scott Turow: Presumed Innocent
0450-178 - Orson Scott Card: Ender's Game
0450-179 - David Brin: The Postman
0450-180 - Andy Weir: The Martian
0450-181 - John Grisham: The Firm
0450-182 - Orson Scott Card: Speaker For the Dead
0450-183 - Jason Matthews: Red Sparrow
0450-184 - Celeste Ng: Little Fires Everywhere
0450-185 - George Saunders: Lincoln in the Bardo
0450-186 - Neil Gaiman: Coraline
0450-187 - Sara Donati: Into the Wilderness
0450-188 - Ernest Cline: Ready Player One
0450-189 - Joseph O'Neill: Netherland
0450-190 - Neil Gaiman: The Ocean at the End of the Lane
0450-191 - John LeCarre: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
0450-192 - William Gibson: Neuromancer
0450-193 - Fannie Flagg: Fried Green Tomatoes
0450-194 - Frederick Forsyth: Day of the Jackal
0450-195 - Robert F Kennedy: American Values
0450-196 - Jon Krakauer: Into Thin Air
0450-197 - Margot L Shetterly: Hidden Figures
0450-198 - Diana Gabaldon: A Breath of Snow and Ashes
0450-199 - Delia Owens: Where the Crawdads Sing

Editado: Dic 1, 2020, 11:50 am

0453 - Gore Vidal: Burr
0454 - Annie Dillard: Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
0455 - Joseph Lieberman: In Praise of Public Life
0456 - Buzz Aldrin, John Barnes: The Return
0457 - John Whiteclay Chambers II (Editor): The Oxford Companion to American Military History
0458 - Don Larsen, Mark Shaw: The Perfect Yankee
0459 - The Complete Plato and Aristotle, 9 volume set
0459-001 - Plato Volume 1
0459-002 - Plato Volume 2
0459-003 - Plato Volume 3
0459-004 - Plato Volume 4
0459-005 - Aristotle Volume 1
0459-006 - Aristotle Volume 2
0459-007 - Aristotle Volume 3
0459-008 - Aristotle Volume 4
0459-009 - Aristotle Volume 5
0460 - Julius Caesar, 3 volume set
0460-001 - Christian Meier: Caesar, A Biography
0460-002 - The Gallic Wars (Translated by John Warrington)
0460-003 - The Civil War (Translated by Jane F Gardner)
0461 - G K Chesterton, 2 volume set
0461-001 - Saint Francis of Assisi
0461-002 - The Little Flowers of Saint Francis of Assisi
0462 - Howard Pyle: The Illustrated Legends of King Arthur - Photos
0462-001 - The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
0462-002 - Champions of the Round Table
0462-003 - Sir Launcelot and his Companions
0462-004 - Story of Grail and Passing of Arthur
0463 - John Updike: Licks of Love
0464 - Bob Dole: Great Presidential Wit
0465 - Dante's Divine Comedy (Translated by Allen Mandelbaum, Illustrated by Barry Moser), 3 volume set
0465-001 - Inferno
0465-002 - Purgatorio
0465-003 - Paradiso
0466 - Jan Goodall: In the Shadow of Man
0467 - Anne Rice: The Vampire Chronicles, 5 volume set - Photos
0467-001 - Interview with the Vampire (Signed)
0467-002 - The Vampire Lestat
0467-003 - The Queen of the Damned
0467-004 - The Tale of the Body Thief
0467-005 - Memnoch the Devil
0468 - Founders of the Great Religions, 5 volume set
0468-001 - Edgar J Goodspeed: A Life of Jesus
0468-002 - H G Creel: Confucius, The Man and the Myth
0468-003 - Karen Armstrong; Muhammad, A Biography of the Prophet
0468-004 - Jonathan Kirsch: Moses, A Life
0468-005 - George N Marshall: Buddha, The Quest For Serenity
0469 - Oxford History Reference Set, 2 volume set
0469-001 - Oxford World History
0469-002 - Oxford Companion to U.S. History
0470 - Simple Abundance and Something More, 2 volume set
0470-001 - Simple Abundance
0470-002 - Something More
0471 - Jon Krakauer: Into Thin Air - Photos
0474 - Bill Bradley: Life on the Run (Signed) 1999
0475 - The Greatest Horse Stories Ever Written, 5 volume set
0475-001 - Anna Sewell, Lucy Kemp-Welch (Illustrator): Black Beauty
0475-002 - Walter Farley, Keith Ward (Illustrator): The Black Stallion
0475-003 - Marguerite Henry, Wesley Dennis (Illustrator): Misty of Chincoteague
0475-004 - Mary O'Hara, Dave Blossom (Illustrator): My Friend Flicka
0475-005 - Enid Bagnold, Ted Lewin (Illustrator): National Velvet
0475-006 - John Steinbeck, Wesley Dennis (Illustrator): The Red Pony
0484 - Cars, Shelby Mustang
0487 - The Complete Correspondence, Churchill & Roosevelt, 3 volume set
0487-001 - Volume I
0487-002 - Volume II
0487-003 - Volume III
0489 - G B Trudeau: Flashbacks, 25 Years of Doonesbury (Signed First Edition) Limited to 2000 copies, 1995
0492 - J R R Tolkien: The Silmarillion
0493 - Douglas Adams: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Series, 5 volume set
0493-001 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
0493-002 - The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
0493-003 - Life, The Universe and Everything
0493-004 - So Long and Thanks for All the Fish
0493-005 - Mostly Harmless
0497 - Signed Catalog Singles
0497-001 - Ernest J Gaines: A Lesson Before Dying
0497-002 - John Berendt: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
0497-003 - Michael Ondaatje: The English Patient
0497-004 - Frank McCourt: Angela's Ashes, A Memoir
0498 - Bruce M Metzger, Michael D Coogan (Editors): The Oxford Companion to the Bible
0499 - David Allen Sibley: The Sibley Guide to Birds

Unused Item Numbers: 0451, 0452, 0472, 0473, 0476, 0478, 0480, 0481, 0482, 0483, 0485, 0486, 0488, 0490, 0491, 0494, 0495, 0496
Non-Book Item Numbers: 0477, 0479
Total Number of Books:

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:22 am

0501 - Newt Gingrich: To Renew America (Signed) Limtied to 3000, 1995
0502 - Glorious World of Art - Photos
0502-001 - Lemaitre, Lessing: Florence and the Renaissance
0502-002 - Metalsi, Treal, Ruiz: The Imperial Cities of Morocco
0502-003 - Jarrasse: Rodin, A Passion for Movement
0502-004 - Giovanni Lista: Futurism
0502-005 - Sterlin: The Pharaohs, Master Builders
0502-006 - Passeron: Surrealism
0502-007 - Meyer: Art & craft in Africa
0502-008 - Cubism
0502-009 - Ferrier: The Fauves
0502-010 - Cabanne: Van Gogh
0502-011 - Sala: Michelangelo
0502-012 - Ellridge: Mucha, The Triumph of Art Nouveau
0502-013 - Laisne: Art of Ancient Greece
0502-014 - Annette & Luc Vezin: Kandinsky and Der Blaue Reiter
0502-015 - Parisot: Modigliani
0502-016 - Ferrier: Picasso
0502-017 - Architecture for the Future
0502-018 - Meyer: Masters of English Landscape
0502-019 - Lessing, Varone: Pompei
0502-020 - Buisson, Parisot: Paris Montmartre
0502-021 - Frere: Leonardo
0502-022 - Bajard, Bencini: Villas and Gardens of Tuscany
0502-023 - Papadakis: Classical Modern Architecture
0502-024 - Sala: Caspar David Friedrich
0502-025 - Stierlin: Gold of Pharaohs
0502-026 - Frere: Early Flemish Painters
0502-027 - Papadakis, Steele: Architecture of Today
0502-028 - Bajard, Bencini: Rome, Palaces and Gardens
0502-029 - Bougault: Paris Montparnasse
0502-030 - Meyer: Black Africa, Masks, Sculpture & Jewelry
0502-031 - Caubet, Pouyssegur: The Ancient Near East
0502-032 - Ellridge: Gaugin and the Nabis
0502-033 - Huguenin, Lessing The Glory of Venice
0502-034 - Blanc, Bonnemaison: Mansions of Paris
0502-035 - Penney: Native Arts of North America
0502-036 - Ferrier: Paul Klee
0502-037 - Monneret: David & the Neoclassicism
0502-038 - Jarrasse: 18th century French Painting
0502-039 - Durand: Byzantine Art
0502-040 - 20th Century Houses
0502-041 - Philipe Cros: Renoir
0502-042 - Morvan: Impressionists
0502-043 - Cros: Paul Cezanne
0503 - Charles Schulz: Peanuts, A Golden Celebration
0504 - America's Wars, 11 volume set
0504-001 - Donald R Hickey: The War of 1812, A Forgotten Conflict
0504-002 - Stanley Karnow: Vietnam, A History
0504-003 - Benson Bobrick: Angel in the Whirlwind
0504-004 - John S D Eisenhower: So Far From God, The U.S. War With Mexico, 1846-1848
0504-005 - James McPherson: Battle Cry of Freedom volume 1
0504-006 - James McPherson: Battle Cry of Freedom volume 2
0504-007 - David F Trask: The War With Spain in 1898
0504-008 - Gary Mead: The Doughboys, America and the First World War
0504-009 - William L O'Neill: A Democracy at War, America's Fight At Home and Abroad in World War II
0504-010 - John Toland: In Mortal Combat, Korea, 1950-1953
0504-011 - Rick Atkinson: Crusade, The Untold Story of the Persian Gulf War
0505 - Unused
0506 - Unused
0507 - Unused
0508 - Unused
0509 - Colin Powell, Joseph E Persico: My American Journey (Signed) Limited to 3500, 1995
0510 - Unused
0511 - Everett Fox (Translator): The Five Books of Moses - Photos
0512 - Samuel Willard Crompton, Michael J Rhein: The Ultimate Book of Lighthouses
0513 - Samuel Eliot Morison: The European Discovery of America, 2 volume set
0513-001 - The Northern Voyages
0513-002 - The Southern Voyages
0514 - Stephen Ambrose, Douglas Brinkley: Witness to America - 2001 - Photos
0515 - Remake of Willis and Geiger Bush Jacket
0516 - World War II Generals, 4 volume set - Photos
0516-001 - General Dwight D Eisenhower: Crusade In Europe
0516-002 - General George S Patton: War As I Knew It
0516-003 - General Douglas MacArthur: Reminiscences
0516-004 - General Omar N Bradley: A Soldier's Story
0517 - Robert Rosenblum: Paintings in the Musee D'Orsay - Photos
0518 - Love Poems and Love Letters, 2 volume set
0518-001 - Selected by Antonia Fraser: Love Letters
0518-002 - Selected by Johanna Brownell: Love Poems
0519 - Unused
0520 - Classic Horseman's Duster
0521 - The United States Army in WWII, 36 volume set
0521-001 - George F Howe: Northwest Africa, Seizing the Initiative in the West
0521-002 - Sicily and Italy
0521-003 - Cassino and Italy
0521-004 - Stilwell's Mission to China
0521-005 - Cross Channel Attack
0521-006 - Breakout and Pursuit
0521-007 - Three Battles
0521-008 - Siegfried Line
0521-009 - Cartwheel
0521-010 - Mediterranean Pictorial
0521-011 - Salerno to the Alps
0521-012 - Mediterranean Maps
0521-013 - Europe Maps 1
0521-014 - Fall of Philippines
0521-015 - Guadalcanal
0521-016 - Victory in Papua
0521-017 - Supreme Command
0521-018 - Gilberts & Marshalls
0521-019 - Campaign in Marianas
0521-020 - Stilwell's Command Problem
0521-021 - Time Runs Out in CBI
0521-022 - Approach to Philippines
0521-023 - Pacific Pictorial
0521-024 - Pacific & CBI Maps
0521-025 - Battle of the Bulge
0521-026 - Last Offensive
0521-027 - Lorraine Campaign
0521-028 - Riviera to the Rhine
0521-029 - Logistical Support 41-44
0521-030 - Logistical Support 44-45
0521-031 - Okinawa
0521-032 - Return to Philippines
0521-033 - Triumph in Philippines
0521-034 - Manhattan Project
0521-035 - European Pictorial
0521-036 - Europe Maps 2
0522 - The Jimmy Carter Library, 7 volume set
0522-001 - Always A Reckoning
0522-002 - An Outdoor Journal
0522-003 - The Blood of Abraham
0522-004 - Everything to Gain
0522-005 - A Government As Good As It's People
0522-006 - Why Not the Best?
0522-007 - Turning Point
0523 - clock Radio
0524 - Roger Tory Peterson, Virginia Marie Peterson: Audubon's Birds of America
0525 - Memoirs of Harry Truman, 4 volumes
0525-001 - Year of Decisions
0525-002 - Years of Trial and Hope
0525-003 - Mr Citizen
0525-004 - Truman Speaks
0526 - Mort Kunstler, James I Robertson: Jackson & Lee, Legends in Gray (Signed) Limited to 2000, 1995
0527 - Genuine Military Issue Jacket
0528 - Genuine Military Issue Jacket
0529 - Unused
0530 - Unused
0531 - Daniel J Boorstin: The Discoverers, The Creators, The Seekers, 3 volume set - Photos
0531-001 - The Discoverers
0531-002 - The Creators
0531-003 - The Seekers
0532 - Greatest Railroads in American History Emblems
0533 - Cooking Video Library - VHS
0534 - Unused
0535 - Replicas of 31 New Times Edition - Civil War
0536 - Turner Publishing: The Vatican Bible - 1995
0537 - Black Army Jacket
0538 - C S Lewis: Classics, 6 volume set - Photos
0538-001 - Mere Christianity
0538-002 - The Screwtape Letters
0538-003 - A Grief Observed
0538-004 - The Great Divorce
0538-005 - The Four Loves
0538-006 - Surprised By Joy, Shape of My Early Life
0539 - Civil War Flag Patches
0540 - Military Jacket
0541 - Peter Krass: Classic Writings of Business and Financial Wisdom, 4 volume set - Photos
0541-001 - The Book of Leadership Wisdom
0541-002 - The Book of Management Wisdom
0541-003 - The Book of Business Wisdom
0541-004 - The Book of Investing Wisdom
0542 - Great Ideas & Great Thinkers
0542-001 - Mortimer J Adler: The Great Ideas
0542-002 - Ian P McGreal (Editor): Great Thinkers of the Western World
0543 - Unused
0544 - Unused
0545 - Unused
0546 - 4 Schucco Toy Cars
0547 - Race Car Team Logo Emblems
0548 - Additional Album for Patches
0549 - Emblems Us Combat Units
0550 - Unused

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:22 am

0551 - Saluting Guns Patches
0552 - Disney Embroidered Emblems
0553 - NHL Team Patches
0554 - Olympic Patches
0555 - NFL Team Patches
0556 - Scientific American Science Desk Reference - Photos
0557 - Widgets
0558 - War Speeches of Winston S Churchill 1939-1945, 3 volume set
0558-001 - Volume I
0558-002 - Volume II
0558-003 - Volume III
0559 - Henry Kissinger: Does America Need A Foreign Policy? (Signed) Limited to 1500 copies, 2001
0560 - Unused
0561 - Unused
0562 - Unused
0563 - Unused
0564 - Unused
0565 - Unused
0566 - The Doll
0567 - Illustrated Treasury of Fairy Tales, 12 volume set
0567-001 - Kate Douglas Wiggin & Nora A Smith (Editors), Maxfield Parrish (Illustrator): The Arabian Nights, Their Best Known Tales
0567-002 - George MacDonald, Jessie Wilcox Smith (Illustrator): At the Back of the North Wind
0567-003 - Kay Nielsen (Illustrator): East of the Sun and West of the Moon, Old Tales From the North
0567-004 - Edmunc Dulac (Illustrator): Edmund Dulac's Fairy Book
0567-005 - Arthur Rackham (Illustrator): English Fairy Tales
0567-006 - Anna Alice Chapin, Jessie Wilcox Smith (Illustrator): The Everyday Fairy Book
0567-007 - Arthur Rackham (Illustrator): Irish Fairy Tales
0567-008 - Washington Irving, Arthur Rackham (Illustrator): The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
0567-009 - George MacDonald, Jessie Wilcox Smith (Illustrator): The Princess and the Goblin
0567-010 - Laurence Bousman, Edmund Dulac (Illustrator): Princess Badoura
0567-011 - Sir Arthur Quiller Couch, Edmund Dulac (Illustrator): The Sleeping Beauty and Other Fairy Tales, From the Old French
0567-012 - Howard Pyle (Illustrator): The Story of the Champions of The Round Table
0568 - Lynne Reid Banks: The Indian in the Cupboard Series, 4 volume set
0568-001 - The Indian in the Cupboard
0568-002 - The Return of the Indian
0568-003 - The Secret of the Indian
0568-004 - The Mystery of the Cupboard
0569 - James M McPherson, Mort Kunstler (Illustrator): Images of the Civil War (Signed) Limited to 5000, 1992
0570 - Muzzy Foreign Language Videos French
0571 - William Bennet 2 volume Set
0571-001 - The Book of Virtues, A Treasury of Great Moral Tales
0571-002 - The Moral Compass, Stories for a Life's Journey
0572 - Beginner Course French or Spanish, Video Tape
0573 - Unused
0574 - Unused
0575 - Unused
0576 - The Christmas Treasury, 2 volume set - Photos
0576-001 - Henry W Simon (Editor): A Treasury of Christmas Songs and Carols
0576-002 - Michael Hendricks (Editor): A Treasury of Christmas Stories and Poems
0577 - Unused
0578 - How Things Are Made Video Tape
0579 - Conservative Bookshelf
0579-001 - William F Buckley Jr: Up From Liberalism
0579-002 - Robert Nozick: Anarchy, State and Utopia
0579-003 - Albert Jay Nock: Memoirs of a Superfluous Man
0579-004 - Paul Johnson: Modern Times
0579-005 - Race and Culture
0579-006 - The Unheavenly City
0579-007 - Freedom, Virture and the First Amendment
0579-008 - Reflections on the Revolution in France
0579-009 - Suicide of the West
0579-010 - In Defense of Freedom
0579-011 - Orthodoxy
0579-012 - Capitalism and Freedom
0579-013 - Wealth and Poverty
0579-014 - The conscience of a Consevative
0579-015 - The Road to Serfdom
0579-016 - The Constitution of Liberty
0579-017 - Economics In One Lesson
0579-018 - Crisis of the House Divided
0579-019 - Pictures From An Institution
0579-020 - The Conservative Mind
0579-021 - The Abolution of Man
0579-022 - Losing Ground
0579-023 - Anthem
0579-024 - The Wealth of Nations
0579-025 - One Day In the Life of Ivan Denisovich
0579-026 - The City and Man
0579-027 - The National Right and History
0579-028 - The New Science of Politics
0579-029 - Ideas Have Consequences
0579-030 - The Pursuit of Virtue & Other Torny Notions
0580 - Unused
0581 - Oleg Cassini: Jacqueline Kennedy
0582 - Unused
0583 - Unused
0584 - "Come Along" Series Videocassettes
0585 - Margaret Sedeen: Star-Spangled Banner, Our Nation and its Flag - Photos
0586 - Muzzy Foreign Language Videocassettes
0587 - Unused
0588 - Unused
0589 - Unused
0590 - The Kings and Queens of England, 12 volume set - Photos
0590-001 - David Douglas: William the Conqueror
0590-002 - Kate Norgate: Richard the Lion Heart
0590-003 - Paul Kendall: Richard III
0590-004 - W. L. Warren: Henry II
0590-005 - Desmond Seward: Henry V, The Scourge of God
0590-006 - J J Scarisbrick: Henry VIII
0590-007 - Anne Somerset: Elizabeth I
0590-008 - Pauline Gregg: Charles I
0590-009 - Antonia Fraser: Charles II
0590-010 - John Brooke: George III
0590-011 - Elizabeth Longford: Queen Victoria
0590-012 - Sarah Bradford: The Reluctant King: George VI
0591 - Nancy Sinatra: Frank Sinatra, An American Legend
0592 - America In Space (VHS ?)
0593 - Yankee Immortals (VHS ?)
0594 - Arnold Palmer's A Golfers Guide (Life?)
0595 - Great Moments, 1998 World Series Book
0596 - Muzzy, See and Learn
0597 - Unused
0598 - Unused
0599 - Unused
0600 - Licensed Reproduction of the New York Yankees Jacket

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:23 am

0601 - John James Audubon's Birds of America
0602 - Dennis Adler: The 100 Greatest Cars, The Art of the Automobile - $85.50 per WBM
0603 - Magnum Photographers: New York September 11
0604 - NFL Commemorative Patches
0605 - Unused
0606 - Unisex Military Jacket, Army
0607 - Unisex Military Jacket, USAF
0608 - Silk Aviator's Scarf
0609 - Military Spec Sunglasses
0610 - Unisex Military Jacket, Navy
0611 - Military Jacket, Navy
0612 - Baseball Leather Jacket
0613 - Louisville Slugger Baseball Jacket
0614 - Men's Cowhide Jacket
0615 - J Barbour Jacket
0616 - Unused
0617 - Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein Set, 2 volumes
0617-001 - All the Presiden'ts Men (Signed by Bernstein)
0617-002 - The Final Days (Signed by Woodward)
0618 - Indiana Jones Leather Jacket
0619 - Military Specs
0620 - Unused
0621 - Unused
0622 - Nasa's Greatest Mission Emblems
0623 - The Grundiq RK 709 Compact Radio/Clock
0624 - Superbowl Cloth Patches
0625 - Superbowl Jacket Bears
0626 - Unused
0627 - Unused
0628 - Unused
0629 - Library of Great Composers, 8 volume set
0629-001 - Bach
0629-002 - Beethoven
0629-003 - Brahms, A Biography
0629-004 - Handel
0629-005 - Haydn, A Creative Life in Music
0629-006 - Mozart, A Life
0629-007 - Schubert, The Music and the Man
0629-008 - Tchaikovsky, A Biography
0630 - Goatskin Military Issue Jacket
0631 - Goatskin
0632 - Fred R Shapiro: Oxford Dictionary of American Legal Quotations - Photos
0633 - Swiss Knife
0634 - Treadmill
0635 - Suit Jacket
0636 - Military Jacket
0637 - Military Jacket
0638 - Exercise Machine
0639 - Rachel Carson Nature Classics, 4 volume set
0639-001 - The Edge of the Sea
0639-002 - Under the Sea Wind
0639-003 - The Sea Around Us
0639-004 - Silent Spring
0640 - Men's Classic Varsity Jacket, Green
0641 - Men's Classic Varsity Jacket, Navy Blue
0642 - Bomber Jacket, Boys
0643 - Bomber Jacket, Adult
0644 - Kermit L Hall (Editor): The Oxford Companion to The Supreme Court of the United States (1992)
0645 - Unused
0646 - Embroidered Cloth Patches, MLB
0647 - Remote Controlled Amphibious Vehicle
0648 - Embroidered Cloth Patches, NFL
0649 - Bobby Thomson Baseball Bat Replicas
0650 - The Wildfowl Art of David Maass (same as 0966?)

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:24 am

0651 - Gauge Steel Locomotive
0652 - Men's Military Jacket
0653 - Military Jacket
0654 - Muzzy Foreign Language Program
0655 - Genuine Leather Motorcycle Jacket
0656 - Genuine Leather Motorcycle Jacket
0657 - Nylon Lightweight Jacket
0658 - Nylon Lightweight Jacket w/ Fighter Wing Patch
0659 - Unused
0660 - Unused
0661 - Muzzy Foreign Language Guide VHS/Books
0662 - Aircraft VHS Tapes
0663 - Educational Science VHS
0664 - Driver/Putter Golf Kit
0665 - Unused
0666 - DK Publishing: Star Wars Character Encyclopedia - Photos
0667 - Introduction to Computer Software VHS
0668 - Getting to Know Your Macintosh VHS
0669 - Blank Albums
0670 - Unused
0671 - Unused
0672 - Jane Austen Novels: 6 volume set - Photos
0672-001 - Emma
0672-002 - Mansfield Park
0672-003 - Northanger Abbey
0672-004 - Persuasion
0672-005 - Pride and Prejudice
0672-006 - Sense and Sensibility
0673 - Baseball Hall of Fame Library, 27 volume set - Photos
0673-001 - Mark Harris: Bang the Drum Slowly
0673-002 - David Halberstam: Summer of '49
0673-003 - Mickey Mantle: The Mick
0673-004 - Roger Kahn: Boys of Summer
0673-005 - Maury Allen: Jackie Robinson, A Life Remembered
0673-006 - George Will: Men at Work
0673-007 - W P Kinsella: Shoeless Joe
0673-008 - Bernard Malamud: The Natural
0673-009 - Mark Harris: The Southpaw
0673-010 - Roger Angell: The Summer Game
0673-011 - Robert W Creamer: Babe, The Legend Comes to Life
0673-012 - Willie Mays: Say Hey, Autobiography of Willie Mays
0673-013 - Ted Williams: My Turn at Bat
0673-014 - Red Barber: 1947, When All Hell Broke Loose
0673-015 - Robert Peterson: Only the Ball Was White
0673-016 - Ring Lardner: Ring Around the Bases, Baseball Stories
0673-017 - Hank Greenberg: The Story of My Life
0673-018 - Paul Gallico: Lou Gehrig, Pride of the Yankees
0673-019 - Sadaharu Oh, David Falkner: Sadaharu Oh, A Zen Way of Baseball
0673-020 - Leroy Paige: Maybe I'll Pitch Forever
0673-021 - John Heyyar: Lords of the Realm
0673-022 - Lawrence Ritter: The Glory of Their Times
0673-023 - Marty Appel: Slide, Kelly, Slide
0673-024 - Harold Seymour: Baseball, The Early Years
0673-025 - Harold Seymour: Baseball, The Golden Age
0673-026 - Harold Seymour: Baseball, The People's Game
0673-027 - Eric Rolfe Greenberg: The Celebrant
0674 - Brian C Pohanka, Don Troiani (Illustrator): Don Troiani's Civil War (Signed)
0675 - Vinyl Sleeves for Super Bowl NFL Teams and Classic Baseball Patch Collections
0676 - Additional Albums for NFL Teams and Classic Baseball Patch Collections
0677 - VHS Video Guides to North American Birds
0678 - VHS Tapes, Civil War History
0679 - Aerobic Exercise Machine
0680 - Unused
0681 - Unused
0682 - Unused
0683 - Unused
0684 - French Language Video Cassettes
0685 - Army Field Jacket
0686 - Science Video Cassettes
0687 - Low Impact Aerobic Exercise Machine
0688 - Unused
0689 - Nubuck Leather Jacket
0690 - Spanish Language Course
0691 - Civil War VHS Tapes
0692 - 1950's Tabletop Radio
0693 - LCD Clock Radio
0694 - Baseball Patches
0695 - Stationary Exercise Cycle
0696 - Workbook for Children with Audio Tapes
0697 - Single Sideband Radio
0698 - Men's Military Jacket
0699 - Baseball Workbooks and Flashcards
0700 - Unused

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:24 am

0701 - Carry-On Travel Bag
0702 - Lost Treasures of Baseball Patch Collection
0703 - Tom Brokaw: The Greatest Generation (Signed) Limited to 3000, 1999
0704 - Greek Classics, 12 volume set - Photos
0704-001 - Aristotle, J A K Thomson (Translator): Ethics
0704-002 - Aesop, Olivia Temple & Robert Temple (Translators): The Complete Fables
0704-003 - Homer, Robert Fagles (Translator): The Iliad
0704-004 - Aeschylus, Robert Fagles (Translator): The Orestia Trilogy
0704-005 - Plato, Hugh Tredennick & Harold Tarrant (Translators): The Last Days of Socrates
0704-006 - Thucydides, Rex Warner (Translator): History of the Peloponnesian War
0704-007 - Euripides, Phillip Vellacott (Translator): The Bacchae & Medea
0704-008 - Herodotus, Aubrey de Selincourt (Translator): The Histories
0704-009 - Menander, Norma Miller (Translator): Plays & Fragments
0704-010 - Homer, Robert Fagles (Translator): The Odyssey
0704-011 - Aristophanes, Dudley Fites (Translator): Four Comedies
0704-012 - Sophocles, Robert Fagles (Translator): The Three Theban Plays
0705 - Golf Library, 15 volume set
0705-001 - A Good Walk Spoiled
0705-002 - Down the Fairway
0705-003 - Hogan
0705-004 - Making of the Masters
0705-005 - My Story
0705-006 - Golf is Not A Game
0705-007 - Golf Omnibus
0705-008 - Golf in the Kingdom
0705-009 - Every Shot I Take
0705-010 - The Majors
0705-011 - Dogged Victims
0705-012 - The Bogey Man
0705-013 - Golf Dreams
0705-014 - Final Rounds
0705-015 - The Story of American Golf
0706 - Library of American History, 17 volume set
0706-001 - Paul Johnson: A History of the American People, volume 1
0706-002 - Paul Johnson: A History of the American People, volume 2
0706-003 - Bruce Catton: A Stillness at Appomattox
0706-004 - Joseph J Ellis: American Sphinx, The Character of Thomas Jefferson
0706-005 - A Scott Berg: Lindbergh
0706-006 - Richard Rhodes: The Making of the Atomic Bomb
0706-007 - Ron Chernow: Titan, The Life of John D Rockefeller Sr
0706-008 - Henry Steele Commager, Richard B Morris: The Spirit of '76, American Revolution, volume 1
0706-009 - Henry Steele Commager, Richard B Morris: The Spirit of '76, American Revolution, volume 2
0706-010 - James M McPherson: Battle Cry of Freedom, volume 1
0706-011 - James M McPherson: Battle Cry of Freedom, volume 2
0706-012 - David McCullough: Truman, volume 1
0706-013 - David McCullough: Truman, volume 2
0706-014 - Donald Hebert Donald: Lincoln
0706-015 - John F Kennedy: Profiles in Courage
0706-016 - Arthur Schlesinger Jr: The Age of Roosevelt, The Coming of the New Deal
0706-017 - Stephen E Ambrose: Undaunted Courage
0707 - Sebastian Junger: The Perfect Storm (Signed) 1999
0708 - Books of the Bible, 24 volume set
0708-001 - Genesis
0708-002 - Exodus
0708-003 - Leviticus
0708-004 - Numbers
0708-005 - Deuteronomy
0708-006 - Joshua, Judges, Ruth
0708-007 - Samuel
0708-008 - Kings
0708-009 - Chronicles
0708-010 - Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
0708-011 - Job
0708-012 - Psalms
0708-013 - Proverbs to Solomon
0708-014 - Isaiah
0708-015 - Jeremiah, Lamentations
0708-016 - Ezekiel
0708-017 - Hosea to Malachi
0708-018 - The Gospels, Matthew
0708-019 - The Gospels, Mark
0708-020 - The Gospels, Luke
0708-021 - The Gospels, John
0708-022 - Acts of the Apostles
0708-023 - Letters of Paul
0708-024 - Epistles and Revelation
0709 - The Star Trek Collection, 6 volume set
0709-001 - Star Trek, The Motion Picture
0709-002 - The Wrath of Khan
0709-003 - The Search For Spock
0709-004 - The Voyage Home
0709-005 - The Final Frontier
0709-006 - The Undiscovered Country
0710 - Joe Frazier, Phil Berger: Smokin' Joe, The Autobiography of a Heavyweight Champion of the World, Smokin' Joe Frazier (Signed) 1999
0711 - Unused
0712 - Bulfinch's Mythology - Photos
0713 - My Bookhouse, 6 volume set
0713-001 - Volume 1, In the Nursery
0713-002 - Volume 2, Up 1 Pair of Stairs
0713-003 - Volume 3, Through Fairy Halls
0713-004 - Volume 4, The Treasure Chest
0713-005 - Volume 5, From the Tower Wind
0713-006 - Volume 6, The Latch Key
0714 - Robert Mondavi (Signed), Margrit Biever Mondavi, Carolyn Dille: Seasons of the Vineyard (Signed First Edition) Limited to 3500, 1996
0715 - Thomas Moore: The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life (Signed First Edition) Limited to 3000, 1996
0716 - M Scott Peck, M.D.: In Heaven As On Earth, A Vision of the Afterlife (Signed First Edition) Limited to 1500, 1996
0717 - Thomas Hauser: Muhammad Ali, His Life and Times (Signed by Ali & Hauser) Limited to 3500, 1996
0718 - Henry Kissinger: Memoirs
0719 - George Jones, Tom Carter: I Lived to Tell It All (Signed First Edition) Limited to 1500, 1998
0720 - Shirley Temple Black: Child Star, An Autobiography (Signed) Limited to 5000, 1996
0721 - Sacred Writings of The World's Great Religions, 6 volume set, 1996 - Photos
0721-001 - The Gospels
0721-002 - The Koran
0721-003 - The Torah
0721-004 - The Bhagavad Gita
0721-005 - The Tao Te Ching
0721-006 - The Dhammapada
0722 - Robert Bateman: Natural Worlds
0723 - James Joyce, Henri Matisse (Illustrator): Ulysses, 1999
0724 - Michael Shaara: The Killer Angels
0725 - World's Best Short Stories, 12 volume set - Photos
0725-001 - Mark Twain: Short Stories
0725-002 - Anton Chekhov: Short Stories
0725-003 - Nathaniel Hawthorne: Short Stories
0725-004 - Joseph Conrad: Short Stories
0725-005 - Stephen Crane: Short Stories
0725-006 - James Joyce: Short Stories
0725-007 - Franz Kafka: Short Stories
0725-008 - Jack London: Short Stories
0725-009 - Herman Melville: Short Stories
0725-010 - O.Henry: Short Stories
0725-011 - Leo Tolstoy: Short Stories
0725-012 - Sherwood Anderson: Short Stories
0726 - Mort Kunstler: Images of the Old West, The Paintings of MOrt Kunstler, The Text of Dee Brown (Signed First Edition) Limited to 3500
0727 - The Astronaut's Library, 6 volumes Limited to 3000, 1996
0727-001 - Walter Schirra (Signed), Richard Billings: Schirra's Space
0727-002 - Scott Carpenter (Signed), Gordon Cooper (Signed), John Glenn (Signed): We Seven, by the Astronauts Themselves
0727-003 - Alan B Shepard (Signed), Deke Slayton: Moon Shot, the Inside Story of America's Race to the Moon
0727-004 - Frank Borman (Signed), Robert J Serling: Countdown, An Autobiography
0727-005 - Buzz Aldrin (Signed), Malcom McConnell: Men From Earth
0727-006 - James Lovell (Signed), Jeffrey Kluger: Lost Moon, The Perilous Voyage by Apollo 13
0728 - Exodus 3 volume set
0728-001 - Chaim Potok: The Chosen
0728-002 - Leon Uris: Exodus
0728-003 - Elie Wiesel: Night
0729 - Blanton Duncan: Uniform and Dress of the Army of the Confederate States
0730 - Waylon Jennings, Lenny Kaye: Waylon, An Autobiography (Signed First Edition) Limited to 3000, 1996
0731 - Classics of Adventure (Illustrated by N C Wyeth), 14 volume set - Photos
0731-001 - Paul Creswick: Robin Hood
0731-002 - Robert Louis Stevenson: The Black Arrow
0731-003 - Robert Louis Stevenson: Kidnapped
0731-004 - Jules Verne: The Mysterious Island
0731-005 - Arthur Conan Doyle: The White Company
0731-006 - Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe
0731-007 - James Fenimore Cooper: The Last of the Mohicans
0731-008 - Robert Louis Stevenson: Treasure Island
0731-009 - Jane Porter: The Scottish Chiefs
0731-010 - James Fenimore Cooper: The Deerslayer
0731-011 - James Boyd: Drums
0731-012 - Charles Kingsley: Westward Ho!
0731-013 - Sidney Lanier: The Boy's King Arthur
0731-014 - Washington Irving: Rip Van Winkle and Other Stories
0732 - Unused
0733 - The Art of Robert Lyn Nelson
0734 - Unused
0735 - The Wonderful World of Kipling, 6 volume set
0735-001 - Richard Powers (Illustrator): The Man Who Would be King and Other Stories
0735-002 - Charles Raymond (Illustrator): Tales of East and West
0735-003 - Alan Phillips (Illustrator): Gunga Din and Other Stories
0735-004 - Rudyard Kipling (Illustrator): Just So Stories
0735-005 - Robin Jacques (Illustrator): Kim
0735-006 - David Gentleman (Illustrator): The Jungle Books
0736 - Unused
0737 - Unused
0738 - Unused
0739 - Homer: The Iliad and The Odyssey, 2 volume set
0739-001 - The Iliad
0739-002 - The Odyssey
0740 - Kurt Vonnegut Jr: Breakfast of Champions (Signed Modern Classics) 2001
0741 - Harvey Penickm, Bud Shrake: Golf Library, 4 volume set
0741-001 - Harvey Penick's Little Red Book, Lessons and Teachings From A Lifetime in Golf
0741-002 - And If You Play Golf, You're My Friend, Further Reflections of a Grown Caddie
0741-003 - For All Who Love the Game, Lessons and Teachings For Women
0741-004 - The Game For A Lifetime, More Lessons and Teachings
0742 - Replica of Lowe's 1930's Wood Radio
0743 - Replica of 1940's Radio Design
0744 - A-2 Flying Jacket, Personalized
0745 - The New Yorker Book of Lawyer Cartoons
0746 - A-2 Air Force 50th Anniversary
0747 - Muscle Cars, 10 volume set
0747-001 - Paul Zazarine: GTO
0747-002 - Tom Corcoran: Mustang
0747-003 - Tom Corcoran: Shelby Mustang
0747-004 - Paul Herd, Mike Mueller: Charger, Road Runner, and Super Bee
0747-005 - Mike Mueller: Chevelle 1964-1972
0747-006 - Bill Holder, Phil Kunz: Hemi
0747-007 - Anthony Young: Ford Hi-Po V8 Muscle Cars
0747-008 - Paul Zazarine: Barracuda & Challenger
0747-009 - Bill Holder, Phil Kunz: Buick Muscle Cars
0747-010 - Bill Holder, Phil Kunz: Firebird & Trans AM
0748 - Replica of 1940's Radiovision Wood Radio
0749 - 1930's Betty Boop Wood Radio
0750 - Dress & Crinoline from Stand Up and Cheer Movie

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:25 am

0751 - Page Smith: The History of America, 16 volume set - Photos
0751-001 - Volume I, A New Age Now Begins, The American Revolution, Part One, 1997
0751-002 - Volume II, A New Age Now Begins, The American Revolution, Part Two
0751-003 - Volume III, A New Age Now Begins, The American Revolution, Part Three
0751-004 - Volume IV, A New Age Now Begins, The American Revolution, Part Four, 1997
0751-005 - Volume V, The Shaping of America, The Young Republic, Part One, 1997
0751-006 - Volume VI, The Shaping of America, The Young Republic, Part Two
0751-007 - Volume VII, The Nation Comes of Age, The Ante-Bellum Years, Part One
0751-008 - Volume VIII, The Nation Comes of Age, The Ante-Bellum Years, Part Two
0751-009 - Volume IX, Trial By Fire, The Civil War and Reconstruction, Part One
0751-010 - Volume X, Trial By Fire, The Civil War and Reconstruction, Part Two
0751-011 - Volume XI, The Rise of Industrial America, The Post-Reconstruction Era, Part One
0751-012 - Volume XII, The Rise of Industrial America, The Post-Reconstruction Era, Part Two
0751-013 - Volume XIII, America Enters the World, The Progressive Era and World War I, Part One
0751-014 - Volume XIV, America Enters the World, The Progressive Era and World War I, Part Two
0751-015 - Volume XV, Redeeming the Time, The 1920's and The New Deal, Part One
0751-016 - Volume XVI, Redeeming the Time, The 1920's and The New Deal, Part Two
0752 - 22KT Gold Foil Replica of NFL Super Bowl Ticket
0753 - Jimmy Carter: An Hour Before Daylight, Memories of a Rural Boyhood (Signed) 2001
0754 - Portable AM/FM Shortwave Receiver
0755 - Great Books of the 20th Century - Photos
0755-001 - Boris Pasternak: Dr. Zhivago
0755-002 - Harper Lee: To Kill A Mockingbird
0755-003 - Ernest Hemingway: The Sun Also Rises
0755-004 - John Updike: Rabbit, Run
0755-005 - Albert Camus: The Stranger
0755-006 - William Faulkner: Light In August
0755-007 - F Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby
0755-008 - E M Forster: A Passage to India
0755-009 - Aldous Huxley: Brave New World
0755-010 - James Joyce: Ulysses
0755-011 - Franz Kafka: The Trial
0755-012 - D H Lawrence: Women In Love
0755-013 - Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita
0755-014 - George Orwell: 1984
0755-015 - Ayn Rand: The Fountainhead
0755-016 - John Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath
0755-017 - Edith Wharton: The Age of Innocence
0755-018 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn: One Day In the Life of Ivan Denisovich
0755-019 - Thomas Mann: The Magic Mountain
0755-020 - Gabriel Garcia Marquez: One Hundred Years of Solitude
0755-021 - Sinclair Lewis: Babbitt
0755-022 - Erich Maria Remarque: All Quiet on the Western Front
0755-023 - Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse
0755-024 - Joseph Heller: Catch-22
0755-025 - Richard Wright: Native Son
0755-026 - Marcel Proust: Swann's Way
0755-027 - Margaret Mitchell: Gone With the Wind
0755-028 - Toni Morrison: Beloved
0755-029 - Ralph Ellison: Invisible Man
0755-030 - Carson McCullers: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
0755-031 - Jorge Luis Borges: Ficciones
0755-032 - Philip Roth: Portnoy's Complaint
0755-033 - Alice Walker: The Color Purple
0755-034 - Evelyn Waugh: Brideshead Revisited
0755-035 - Anthony Burgess: A Clockwork Orange
0755-036 - Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451
0755-037 - Robert Penn Warren: All the King's Men
0755-038 - Sylvia Plath: The Bell Jar
0755-039 - Arthur Koestler: Darkness at Noon
0755-040 - Willa Cather: Death Comes for the Archbishop
0755-041 - James Baldwin: Go Tell it to the Mountain
0755-042 - Truman Capote: In Cold Blood
0755-043 - Norman Mailer: The Naked and the Dead
0755-044 - Elie Wiesel: Night
0755-045 - Ken Kesey: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
0755-046 - Jack Kerouac: On the Road
0755-047 - Graham Greene: The Power and the Glory
0755-048 - Herman Hesse: Siddhartha
0755-049 - Kurt Vonnegut Jr: Slaughterhouse-Five
0755-050 - Jack London: The Call of the Wild
0755-051 - W Somerset Maugham: Of Human Bondage
0755-052 - Henry James: The Ambassadors
0756 - John Steinbeck: Novels and Short Stories
0756-001 - East of Eden
0756-002 - Cannery Row
0756-003 - The Winter of Our Discontent
0756-004 - The Pearl, The Long Valley
0756-005 - The Grapes of Wrath
0756-006 - Of Mice and Men
0756-007 - Tortilla Flat
0756-008 - The Red Pony
0757 - William F Buckley Jr: Buckley, The Right Word (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1500, 1996
0758 - Lawrence Gowing: Paintings in the Louvre - Photos
0759 - The 1997 Pulitzer Prize Winners set, 5 volumes
0759-001 - Steven Millhauser: Martin Dressler, The Tale of an Ammerican Dreamer (Signed) Limited to 2500, 1997
0759-002 - Jack N Rakove: Original Meanings, Politics and Ideas in the Making of the Constitution (Signed) Limited to 2500, 1997
0759-003 - Frank McCourt: Angela's Ashes, A Memoir (Signed) Limited to 2500, 1997
0759-004 - Lisel Mueller: Alive Together, New and Selected Poem (Signed) Limited to 2500, 1997
0759-005 - Richard Kluger: Ashes to Ashes, America's Hundred-Year War Cigarette War (Signed) Limited to 2500, 1997
0760 - Single Breasted Men's Blazer
0761 - Unused
0762 - NordicTrack Walk Fit Classic
0763 - Grunding Portable Shortwave Receiver
0764 - Electric Shaver
0765 - Unused
0766 - Three Season Tent, 2 Person
0767 - Three Season Tent, 6 Person
0768 - Cafe Britt Gourmet Coffee
0769 - Poly Twill Men's Blazer
0770 - Unused
0771 - Unused
0772 - Unused
0773 - Unused
0774 - Digital Shortwave Receiver/Clock Radio
0775 - Seamless Clarity Speakers
0776 - Thigh Length Nubuck Jacket
0777 - Library of Christian Classics, 18 volumes
0777-001 - Angels
0777-002 - Charles Swindoll: The Grace Awakening
0777-003 - Max Lucado: When God Whispers Your Name
0777-004 - The Hiding Place
0777-005 - Confessions of A Happy Christian
0777-006 - Greatest Book Ever Written
0777-007 - The Way of the Heart
0777-008 - Born Again
0777-009 - LIfe's Not Fair but God is Good
0777-010 - Celebration of Discipline
0777-011 - Angel Unaware
0777-012 - Joshua
0777-013 - The Source of My Strength
0777-014 - The Positive Power of Jesus Christ
0777-015 - The Be Happy Attitudes
0777-016 - Christy
0777-017 - In His Steps
0777-018 - Hope for the Troubled Heart
0778 - Men's Army Field Jacket
0779 - Men's Military Jacket, Coast Guard
0780 - Men's Military Jacket, Air Force
0781 - Men's Military Jacket, Marines
0782 - Men's Military Jacket, Navy
0783 - Unused
0784 - Unused
0785 - Spring Jacket
0786 - Health Rider
0787 - Classic Navy Blazer
0788 - Woman's Remarkable Travel Jacket
0789 - Unused
0790 - Muzzy Vocabulary Builder
0791 - E B White: Children's Classics, 2 volume set - Photos
0791-001 - Charlotte's Web
0791-002 - Stuart Little
0792 - Total Body Workout Machine
0793 - Classic Leather Briefcase
0794 - NFL Team & League Anniversary Patches
0795 - Scott Weidensaul: Raptors, The Birds of Prey
0796 - Corvette Patches
0797 - Unused
0798 - Songbirds, Fine Art Print
0799 - 75th Anniversary Tin Toy Cars
0800 - Unused

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:26 am

0801 - Unused
0802 - Unused
0803 - Unused
0804 - Lucy Maud Montgomery: Anne of Green Gables Collection, 8 volume set - Photos
0804-001 - Anne of Green Gables
0804-002 - Anne of Avonlea
0804-003 - Anne of the Island
0804-004 - Anne's House of Dreams
0804-005 - Rainbow Valley
0804-006 - Rilla of Ingleside
0804-007 - Anne of Windy Poplars
0804-008 - Anne of Ingleside
0805 - Treasury of Prayers - Photos
0806 - Randy Leffingwell: John Deere Farm Tractors
0807 - Unused
0808 - Peter Henshaw & Ian Kerr: The Encyclopedia of the Harley-Davidson - Photos
0809 - Unused
0810 - Unused
0811 - Unused
0812 - 6 Semi-Precious Gems Watches
0813 - Douglas Southall Freeman: R E Lee, 4 volume set
0813-001 - Volume I
0813-002 - Volume II
0813-003 - Volume III
0813-004 - Volume IV
0814 - Unused
0815 - Gold & Diamond Watch/Bracelet Set
0816 - Unused
0817 - Egyptian Good Luck Necklace
0818 - Swiss Men's Watch
0819 - 5 Leisure Wear Outfits
0820 - Unused
0821 - 6 Gold Plated Watch Set
0822 - Unused
0823 - 7 Cat Watches
0824 - The Charm Bracelet Watch
0825 - World War II History Classics, 6 volume set
0825-001 - Charles B MacDonald: The Mighty Endeavor, American Armed Forces in the European Theater in World War II
0825-002 - Cornelius Ryan: A Bridge Too Far
0825-003 - Carlo D'Este: Patton, A Genius For War
0825-004 - Erwin Rommel, B H Liddell Hart (Editor): The Rommel Papers
0825-005 - Ronald Lewin: Ultra Goes to War, The First Account of World War II's Greatest Secret Based on Official Documents
0825-006 - Stephen E Ambrose: D-Day, June 6, 1944
0826 - Arthur M Schlesinger: A Thousand Days, John F Kennedy in the White House
0827 - Richard Paul Evans: The Christmas Box Set, 2 volumes
0827-001 - Timepiece
0827-002 - The Letter
0828 - Derek Gentile: The Complete New York Yankees
0829 - Alan Bean: Apollo, An Eyewitness Account
0830 - The Oxford Atlas of the World
0831 - Glenn Stout & Richard A Johnson: Red Sox Century, One Hundred Years of Red Sox Baseball
0832 - Sir Edmund Hillary: View From the Summit - Photos
0833 - Grandmasters of Mystery, 2 volume set
0833-001 - Ed McBain: Cop Hater (Signed)
0833-002 - Dick Francis: Dead Cert (Signed)
0834 - John Mehnon: The Chronicle of Baseball
0835 - Ron Smith (Editor): Celebrating 70, Mark McGwire's Historic Season
0836 - Rain Resistant Hat
0837 - Horror Classics, 2 volume set
0837-001 - Peter Blatty: The Exorcist (Signed)
0837-002 - Ira Levin: Rosemary's Baby (Signed)
0838 - Anne Rice: Interview with the Vampire
0839 - Paintings, Buildings & Photos That Changed the World, 3 volume set - Photos
0839-001 - Klaus Reichold & Bernhard Graf: Paintings That Changed the World
0839-002 - Klaus Reichold & Bernhard Graf: Buildings That Changed the World
0839-003 - Peter Stepan (Editor): Photos That Changed the World
0840 - Oxford Illustrated History of the World
0841 - Unused
0842 - Unused
0843 - Unused
0844 - Unused
0845 - Unused
0846 - WWII Leaders Set, 6 volumes
0846-001 - Frank Freidel: Frannklin D Roosevelt, A Rendezvous With Destiny
0846-002 - Martin Gilbert: Churchill, A Life
0846-003 - Alan Bullock: Hitler, A Study in Tyranny
0846-004 - Robert Conquest: Stalin, Breaker of Nations
0846-005 - Herbert P Bix: Hirohito, and the Making of Modern Japan
0846-006 - Denis Mack Smith: Mussolini, A Biography
0847 - Jimmy Carter: Christmas In Plains
0848 - The American Pickup Truck, 100 Years of Hauling History - $91.50 per WBM
0849 - Unused
0850 - William Styron: The Confessions of Nat Turner
0851 - Doris Kearns Goodwin: No Ordinary Time
0852 - Mary Chestnut: Civil War, 2 volume set
0852-001 - Volume 1
0852-002 - Volume 2
0853 - Unused
0854 - Margaret Thatcher: Statecraft - Photos
0855 - Loraine Burdick: The Shirley Temple Scrapbook, A Book of Memories
0856 - Unused
0857 - Unused
0858 - Unused
0859 - Unused
0860 - Janet Podell & Steven Anzovin (Editors): Speeches of the American Presidents, 2 volume set
0860-001 - Volume 1
0860-002 - Volume 2
0861 - Unused
0862 - The Columbia Encyclopedia - Photos
0863 - A Treasury of Irish Folk Tales, Myths and Legends, 4 volume set - Photos
0863-001 - William Butler Yeats: Fairy and Folktales of Ireland
0863-002 - Lady Gregory: Gods and Fighting Men
0863-003 - William Butler Yeats: Mythologies
0863-004 - Lady Gregory: Cuchulain of Muirthemne
0864 - Randy Leffingwell: American Muscle
0865 - Unused
0866 - Dick Johnson & Glenn Stout: Ted Williams, A Portrait in Words and Pictures
0867 - Eugene Cernan: The Last Man on the Moon - Photos
0868 - William Shatner, Chris Kreski: Get A Life!
0869 - Al Gore: Earth in the Balance
0870 - Unused
0871 - Jacqueline Heriteau: Glorious Gardens
0872 - Holiday Gift Books, 2 volume set
0872-001 - Jewish Treasury
0872-002 - Irish Treasury
0873 - John McCain: Faith of My Fathers
0874 - George H W Bush: All the Best

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:27 am

0875-001 - Andrew Young: An Easy Burden, The Civil Rights Movement and the Transformation of America (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1300, 1996
0875-002 - B. B. King, David Ritz: Blues All Around Me, The Autobiography of B. B. King (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1350, 1996
0875-003 - Alan King: Name Dropping (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1800, 1996
0875-004 - Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1150, 1997
0875-005 - Jay Leno, Bill Zehme: Leading With My Chin (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1350, 1996
0875-006 - Kirk Douglas: Climbing the Mountain (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1250, 1997
0875-007 - Karl Malden, Carla Malden: When Do I Start? (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1050, 1997
0875-008 - Kurt Vonnegut: Timequake (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1200, 1997
0875-009 - Boutros Boutros-Ghali: Egypt's Road to Jerusalem (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1250, 1997
0875-010 - Anne McCaffrey: Nimisha's Ship (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1200, 1999
0875-011 - Dwight Gooden, Bob Klapisch: Heat, My Life On and Off the Diamond (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1600, 1999
0875-012 - Dan Rather: Deadlines and Datelines (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1400, 1999
0875-013 - William F Buckley, Jr: The Redhunter, A Novel Based on the Life of Senator Joe McCarthy (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1750, 1999
0875-014 - William Shatner, Chris Kreski: Get A Life! (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1450, 1999
0875-015 - Kurt Vonnegut: Bagombo Snuff Box (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1700, 1999
0875-016 - Jane Goodall: Reason For Hope (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1400, 1999
0875-017 - Frank McCourt: 'Tis, A Memoir (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1600, 1999
0875-018 - Joseph I Lieberman, Michael D'Orso: In Praise of PUblic Life (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1350, 2000
0875-019 - Anne McCaffrey: Pegasus In Space (Signed 1st Editoin) Limited to 1325, 2000
0875-020 - Stephen Jay Gould: The Lying Stones of Marrakech (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1650, 2000 - Photos
0875-021 - Walter Cronkite: Around America, A Tour of Our Magnificent Coastline (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1400, 2001
0875-022 - Garrison Keillor: Lake Wobegon Summer, 1956 (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1250, 2001
0875-023 - David Halberstam: War In A Time of Peace, Bush, Clinton and the Generals (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1250, 2001
0875-024 - Larry Hagman: Hello Darlin' (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1300, 2001
0875-025 - Edward Teller, Judith L Shoolery: Memoirs, A Twentieth-Century Journey In Science and Politics (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1225, 2001
0875-026 - Andrea Bocelli: The Music of Silence, A Memoir (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1200, 2001 - Photos
0875-027 - Ray Bradbury: From the Dust Returned (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1400, 2001
0875-028 - Roger Ebert: The Great Movies (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1150, 2001
0875-029 - Jane Alexander: Command Performance (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1200, 2000
0875-030 - Thomas Keneally: American Scoundrel, The Life of the Notorious Civil War General Dan Sickles (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1150, 2002
0875-031 - James D Watson: Genes, Girls and Gamow, After the Double Helix (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1175, 2002
0875-032 - Loretta Lynn, Patsi Bale Cox: Still Woman Enough, A Memoir (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1165, 2002
0875-033 - Jerry Stiller: Married to Laughter (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1200, 2000
0875-034 - Elie Wiesel: The Judges (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1250, 2002
0875-035 - Bob Kerrey: When I Was A Young Man, A Memoir (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1150, 2002
0875-036 - Art Buchwald: We'll Laugh Again (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1150, 2002
0875-037 - Hugh Downs (Editor): My America, What My Country Means to Me, By 150 Americans From All Walks of Life (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1160, 2002
0875-038 - John McCain, Mark Salter: Worth the Fighting For, A Memoir (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1275, 2002
0875-039 - David Rockefeller: Memoirs (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1300, 2002
0875-040 - Joseph Lieberman, Hadassah Lieberman: An Amazing Adventure (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1200, 2002
0875-041 - Tom Brokaw: A Long Way From Home (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1350, 2002
0875-042 - Bob Schieffer: This Just In, What I Couldn't Tell You On TV (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1650, 2002
0875-043 - Senator Jim Jeffords, Yvonne Daley, Howard Coffin: An Independent Man, Adventures of a Public Servant (Signed 1st Edtition) Limited to 1380, 2003 - Photos
0875-044 - Charles Osgood (Editor): Funny Letters From Famous People (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1300, 2003 - Photos
0875-045 - Madeleine Albright: Madam Secretary, A Memoir (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1550, 2003
0875-046 - Sandra Day O'Connor: The Majesty of the Law, Reflections of a Supreme Court Justice (Signed 1st Edition) 2006
0875-047 - Olympia Dukakis: Ask Me Again Tomorrow, A Life In Progress (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1150, 2003
0875-048 - John S D Eisenhower: General Ike, A Personal Reminiscence (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1320, 2003
0875-049 - Bill Cosby, Erika Cosby (Illustrator): Friends of a Feather, One of Life's Little Fables (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1500, 2003 - Photos
0875-050 - Newt Gingrich, William R Forstchen: Gettysburg, A Novel of the Civil War (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1450, 2003
0875-051 - Barbara Bush: Reflections, Life After the White House (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1300, 2003
0875-052 - Steve Martin: The Pleasure of My Company (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1200, 2003
0875-053 - Winston S Churchill: Never Give In!, The Best of Winston Churchill's Speeches (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1225, 2003
0875-054 - John Kerry: A Call to Service (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1550, 2003
0875-055 - Paul Newman, A E Hotchner: Shameless Exploitation, In Pursuit of the Common Good (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1350, 2004
0875-056 - Desmond Tutu, Douglas Abrams: God Has A Dream, A Vision of Hope for Our Time (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1200, 2003
0875-057 - Cokie Roberts: Founding Mothers (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1500, 2004
0875-058 - Senator John McCain, Mark Salter: Why Courage Matters, The Way To A Braver Life (Signed 1st Edition) 2005
0875-059 - Tim Russert: Big Russ and Me, Father and Son, Lessons of Life (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1500, 2004
0875-060 - Sheri S Tepper: The Companions (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1000, 2003
0875-061 - Rodney Dangerfield: It's Not Easy Bein' Me
0875-062 - John Kenneth Galbraith: The Economics of Innocent Frauds, Truth for Our Time (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1475, 2004
0875-063 - Trent Lott: Herding Cats (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1600, 2005
0875-064 - Wynton Marsalis, Geoffrey C Ward: Moving to Higher Ground, How Jazz Can Change Your Life
0875-065 - Paul Hornung: Golden Boy (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1500, 2004
0875-066 - General Tommy Franks, Malcolm McConnell: American Soldier (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1715, 2004
0875-067 - Tatum O'Neal: A Paper Life (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1545, 2004 - Photos
0875-068 - Kay Bailey Hutchison: American Heroines, The Spirited Women Who Shaped Our Country (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1540, 2004
0875-069 - Unused
0875-070 - Bob Dole: One Soldier's Story (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1880, 2005
0875-071 - Gene Wilder: Kiss Me Like A Stranger (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1680, 2005
0875-072 - Jack Welch & Suzy Welch: Winning (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1930, 2005
0875-073 - Ari Fleischer: Taking Heat (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 2190, 2005
0875-074 - Goldie Hawn, Wendy Holden: A Lotus Grows in the Mud (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1640, 2005
0875-075 - Greg Bear: Dead Lines (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 900, 2004
0875-076 - Andrea Mitchell: Talking Back, ...to Presidents, Dictators, and Assorted Scoundrels (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1490, 2005
0875-077 - Jerry Lewis, James Kaplan: Dean & Me, A Love Story (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1500, 2005
0875-078 - Alan Alda: Never Have Your Dog Stuffed, and Other Things I've Learned (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1610, 2005
0875-079 - Amy Tan: Saving Fish From Drowning (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1450, 2006 - Photos
0875-080 - James Carville & Paul Begala: Take It Back, Our Party, Our Country, Our Future (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1650, 2006
0875-081 - Carl Reiner: NNNNN (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1400, 2006 - Photos
0875-082 - Doris Kearns Goodwin: Team of Rivals, The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 2000, 2005 - Photos
0875-083 - Ambassador L Paul Bremer III, Malcolm McConnell: My Year in Iraq, The Struggle to Build A Future of Hope (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1450, 2006
0875-084 - Fay Vincent: The Only Game in Town, Baseball Stars of the 1930s and 1940s (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1335, 2006 - Photos
0875-085 - Madeleine Albright: The Mighty and the Almighty (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1475, 2006 - Photos
0875-086 - Shirin Ebadi, Azadeh Moaveni: Iran Awakening, A Memoir of Revolution and Hope (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1300, 2006 - Photos
0875-087 - Tim Russert: Wisdom of Our Fathers, Lessons and Letters From Daughters and Sons (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1300, 2006
0875-088 - Senator Edward M Kennedy: America Back on Track (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1750, 2006
0875-089 - Bob Newhart: I Shouldn't Even Be Doing This (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1075, 2006 - Photos
0875-090 - Senator John Danforth: Faith and Politics (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1175, 2006
0875-091 - Maya Angeloou: Celebrations (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1050, 2007
0875-092 - John Ashcroft: Never Again, Securing America and Restoring Justice (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 950, 2006
0875-093 - James A Baker III: Work Hard, Study...And Keep Out of Politics (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1125, 2006
0875-094 - Norman Mailer: The Castle in the Forest (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1275, 2007
0875-095 - Tom DeLay, Stephen Mansfield: No Retreat, No Surrender, One American's Fight (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1075, 2007
0875-096 - George Tenet, Bill Harlow: At the Center of the Storm, My Years at the CIA (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1050, 2007
0875-097 - Bill Bradley: The New American Story (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1050, 2007 - Photos
0875-098 - Dave Barry: History of the Millenium (So Far) (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1200, 2007 Photos
0875-099 - Kay Bailey Hutchison: Leading Ladies (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1125, 2007
0875-100 - James D Watson: Avoid Boring People (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1125, 2007
0875-101 - Garry Kasparov: How Life Imitates Chess (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1150, 2007
0875-102 - Clarence Thomas: My Grandfather's Son (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1225, 2007
0875-103 - Tom Brokaw: Boom!, Voices of the Sixties (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1100, 2007
0875-104 - Madeleine Albright: Memo to the President Elect - Photos
0875-105 - Ted Sorensen: Counselor, A Life at the Edge of History (Signed 1st Edition)
0875-106 - Daniel Schorr: Come to Think of It - Photos
0875-107 - Chuck Hagel: America, The Next Chapter - Photos
0875-108 - Sidney Poitier: Life Beyond Measure - Photos
0875-109 - Bob Woodward: Bush
0875-110 - Cokie Roberts: Ladies of Liberty
0875-111 - T Boone Pickens: The First Billion is the Hardest - Photos
0875-112 - Salman Rushdie: The Enchantress of Florence - Photos
0875-113 - Thomas L Friedman: Hot, Flat and Crowded - Photos
0875-114 - Maya Angelou: Letter To My Daughter - Photos
0875-115 - Sir Roger Moore, Gareth Owen: My Word is My Bond, A Memoir (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 1225, 2008
0875-116 - Robert Wagner: Pieces of My Heart - Photos
0875-117 - Frank Gifford: The Glory Game - Photos
0875-118 - Douglas Brinkley: The Wilderness Warrior - Photos
0875-119 - Tony Curtis: American Prince - Photos
0875-120 - Ted Turner: Call Me Ted - Photos
0875-121 - Charles Grodin: How I Got to be Whoever I Am - Photos
0875-122 - Michael Lang: The Road to Woodstock - Photos
0875-123 - Russell: Red and Me
0875-124 - Marin: The Chimichanga Chronicles
0875-125 - Taylor Branch: The Clinton Tapes - Photos
0875-126 - Williams: Moon River and Me
0875-127 - E L Doctorow: Homer & Langley - Photos
0875-128 - Helen Thomas & Craig Crawford: Listen Up, Mr President - Photos
0875-129 - Garry Wills: Bomb Power - Photos
0875-130 - Kenneth C Davis: A Nation Rising - Photos
0875-131 - Dave Barry: I'll Mature When I'm Dead - Photos
0875-132 - George Obama: Homeland - Photos
0875-133 - Hugh Ambrose: The Pacific - Photos
0875-134 - Fred Thompson: Teaching the Pig to Dance - Photos
0875-135 - Raquel Welch: Beyond the Cleavage - Photos
0875-136 - Randolph: Rising Son
0875-137 - Elie Wiesel: The Sonderberg Case - Photos
0875-138 - Ben Bova: The Immortality Factor - Photos
0875-139 - Harold Ford Jr: More Davids Than Goliaths - Photos
0875-140 - Patti Lupone: A Memoir - Photos
0875-141 - William C Dietz: At Empire's Edge - Photos
0875-142 - Jack McDevitt: Time Traveler's Never Die - Photos
0875-143 - Robert J Sawyer: WWW:Wake - Photos
0875-144 - John Barnes: Directive 51 - Photos
0875-145 - Pat Summerall: Giants - Photos
0875-146 - Condoleezza Rice: Extraordinary, Ordinary People - Photos
0875-147 - Bob Woodward: Obama's Wars - per WBM
0875-148 - Rudy Rucker: Hylozoic - Photos
0875-149 - Donald Rumsfeld: Known and Unknown - Photos
0875-150 - Barbara Sinatra: Lady Blue Eyes - Photos
0875-151 - Robert Charles Wilson: Julian Comstock, A Story of 22nd-Century America (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 900, 2009
0875-152 - C J Cherryh: Conspirator (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 900, 2009
0875-153 - Catherine Asaro: Diamond Star (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 900, 2009
0875-154 - Michael Z Williamson: Contact With Chaos (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 900, 2009
0875-155 - Scott Brown: Against All Odds (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 800, 2011
0875-156 - Joyce Carol Oates: A Widow's Story - Photos
0875-157 - Judi Dench: And Furthermore
0875-158 - Gordon S Wood: The Idea of America - Photos
0875-159 - Barbara Eden: Jeannie Out of the Bottle - Photos
0875-160 - Joe Haldeman: Starbound (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 900, 2010
0875-161 - Greg Bear: Mariposa (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 900, 2009
0875-162 - Allen M Steele: Coyote Destiny (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 700, 2010
0875-163 - Robert J Sawyer: WWW: Watch (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 700, 2010
0875-164 - Mike Resnick: Starship, Flagship, Book Five (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 900, 2009
0875-165 - Jermaine Jackson: You Are Not Alone - Photos
0875-166 - Mitch Daniels: Keeping the Republic - Photos
0875-167 - Roger Ebert: Life Itself - Photos
0875-168 - Thomas Friedman & Michael Mandelbaum: That Used To Be Us - Photos
0875-169 - Regis Philbin: How I Got This Way - Photos
0875-170 - Jerry West: West by West - Photos
0875-171 - Shaquille O'Neal: Shaq Uncut - Photos
0875-172 - Harry Belafonte: My Song - Photos
0875-173 - Madeleine Albright: Praque Winter - Photos
0875-174 - Dan Rather: Rather Outspoken - Photos
0875-175 - Elie Wiesel: Hostage - Photos
0875-176 - David Maraniss: Barack Obama, The Story - Photos
0875-177 - Colin Powell: It Worked For Me - per WBM
0875-178 - Douglas: I Am Spartacus
0875-179 - General Stanley McChrystal: My Share of the Task - Photos
0875-180 - Burt Bacharach: Anyone Who Had A Heart - Photos
0875-181 - Clive Davis: The Soundtrack of My Life - Photos
0875-182 - Brilliant Uncirculated US Silver Dollars
0875-183 - Five Decade Set of Uncirculated Morgan Silver Dollars
0875-184 - Four Centuries of American Silver Dollars
0875-185 - The Complete US Presidential Coins Collection
0875-186 - America's Most Beautiful Coin
0875-187 - The Only Denver Mint Morgan Silver Dollars
0875-188 - America's Most Beautiful Dollar Bill
0875-189 - The Famous "Black Eagle" One-Dollar Silver Certificate
0875-190 - Oliver Sacks: Hallucinations - Photos
0875-191 - William Friedkin: The Friedkin Connection - Photos
0875-192 - Marco Rubio: An American Son - Photos
0875-193 - Dave Barry: Insane City - Photos
0875-194 - Bob Dole: Great Presidential Wit - Photos
0875-195 - John Steinbeck: Of Mice and Men - Photos
0875-196 - Charles Darwin: On the Origin of Species - Photos
0875-197 - David Eddings: Pawn of Prophecy
0875-198 - Mike Piazza: Long Shot - Photos
0875-199 - Adam Johnson: The Orphan Master's Son - Photos
0875-200 - Jeb Bush & Clint Bolick: Immigration Wars - per WBM
0875-201 - Helga Weiss: Helga's Diary - Photos
0875-202 - Martin Short: I Must Say - Photos
0875-203 - John Le Carre: A Delicate Truth
0875-204 - Michael Chabon: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay - Photos
0875-205 - The Last Confederate $500 Note
0875-206 - Civil War Battlefield Commemorative Coin Tribute
0875-207 - First Postage Stamp of the Confederacy
0875-208 - 1863 Jackson US & Confederate Stamps
0875-209 - Lois Lowry: The Giver - Photos
0875-210 - Edward P Jones: The Known World - Photos
0875-211 - Paul Harding: Tinkers - Photos
0875-212 - Donald Rumsfeld: Rumsfeld's Rules
0875-213 - Graham Nash: Wild Tales, A Rock and Roll Life
0875-214 - Amy Tan: The Valley of Amazement - Photos
0875-215 - Ron Paul: The School Revolution - Photos
0875-216 - Caleb Carr: The Alienist - Photos
0875-217 - Thomas Keneally: Schindler's List - Photos
0875-218 - Sandra Day O'Connor: Out of Order
0875-219 - Marilynne Robinson: Housekeeping - Photos
0875-220 - Ann Patchett: Bel Canto - Photos
0875-221 - Bob Woodward: The Secret Man - Photos
0875-222 - Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Poems - Photos
0875-223 - Emily Dickinson: Poems - Photos
0875-224 - John Keats: Poems - Photos
0875-225 - George Zebrowski: Empties (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 900, 2009
0875-226 - Alan Greenspan: The Map and the Territory - Photos
0875-227 - James Carville & Mary Matalin: Love & War - Photos
0875-228 - Reggie Jackson: Becoming Mr. October - Photos
0875-229 - Alan Dershowitz: Taking the Stand - Photos
0875-230 - Jane Pauley: Your Life Calling - Photos
0875-231 - Diana Gabaldon: Outlander - Photos
0875-232 - Piper Kerman: Orange is the New Black - Photos
0875-233 - Chuck Palahniuk: Fight Club - Photos
0875-234 - Bobbie Ann Mason: In Country - Photos
0875-235 - Pat Conroy: Death of Santini - Photos
0875-236 - David Mitchell: Cloud Atlas - Photos
0875-237 - T C Boyle: World's End - Photos
0875-238 - Donna Tartt: The Secret History - Photos
0875-239 - Timothy F Geithner: Stress Test - Photos
0875-240 - Michelle Knight: Finding Me - Photos
0875-241 - Chuck Palahniuk: Beautiful You - Photos
0875-242 - Jonathan Lethem: Motherless Brooklyn - Photos
0875-243 - Colum McCann: Let the Great World Spin - Photos
0875-244 - Unused
0875-245 - Pat Buchanan: The Greatest Comeback - Photos
0875-246 - John McCain & Mark Salter: Thirteen Soldiers - Photos
0875-247 - Christopher R Hill: Outpost - Photos
0875-248 - Richard Price: Clockers (Signed Modern Classics)
0875-249 - Bret Easton Ellis: American Psycho - Photos
0875-250 - Frances Mayes: Under the Tuscan Sun - Photos
0875-251 - Julian Barnes: The Sense of an Ending - Photos
0875-252 - Garth Stein: The Art of Racing in the Rain - Photos
0875-253 - Susan Choi: A Person of Interest - Photos
0875-254 - Sue Monk Kidd: The Secret Life of Bees - Photos
0875-255 - Denis Johnson: Tree of Smoke - Photos
0875-256 - Michael Cunningham: The Hours - Photos
0875-257 - Eion Colfer: Artemis Fowl (Signed)
0875-258 - Leon Panetta: Worthy Fights - Photos
0875-259 - Chad Harbach: The Art of Fielding - Photos
0875-260 - Al Roker: Storm of the Century - Photos
0875-261 - Dick & Liz Cheney: Exceptional - Photos
0875-262 - Gregory Maguire: After Alice - Photos
0875-263 - Debbie Reynolds: Make'em Laugh - Photos
0875-264 - David Spade: Almost Interesting - (Signed)
0875-265 - Joyce Carol Oates: The Man Without A Shadow - Photos
0875-266 - Ted Koppel: Lights Out - Photos
0875-267 - Bobby Jindal: American Will - Photos
0875-268 - Frederik Pohl: Gateway - Photos
0875-269 - Bob Woodward: The Last of the President's Men - Photos
0875-270 - Bill Walton: Back From the Dead - Photos
0875-271 - Karl Rove: The Triumph of William McKinley - Photos
0875-272 - Gary Hart: The Republic of Conscience - Photos
0875-273 - George J Mitchell: A Path to Peace - Photos
0875-274 - Carole Bayer Sager: They're Playing Our Song - Photos
0875-275 - Carol Burnett: In Such Good Company - Photos
0875-276 - Julian Barnes: The Noise of Time - Photos
0875-277 - Michael Nesmith: Infinite Tuesday (Signed 1st Edition)
0875-278 - Patrick J Buchanan: Nixon's White House Wars - Photos
0875-279 - Alison Weir: Anne Boleyn, A King's Obsession - Photos
0875-280 - Jeff Shaara: The Frozen Hours - Photos
0875-281 - Manal al-Sharif: Daring to Drive - Photos
0875-282 - Edward O Wilson: The Origins of Creativity - Photos
0875-283 - Ed Asner: The Grouchy Historian - Photos
0875-284 - Chris Matthews: Bobby Kennedy, A Raging Spirit (Signed)
0875-285 - Flo Groberg: 8 Seconds to Courage - Photos
0875-286 - Gretchen Carlson: Be Fierce - Photos
0875-287 - Charles Frazier: Varina - Photos
0875-288 - John D Dingell: The Dean - Photos
0875-289 - Richard Rhodes: Energy - Photos
0875-290 - Christopher Buckley: The Judge Hunter - Photos
0875-291 - Arne Duncan: How Schools Work - Photos
0875-292 - Madeleine Albright: Fascism, A Warning - Photos
0875-293 - John Kerry: Every Day is Extra - Photos
0875-294 - Jonathan Lethem: The Feral Detective - Photos
0875-295 - Sophie Hannah: The Mystery of Three Quarters - Photos
0875-296 - Paul Steinhardt: The Second Kind of Impossible - Photos
0875-297 - Sally Field: In Pieces - Photos
0875-298 - Alice Walker: Taking the Arrow Out of the Heart - Photos
0875-299 - Bob Woodward: Fear, Trump in the White House (Signed 1st Edition) Limited to 450, 2018
0875-300 - Doris Kearns Goodwin: Leadership in Turbulent Times (Signed)
0875-301 - Eric Idle: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - Photos
0875-302 - Nelson DeMille & Alex DeMille: The Deserter - Photos
0875-303 - Douglas Brinkley: American Moonshot - Photos
0875-304 - Jason Rezaian: Prisoner - Photos
0875-305 - Lynne Olson: Madame Fourcade's Secret War - Photos
0875-306 - David Brooks: The second Mountain - Photos
0875-307 - Clive Thompson: Coders - Photos
0875-308 - John Le Carre: Agent Running in the Field - Photos
0875-309 - Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Poems - Photos
0875-310 - Percy Bysshe Shelley: Poems - Photos
0875-311 - Lord Alfred Tennyson: Poems - Photos
0875-312 - William Wordsworth: Poems - Photos
0875-313 - Madeleine Albright: Hell & Other Destinations, A 21st-Century Memoir (Signed) - Photos
0875-314 - Paul Krugman: Arguing With Zombies, Economics, Politics, and the Fight for A Better Future (Signed) - Photos
0875-315 - Robert Dallek: How Did We Get Here? From Theodore Roosevelt to Donald Trump (Signed) - Photos
0875-316 - Anne Tyler: Redhead by the Side of the Road (Signed) - Photos
0875-317 - Brian Greene: Until the End of Time, Mind, Matter, and Our Search for Meaning in an Evolving Universe (Signed) - Photos
0875-318 - Michael Connelly: Fair Warning - Photos
0875-319 - Louise Erdrich: The Night Watchman - Photos
0875-320 - Alice Hoffman: Magic Lessons - Photos
0875-321 - Bob Woodward: Rage - Photos
0875-322 - Joe Scarborough: Saving Freedom - Photos
0875-323 - Al Sharpton: Rise Up, Confronting A Country at the Crossroads - Photos
0875-324 - Kristin Hannah: The Four Winds - Photos
0875-325 - Robert D Ballard: Into the Deep - Photos
0875-326 - Walter Isaacson: The Code Breaker - Photos
0875-327 - Sebastian Junger: Freedom - Photos
0875-328 - Carlo Rovelli: Helgoland - Photos
0875-329 - Anita Hill: Believing - Photos
0875-330 - Nathaniel Philbrick: Travels With George - Photos
0875-331 - Jeff Shaara: The Eagle's Claw - Photos
0875-332 - Alice Hoffman: The Book of Magic - Photos
0876 - Henry Kissinger: A History of the American People, 2 volume set - Photos
0876-001 - Volume 1
0876-002 - Volume 2
0877 - Alan Schom: Napoleon Bonaparte
0878 - Henry Steele Commager and Richard B Morris (Editors): Spirit of Seventy Six, 2 volumes
0878-001 - Volume 1
0878-002 - Volume 2
0879 - The National Audubon Society
0880 - Unused
0881 - Margaret Thatcher: The Collected Speeches
0882 - Webster's Third Unabridged International Dictionary - Photos
0883 - Christopher Finch: Norman Rockwell 332 Magazine Covers
0884 - Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass, 2 volume set
0884-001 - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
0884-002 - Through the Looking Glass
0885 - Unused
0886 - Unused
0887 - Unused
0888 - Unused
0889 - Unused
0890 - Unused
0891 - Unused
0892 - Unused
0893 - Unused
0894 - Unused
0895 - Unused
0896 - Unused
0897 - Unused
0898 - Unused
0899 - Unused
0900 - Unused

Editado: Dic 1, 2021, 1:28 am

0901 - Unused
0902 - Unused
0903 - Babe Ruth & Lou Gehrig Biographies, 2 volumes
0903-001 - Robert W Creamer: Babe, The Legend Comes to Life
0903-002 - Paul Gallico: Lou Gehrig, Pride of the Yankees
0904 - Charles Lindbergh: The Spirit of St Louis & A Scott Berg: Lindbergh, 2 volume set - Photos
0904-001 - Charles Lindbergh: The Spirit of St Louis
0904-002 - A Scott Berg: Lindbergh
0905 - Jim Davis: Garfield at 25, In Dog Years I'd Be Dead
0906 - The Founding Fathers, 6 volume set
0906-001 - Joseph J Ellis: American Sphinx, The Character of Thomas Jefferson
0906-002 - James Thomas Flexner: Washington, The Indispensable Man
0906-003 - Forrest MaDonald: Alexander Hamilton, A Biography
0906-004 - David McCullough: John Adams
0906-005 - H W Brands: The First American, The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin
0906-006 - David Freeman Hawke: Paine
0907 - The Founding Fathers, 6 volume set - Photos
0907-001 - Joseph J Ellis: American Sphinx, The Character of Thomas Jefferson
0907-002 - James Thomas Flexner: Washington, The Indispensable Man
0907-003 - Forrest MaDonald: Alexander Hamilton, A Biography
0907-004 - David McCullough: John Adams
0907-005 - H W Brands: The First American, The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin
0907-006 - David Freeman Hawke: Paine
0908 - Josh Leventhal: The World Series, An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Fall Classic
0909 - Sue Grafton: O is for Outlaw
0910 - Unused
0911 - Oxford Companions to Art & Philosophy, 2 volume set
0911-001 - Harold Osborne (Editor): The Oxford Companion to Art
0911-002 - Ted Honderich (Editor): The Oxford Companion to Philosophy
0912 - The Oxford Reference Library, 10 volume set
0912-001 - H W Fowler (Editor): A Dictionary of Modern English Usage
0912-002 - Angela Partington (Editor): The Oxford Dictonary of Quotations
0912-003 - Laurence Urdang: The Oxford Thesaurus, American Edition
0912-004 - James D Hart: The Oxford Companion to American Literature
0912-005 - M C Howatson (Editor): The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature
0912-006 - H W Fowler & F G Fowler (Editors): The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English
0912-007 - Margaret Drabble (Editor): The Oxford Companion to English Literature
0912-008 - Wolfgang Mieder, Stewart A Kingsbury, Kelsie B Harder (Editors): A Dictionary of American Proberbs
0912-009 - Harold Osborne (Editor): The Oxford Companion to Art
0912-010 - Ted Honderich (Editor): The Oxford Companion to Philosophy
0913 - James D Watson: The Double Helix
0914 - Jim Davis: Garfield's Twentieth Anniversary Collection
0915 - Harold Osborne (Editor): The Oxford Companion to Art - Photos
0916 - Ted Honda (Editor): The Oxford Companion to Philosophy - Photos
0917 - The Oxford Desk Reference Set, 4 volume set
0917-001 - H W Fowler & F G Fowler (Editors): The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English
0917-002 - Laurence Urdang: The Oxford Thesaurus, American Edition
0917-003 - H W Fowler (Editor): A Dictionary of Modern English Usage
0917-004 - Angela Partington (Editor): The Oxford Dictonary of Quotations
0918 - Oxford Literary Reference Set, 3 volume set - Photos
0918-001 - Margaret Drabble (Editor): The Oxford Companion to English Literature
0918-002 - Jamed D Hart: The Oxford Companion to American Literature
0918-003 - M C Howatson (Editor): The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature
0919 - Oxford Quotations and Proverbs Set, 2 volume set - Photos
0919-001 - Angela Partington (Editor): The Oxford Dictonary of Quotations
0919-002 - Wolfgang Mieder, Stewart A Kingsbury, Kelsie B Harder (Editors): A Dictionary of American Proverbs
0920 - John Walker: National Gallery of Art Washington
0921 - James Michener: The Source, 2 volume set
0921-001 - Volume 1
0921-002 - Volume 2
0922 - Unused
0923 - 1998 Pulitzer Prize Winners, 6 volume set
0923-001 - Paula Vogel: How I Learned to Drive
0923-002 - Katharine Graham: Personal History
0923-003 - Philip Roth: American Pastoral
0923-004 - Jared Diamond: Guns, Germs, and Steel
0923-005 - Edward J Larson: Summer for the Gods, The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion
0923-006 - Charles Wright: Black Zodiac
0924 - The Lewis & Clark Collection, 3 volume set
0924-001 - Journals of the Expediton Volume 1
0924-002 - Journals of the Expediton Volume 2
0924-003 - Stephen E Ambrose: Undaunted Courage
0925 - Unused
0926 - Unused
0927 - Unused
0928 - Unused
0929 - Unused
0930 - Martine Kurz, Christine Gauthey: Diana, Princess of Wales
0931 - Jack London Set, 4 volume set
0931-001 - The Call of the Wild
0931-002 - The Sea-Wolf
0931-003 - To Build A Fire
0931-004 - White Fang
0932 - Leaders of the 20th Century
0933 - H W Janson, Anthony F Janson: History of Art
0934 - Mark Twain Classics: 12 volume set - Photos
0934-001 - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
0934-002 - John Groth (Illustrator): Pudd'nhead Wilson
0934-003 - Fritz Kredel (Illustrator): The Innocents Abroad
0934-004 - Clarke Hutton (Illustrator): The Prince and the Pauper
0934-005 - Thomas Hart Benton (Illustrator): Life on the Mississippi
0934-006 - Joseph Low (Illustrator): The Notorious Jumping Frog & Other Stories
0934-007 - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
0934-008 - Tom Sawyer Abroad/Tom Sawyer Detective
0934-009 - Penny Havard (Illustrator): The £1,000,000 Bank Note & Other Stories
0934-010 - Roughing It
0934-011 - Thomas Hart Benton (Illustrator): Mark Twain: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Photos
0934-012 - David Knight (Illustrator): A Tramp Abroad
0935 - Beatrix Potter: The Complete Tales - Photos
0936 - Van Gogh
0937 - Unused
0938 - Unused
0939 - Unused
0940 - Unused
0941 - Unused
0942 - Unused
0943 - Unused
0944 - Peterson Field Guide
0945 - Monet
0946 - Benjamin Franklin: Poor Richard's Almanack
0947 - Walter Lord: A Night to Remember
0948 - Charles W Sweeney: War's End, An Eyewitness Account of America's Last Atomic Mission
0949 - Caroline Alexander: The Endurance, Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition
0950 - David Boyle: World War II, A Photographic History
0951 - New York Yankees Patches
0952 - Adventure Classics
0953 - Jancis Robinson: The Oxford Companion to Wine - Photos
0954 - John Glenn: A Memoir
0955 - George W Bush: A Charge To Keep
0956 - 50 State Flags Patches
0957 - The Blue and the Gray
0958 - Peter C Bjarkman: The New York Mets Encyclopedia
0959 - Alison Weir: Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, 4 volume set - Photos
0959-001 - Henry VIII, The King and His Court
0959-002 - The Six Wives of Henry VIII
0959-003 - The Children of Henry VIII
0959-004 - The Life of Elizabeth I
0960 - Frances Hodgson Burnett, Tasha Tudor (Illustrator): The Secret Garden & A Little Princess, 2 volume set
0960-001 - The Secret Garden
0960-002 - A Little Princess
0961 - Unused
0962 - Tom Brokaw: The Greatest Generation Speaks
0963 - Charles Nordhoff & James Norman Hall: Mutiny on the Bounty Trilogy, 3 volume set
0963-001 - Mutiny on the Bounty
0963-002 - Men Against the Sea
0963-003 - Pitcairn's Island
0964 - The World Almanac and Book of Facts
0965 - John Keegan: The First World War & The Second World War, 2 volume set
0965-001 - The First World War (Signed)
0965-002 - The Second World War
0966 - Michael McIntosh, David Maass (Illustrator): Wildfowl of North America
0967 - Leon Uris: Exodus
0968 - Chaim Potok: The Chosen
0969 - Elie Wiesel: Night
0970 - Jeff Shaara: Gods and Generals
0971 - William Peter Blatty: The Exorcist
0972 - Ronald Reagan: Speaking My Mind
0973 - Ayn Rand: The Novels, 4 volume set - Photos
0973-001 - Anthem/We the Living
0973-002 - Atlas Shrugged volume 1
0973-002 - Atlas Shrugged volume 2
0973-004 - The Fountainhead
0974 - Kurt Vonnegut: God Bless You, Dr Kevorkian
0975 - Roman Classics, 12 volume set
0975-001 - Virgil: The Aeneid
0975-002 - Odes
0975-003 - Livy: The History of Early Rome
0975-004 - Lucius Apuleius: The Golden Ass
0975-005 - Suetonius: The Twelve Caesars
0975-006 - Natural History, A Selection
0975-007 - The Satyricon
0975-008 - On Govenment
0975-009 - Marcus Aurelius: Meditations
0975-010 - The Sixteen Satires
0975-011 - Tales From Ovid
0975-012 - Julius Caesar: The Gallic Wars
0976 - Stuart Woods: The Run
0977 - Gordon Cooper: Leap of Faith
0978 - Davis Love III: Every Shot I Take, Lesson Learned About Golf, Life, and a Father's Love
0979 - Jimmy Carter: Living Faith & Sources of Strength, 2 volume set
0979-001 - Living Faith
0979-002 - Sources of Strength, Meditations on Scripture for a Living Faith
0980 - This is the Day
0981 - Norman Rockwell: Pictures for the American People
0982 - Ed McBain: Cop Hater
0983 - Mark Vancil, Peter Hirdt (Editors): Major League Baseball's All Century Team
0984 - John Cannon, Ralph Griffiths: The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Monarchy
0985 - Deborah Cannarella (Editor): Christmas Treasures - Photos
0986 - Garrison Keillor: Wobegon Boy
0987 - Kathleen Saal: In the Land of Hummel
0988 - Mary Cooper Janis: Gary Cooper, Off Camera
0989 - Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
0990 - Unused
0991 - Unused
0992 - Unused
0993 - Unused
0994 - Unused
0995 - Unused
0996 - Unused
0997 - Unused
0998 - Unused
0999 - Unused

Ene 1, 2020, 3:19 am


Ene 1, 2020, 3:19 am


Ene 1, 2020, 3:20 am


Ene 1, 2020, 3:20 am


Ene 1, 2020, 3:20 am


Editado: Abr 10, 2022, 8:29 pm

1574 - Horror Classics, 13 Volume set - Photos
1574-001 - Gaston Leroux: The Phantom of the Opera
1574-002 - Edgar Allan Poe: Tales of Mystery & Imagination
1574-003 - M R James: Ghost Stories of an Antiquary
1574-004 - Sheridan Le Fanu: In A Glass Darkly - Photos
1574-005 - Daphne du Maurier: The Birds and Other Stories
1574-006 - H P Lovecraft: At the Mountains of Madness
1574-007 - W W Jacobs: The Monkey's Paw & Other Tales of Mystery and the Macabre
1574-008 - Amrose Bierce: Tales of Soldiers and Civilians - Photos
1574-009 - H G Wells: The Island of Dr Moreau
1574-010 - Shirley Jackson: The Haunting of Hill House - Photos
1574-011 - Mary Shelley: Frankenstein
1574-012 - Bram Stoker: Dracula
1574-013 - Robert Louis Stevenson: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Ene 1, 2020, 3:20 am


Ene 1, 2020, 3:21 am


Editado: Dic 1, 2020, 11:21 am

1800 - Mort Walker: The Best of Beetle Bailey - Photos
1801 - James A Baker III, Lee H Hamilton: The Iraq Study Group Report
1802 - Run for the Roses
1804 - Joe Namath: Namath - Photos
1805 - Charles Lindbergh: The Spirit of St Louis - Photos
1806 - David J Bodenhamer: Our Rights, Personal Liberty in American History - Photos
1808 - Michael Sofarelli: Letters on the Wall, Offerings and Remembrances - Photos
1809 - Rachael Hale: 101 Cataclysms, For the Love of Cats - Photos
1810 - Jon R Krohmer MD (Editor): First Aid Manual - Photos
1811 - Nick Del Calzo, Peter Collier: Medal of Honor, Portrits of Valor Beyond the Call of Duty
1812 - Dictionary of Christianity
1813 - Graziella Leyla Ciaga: Cathedrals of the World - Photos
1815 - Paulo Coelho: The Alchemist
1816 - Dante: Divine Comedy
1817 - Joan Didion: A Book of Common Prayer - Photos
1818 - Super Bowl Program 2007
1819 - K Y Craft (Illustrator): Cinderella & Sleeping Beauty, 2 volume set - Photos
1819-00? - Cinderella
1819-00? - Sleeping Beauty
1820 - Gene Kranz: Failure Is Not An Option - Photos
1821 - The Bronte Sisters, The Complete Novels
1822 - Gore Vidal: Burr - Photos
1823 - Sports Illustrated: The Baseball Book - Photos
1824 - World War II, A Visual Encyclopedia
1825 - Robert J Morgan: Then Sings My Soul, 2 volume set - Photos
1825-001 - Book One
1825-002 - Book Two
1826 - Thomas Marent: Rainforest - Photos
1827 - Star Wars, The Complete Visual Dictionary
1828 - Bible Commentary
1832 - Virgil: The Aeneid - Photos
1833 - John McCain: Character is Destiny - Photos
1835 - Ron LeMasters Jr & Al Pearce: Dale Earnhardt Jr - Photos
1836 - Life: 50 Years of James Bond - Photos
1837 - Walt Frazier: The Game Within the Game - Photos
1838 - David Maraniss: Clemente - Photos
1839 - Annie Dillard: Pilgrim at Tinker Creek - Photos
1840 - J R R Tolkien: The Children of Hurin - Photos
1841 - Gregory Maguire: Wicked - Photos
1842 - The New York Times: Story of the Yankees - Photos
1843 - Bruce Herman: New York Mets, Yesterday & Today - Photos
1845 - Giles Sparrow, Buzz Aldrin: Spaceflight, The Complete Story From Sputnik to Shuttle, And Beyond - Photos
1846 - Daniel Keyes: Flowers for Algernon - Photos
1847 - Sports Illustrated: Pittsburgh Steelers, Pride in Black and Gold - Photos
1848 - Days of American History, 3 volume set
1848-001 - July 4, 1776
1848-002 - December 7, 1941
1848-003 - September 11, 2001
1849 - Walter Nugent, William Deverell (Consultants): American West Chronicle - Photos
1850 - Reader's Choice Non-Fiction Titles 2007 - Photos
1850-001 - Helen Keller: The Story of My Life
1850-002 - Thomas Jefferson: Writings
1850-003 - Anonymous: The I Ching, or Book of Changes
1850-004 - George Orwell: Homage to Catalonia
1850-005 - Ambrose Bierce: The Devil's Dictionary
1850-006 - John F Kennedy: Profiles in Courage
1850-007 - John Hersey: Hiroshima
1850-008 - Ayn Rand: The Virtue of Selfishness
1850-009 - Albert Camus: The Myth of Sisyphus
1850-010 - Epictetus: The Art of Living
1851 - Michael Chabon: Yiddish Policemen's Union
1852 - David Roberts: The Holy Land, Yesterday and Today
1854 - Crimson Tide
1855 - Nathaniel Philbrick: Mayflower - Photos
1856 - Yann Martel: Life of Pi (Signed)
1859 - Robert J Moore Jr: America From the Air - Photos
1860 - Roger Kahn: The Boys of Summer
1861 - W P Kinsella: Shoeless Joe
1862 - Bernard Malamud: The Natural
1863 - Willie Mays, Lou Sahadi: Say Hey, The Autobiography of Willie Mays
1864 - Leroy Paige: Maybe I'll Pitch Forever
1865 - Robert W Creamer: Babe, The Legend Comes to Life
1866 - Edith Hamilton: Mythology, The Greek Way, The Roman Way, 3 volume set - Photos
1866-00? - Mythology
1866-00? - The Greek Way
1866-00? - The Roman Way
1867 - Bob Woodruff: In An Instant
1868 - Time: America, An Illustrated History - Photos
1869 - Life: America the Beautiful - Photos
1870 - Mark Helprin: Winter's Tale - Photos
1872 - Greatest Adventure Books of All Time - Photos
1872-001 - Apsley Cherry-Garrand: The Worst Journey in the World
1872-002 - Meriwether Lewis & William Clark: The Journals of the Expedition Volume 1
1872-003 - Meriwether Lewis & William Clark: The Journals of the Expedition Volume 2
1872-004 - Antoine de Saint-Exupery: Wind, Sand and Stars
1872-005 - John Wesley Powell: The Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Canyons
1872-006 - Wilfred Thesiger: Arabian Sands
1872-007 - Maurice Herzog: Annapurna
1872-008 - Beryl Markham: West With the Night
1872-009 - Fridtjof Nansen: Farthest North
1872-010 - Ernest Shackleton: South, A Memoir of the Endurance Voyage
1872-011 - Richard Burton: First Footsteps in East Africa
1872-012 - Robert Falcon Scott: Journals of Captain Scott's Last Expedition
1872-013 - Joe Simpson: Touching the Void
1875 - Reader's Choice Titles II, 2007 - Photos
1875-001 - John Knowles: A Separate Peace
1875-002 - Lew Wallace: Ben-Hur
1875-003 - Truman Capote: Breakfast at Tiffany's
1875-004 - Pearl Buck: The Good Earth
1875-005 - Jules Verne: Journey to the Center of the Earth
1875-006 - Robert Louis Stevenson: Kidnapped
1875-007 - Daniel Defoe: Moll Flanders
1875-008 - James Jones: From Here to Eternity
1875-009 - D H Lawrence: Sons and Lovers
1875-010 - Joseph Conrad: The Secret Agent
1876 - Encyclopedia of Birds - Photos
1878 - Margret & H A Rey: Merry Christmas, Curious George - Photos
1879 - Steven Jay Schneider (Editor): 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die - Photos
1882 - Vincent Bugliosi: Helter Skelter
1883 - Steven Covey: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Photos
1884 - Gerry Bowler: The World Encyclopedia of Christmas - Photos
1885 - Classics of Irish Literature, 6 volume set
1885-00? - Dubliners
1885-00? - The Quiet Man
1885-00? - Three Dublin Plays
1885-00? - The Informer
1885-00? - The Playboy of the Western World
1885-00? - Yeats Poems
1886 - Whitey Ford, Phil Pepe: Few and Chosen, Defining Yankee Greatness Across the Eras
1887 - Webster's Desk Reference Set
1894 - Lives of the Pirates, 3 volume set - Photos
1894-00? - Dudley Pope: Captain Kidd
1894-00? - Angus Konstam: Blackbeard
1894-00? - Richard Zacks: The Pirate Hunter
1895 - Coenraads & Koivula (Consultants): Geologica, Earth's Dynamic Forces - Photos
1896 - Steve Parker: Dinosaurus, The Complete Guide to Dinosaurs - Photos
1897 - Joel Meyerowitz: Aftermath - Photos
1898 - Al Seckel: Masters of Deception, Escher, Dali & the Artists of Optical Illusion
1899 - Washington Jefferson Lincoln Roosevelt

Unused Item Numbers: 1873
Non-Book Item Numbers: 1803, 1807, 1814, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1834, 1844, 1853, 1857, 1858,
1871, 1874, 1877, 1880, 1881, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893
Total Number of Books:

Editado: Nov 1, 2020, 4:54 pm

1900 - Peter Boxall (Editor): 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die
1903 - Fred Watson, Patrick Moore (Foreword): Astronomica - Photos
1904 - Carl Yastrzemski: Yastrzemski - Photos
1905 - Our Family Tree, A History of Our Family
1907 - Baseball, Yankees Biographies, 4 volume set
1907-001 - Babe Ruth
1907-002 - Lou Gehrig
1907-003 - Joe DiMaggio
1907-004 - Mickey Mantle
1908 - The Ultimate Wine Clubs, Wines of the World
1909 - The Ultimate Wine Clubs, Cabernet Cub
1910 - The Ultimate Wine Clubs, Wines of California
1911 - John Westwood, Ian Wood: The Historical Atlas of North American Railroads, 2007 - Photos
1912 - Federica de Luca & Antonio Attini: Ireland From the Air - Photos
1913 - Michael Hoffman, Alexander Krings: 100 Wonders of the World
1919 - Disney: The Little Big Book of Christmas - Photos
1920 - Johathan Sutherland, Diane Canwell: The Civil War - Photos
1921 - DK Publishing: The Marvel Encyclopedia - Photos
1922 - L Frank Baum, Michael Hague (Illustrator): The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus - Photos
1923 - Don Gulbrandsen: Green Bay Packers, The Complete Illustrated History
1924 - Alastair Fothergill: Planet Earth, As You've Never Seen It Before - Photos
1926 - The Pursuit of Justice, Supreme Court Decisions That Shaped America - Photos
1927 - Lewis Carroll, Emile Zola & others: A Cat Book
1928 - People Magazine: Diana, An Amazing Life - Photos
1929 - Greece & Rome, History and Treasures of an Ancient Civilization, 2 volume set - Photos
1929-001 - Maggi Stefano: Greece, History and Treasures of an Ancient Civilization
1929-002 - Maria Teresa Guaitoli: Rome, History and Treasures of an Ancient Civilization
1933 - The Official 2012 Super Bowl Program
1941 - Our Wedding Anniversary Memory Book
1942 - DK Publishing, Alison Bailey and others: China - Photos
1944 - Maria Teresa Guaitoli: Rome, History and Treasures of an Ancient Civilization - Photos
1946 - Walter Isaacson: Einstein His Life and Universe - Photos
1947 - Edgar Allan Poe: The Complete Tales & Poems - Photos
1948 - Adam Hart-Davis: History, The Definitive Visual Guide - Photos
1949 - Jimmy Carter: Beyond the White House, Waging Peace, Fighting Disease, Building Hope - Photos
1950 - Robert Pirsig: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
1951 - Max Lucado: 3:16, The Numbers of Hope - Photos
1952 - Lisa Knapp: Fabulous Pugs - Photos
1953 - Chuck Wills: Lincoln, The Presidential Archives - Photos
1954 - The Merriam-Webster Visual Dictionary - Photos
1955 - The Kelmscott Chaucer (Standard Edition)
1956 - Christine Miele, Mary Tiegreen: 1001 Reasons to Love Dogs
1957 - Cambridge: Great American Documents, 2007 - Photos
1958 - Jane Yolen (Editor): Favorite Folktales From Around the World - Photos
1959 - Nancy Drew Classics
1962 - Dallas Cowboys, The Greatest Team Ever
1963 - The Holy Bible, The Classic 1846 Illuminated Edition - Photos
1964 - Essence: A Salute to Michelle Obama - Photos
1966 - Jordan M Wright: Campaigning For President - Photos
1969 - James R Richards: ASPCA Complete Guide to Cats - Photos
1970 - Priscilla Presley: Elvis & Me - Photos
1971 - Vietnam Combat Classics, 6 volume set - Photos
1971-001 - Philip Caputo: A Rumor of War
1971-002 - Michael Herr: Dispatches
1971-003 - Robert Mason: Chickenhawk
1971-004 - James R McDonough: Platoon Leader
1971-005 - Harold G Moore, JOseph L Galloway: We Were Soldiers Once... And Young
1971-006 - Tim O'Brien: If I Die in a Combat Zone
1974 - Dan Rooney: My 75 Years with the Pittsburgh Steelers - Photos
1975 - Illustrated Classic Fairy Tales, 2 volume set - Photos
1975-001 - Aesop's Fables
1975-002 - Grimm's Fairy Tales
1976 - Jerry Beck: The Hanna-Barbera Treasury - Photos
1977 - Norman Mailer: The Castle in the Forest
1978 - Les Krantz: Yankee stadium, A Tribute, 85 Years of Memories 1923-2008
1979 - Larry Bond, F-Stop Fitzgerald: The Mighty Fallen, Our Nation's Greatest War Memorial - Photos
1980 - Leonard Freed: This is the Day, The March on Washington - Photos
1981 - Richard Picciotto: Last Man Down - Photos
1982 - Louis Rhead (Illustrator): Robin Hood - Photos
1983 - Joseph Rosendo: Where To Go When - Photos
1984 - Encyclopedia of Aquarium & Pond Fish
1985 - L Frank Baum, W W Denslow: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - Photos
1986 - James Fenimore Cooper: Leatherstocking Tales, 5 volume set - Photos
1986-001 - The Deerslayer
1986-002 - The Last of the Mohicans
1986-003 - The Pathfinder
1986-004 - The Pioneers
1986-005 - The Prairie
1987 - P G Maxwell-Stuart: Chronicle of the Popes
1988 - Clarence Thomas: My Grandfather's Son
1989 - Tim Hill: Images of the Beatles
1990 - Richard Russo: Empire Falls
1992 - Sara Gruen: Water For Elephants - Photos
1993 - William Shakespeare: The Complete Works, 39 volume set - Photos
1993-001 - Antony and Cleopatra
1993-002 - Henry the Fourth Part 1
1993-003 - Henry the Fourth Part 2
1993-004 - Pericles
1993-005 - Twelfth Night
1993-006 - Much Ado About Nothing
1993-007 - The Two Gentlemen of Verona
1993-008 - Cymbeline
1993-009 - Julius Caesar
1993-010 - The Merchant of Venice
1993-011 - Love's Labour's Lost
1993-012 - Coriolanus
1993-013 - The Comedy of Errors
1993-014 - Richard the Third
1993-015 - Timon of Athens
1993-016 - As You Like It
1993-017 - Othello
1993-018 - The Tempest
1993-019 - Trolius and Cressida
1993-020 - Henry the Eighth
1993-021 - The Winter's Tale
1993-022 - Richard the Second
1993-023 - Measure For Measure
1993-024 - Macbeth
1993-025 - King Lear
1993-026 - Henry the Fifth
1993-027 - King John
1993-028 - Henry the Sixth Part 1
1993-029 - Henry the Sixth Part 2
1993-030 - Henry the Sixth Part 3
1993-031 - Hamlet
1993-032 - Titus Andronicus
1993-033 - The Merry Wives of Windsor
1993-034 - All's Well That Ends Well
1993-035 - Romeo and Juliet
1993-036 - A Midsummer Night's Dream
1993-037 - The Taming of the Shrew
1993-038 - Sonnets
1993-039 - Poems
1994 - Masterpieces of the Wild West, 6 volume set - Photos
1994-001 - Owen Wister: The Virginian
1994-002 - A B Guthrie Jr: The Big Sky
1994-003 - Walter Van Tilburg Clark: The Ox-Bow Incident
1994-004 - Alan Le May: The Searchers
1994-005 - Charles Portis: True Grit
1994-006 - Jack Schaefer: Shane
1995 - Stephen Crane, Mort Kunstler (Illustrator): The Red Badge of Courage - Photos
1996 - James L Kochan, Don Troiani (Illustrator): Soldiers of the American Revolution - Photos

Unused Item Numbers: 1965, 1999
Non-Book Item Numbers: 1901, 1902, 1906, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1925, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1934, 1935, 1936,
1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1943, 1945, 1960, 1961, 1967, 1968, 1972, 1973, 1991, 1997, 1998
Total Number of Books: 125

Editado: Sep 1, 2020, 11:58 am

2000 - Jeremy Harwood: The Historical Atlas of Dynasties and Royal Houses - Photos
2014 - Andrew Lang: Fairy Books, 12 volume set - Photos
2014-001 - Blue Fairy Book
2014-002 - Red Fairy Book
2014-003 - Green Fairy Book
2014-004 - Yellow Fairy Book
2014-005 - Pink Fairy Book
2014-006 - Grey Fairy Book
2014-007 - Violet Fairy Book
2014-008 - Crimson Fairy Book
2014-009 - Brown Fairy Book
2014-010 - Orange Fairy Book
2014-011 - Olive Fairy Book
2014-012 - Lilac Fairy Book
2015 - The Disney Treasures set, 2 volumes - Photos
2015-001 - The Disney Treasures
2015-002 - The Disney Keepsakes
2017 - Sherrie Krantz: How to Be A Betty, 2008 - Photos
2018 - Dr Ian Barnes: The Historical Atlas of Knights and Castles - Photos
2019 - Peter Yarrow: Puff the Magic Dragon - Photos
2020 - Bernard Cornwell: The India Trilogy, 3 volume set - Photos
2020-001 - Sharpe's Tiger
2020-002 - Sharpe's Triumph
2020-003 - Sharpe's Fortress
2021 - Rodney A Juell (Editor): Encyclopedia of United States Stamps and Stamp Collecting - Photos
2023 - Frank Zollner: Leonardo Da Vinci 1452-1519, The Complete Paintings and Drawings - Photos
2024 - Nelson, Jacobs, Bluhm (Editors) The Army Historical Foundation: The Army - Photos
2025 - Michael Crichton: Dinosaur Stories, 2 volume set
2025-001 - Jurassic Park (Signed)
2025-002 - The Lost World
2026 - Elizabeth Gilbert: Eat, Pray, Love - Photos
2027 - Wallis Budge: The Egyptian Book of the Dead - Photos
2028 - Edward Albee: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - Photos
2029 - Willabee & Ward: Super Bowl XLII Official Program 2008, New York Giants vs New England Patriots
2030 - Life: Dick Clark and the History of Rock 'n' Roll
2031 - Smithsonian: Rock and Gem
2032 - Commodore Perry: Narrative of the Expedition to the South China Seas and Japan - Photos
2033 - Ansel Adams: Landscapes of the American West - Photos
2034 - Charles M Schulz: The Many Faces of Snoopy - Photos
2036 - Scott Gustafson (Illustrator) Fairy Tales, 2 volume set - Photos
2036-001 - Classic Fairy Tales
2036-002 - Mother Goose
2037 - Thomas Carlyle: The French Revolution, 3 volume set - Photos
2037-001 - The Bastille
2037-002 - The Constitution
2037-003 - The Guillotine
2038 - Life: Inside Downtown Abbey - Photos
2039 - Henryk Sienkiewicz: Quo Vadis, 2 volume set - Photos
2039-001 - Volume I
2039-002 - Volume II
2040 - John Milton, Gustave Dore (Illustrator): Paradise Lost - Photos
2042 - David Ellyard & Allan R Granville: Scientifica - Photos
2043 - Geoffrey Wawro (Consultant): Historical Atlas, A Comprehensive History of the World - Photos
2049 - Jimmy Carter: A Remarkable Mother - Photos
2050 - Michael Swift: Mapping the World - Photos
2051 - Phaidon Press (Editors): 30,000 Years of Art - Photos
2052 - American Bible Society: The Life of Christ - Photos
2053 - Benazir Bhutto: Reconciliation, Islam, Democracy and the West - Photos
2054 - Triumph: Road Warriors, The New York Giants Incredible 2007 Championship Season
2055 - Susan Cooper: The Dark is Rising Sequence, 5 volume set - Photos
2055-001 - Over Sea, Under Stone
2055-002 - The Dark is Rising (Signed)
2055-003 - Greenwitch
2055-004 - The Grey King
2055-005 - Silver on the Tree
2056 - F Scott Fitzgerald: The Last Tycoon
2057 - The Book of Common Prayer - Photos
2059 - Anne Rice: The Lives of the Mayfair Witches Trilogy, 3 volume set - Photos
2059-001 - The Witching Hour
2059-002 - Lasher
2059-003 - Taltos
2061 - Jane Smiley: A Thousand Acres - Photos
2063 - Jim Davis: Garfield, 30 Years of Laughs and Lasagna - Photos
2066 - Walter Cunningham: The All-American Boys - Photos
2070 - Clement Clarke Moore: The Coca-Cola Night Before Christmas - Photos
2071 - James M McPherson: Hallowed Ground, A Walk at Gettysburg - Photos
2072 - Star Wars, The Force Awakens - Photos
2073 - Sports Illustrated: Brett Favre, The Tribute
2074 - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Harrison Fisher (Illustrator): The Song of Hiawatha - Photos
2075 - M C Escher: The Graphic Work - Photos
2076 - Thomas Marent: Butterfly - Photos
2081 - Disney Bedtime Favorites - Photos
2082 - Sports Illustrated: Joe Paterno 1926-2012 - Photos
2084 - Stephen Farthing (Editor): 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
2085 - Plato: Complete Works, 4 volume set - Photos
2085-001 - Volume I
2085-002 - Volume II
2085-003 - Volume III
2085-004 - Volume IV
2086 - Outlaws of the West, 3 volume set - Photos
2086-001 - T J Stiles: Jesse James, Last Rebel of the Civil War
2086-002 - Richard Pattson: Butch Cassidy, A Biography
2086-003 - Michael Wallis: Billy the Kid, The Endless Ride
2089 - DK Publishing: The Sports Book, The Ultimate Visual Reference to the World of Sports - Photos
2090 - James Lee Burke: The Tin Roof Blowdown - Photos
2091 - Pastier, Heatley, Sandalow, Sutton, Westwell: Ballparks, Yesterday and Today - Photos
2092 - Wayne Youngblood, Ray Bonds: Mathew B Brady, America's First Great Photographer - Photos
2093 - The Conquerors, 5 volume set - Photos
2093-001 - Paul Cartledge: Alexander the Great
2093-002 - Adrian Goldsworthy: Caesar, Life of A Colossus
2093-003 - John Man: Attila, The Barbarian King Who Challenged Rome
2093-004 - Jack Weatherford: Genghis Khan, and the Making of the Modern World
2093-005 - Andre Castelot: Napoleon
2094 - Edwin Balmer, Philip Wylie: The Worlds Collide Saga, 2 volume set - Photos
2094-001 - When Worlds Collide
2094-002 - After Worlds Collide
2095 - Robert Hardman: A Year With the Queen - Photos
2096 - Hal Buell (Editor): World War II Album - Photos
2097 - Edmund Spenser, Walter Crane (Illustrator): The Faerie Queene, 3 volume set - Photos
2097-001 - Book I
2097-002 - Book II
2094-003 - Book III
2098 - Matthew Rye, Steven Isserlis (Editors): 1001 Classical Recordings You Must Hear Before You Die - Photos
2099 - Phineas Thayer: Casey at the Bat - Photos

Unused Item Numbers: 2060, 2069
Non-Book Item Numbers: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2022,
2035, 2041, 2044, 2045, 2046, 2047, 2048, 2058, 2062, 2064, 2065, 2067, 2068, 2077, 2078, 2079, 2080, 2083, 2087, 2088
Total Number of Books: 100

Editado: Jun 1, 2020, 4:10 pm

2101 - Richard Ford: Independence Day - Photos
2103 - Robert Ballard, Ian Coutts: Titanic, the Last Great Images (Signed) 2009 - Photos
2104 - Saul Wisnia: Chicago Cubs, Yesterday & Today - Photos
2105 - Stephen Ambrose: Nixon, 3 volume set - Photos
2105-001 - The Education of a Politician
2105-002 - The Triumph of a Politician
2105-003 - Ruin and Recovery
2106 - New York Post: Deja Blue, 2012 New York Giants Championship Season - Photos
2108 - The Fanny Hill set, 2 volume set (Signed) 2008 - Photos
2108-001 - John Cleland: Fanny Hill, Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
2108-002 - Erica Jong: Fanny, Being the True History of The Adventures of Fanny Hackabout-Jones
2109 - John Bowker: Aerial Atlas of the Holy Land - Photos
2110 - Ian Barnes: The Historical Atlas of Native Americans - Photos
2111 - Arthur C Clarke: A Space Odyssey, 4 volume set - Photos
2111-001 - 2001, A Space Odyssey
2111-002 - 2010, Odyssey Two
2111-003 - 2061, Odyssey Three
2111-004 - 3001, The Final Odyssey
2112 - C Collodi: Pinocchio, The Story of a Puppet - Photos
2115 - The Book of Kells - Photos
2116 - Jim Davis: Garfield's Sunday Finest - Photos
2118 - Janice Anderson: A Celebration of Scotland - Photos
2119 - Father Michael Collins: The Vatican
2120 - Junot Diaz: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Woo - Photos
2122 - Mark Vancil & Alfred Santasiere III: Yankee Stadium, The Official Retrospective - Photos
2135 - Condoleezza Rice: No Higher Honor - Photos
2136 - Bob Dylan, All the Songs
2137 - Joseph Ritson, Gordon Browne (Illustrator): The Original Legends of Robin Hood - Photos
2138 - Solomon Northup: Twelve Years A Slave - Photos
2139 - Campaigns of the Civil War, 16 volume set
2139-001 - Outbreak of Rebellion
2139-002 - The Army of the Cumberland
2139-003 - The Mississippi
2139-004 - From Fort Henry to Corinth
2139-005 - The Peninsula
2139-006 - The Army Under Pope
2139-007 - The Antietam and Fredericksburg
2139-008 - Chancellorsville and Gettysburg
2139-009 - The Shenandoah Valley in 1864
2139-010 - The Virginia Campaign of 1864 & 1865
2139-011 - Atlanta
2139-012 - The March to the Sea, Franklin & Nashville
2139-013 - Statistical Record of the US Armies
2139-014 - The Gulf and Inland Waters
2139-015 - The Atlantic Coast
2139-016 - The Blockade and the Cruisers
2140 - John G Nicolay & John Hay: Lincoln A History
2140-001 - Volume 1
2140-002 - Volume 2
2140-003 - Volume 3
2140-004 - Volume 4
2140-005 - Volume 5
2140-006 - Volume 6
2140-007 - Volume 7
2140-008 - Volume 8
2140-009 - Volume 9
2140-010 - Volume 10
2141 - Football, Tennessee Volunteers
2142 - Jean-Claude Corbeil, Ariane Archambault: The Firefly Spanish/English Visual Dictionary - Photos
2144 - Cliff Christl: The 25 Greatest Moments in Lambeau Field History - Photos
2145 - Reader's Choice titles III, 2008 - Photos
2145-001 - A E W Mason: The Four Feathers
2145-002 - James Fenimore Cooper: The Spy - Photos
2145-003 - Shirley Jackson: The Lottery and Other Stories - Photos
2145-004 - Daphne du Maurier: Rebecca
2145-005 - Fred Gipson: Old Yeller
2145-006 - Hermann Hesse: Siddhartha, An Indian Tale
2145-007 - Nikos Kazantzakis: Zorba the Greek - Photos
2145-008 - Jules Verne: The Mysterious Island
2145-009 - Joseph Conrad: Typhoon and Other Stories - Photos
2145-010 - W Somerset Maugham: The Razor's Edge
2155 - Huston Smith: The World's Religions - Photos
2156 - Sandra Forty: Remington - Photos
2157 - Henry Russell: The Historical Atlas of the Civil War - Photos
2158 - Doctors
2159 - Lewis Carroll, Arthur Rackham (Illustrator): Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Photos
2160 - Cats - Photos
2162 - Annie Proulx: The Shipping News
2163 - Famous American Patents
2165 - Mark Schlabach: What It Means To Be A Gator
2166 - Bill Little, Jenna Hays McEachern: What It Means To Be A Longhorn
2168 - Life: Lincoln, An Intimate Portrait - Photos
2169 - Tom Stevenson: The New Sotheby's Wine Encyclopedia - Photos
2172 - Terry Golway: Ronald Reagan's America - Photos
2175 - DK, Father Michael Collins (Editor): The Illustrated Bible Story by Story - Photos
2178 - Public Enemy, 3 volume set
2178-001 - John Dillinger
2178-002 - Mr Capone
2178-003 - Running with Bonnie & Clyde
2179 - Gary Wills: Devotion and Faith Works, 3 volume set - Photos
2179-001 - What Jesus Meant
2179-002 - What Paul Meant
2179-003 - What the Gospels Meant
2180 - FDR & Eleanor Roosevelt, The Writings, 3 volume set
2180-001 - On Our Way
2180-002 - Looking Forward
2180-003 - Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt
2181 - The Paul "Bear" Bryant Set, 2 volumes - Photos
2181-001 - Bear, My Hard Life and Good Times as Alabama's Head Coach
2181-002 - Alan Barra: The Last Coach, A Life of Paul "Bear" Bryant
2182 - Lew Freedman: Chicago Bears, The Complete Illustrated History
2183 - Patrick Reusse: Minnesota Vikings, The Complete Illustrated History
2184 - Zadie Smith: White Teeth
2185 - William J Bennett: America, The Last Best Hope, 2 volume set - Photos
2185-001 - Volume I
2185-002 - Volume II
2186 - Francis Trevelyan Miller: Gettysburg - Photos
2187 - Julia Ruth Stevens & Bill Gilbert: Babe Ruth, Remembering the Bambino - Photos
2188 - Richard Cavendish (Editor): 1001 Historic Sites You Must See Before You Die - Photos
2189 - Linda Corley, Bob Davidoff (Photographer): The Kennedy Family Album
2190 - Harvey Frommer: Remembering Yankee Stadium, An Oral and Narrative History of the House That Ruth Built - Photos
2191 - Judith Dupre: Skyscrapers - Photos
2192 - Charlotte Uhlenbroek: Animal Life - Photos
2194 - The Day After Doomsday, 5 volume set - Photos
2194-001 - Earth Abides
2194-002 - I Am Legend
2194-003 - On the Beach
2194-004 - Alas, Babylon
2194-005 - Lucifer's Hammer

Unused Item Numbers: 2161
Non-Book Item Numbers: 2100, 2102, 2107, 2113, 2114, 2117, 2121, 2123, 2124, 2125, 2126, 2127, 2128, 2129, 2130, 2131, 2132, 2133, 2134, 2143,
2146, 2147, 2148, 2149, 2150, 2151, 2152, 2153, 2154, 2164, 2167, 2170, 2171, 2173, 2174, 2176, 2177, 2193, 2195, 2196, 2197, 2198, 2199
Total Number of Books: 107

Editado: mayo 11, 2020, 1:29 pm

2205 - Rick Atkinson: The Liberation Trilogy, 3 volume set - Photos
2205-001 - An Army at Dawn
2205-002 - The Day of Battle
2205-003 - The Guns at Last Light
2206 - Adam Victor: The Elvis Encyclopedia - Photos
2207 - Michael Worek, Jordan Worek: An American History Album, The Story of the United States Told Through Stamps - Photos
2208 - Jack Clary: Alabama University Football - Photos
2209 - Ian Stewart: The Story of Mathematics, From Babylonian Numerals to Chaos Theory - Photos
2210 - Frank Herbert: Dune Chronicles, 6 volume set - Photos
2210-001 - Dune
2210-002 - Dune Messiah
2210-003 - Children of Dune
2210-004 - God Emperor of Dune
2210-005 - Heretics of Dune
2210-006 - Chapterhouse Dune
2211 - Mac Engel: Texas Stadium, America's Home Field - Photos
2212 - America and Germany at War in Color, 2 volume set
2212-001 - Stewart Binns, Adrian Wood: America at War in Color, Unique Images of the American Experience in World War II
2212-002 - Lt Col George Forty: Germany at War in Colour, Unique Colour Photographs of the Second World War
2213 - Richard Havers, Richard Evans: Woodstock Chronicles - Photos
2214 - Constance Brittain Bouchard: Knights, In History and Legend - Photos
2216 - Brass Bookends
2219 - San Francisco Chronicle: The Greatest Moments in the History of the San Francisco 49ers - Photos
2224 - The Encyclopedia Britannica: History of the World in Photographs, 1850 to the Present - Photos
2225 - Howard Carter, A C Mace: The Tomb of Tutankhamen, 3 volume set - Photos
2225-001 - Volume One
2225-002 - Volume Two
2225-003 - Volume Three
2226 - Claude Wiatrowski: Railroads Across North America, An Illustrated History - Photos
2228 - Ohio State Football, Yesterday & Today - Photos
2229 - Allen Maki: Football's Greatest Stars - Photos
2230 - Charles Dickens: The Complete Christmas Novels - Photos
2231 - Peter Furtado (Editor): 1001 Days That Shaped the World - Photos
2232 - Richard Schickel & George Perry: You Must Remember This, The Warner Bros Story - Photos
2233 - John J Delaney: Dictionary of Saints - Photos
2234 - Jean Auel: The Clan of the Cave Bear (Signed) 2012
2235 - Churchill Writings, 4 volume set
2235-001 - Churchill, My Early Life
2235-002 - Churchill, Great Contemporaries
2235-003 - Churchill, Step By Step
2235-004 - Churchill, Painting As A Pastime
2236 - A A Milne: The Complete Tales & Poems of Winnie-the-Pooh - Photos
2238 - Jeffrey Archer: Kane and Abel (Signed) 2012 - Photos
2240 - Life: Jubilee! Queen Elizabeth II 60 Years on the Throne - Photos
2249 - Michael Cox, R A Gilbert (Selected): Victorian Ghost Stories - Photos
2250 - Jonathan Franzen: The Corrections - Photos
2252 - Laurence Maslon: The Sound of Music Companion
2253 - Neil Beckett (Editor): 1001 Wines You Must Taste Before You Die - Photos
2256 - Baseball, World Series 2008 Commemorative
2259 - Richard Losch: All the People in the Bible - Photos
2260 - Julian Patrick (Editor): 501 Great Writers - Photos
2262 - Time: President Obama, The Path to the White House - Photos
2263 - Michelle Pickering (Editor): The Illustrated Book of Genesis - Photos
2272 - Mike Mullane: Riding Rockets - Photos
2275 - Michael G Johnson, Richard Hook: The Encyclopedia of Native Tribes of North America
2276 - David Elliot Cohen & Mark Greenberg (Editors): Obama, The Historic Front Pages - Photos
2283 - Stan Lee & George Mair: Excelsior! - Photos
2284 - Michael Worek: Nobel, A Century of Prize Winners - Photos
2285 - Lew Freedman: The 50 Greatest Plays in Chicago Bears Football History - Photos
2289 - William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream - Photos
2290 - Geoffrey Chaucer: The Kelmscott Press's, The Works of - Photos
2291 - Super Bowl XLIII Program

Unused Item Numbers:
Non-Book Item Numbers: 2200, 2201, 2202, 2203, 2204, 2215, 2217, 2218, 2220, 2221, 2222, 2223, 2227, 2237, 2239, 2241, 2242, 2243, 2244,
2245, 2246, 2247, 2248, 2251, 2254, 2255, 2257, 2258, 2261, 2264, 2265, 2266, 2267, 2268, 2269, 2270, 2271, 2273, 2274, 2277, 2278, 2279,
2280, 2281, 2282, 2286, 2287, 2288, 2292, 2293, 2294, 2295, 2296, 2297, 2298, 2299
Total Number of Books: 56

Editado: mayo 6, 2020, 1:05 pm

2306 - Oscar Hijuelos: The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love - Photos
2307 - The New York Times: The Complete Front Covers 1851-2008 - Photos
2308 - J R R Tolkien: Tales From the Perilous Realm - Photos
2309 - Kenneth Robert Classics, 3 volume set
2309-001 - Northwest Passage
2309-002 - Rabble In Arms
2309-003 - Arundel
2310 - Jimmy Carter: We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land - Photos
2311 - Graham Smith, Don Troiani (Illustrator): Civil War Weapons - Photos
2317 - Super Six, Super Bowl XLIII Champion Pittsburgh Steelers
2320 - John Updike: Rabbit, Run - Photos
2321 - Desmond Tutu: No Future Without Forgiveness - Photos
2324 - Joe Funk (Editor): Whitney Houston, The Greatest Love of All - Photos
2326 - James S Olson: In Country, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War - Photos
2327 - Edgar Mitchell & Dwight Williams: The Way of the Explorer - Photos
2328 - Edward Norman: The Roman Catholic Church, An Illustrated History - Photos
2329 - The Boston Globe: Ted Kennedy, Scenes from an Epic Life - Photos
2330 - The American Heritage Medical Dictionary - Photos
2331 - James D Watson: The Double Helix - Photos
2335 - Edgar Rice Burroughs, Bob Eggleton (Illustrator): Tarzan of the Apes - Photos
2343 - Sandra Day O'Connor & H Alan Day: Lazy B - Photos
2344 - Sue Ellen Cooper: The Red Hat Society - Photos
2348 - Life: Remembering Martin Luther King Jr, His Life and Crusade in Pictures - Photos
2351 - William A Degregorio: The Complete Book of U S Presidents - Photos
2352 - Damon DiMarco: Tower Stories, An Oral History of 9/11 - Photos
2353 - J R R Tolkien: The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun - Photos
2354 - Reader's Choice Titles IV, 2009 - Photos
2354-001 (2585-021) - Edgar Rice Burroughs: At the Earth's Core & A Princess of Mars
2354-002 - Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None
2354-003 (2585-022) - Peter Benchley: Jaws
2354-004 - James Hilton: Lost Horizon
2354-005 (2585-023) - H Rider Haggard: She
2354-006 (2585-024) - Sir Walter Scott: Rob Roy
2354-007 - Edward Everett Hale: The Man Without a Country
2354-008 - Robert Louis Stevenson: The Black Arrow
2354-009 (2585-048) - Anthony Hope: The Prisoner of Zenda
2354-010 (2585-025) - Pierre Boulle: Planet of the Apes
2362 - The New York Times: Obama, The Historic Journey - Photos
2370 - Steven Travers: The 1969 Miracle Mets - Photos
2373 - George H W Bush: Speaking of Freedom - Photos
2374 - James Cameron's Titanic - Photos
2386 - Stefan Lorant: Lincoln, A Picture Story of His Life - Photos
2387 - Charles M Schulz: Woodstock, A Bird's-Eye View - Photos
2388 - Elite Eighth, 2011-2012 Season Kentucky Wildcats
2391 - F Scott Fitzgerald: This Side of Paradise
2392 - Roger Kahn: The Boys of Summer
2393 - Agatha Christie: Hercule Poirot Classics, 5 volume set - Photos
2393-001 - The Mysterious Affair at Styles
2393-002 - Death on the Nile
2393-003 - The A B C Murders
2393-004 - The Mystery of the Blue Train
2393-005 - The Murder of Roger Akroyd
2395 - Lori Baird, Marcel Brousseau, Amber Rose: Fifty States Every Question Answered - Photos
2396 - The Timeline of the Bible - Photos
2397 - Smithsonian: Atlas of Space Exploration - Photos

Unused Item Numbers: 2394
Non-Book Item Numbers: 2300, 2301, 2302, 2303, 2304, 2305, 2312, 2313, 2314, 2315, 2316, 2318, 2319, 2322, 2323, 2325, 2332, 2333, 2334,
2336, 2337, 2338, 2339, 2340, 2341, 2342, 2345, 2346, 2347, 2349, 2350, 2355, 2356, 2357, 2358, 2359, 2360, 2361, 2363, 2364, 2365, 2366,
2367, 2368, 2369, 2371, 2372, 2375, 2376, 2377, 2378, 2379, 2380, 2381, 2382, 2383, 2384, 2385, 2389, 2390, 2398, 2399
Total Number of Books: 52

Editado: mayo 5, 2020, 11:51 pm

2401 - Buzz Aldrin: Magnificent Desolation - Photos
2402 - Graham Bateman, Victoria Egan (Editors): Encyclopedia of World Geography - Photos
2403 - Maya Angelou: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Photos
2404 - Rupert Mathews: The Popes, Every Question Answered - Photos
2405 - O'Henry: The Complete and Unabridged Fiction - Photos
2406 - Alfred Santasiere, Mark Vancil: Yankee Stadium, The Final Season - Photos
2407 - Life: Michelle Obama, Portrait of the First Lady - Photos
2408 - Kurt Vonnegut Jr: Look at the Birdie - Photos
2416 - Charles Dickens, John Leech (Illustrator): A Christmas Carol - Photos
2417 - J R R Tolkien: The History of the Lord of the Rings, 4 volume set - Photos
2417-001 - The Return of the Shadow
2417-002 - The Treason of Isengard
2417-003 - The War of the Ring
2417-004 - The End of the Third Age
2419 - Washington Irving: Rip Van Winkle - Photos
2420 - Shelby Foote: The Civil War, A Narrative, 3 volume set - Photos
2420-001 - Fort Sumter to Perryville
2420-002 - Fredericksburg to Meridian
2420-003 - Red River to Appomattox
2423 - Daily Mail: John, Paul, George & Ringo - Photos
2424 - P D James: Cover Her Face (Signed) 2009
2433 - David L Ganz: Smithsonian Guide to Coin Collecting - Photos
2434 - Life: Michael 1958-2009 - Photos
2435 - Emma Howard: Italy - Photos
2436 - Lew Freedman: New York Giants, The Complete Illustrated History - Photos
2437 - Lew Freedman: Pittsburgh Steelers, The Complete Illustrated History - Photos
2438 - Ken Rappoport, Barry Wilner: Penn State Football, The Complete Illustrated History - Photos
2439 - Rita Carter: The Human Brain Book - Photos
2440 - Greg O'Brien: The Timeline of Native Americans - Photos
2441 - Bob Hyldburg: Total Patriots - Photos
2447 - Ayn Rand: Atlas Shrugged - Photos
2449 - Henry Louis Gates, Jr: Life Upon These Shores, Looking at African American History 1513-2008
2453 - James Spada: Jackie, Her Life in Pictures - Photos
2455 - Dayton Duncan: The National Parks, America's Best Idea - Photos
2456 - DK Publishers: Prehistoric Life - Photos
2457 - Cally Oldershaw: Gems of the World - Photos
2458 - Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Land That Time Forgot Trilogy - Photos
2459 - Michael Crichton, Bob Eggleton (Illustrator): The Andromeda Strain (Signed) Limited to 500 - Photos
2460 - Mayo Clinic Family Health Book - Photos
2469 - Grace Bradley Boyd, Michael Cochran: Hopalong Cassidy, An American Legend (Signed) Limited to 1000 - Photos
2471 - Tim Hill: Michael Jackson The Man in the Mirror 1958-2009
2472 - John P Eaton & Charles A Haas: Titanic, Triumph and Tragedy - Photos
2473 - Robert E Howard: Conan the Barbarian - Photos
2474 - Firefly Books Publisher: World Heritage Sites, A Complete Guide to 878 UNESCO World Heritage Sites - Photos
2475 - Barry Miles: The British Invasion - Photos
2477 - Larry Canale (Editor): Mickey Mantle Memories and Memorabilia - Photos
2481 - Dr Ian Barnes: The Historical Atlas of the Celtic World - Photos
2482 - David Elliot Cohen: Nelson Mandela, A Life in Photographs - Photos
2483 - Pope John Paul II: Love is the Explanation of Everything, 365 Meditations With the Pope - Photos
2490 - Robert J Sawyer: Flashforward - Photos
2491 - Landmarks of African-American Literature, 3 volume set
2491-001 - Frederick Douglass: Life of Frederick Douglass
2491-002 - Booker T Washington: Up From Slavery
2491-003 - W E B Du Bois: The Souls of Black Folk
2499 - Mike McCormick: The Official Major League Baseball 2009 World Series Program

Unused Item Numbers:
Non-Book Item Numbers: 2400, 2409, 2410, 2411, 2412, 2413, 2414, 2415, 2418, 2421, 2422, 2425, 2426, 2427, 2428, 2429, 2430, 2431, 2432, 2442,
2443, 2444, 2445, 2446, 2448, 2450, 2451, 2452, 2454, 2461, 2462, 2463, 2464, 2465, 2466, 2467, 2468, 2470, 2476, 2478, 2479, 2480, 2484, 2485,
2486, 2487, 2488, 2489, 2492, 2493, 2494, 2495, 2496, 2497, 2498
Total Number of Books: 52

Editado: Nov 9, 2020, 6:16 pm

2500 - Holly George-Warren (Editor): The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the First 25 Years - Photos
2501 - Sports Illustrated: Dallas Cowboys, 50 Years of Football - Photos
2502 - Twenty-Seven, The Official Yankees World Series Championship Commemorative - Photos
2503 - Charlaine Harris: Dead Until Dark - Photos
2505 - The Washington Post: Michelle, Her First Year as First Lady - Photos
2507 - Sigmund Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams - Photos
2508 - Time: Mother Teresa, The Life and Works of A Modern Saint - Photos
2509 - Ian Barnes: The Historical Atlas of the Bible - Photos
2510 - Pope Benedict XVI: Jesus of Nazareth the Illustrated Edition - Photos
2511 - Michael Mallory: Universal Studios Monsters, A Legacy of Horror - Photos
2512 - Jim Dwyer & Kevin Flynn: 102 Minutes, The Untold Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers - Photos
2518 - The First Edition Library - Photos
2518-001 - Sinclair Lewis: Main Street
2518-002 - Ayn Rand: The Fountainhead
2518-003 - John Steinbeck: East of Eden
2518-004 - John Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath
2518-005 - Ernest Hemingway: For Whom the Bell Tolls
2518-006 - F Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby
2518-007 - Erskine Caldwell: Tobacco Road
2518-008 - William Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury
2519 - John F Kennedy: Let Every Nation Know - Photos
2526 - George Catlin: The North American Indians - Photos
2531 - Clifford A Pickover: The Medical Book - Photos
2535 - Dan Fox & Dick Weissman: The Great Family Songbook - Photos
2537 - King James Bible: The Classic 1611 Edition - Photos
2538 - Gold, A Celebration of the 1980 US Olympic Hockey Team in Words and Photographs
2539 - Harry Katz: Baseball Americana - Photos
2540 - Theodore Gray: The Elements - Photos
2541-001 - Rudy Rucker: Hylozoic - Photos
2541-002 - Robert Charles Wilson: Julian Comstock - Photos
2542 - Michael Teitelbaum plus many more: The DC Comics Encyclopedia - Photos
2543 - Richard Havers & Richard Evans: The Golden Age of the Blues - Photos
2544 - Creg Stephenson: Crimson Glory, Alabama Rolls to the National Championship - Photos
2545 - John R Bruning: The Battle of the Bulge - Photos
2546 - James Bradley: Flags of Our Fathers - Photos
2547 - John Lukacs: Five Days In London May 1940
2548 - Marcus Aurelius Antonitus: The Thoughts of the Emperor - Photos
2549 - Salve Regina, The Story of Mary - Photos
2550 - Leonardo Da Vinci: The Notebooks, 2 volume set - Photos
2550-001 - Volume 1
2550-002 - Volume 2
2551 - Bruce Clement Cooper (Editor): The Classic Western American Railroad Routes - Photos
2552 - Alex Haley: Roots - Photos
2553 - Graham Burgess: The Mammoth Book of Chess - Photos
2556 - Tim Hill: Unforgettable, A Tribute to 100 Icons Who Died Too Young - Photos
2563 - Joseph-Francois Michaud: History of the Crusades, 2 volume set - Photos
2563-001 - Volume 1
2563-002 - Volume 2
2564 - Cassell's Illustrated Family Bible - Photos
2565 - Rainer Metzger & Ingo F Walther: Vincent Van Gogh - Photos
2566 - S J Duncan-Clark: Pictorial History of the World War - Photos
2567 - American Law Classics, 2 volume set
2567-001 - The Common Law
2567-002 - The Nature of the Judicial Process
2569 - Andrew M Colman: Dictionary of Psychology - Photos
2571 - David Ross: The Encyclopedia of Trains and Locomotives - Photos
2579 - Benson J Lossing LLD: A History of the Civil War - Photos
2583 - The Annotated US Constitution & Declaration of Independence
2584 - Sports Illustrated: The Covers - Photos
2585 - Reader's Choice VII (038-047) - Photos
2585-001 (1850-001) - Helen Keller: The Story of My Life
2585-002 (1850-002) - Thomas Jefferson: Writings
2585-003 (1850-003) - Anonymous: The I Ching
2585-004 (1850-004) - George Orwell: Homage to Catalonia
2585-005 (1850-005) - Ambrose Bierce: The Devil's Dictionary
2585-006 (1850-006) - John F Kennedy: Profiles in Courage
2585-007 (1850-007) - John Hersey: Hiroshima
2585-008 (1850-008) - Ayn Rand: The Virtue of Selfishness, A New Concept of Egoism
2585-009 (1850-009) - Albert Camus: The Myth of Sisyphus
2585-010 (1850-010) - Epictetus: The Art of Living
2585-011 (1875-005) - Jules Verne: A Journey to the Center of the Earth
2585-012 (1875-006) - Robert Louis Stevenson: Kidnapped
2585-013 (1875-007) - Daniel Defoe: Moll Flanders
2585-014 (1875-009) - D H Lawrence: Sons and Lovers
2585-015 (2145-002) - James Fenimore Cooper: The Spy
2585-016 (2145-004) - Daphne du Maurier: Rebecca
2585-017 (2145-005) - Fred Gipson: Old Yeller
2585-018 (2145-006) - Hermann Hesse: Siddhartha
2585-019 (2145-008) - Jules Verne: The Mysterious Island - Photos
2585-020 (2145-010) - W Somerset Maugham: The Razor's Edge - Photos
2585-021 (2354-001) - Edgar Rice Burroughs: At the Earths's Core & A Princess of Mars - Photos
2585-022 (2354-003) - Peter Benchley: Jaws - Photos
2585-023 (2354-005) - H Rider Haggard: She - Photos
2585-024 (2354-006) - Sir Walter Scott: Rob Roy
2585-025 (2354-010) - Pierre Boulle: Planet of the Apes
2585-026 (2629-003) - James Hilton: Good-Bye Mr Chips - Photos
2585-027 (2629-004) - John Buchan: The Thirty-Nine Steps - Photos
2585-028 (1875-010) - Joseph Conrad: The Secret Agent
2585-029 (2145-009) - Joseph Conrad: Youth/Typhoon/The End of the Tether
2585-030 (2629-007) - W Somerset Maugham: The Moon and Sixpence
2585-031 (2629-008) - Ovid: The Art of Love
2585-032 (2843-002) - James Dickey: Deliverance - Photos
2585-033 (2843-003) - James M Cain: The Postman Always Rings Twice
2585-034 (2843-004) - Richard Llewellyn: How Green Was My Valley - Photos
2585-035 (2843-005) - Fyodor Dostoevsky: Notes From the Underground
2585-036 (2843-006) - Sherwood Anderson: Winesburg, Ohio
2585-037 (2843-007) - Bram Stoker: The Lair of the White Worm
2585-038 - B Traven: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
2585-039 - Ray Bradbury: The Illustrated Man
2585-040 - Peter Straub: Ghost Story
2585-041 - Rudyard Kipling: Captains Courageous
2585-042 - John Steinbeck: East of Eden
2585-043 - James Clavell: King Rat
2585-044 - Thomas B Costain: The Silver Chalice
2585-045 - Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking Glass
2585-046 - Michael Crichton: The Great Train Robbery
2585-047 - G K Chesterton: The Innocence of Father Brown
2585-048 (2354-010) - Anthony Hope: Prisoner of Zenda
2585-049 (2354-007) - Edward Everett Hale: The Man Without A Country
2585-050 (2843-010) - Sir Walter Scott: Kenilworth - Photos
2585-051 (2843-009) - Henryk Sienkiewicz: Quo Vadis
2585-052 (2843-008) - Friedrich Schiller: William Tell
2585-053 (2924-002) (2705-056) - Thomas Harris: The Silence of the Lambs - Photos
2585-054 (2924-006) (2705-077) - Delos W Lovelace: King Kong - Photos
2585-055 (2924-010) (2705-078) - Alistair MacLean: The Guns of Navarone - Photos
2585-056 (2878-004) - Lloyd Douglas: The Robe - Photos
2585-057 (2878-006) - Rafael Sabatini: The Black Swan - Photos
2585-058 (2878-003) - Isaac Asimov: Pebble in the Sky
2585-059 (2878-009) - Richard Doddridge Blackmore: Lorna Doone
2585-060 (3077-001) - Percival Christopher Wren: Beau Geste - Photos
2585-061 (3077-002) - Alistair MacLean: Where Eagles Dare - Photos
2585-062 (3077-003) - Max Brand: Destry Rides Again - Photos
2585-063 (3077-004) - Horace Walpole: The Castle of Otranto - Photos
2585-064 (3077-005) - Lewis Carroll: The Hunting of the Snark - Photos
2585-065 (3077-006) - John Hersey: A Bell For Adano - Photos
2585-066 (3077-007) - Eugene Burdick & William Lederer: The Ugly American - Photos
2585-067 (3077-008) - Patrick Dennis: Auntie Mame - Photos
2585-068 (3077-009) - Jean Rhys: Wide Sargasso Sea - Photos
2585-069 (3077-010) - Howard Pyle: Men of Iron - Photos
2585-070 (3290-003) - Anita Loos: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes - Photos
2585-071 (3290-005) - John Ball: In the Heat of the Night - Photos
2585-072 (3290-006) - Frederick Marryat: Mr Midshipman Easy - Photos
2585-073 (3290-007) - Isaac Asimov: The Gods Themselves - Photos
2585-074 (3332-001) - Zane Grey: The Lone Star Ranger - Photos
2585-075 (3332-002) - Michael Crichton: Sphere - Photos
2585-076 (3332-003) - Glendon Swarthout: The Shootist - Photos
2585-077 (3332-004) - Zora Neale Hurston: Their Eyes Were Watching God - Photos
2585-078 (3332-005) - Dalton Trumbo: Johnny Got His Gun - Photos
2585-079 (3332-006) - Agatha Christie: Curtain, Poirot's Last Case - Photos
2585-080 (3332-007) - Jim Thompson: The Killer Inside Me - Photos
2585-081 (3332-008) - Ian Fleming: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, The Magical Car - Photos
2585-082 (3332-010) - Rudolph Erich Raspe, Gustave Dore (Illustrator): The Adventures of Baron Munchausen - Photos
2585-083 (3361-001) - Edward L Beech: Run Silent, Run Deep - Photos
2585-084 (3361-004) - Edgar Rice Burroughs: Beyond Thirty - Photos
2585-085 (3361-007) - John Steinbeck: Sweet Thursday - Photos
2585-086 (3361-008) - Max Brand: The Untamed - Photos
2585-087 (3361-009) - Zane Grey: The Last of the Plainsmen - Photos
2585-088 (3361-005) - Sinclair Lewis: It Can't Happen Here - Photos
2585-089 (3361-006) - Sheridan Le Fanu: The Evil Guest - Photos
2585-090 (3361-010) - Robert W Chambers: The King in Yellow - Photos
2585-091 (3482-001) - Michael Crichton: Dragon Teeth - Photos
2585-092 (3482-002) - Edward Streeter: Father of the Bride - Photos
2585-093 (3482-003) - Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Herland - Photos
2585-094 (3482-004) - Saul Bellow: Herzog - Photos
2585-095 (3482-005) - Clarence E Mulford: Hopalong Cassidy - Photos
2585-096 (3482-006) - Jack London: The Iron Heel - Photos
2585-097 (3482-007) - Edward Abbey: The Monkey Wrench Gang - Photos
2585-098 (3482-008) - Eric Hodgin: Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House - Photos
2585-099 (3482-009) - Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Mucker - Photos
2585-100 (3482-010) - Edith Nesbit: The Railway Children - Photos
2585-101 (3361-002) - George MacDonald Fraser: Flashman - Photos
2585-102 (3361-003) - Shirley Jackson: We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Photos
2585-103 (3567-001) - Roger Lancelyn Green: The Adventures of Robin Hood - Photos
2585-104 (3567-002) - Hermann Hesse: Steppenwolf - Photos
2585-105 (3567-003) - Vera Caspary: Laura - Photos
2585-106 (3567-004) - Graham Greene: Our Man In Havana - Photos
2585-107 (3567-005) - John Steinbeck: Travels With Charley, In Search of America - Photos
2585-108 (3567-006) - Thorne Smith: Topper - Photos
2585-109 (3567-007) - Edgar Rice Burroughs: Tarzan and the Golden Lion - Photos
2585-110 (3567-008) - Agatha Christie: The Murder on the Links - Photos
2587 - William E Wallace: Michealangelo, The Complete Sculpture, Painting, Architecture - Photos
2588 - Hugh Ambrose: The Pacific
2589 - Clement Clarke Moore: A Visit From St. Nicholas - Photos
2590 - Ryder Windham, Daniel Wallace, Pablo Hidalgo: Star Wars, Year by Year, A Visual Chronicle - Photos
2592 - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Faust - Photos
2593 - H G Wells: War of the Worlds
2594 - Al Silverman: Yankee Colors, The Glory Years of the Mantle Era - Photos
2595 - Ian Barnes: Historical Atlas of Judaism - Photos
2596 - The Nascar Hall of Fame 2010 Inaugural Yearbook - Photos
2597 - Thomas L McKenney and James Hall: History of the Indian Tribes of North America - Photos
2599 - The Holy Bible, Illustrated Catholic Bible - Photos

Unused Item Numbers:
Non-Book Item Numbers: 2504, 2506, 2513, 2514, 2515, 2516, 2517, 2520, 2521, 2522, 2523, 2524, 2525, 2527, 2528, 2529, 2530, 2532, 2533, 2534,
2536, 2554, 2555, 2557, 2558, 2559, 2560, 2561, 2562, 2568, 2570, 2572, 2573, 2574, 2575, 2576, 2577, 2578, 2580, 2581, 2582, 2586, 2591, 2598
Total Number of Books: 176

Editado: Sep 25, 2020, 11:16 pm

2600 - Ian Lloyd: A Year in the Life of a Duchess - Photos
2601 - Molly Rockwell (Editor): Norman Rockwell's Christmas Book - Photos
2603 - Francois Truffaut: Hitchcock, A Complete Film-by-Film Review - Photos
2604 - Blanche Fisher Wright (Illustrator): The Original Mother Goose - Photos
2605 - Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies - Photos
2609 - Mark Twain: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Photos
2616 - H Avery Chenoweth, Brooke Nihart: Semper Fi - Photos
2617 - Laozi, Chad Hansen (Translator): Tao Te Ching, On the Art of Harmony - Photos
2618 - Miyamoto Musashi: The Book of Five Rings
2619 - Kenneth Graham, Arthur Rackham (Illustrator): The Wind in the Willows - Photos
2620 - David Hackett Fischer: Washington's Crossing - Photos
2621 - Nick Hornby: High Fidelity - Photos
2622 - William Smith: Smith's Bible Dictionary - Photos
2623 - Peter Robinson: Ronald Reagan, A Life in Photographs - Photos
2624 - World War II Chronicle - Photos
2625 - Norman Mailer: Moonfire, The Epic Journey of Apollo 11 - Photos
2626 - Terry Brooks: Shannara Trilogy, 3 volume set, (Canceled)
2626-001 - The Sword of Shannara
2626-002 - The Elfstones of Shannara
2626-003 - The Wishsong of Shannara
2627 - Richard Schickel: Clint, A Retrospective - Photos
2628 - Terry Golway: Together We Cannot Fail, FDR and the American Presidency in Years of Crisis - Photos
2629 - Reader's Choice Titles V, 2010 - Photos
2629-001 - C S Forester: The African Queen
2629-002 - Johnston McCulley: The Mark of Zorro - Photos
2629-003 - James Hilton: Good-bye Mr Chips
2629-004 - John Buchan: The Thirty-Nine Steps
2629-005 - Howard Fast: Spartacus
2629-006 - H G Wells: The First Men in the Moon
2629-007 - W Somerset Maugham: The Moon and Sixpence
2629-008 - Ovid: The Art of Love
2629-009 - Thomas Hardy: Far from the Madding Crowd
2629-010 - Albert Camus: The Plague
2630 - Dante Alighieri, Gustave Dore (Illustrator): The Divine Comedy, 2 volume set - Photos
2630-001 - Purgatory & Paradise
2630-002 - Dante's Inferno
2633 - Benn Pitman: The Assassination of President Lincoln and the Trial of the Conspirators, Limited to 1875 - Photos
2637 - Dennis Adler: Guns of the American West - Photos
2639 - Bird Art of John James Audubon
2640 - Dominique Francois: Normandy, From D-Day to the Breakout and Liberation - Photos
2644 - Paula M Block, Terry J Erdmann: Star Trek, The Original Series - Photos
2645 - Kiran Desai: The Inheritance of Loss - Photos
2646 - Edgar Allan Poe, Gustave Dore (Illustrator): The Raven - Photos
2650 - Lisa Thomas (Editor): World Atlas - Photos
2653 - Muhammad Yunus: Banker to the Poor - Photos
2654 - Don Higginbotham: The War of American Independence
2655 - Famous Editions - Photos
2655-001 - Mark Twain, Norman Rockwell (Illustrator): Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Photos
2655-002 - Apollonius Rhodius, A Tassos (Illustrator): Argonautica - Photos
2655-003 - Marjorie Rawlings, N C Wyeth (Illustrator): The Yearling - Photos
2655-004 - Jules Verne, Robert Stone (Illustrator): From the Earth to the Moon - Photos
2655-005 - Keneth Grahame, Arthur Rackham (Illustrator): The Wind in the Willows
2655-006 - Sir Thomas Malory, Aubrey Beardsley (Illustrator): Le Morte D'Arthur - Photos
2655-007 - Oscar Wilde, James Hill (Illustrator): The Short Stories - Photos
2655-008 - Charles Perrault, A E Johnson (Translator), Gustave Dore (Illustrator): Perrault's Fairy Tales - Photos
2655-009 - Charles Kingsley, Jesse Wilcox Smith (Illustrator): The Water Babies - Photos
2655-010 - Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Willy Pogany (Illustrator): The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
2656 - Martine Podesto (Editor): The Ultimate Medical Encyclopedia - Photos
2658 - Jane Goodall: 50 Years at Gombe - Photos
2660 - Kevin Zraly: Windows on the World, Complete Wine Course - Photos
2661 - Larry McMurtry: Custer - Photos
2662 - Hollywood Musicals - Photos
2664 - Glorious Art, 20 volumes
2664-001 - Alain J Lemaitre, Erich Lessing: Florence and the Renaissance - Photos
2664-002 - Henri Stierlin: The Pharaohs, Master Builders - Photos
2664-003 - Charles Sala: Michelangelo - Photos
2664-004 - Daniel Huguenin, Erich Lessing: The Glory of Venice - Photos
2664-005 - Philippe Cros: Paul Cezanne - Photos
2664-006 - Philippe Cros: Renoir - Photos
2664-007 - Laure Meyer: Masters of English Landscape - Photos
2664-008 - Erich Lessing, Antonio Varone: Pompeii - Photos
2664-009 - Berenice Morvan: Impressionists
2664-010 - Jean-Claude Dubost & Jean Francois Gonthier (Editors) Architecture of the Future - Photos
2664-011 - Arthur Ellridge: Gauguin and the Nabis, Prophets of Modernism - Photos
2664-012 - Claude Laisne: The Art of Ancient Greece - Photos
2664-013 - Sylvie Buisson, Christian Parisot: Paris - Montmartre - Photos
2664-014 - Jean-Claude Frere: Early Flemish Painting - Photos
2664-015 - Valerie Bougault: Paris - Montparnasse, The Heyday of Modern Art 1910-1940 - Photos
2664-016 - Jannic Durand: Byzantine Art - Photos
2664-017 - Sophie Bajard, Raffaello Bencini: Rome, Palaces and Gardens
2664-018 - Sophie Monneret: David and Neo-Classicism - Photos
2664-019 - Jean-Claude Frere: Leonardo - Photos
2664-020 - Pierre Cabanne: Van Gogh - Photos
2666 - Life: Neil Armstrong 1930-2012 - Photos
2668 - Abby Mendelson: Pittsburgh Steelers, Yesterday & Today - Photos
2669 - Kevin J Dougherty: Encylopedia of the Confederacy - Photos
2671 - Arthur Rackham (Illustrator): The Romance of King Arthur - Photos
2672 - Great American Short Stories - Photos
2673 - Bill Harris: The First Ladies Fact Book - Photos
2674 - Georege Frideric Handel: Messiah - Photos
2676 - Jimmy Carter: White House Diary - Photos
2677 - Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist - Photos
2678 - Military History Classics Series
2678-001 - Liddell Hart: Strategy - Photos
2678-002 - Erwin Rommel: The Rommel Papers - Photos
2678-003 - T E Lawrence: Seven Pillars of Wisdom
2678-004 - Samuel Eliot Morison: John Paul Jones, A Sailor's Biography - Photos
2678-005 - Mao Tse-tung: On Guerilla Warfare - Photos
2678-006 - Winston Churchill: The Story of the Malakand Field Force - Photos
2678-007 - U S Grant: Personal Memoirs - Photos
2678-008 - Harrison E Salisbury: The 900 Days - Photos
2678-009 - Michael B Oren: Six Days of War - Photos
2678-010 - John Lukacs: Five Days in London 1940 - Photos
2678-011 - Ronald Spector: Eagle Against the Sun, The American War with Japan - Photos
2678-012 - John Keegan: The Face of Battle
2678-013 - Martin Blumenson & James L Stokesbury: Masters of the Art of Command - Photos
2678-014 - Donald R Morris: The Washing of the Spears - Photos
2678-015 - David Zucchino: Thunder Run, The Armored Strike to Capture Baghdad
2678-016 - Winston Churchill: Memoirs of the Second World War
2678-017 - Sherry Sontag & Christopher Drew: Blind Man's Bluff - Photos
2678-018 - Richard M Ketchum: Saratoga
2678-019 - M S Kohil & Kenneth Conboy: Spies in the Himalayas - Photos
2678-020 - Christopher Tyerman: Fighting for Christendom
2678-021 - Sun Tsu: The Art of War
2678-022 - Stephen E Ambrose: D-Day - Photos
2678-023 - Paul Brickhill: The Great Escape
2678-024 - Carl von Clausewitz: On War - Photos
2678-025 - David Hackett Fisher: Washington's Crossing
2678-026 - Juliet Barker: Agincourt, Henry V and the Battle That Made England - Photos
2678-027 - Robert M Edsel: Monuments Men - Photos
2678-028 - Alison Weir: The Wars of the Roses - Photos
2678-029 - Nathaniel Philbrick: Bunker Hill, A City A Siege A Revolution - Photos
2678-030 - William Dalrymple: Return of a King, The Battle for Afghanistan 1839-42 - Photos
2678-031 - Private Wilbur Fisk: Hard Marching Every Day, The Civil War Letters of - Photos
2678-032 - Christopher Clark: The Sleepwalkers - Photos
2678-033 - Andrew Weist: The Boys of '67, Charlie Company's War in Vietnam - Photos
2678-034 - James M McPherson: For Cause and Comrades - Photos
2678-035 - Amy S Greenberg: A Wicked War - Photos
2678-036 - Marc Morris: The Norman Conquest - Photos
2678-037 - Louis Zamperini & David Rensin: Devil at My Heels - Photos
2678-038 - Victor Davis Hanson: A War Like No Other - Photos
2678-039 - Michael Golembesky & John R Bruning: Level Zero Heroes - Photos
2678-040 - Elton E Mackin: Suddenly We Didn't Want to Die - Photos
2678-041 - Doug Stanton: In Harm's Way - Photos
2678-042 - James Lacey: The First Clash - Photos
2678-043 - Brian Kilmeade: Thomas Jefferson & The Tripoli Pirates - Photos
2678-044 - Eric Blehm: Legend - Photos
2678-045 - Tom Reiss: The Black Count - Photos
2678-046 - Barry Strauss: The Death of Caesar - Photos
2678-047 - Orlando Figes: The Crimean War - Photos
2678-048 - Erik Larson: Dead Wake - Photos
2678-049 - Chris Kyle: American Sniper - Photos
2678-050 - Robert M Gates: Duty - Photos
2678-051 - Tim McGrath: Give Me A Fast Ship - Photos
2678-052 - Gregory A Freeman: The Forgotton 500 - Photos
2678-053 - Walter Lord: The Miracle of Dunkirk - Photos
2678-054 - Paul Preston: The Spanish Civil War - Photos
2678-055 - Robert Gerwarth: The Vanquished - Photos
2678-056 - Ben MacIntyre: Double Cross, The True Story of the D-Day Spies - Photos
2678-057 - Donald Stratton: All the Gallant Men - Photos
2678-058 - Eric Blehm: The Only Thing Worth Dying For - Photos
2678-059 - Tom Holland: Persian Fire - Photos
2678-060 - Robert O'Harrow Jr: The Quartermaster - Photos
2678-061 - Richard A Gabriel: Hannibal - Photos
2678-062 - William Craig: The Fall of Japan - Photos
2678-063 - John Singleton Mosby: Mosby's War Reminiscences - Photos
2678-064 - Dexter Filkins: The Forever War - Photos
2678-065 - Victor Davis Hanson: Ripples of Battle - Photos
2678-066 - Walter Lord: A Time to Stand, The Epic of the Alamo - Photos
2678-067 - Patrick K O'Donnell: The Unknowns - Photos
2678-068 - John R Hale: Lords of the Sea - Photos
2678-069 - Thomas Fleming: The Strategy of Victory - Photos
2679 - Chas Addams: The Addams Family, An Evilution - Photos
2681 - Brian Sibley: Harry Potter Film Wizardry
2683 - Albert B Lord (Editor): Russian Folktales - Photos
2684 - William Blake: Poems - Photos
2685 - Charles Dickens: The Pickwick Papers - Photos
2686 - Encyclopedia of Garden Plants - Photos
2687 - Michael Heatley: Italy - Photos
2692 - Gerald Ford: A Time to Heal - Photos
2699 - Great British Poetry, 6 volume set - Photos
2699-001 - Keats
2699-002 - Coleridge
2699-003 - Shelley
2699-004 - Tennyson
2699-005 - Blake
2699-006 - Shakespeare

Unused Item Numbers: 2667
Non-Book Item Numbers: 2602, 2606, 2607, 2608, 2610, 2611, 2612, 2613, 2614, 2615, 2631, 2632, 2634, 2635, 2636, 2638, 2641, 2642, 2643,
2647, 2648, 2649, 2651, 2652, 2657, 2659, 2663, 2665, 2670, 2675, 2680, 2682, 2688, 2689, 2690, 2691, 2693, 2694, 2695, 2696, 2697, 2698
Total Number of Books: 170

Editado: mayo 4, 2020, 9:42 pm

2701 - Judy Collins: Over the Rainbow
2705-001 - John Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath
2705-002 - Ken Kesey: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
2705-003 - Harper Lee: To Kill A Mockingbird
2705-004 - F Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby
2705-005 - Albert Einstein: The Meaning of Relativity
2705-006 - John Stuart Mill: On Liberty
2705-007 - Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations
2705-008 - William Shakespeare: Pericles
2705-009 - William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night
2705-010 - William Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing
2705-011 - William Shakespeare: The Two Gentlemen of Verona
2705-012 - William Shakespeare: Cymbeline
2705-013 - William Shakespeare: Julius Caesar
2705-014 - William Shakespeare: Coriolanus
2705-015 - William Shakespeare: Richard the Third
2705-016 - William Shakespeare: Timon of Athens
2705-017 - William Shakespeare: As You Like It
2705-018 - William Shakespeare: Othello
2705-019 - William Shakespeare: The Tempest
2705-020 - William Shakespeare: Troilus and Cressida
2705-021 - William Shakespeare: Henry the Eighth
2705-022 - William Shakespeare: The Winter's Tale
2705-023 - William Shakespeare: Richard the Second
2705-024 - William Shakespeare: Macbeth
2705-025 - William Shakespeare: King Lear
2705-026 - William Shakespeare: Henry the Fifth
2705-027 - William Shakespeare: King John
2705-028 - William Shakespeare: Henry the Sixth Part I
2705-029 - William Shakespeare: Henry the Sixth part II
2705-030 - William Shakespeare: Henry the Sixth Part III
2705-031 - William Shakespeare: Hamlet
2705-032 - William Shakespeare: Titus Andronicus
2705-033 - William Shakespeare: The Merry Wives of Windsor
2705-034 - William Shakespeare: All's Well That Ends Well
2705-035 - William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
2705-036 - William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream
2705-037 - William Shakespeare: The Taming of the Shrew
2705-038 - William Shakespeare: The Poems Volume 1
2705-039 - William Shakespeare: The Poems Volume II
2705-040 - H P Lovecraft: At the Mountains of Madness
2705-041 - Bram Stoker: Dracula
2705-042 - Robert Louis Stevenson: Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
2705-043 - Owen Wister: The Virginian
2705-044 - A B Guthrie Jr: Big Sky
2705-045 - Walter Van Tilburg Clark: The Ox-Bow Incident
2705-046 - Alan Le May: The Searchers
2705-047 - George R Stewart: Earth Abides
2705-048 - Nevil Shute: On the Beach
2705-049 - Daphne du Maurier: The Birds and Other Stories
2705-050 - Stephen E Ambrose: D-Day
2705-051 - John S D Eisenhower: The Bitter Woods, The Battle of the Bulge
2705-052 - Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Blithedale Romance
2705-053 - Nathaniel Hawthorne: The House of the Seven Gables
2705-054 - Margaret Mitchell: Gone With the Wind
2705-055 - Tom Clancy: The Hunt For Red October
2705-056 - Thomas Harris: The Silence of the Lambs
2705-057 - U S Grant: Memoirs
2705-058 - William T Sherman: Memoirs
2705-059 - James Longstreet: Memoirs
2705-060 - Joshua L Chamberlain: Memoirs
2705-061 - Jubal A Early: Memoirs
2705-062 - Benjamin Franklin: Poor Richard's Almanack
2705-063 - Jack Finney: The Invasion of the Body Snatchers
2705-064 - Walter Tevis: The Man Who Fell to Earth
2705-065 - John Wyndham: The Midwich Cuckoos
2705-066 - John W Campbell Jr: Who Goes There?
2705-067 - Boris Pasternak: Dr Zhivago
2705-068 - William Faulkner: Light in August
2705-069 - Frank Kafka: The Trial
2705-070 - Kurt Vonnegut: Slaughterhouse-Five
2705-071 - Somerset Maugham: Of Human Bondage
2705-072 - Copernicus: De Revolutionibus
2705-073 - Friedrich Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil
2705-074 - John Locke: Two Treatises on Government
2705-075 - Anne Pallister: Magna Carta
2705-076 - Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan
2705-077 - Delos W Lovelace: King Kong (2924-006)
2705-078 - Alistair MacLean: The Guns of Navarone (2924-010)
2705-079 - Ernest Hemingway: The Sun Also Rises
2705-080 - Joseph Heller: Catch-22
2705-081 - Truman Capote: In cold Blood
2705-082 - Ralph Ellison: Invisible Man
2705-083 - Anthony Burgess: A Clockwork Orange
2705-084 - Albert Camus: The Stranger
2705-085 - Charles Dickens: Barnaby Rudge
2705-086 - Charles Dickens: Little Dorrit
2705-087 - Ursula K Le Guin: The Dispossessed
2705-088 - Jules Verne: From the Earth to the Moon
2705-089 - C J Cherryh: Downbelow Station
2705-090 - Poul Anderson: Tau Zero
2705-091 - A E Van Vogt: The World of Null-A
2705-092 - Olaf Stapledon: Odd John
2705-093 - Clifford Simak: Way Station
2705-094 - Jack Williamson: The Humanoids
2705-095 - Theodore Sturgeon: More Than Human
2705-096 - Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Princess of Mars & At the Earth's Core
2705-097 - H G Wells: The Invisible Man
2705-098 - Roger Zelazny: Lord of Light
2705-099 - Clifford Simak: City
2705-100 - A E Van Vogt: Slan
2705-101 - Robert Silverberg: Dying Inside
2705-102 - H G Wells: The Time Machine
2705-103 - Mickey Spillane: I, The Jury
2705-104 - Jack Schaefer: Shane
2705-105 - Jules Verne: From the Earth to the Moon
2705-106 - Oscar Wilde: Short Stories
2705-107 - Charles Perrault: Perrault's Fairy Tales
2705-108 - Charles Kingsley: The Water Babies
2705-109 - Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
2705-110 - Howard Pyle: The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
2705-111 - The Book of Job
2705-112 - William Blake: Poems
2705-113 - Richard Wagner: Siegfried & The Twilight of the Gods
2705-114 - Dante Alighieri: The Divine Comedy
2705-115 - John Stuart Mill & Thomas Carlyle: Autobiography Etc Essays and Address
2705-116 - Benvenuto Cellini: Autobiography
2705-117 - Michel de Montaigne and Others: Literary and Philosophical Essays
2705-118 - Sir Frances Drake and Others: Voyages and Travels
2705-119 - Rene Descartes and Others: French and English Philosophers
2705-120 - Rick Riordan: The Lightning Thief
2705-121 - George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four
2705-122 - E M Forster: A Passage to India
2705-123 - William Shakespeare: King Lear
2705-124 - William Shakespeare: Troilus and Cressida
2705-125 - William Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice
2705-126 - William Shakespeare: Hamlet
2705-127 - William Shakespeare: All's Well That Ends Well
2705-128 - William Shakespeare: Sonnets
2705-129 - William Shakespeare: The Taming of the Shrew
2705-130 - Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451
2705-131 - James Joyce: Ulysses
2705-132 - Charles Darwin: On the Origin of the Species
2705-133 - Thomas Paine: Common Sense
2705-134 - Ernest Hemingway: A Moveable Feast
2705-135 - Virgil: The Aeneid
2705-136 - William Shakespeare: Julius Caesar
2705-137 - Isaac Asimov: The Foundation Trilogy
2705-138 - Ernest Hemingway: The Fifth Column
2705-139 - Ernest Hemingway: The Dangerous Summer
2705-140 - Thomas Robert Malthus: An Essay on the Principle of Population
2705-141 - Niccolo Machiavelli: The Prince
2705-142 - Jack London: The Call of the Wild
2705-143 - H G Wells: The Time Machine
2705-144 - Richard Reeves: President Kennedy, Profile of Power
2705-145 - Ernest Hemingway: A Farewell To Arms
2705-146 - Ernest Hemingway: For Whom the Bell Tolls
2705-147 - Ernest Hemingway: Across the River and Into the Trees
2705-148 - Ernest Hemingway: Death in the Afternoon
2705-149 - Ernest Hemingway: Islands in the Stream
2706 - Frederick Marryat Set, 3 volumes
2706-001 - Mr Midshipman Easy
2706-002 - The King's Own
2706-003 - Frank Mildmay
2708 - Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451
2709 - Russell Hoban: Riddley Walker
2710 - B Picart (Translator): Ovid's Metamorphosis, 2 volume set
2710-001 - Volume 1
2710-002 - Volume 2
2711 - Charles Dickens: Christmas Novels
2712 - Herman Hattaway & Archer Jones: How the North Won, 2 volume set
2712-001 - Volume 1
2712-002 - Volume 2
2713 - J M Barrie, Mabel Lucie Attwell (Illustrator): Peter Pan and Wendy
2714 - Records of Our National Life
2715 - The Easton Press Book Stand
2716 - The '85 Bears, 25th Anniversary
2719 - Kurt Vonnegut Jr, Dennis Lyall (Illustrator): Slaughterhouse-Five
2720 - Greatest Books Ever Written Series Sold Individually
2720-001 - Virgil: The Aeneid
2720-002 - Aesop: Aesop's Fables
2720-003 - Washington Irving: The Alhambra
2720-004 - Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
2705-005 - Arthur Conan Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
2720-006 - Confucius: The Analects of Confucius
2720-007 - Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina
2720-008 - Benjamin Franklin: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
2720-009 - Aristophane: The Birds and the Frogs
2720-010 - Aldous Huxley: Brave New World
2720-011 - Fyodor Dostoevsky: The Brothers Karamazov
2720-012 - Francois Voltaire: Candide
2720-013 - Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales
2720-014 - William Shakespeare: Comedies
2720-015 - Jean Jacques Rousseau: The Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau
2720-016 - Saint Augustine: The Confessions of Saint Augustine
2720-017 - Fyodor Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment
2720-018 - Charles Dickens: David Copperfield
2720-019 - Giovanni Boccacio: The Decameron
2720-020 - Charles Darwin: The Descent of Man
2720-021 - Dante Alighieri: The Divine Comedy
2720-022 - Miguel de Cervantes: Don Quixote
2720-023 - Sir Francis Bacon: Essays
2720-024 - Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Essays
2720-025 - Charles Baudelaire: The Flowers of Evil
2720-026 - Ivan Turgenev: Fathers and Sons
2720-027 - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Faust
2720-028 - Alexander Hamilton: The Federalist Papers
2720-029 - Charles Dickens: Great Expectations
2720-030 - Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm: Fairy Tales
2720-031 - Jonathan Swift: Gulliver's Travels
2720-032 - Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness
2720-033 - Livy: The History of Early Rome
2720-034 - William Shakespeare: The Histories
2720-035 - Mark Twain: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
2720-036 - Homer: The Iliad
2720-037 - Sir Walter Scott: Ivanhoe
2720-038 - Thomas Hardy: Jude the Obscure
2720-039 - Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre
2720-040 - Daniel Defoe: A Journal of the Plague Year
2720-041 - James Fenimore Cooper: The Last of the Mohicans
2720-042 - Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass
2720-043 - Rudyard Kipling: The Jungle Books
2720-044 - Louisa May Alcott: Little Women
2720-045 - Joseph Conrad: Lord Jim
2720-046 - Gustave Flaubert: Madame Bovary
2720-047 - George Eliot: The Mill on the Floss
2720-048 - Herman Melville: Moby Dick
2720-049 - Robert Louis Stevenson: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
2720-050 - Homer: The Odyssey
2720-051 - Sophocles: Oedipus the King
2720-052 - John Steinbeck: Of Mice and Men
2720-053 - Charles Darwin: On the Origin of Species
2720-054 - John Milton: Paradise Lost
2720-055 - John Bunyan: The Pilgrim's Progress
2720-056 - Aeschylus: The Oresteia
2720-057 - Anton Chekhov: The Cherry orchard/The Three Sisters
2720-058 - Euripides: Plays
2720-059 - Henrik Ibsen: Plays
2720-060 - Jean-Baptiste Moliere: Plays
2720-061 - George Bernard Shaw: Plays
2720-062 - Robert Browning: Collected Poems
2720-063 - John Donne: Poems
2720-064 - John Keats: Collected Poems
2720-065 - William Buter Yeats: Collected Poems
2720-066 - Aristotle: Politics and The Poetics
2720-067 - James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
2720-068 - Henry James: The Portrait of a Lady
2720-069 - Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice
2720-070 - Niccolo Machiavelli: The Prince
2720-071 - Stephen Crane: The Red Badge of Courage
2720-072 - Marie-Henri Beyle (Stendhal): The Red and the Black
2720-073 - Plato: The Republic
2720-074 - Thomas Hardy: The Return of the Native
2720-075 - Thomas Paine: The Rights of Man
2720-076 - Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe
2720-077 - Omar Khayyam: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
2720-078 - Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter
2720-079 - Jack London: The Sea Wolf
2720-080 - Oliver Goldsmith: She Stoops to Conquer
2720-081 - Oscar Wilde: The Short Stories
2720-082 - Charles Dickens: Short Stories
2720-083 - Platos Symposium
2720-084 - Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities
2720-085 - Guy de Maupassant: The Necklace and Other Tales
2720-086 - Richard Burton: Tales From the Arabian Nights
2720-087 - Edgar Allen Poe: Tales of Mystery and Imagination
2720-088 - Sir Walter Scott: The Talisman
2720-089 - Alexandre Dumas: The Three Musketeers
2720-090 - Henry Fielding: Tom Jones
2720-091 - William Shakespeare: The Tragedies
2720-092 - Robert Louis Stevenson: Treasure Island
2720-093 - Lawrence Sterne: Tristram Shandy
2720-094 - Jules Verne: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
2720-095 - Harriet Beecher Stowe: Uncle Tom's Cabin
2720-096 - William Thackeray: Vanity Fair
2720-097 - Henry David Thoreau: Walden
2720-098 - Samuel Butler: The Way of All Flesh
2720-099 - Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights
2720-100 - Leo Tolstoy: War and Peace
2720-101 - Ernest Hemingway: A Farewell to Arms
2720-102 - Victor Hugo: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
2720-103 - Edmond Rostand: Cyrano de Bergerac
2720-104 - Robert Frost: Poems
2720-105 - Washington Irving: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories
2720-106 - Mary Shelley: Frankenstein
2720-107 - Alexandre Dumas: The Count of Monte Cristo
2720-108 - George Bernard Shaw: Pygmalion and Candida
2720-109 - Oscar Wilde: The Picture of Dorian Gray
2720-110 - H G Wells: The Time Machine
2720-111 - The Holy Bible
2720-112 - Emily Dickinson: Collected Poems
2720-113 - Anonymous: Beowulf
2720-114 - George Eliot: Middlemarch
2720-115 - Herman Melville: Billy Budd and Benito Cereno
2720-116 - William Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury
2720-117 - George Orwell: Animal Farm
2720-118 - Victor Hugo: Les Miserables
2720-119 - D H Lawrence: Lady Chatterley's Lover
2720-120 - Thomas Hardy: Tess of the D'urbervilles
2720-121 - Bram Stoker: Dracula
2720-122 - George Eliot: Silas Marner
2720-123 - William Shakespeare: Hamlet
2720-124 - William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream
2720-125 - William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
2721 - The Fables of Aesop, 2 volume set
2721-001 - Volume I
2721-002 - Volume II
2722 - Charles Dickens: The Mystery of Edwin Drood
2723 - Rosemary Wells (Illustrator): My Very First Mother Goose
2724 - Kurt Vonnegut Jr: While Mortals Sleep
2725 - John G Nicolay and John Hay: Lincoln, A History, 10 volume set
2725-001 - Volume 1
2725-002 - Volume 2
2725-003 - Volume 3
2725-004 - Volume 4
2725-005 - Volume 5
2725-006 - Volume 6
2725-007 - Volume 7
2725-008 - Volume 8
2725-009 - Volume 9
2725-010 - Volume 10
2726 - Les Krantz: Yankee Classics, World Series Magic from the Bronx Bombers
2727 - Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier: Elements of Chemistry
2730 - Robert Tomes: The War with the South, 3 volume set
2730-001 - Volume 1
2730-002 - Volume 2
2730-003 - Volume 3
2733 - Life: Pope Francis, The Vicar of Christ, From St Peter to Today
2740 - R G Grant: Commanders, History's Greatest Military Leaders
2741 - Damon Runyon: Guys and Dolls
2742 - Jeff Sullivan: America's Team, The Official History of the Dallas Cowboys
2743 - World Trade Center
2744 - Smithsonian: Natural History
2745 - Kevin Dougherty & Jason Stewart: Timeline of the Vietnam War
2747 - Jonathan Swift, J J Grandville (Illustrator): Gulliver's Travels
2748 - Harvey Frommer: Remembering Fenway Park
2749 - James Clench & Arthur Heard: William & Kate, A Royal Love Story
2750 - George H W Bush: All the Best, George Bush
2752 - Jules Verne: A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
2753 - Douglas Southall Freeman: R E Lee, 4 volume set
2753-001 - Volume 1
2753-002 - Volume 2
2753-003 - Volume 3
2753-004 - Volume 4
2754 - History of Britain & Ireland, The Definitive Visual Guide
2755 - Billy Graham: A Lifelong Mission to Giving Hope to the World
2756 - Douglas Mudd: All the Money in the World
2757 - Chuck Carlson: Green Bay Packers, Yesterday & Today
2760 - Rosanne C Scott: Washington DC, Yesterday & Today
2761 - Life: Johnny Cash, An Illustrated Biography
2765 - Life: The Day Kennedy Died
2766 - The Beatles, 50 Fabulous Years
2767 - Geoffrey Chaucer, W Russell Flint (Illustrator): The Canterbury Tales, 3 volume set
2767-001 - Volume 1
2767-002 - Volume 2
2767-003 - Volume 3
2769 - Edward Gibbon: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
2770 - Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol
2771 - Larry McMurtry: The Lonesome Dove Series, 4 volume set
2771-001 - Lonesome Dove
2771-002 - Streets of Laredo
2771-003 - Comanche Moon
2771-004 - Dead Man's Walk
2772 - Great Novels of WWII, 5 volume set
2772-001 - Battle Cry
2772-002 - King Rat
2772-003 - Mister Roberts
2772-004 - Twelve O'Clock High
2772-005 - A Walk in the Sun
2773 - Jancis Robinson & Linda Murphy: American Wine - Photos
2774 - Matthew Silverman: New York Mets, The Complete Illustrated History - Photos
2775 - Michael G Johnson, Richard Hook: Encyclopedia of Native Tribes of North America - Photos
2777 - Gustave Dore and Blanchard Jerrold: London, A Pilgrimage - Photos
2778 - Henry Gilbert, Walter Crane (Illustrator): Robin Hood and the Men of the Greenwood - Photos
2780 - Italy, History and Landscape
2781 - New York Times: Derek Jeter - Photos
2782 - Victor Hugo: The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 2 volume set - Photos
2782-001 - Volume 1
2782-002 - Volume 2
2783 - New York Post: Sandy, A Story of Complete Devastation, Courage and Recovery
2784 - Mark Twain: The Prince and the Pauper - Photos
2785 - Smithsonian: The Civil War, A Visual History - Photos
2786 - Rev Ronald Creighton-Jobe: The Complete Illustrated Guide to Catholicism - Photos
2787 - Alexandre Dumas: The Count of Monte Cristo, 5 volume set - Photos
2787-001 - Volume 1
2787-002 - Volume 2
2787-003 - Volume 3
2787-004 - Volume 4
2787-005 - Volume 5
2788 - Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities, 2 volume set - Photos
2788-001 - Volume 1
2788-022 - Volume 2
2789 - Agatha Christie: Murder at the Vicarage & Sleeping Murder, 2 volume set - Photos
2789-001 - Murder at the Vicarage
2789-002 - Sleeping Murder
2790 - Super Bowl Program 2011
2791 - Anthea Appel: The First Responders - Photos
2792 - Walt Disney: Classic Storybook - Photos
2793 - Jon Ortner (Photographer): Buddha - Photos
2794 - Newt Gingrich & Jackie Gingrich Cushman: The Essential American - Photos
2795 - Archbishop Desmond Tutu & Mpho Tutu: Made for Goodness - Photos
2796 - Barry Moreno: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ellis Island - Photos
2797 - The Pack Is Back, Green Bay Packers Championship - Photos
2798 - Robert Windeler: The Films of Shirley Temple - Photos
2799 - David Elliot Cohen: William and Catherine, Their Romance and Royal Wedding in Photographs

Unused Item Numbers: 2776, 2779
Non-Book Item Numbers: 2700, 2702, 2703, 2704, 2707, 2717, 2718, 2728, 2729, 2731, 2732,
2734, 2735, 2736, 2737, 2738, 2739, 2746, 2751, 2758, 2759, 2762, 2763, 2764, 2768
Total Number of Books: 380

Editado: Feb 1, 2020, 8:08 am

2800 - Elie Wiesel, David Olere (Illustrator): Night - Photos
2801 - Charles Dickens: David Copperfield - Photos
2802 - Siddartha Mukherjee: The Emperor of all Maladies - Photos
2803 - Michael Frayn: Spies - Photos
2804 - Charles Dickens: Dombey & Son - Photos
2805 - Walt Disney, Gustaf Tenggren (Illustrator): Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Photos
2806 - Greek Drama, 6 volume set - Photos
2806-001 - Aeschylus
2806-002 - Comedies of Aristophanes, Volume 1
2806-003 - Comedies of Aristophanes, Volume 2
2806-004 - Euripides, Volume 1
2806-005 - Euripides, Volume 2
2806-006 - Sophocles
2807 - Robert Sullivan & Life: Pope John Paul II, Toward Sainthood - Photos
2808 - Thomas Bulfinch: Mythology, 3 volume set - Photos
2808-001 - The Age of Fable
2808-002 - The Age of Chivalry
2808-003 - The Legends of Charlemagne
2809 - Henry Kissinger: On China - Photos
2810 - Sun Tzu: The Illustrated Art of War - Photos
2811 - Howard Koch: Casablanca, The Complete Script and Legend - Photos
2812 - Dr Alice Roberts: The Complete Human Body - Photos
2813 - Life: Diana at 50 - Photos
2814 - Life: Brought to Justice - Photos
2815 - Jules Verne: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Photos
2816 - Erich Lessing: The Louvre, All the Paintings - Photos
2817 - J E Millais (Illustrator): The Parables of Our Lord - Photos
2818 - Thomas W Paradis: The Visual Encylopedia of American Landmarks - Photos
2819 - William Henry Ireland: The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 4 volume set - Photos
2819-001 - Volume 1
2819-002 - Volume 2
2819-003 - Volume 3
2819-004 - Volume 4
2820 - Neil Gaiman: American Gods - Photos
2822 - National Fallen Firefighters Foundation: Firefighters - Photos
2823 - Clifford A Pickover: The Math Book - Photos
2824 - William Styron: The Confessions of Nat Turner - Photos
2825 - Charles Dickens: The Old Curiosity Shop - Photos
2826 - Roddy Doyle: Paddy Clarke HA HA HA - Photos
2827 - The Orivs Guide to the Essential American Flies - Photos
2828 - Lena Tabori (Editor): The Little Big Book of Christmas - Photos
2829 - Scott Tipton: Star Trek Vault - Photos
2830 - Charles Dickens: Our Mutual Friend - Photos
2831 - John Brunner: Stand on Zanzibar - Photos
2833 - Time: Beyond 9/11, Portraits of Resilience - Photos
2834 - The White House Historical Society: The White House - Photos
2835 - Dick Cheney: In My Time - Photos
2836 - Herb Boyd: Civil Rights, Yesterday and Today - Photos
2837 - Michael Heatley & Deke Leonard: Elvis - Photos
2838 - Christopher Fitz-Simon: The Most Beautiful Villages of Ireland - Photos
2839 - Dennis Smith: A Decade of Hope - Photos
2840 - Charles Dickens: Hard Times - Photos
2841 - Les Bowen: Philadelphia Eagles, The Complete Illustrated History - Photos
2842 - Washington Redskins - Photos
2843 - Reader's Choice Titles VII, 2011 - Photos
2843-001 - William Goldman: The Princess Bride - Photos
2843-002 - James Dickey: Deliverance - Photos
2843-003 - James M Cain: The Postman Always Rings Twice - Photos
2843-004 - Richard Llewellyn: How Green Was My Valley - Photos
2843-005 - Fyodor Dostoevsky: Notes From Underground - Photos
2843-006 - Sherwood Anderson: Winesburg, Ohio - Photos
2843-007 - Bram Stoker: The Lair of the White Worm - Photos
2843-008 - Friedrich Schiller: William Tell - Photos
2843-009 - Henryk Sienkiewicz: Quo Vadis - Photos
2843-010 - Sir Walter Scott: Kenilworth - Photos
2844 - Ray Bradbury: The Martian Chronicles - Photos
2845 - Ernest Hemingway: Winner Take Nothing - Photos
2846 - Larry Schwinger (Illustrator): They Walk Among Us, 5 volume set - Photos
2846-001 - Jack Finney: The Invasion of the Body Snatchers
2846-002 - Walter Tevis: The Man Who Fell to Earth
2846-003 - John Wyndham: The Midwich Cuckoos
2846-004 - Robert A Heinlein: The Puppet Masters
2846-005 - John Campbell Jr: Who Goes There?
2847 - Frank Herbert: Dune - Photos
2848 - Gustave Dore (Illustrator): The Holy Bible, 2 volume set - Photos
2848-001 - Volume 1
2848-002 - Volume 2
2849 - William Cullen Bryant: Picturesque America, 2 volume set - Photos
2849-001 - Volume 1
2849-002 - Volume 2
2850 - Robert Frost: Poems - Photos
2851 - F Scott Fitzgerald: Tender is the Night - Photos
2852 - Kathryn Stockett: The Help - Photos
2853 - Hans Christian Andersen, Arthur J Gaskin (Illustrator): The Fairy Tales and Stories, 2 volume set - Photos
2853-001 - Volume 1
2853-002 - Volume 2
2854 - Michael Wallis: The Wild West - Photos
2855 - Howard Pyle: Book of Pirates - Photos
2856 - Ernest Hemingway: Choice Collection, 7 volume set - Photos
2856-001 - By-Line
2856-002 - The Old Man and the Sea
2856-003 - Winner Take Nothing
2856-004 - The 5th Column
2856-005 - The Dangerous Summer
2856-006 - Torrents of Spring
2856-007 - Across the River
2857 - Mirriam-Wesbster's Visual Dictionary - Photos
2858 - Shelby Foote: Shiloh - Photos
2859 - Bob McCabe: Harry Potter, Page to Screen - Photos
2860 - Easton Accent Bookshelf - Photos
2861 - Clement Moore, Tom Browning (Illustrator): The Night Before Christmas - Photos
2862 - Easton Press Gift Certificates - Photos
2863 - William Shakespeare: The Tempest - Photos
2864 - David Miller: Fighting Men of World War II, 2 volume set - Photos
2864-001 - Allied Forces
2864-002 - Axis Forces
2865 - Todd Andrlik: Reporting the Revolutionary War - Photos
2866 - H G Wells: The Classic Novels, 5 volume set - Photos
2866-001 - The First Men in the Moon
2866-002 - The Islands of Dr Moreau
2866-003 - The War of the Worlds
2866-004 - The Time Machine
2866-005 - The Invisible Man
2867 - Sports Illustrated: Green Bay Packers, Green, Gold and Glory - Photos
2868 - Ireland Reflections of the Emerald Isle - Photos
2869 - B F Morris: The Nation's Tribute to Abraham Lincoln - Photos
2870 - Bram Stoker, Rick Berry (Illustrator): Dracula - Photos
2871 - Arthur Conan Doyle, Matthew Stewart (Illustrator): The Hound of the Baskervilles - Photos
2872 - The 1717 Book of Common Prayer - Photos
2873 - Life: The Royal Family, Prince George of Cambridge - Photos
2874 - Frederick Douglass: My Bondage and My Freedom - Photos
2875 - Miguel de Cervantes, Gustave Dore (Illustrator): The History of Don Quixote - Photos
2876 - The King James Bible, The Classic 1611 Edition - Photos
2877 - Eleanor Vere Boyle (Illustrator): Beauty and the Beast - Photos
2878 - Reader's Choice VIII, 2013 - Photos
2878-001 - Umberto Eco: The Name of the Rose - Photos
2878-002 - Jack Finney: Time and Again - Photos
2878-003 - Isaac Asimov: Pebble in the Sky - Photos
2878-004 - Lloyd Douglas: The Robe - Photos
2878-005 - Choderlos de Lacios: Dangerous Liaisons - Photos
2878-006 - Rafael Sabatini: The Black Swan - Photos
2878-007 - Betty MacDonald: The Egg and I - Photos
2878-008 - John Kennedy Toole: A Confederacy of Dunces - Photos
2878-009 - Richard Doddridge Blackmore: Lorna Doone - Photos
2878-010 - Rudyard Kipling: Kim - Photos
2879 - Frank Kafka, Brian Despain (Illustrator): The Metamorphosis - Photos
2880 - Kurt Vonnegut Jr: Cat's Cradle - Photos
2881 - Paulo Coehlo: The Alchemist - Photos
2882 - Larry Rossman: New York Yankees, Then and Now - Photos
2883 - J R R Tolkien: The Fall of Arthur - Photos
2884 - Anja Grebe: The Vatican, All the Paintings - Photos
2888 - Andrea Vesalius: De Humani Corporis Fabrica - Photos
2889 - Eagle Bookends - Photos
2891 - The Civil War, A Visual History - Photos
2892 - The Associated Press: Vietnam, The Real War, A Photographic History - Photos
2893 - Ian Lloyd: The New Royal Family, Celebrating the Arrival of Prince George of Cambridge - Photos
2894 - John Bunyan: Pilgrim's Progress - Photos
2895 - Time: America's Tower, One World Trade Center - Photos
2896 - Abraham Lincoln: Gettysburg Address, The Consecration of the National Cemetery - Photos
2897 - L A Waddell: The Buddhism of Tibet - Photos
2898 - W O Blake: The History of Slavery and the Slave Trade - Photos
2899 - Michael Goldman: John Wayne, The Genuine Article - Photos

Unused Item Numbers: 2821, 2885, 2886, 2887, 2890
Non-Book Item Numbers: 2832
Total Number of Books: 137

Editado: Ene 13, 2020, 11:03 am

2900 - Ira Berkow: Wrigley Field, An Oral History - Photos
2901 - Sun Tzu: The Art of War - Photos
2902 - Art, The Definitive Visual Guide to Over 2500 works - Photos
2903 - Deborah Willis & Emily Bernard: Michelle Obama, The First Lady in Photographs - Photos
2904 - Robert Greenberger: Star Trek, The Complete Unauthorized History - Photos
2905 - Rachel Robinson: Jackie Robinson, An Intimate Portrait - Photos
2906 - Michael G Johnson: Sioux, Warriors of the Plains - Photos
2907 - Life: Two Saints, For A New Church - Photos
2908 - Geoffrey Chaucer: The Works of - Photos
2909 - Howard Terpning: Tribute to the Plains People - Photos
2910 - Jim Winchester: Military Aircraft Visual Encyclopedia - Photos
2912 - Sir Richard Francis Burton: A Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Mecca, 2 volume set - Photos
2912-001 - Volume 1
2912-002 - Volume 2
2913 - Andrew Lang: The Blue Poetry Book - Photos
2914 - Jules Verne: The Mysterious Island Trilogy, 3 volume set - Photos
2914-001 - Dropped from the Clouds
2914-002 - Abandoned
2914-003 - The Secret of the Island
2915 - H A Guerber: Myths of Greece & Rome - Photos
2916 - Andrew Lang: The Arabian Nights - Photos
2917 - Andrew Lang (Editor): The Nursery Rhyme Book - Photos
2918 - Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe - Photos
2919 - Christopher Snyder: The Making of Middle-Earth - Photos
2920 - H A Guerber & M I Ebbutt: Tales and Legends of the Medieval World, 2 volume set - Photos
2920-001 - M I Ebbutt: Hero-Myths and Legends of the British Race
2920-002 - H A Guerber: Myths and Legends of the Middle Ages
2921 - Linda Osborne & Paolo Battaglia: Explorers Emigrants Citizens - Photos
2922 - Mark Twain: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Photos
2923 - New York Post: Mariano Rivera, Saving Grace - Photos
2924 - Reader's Choice IX, 2014 - Photos
2924-001 - Tom Clancy: The Hunt for Red October - Photos
2924-002 (2585-053) (2705-056) - Thomas Harris: The Silence of the Lambs - Photos
2924-003 - Michael Crichton: Timeline - Photos
2924-004 - Thornton Wilder: The Bridge of San Luis Rey - Photos
2924-005 - Mary Mapes Dodge: Hans Brinker, or The Silver Skates - Photos
2924-006 (2585-054) (2705-077) - Delos W Lovelace: King Kong - Photos
2924-007 - Ernest J Kirtlan: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Photos
2924-008 - Robert Louis Stevenson: The Master of Ballantrae - Photos
2924-009 - John Fowles: The Magus - Photos
2924-010 (2585-055) (2705-078) - Alistair MacLean: The Guns of Navarone - Photos
2925 - Elmore Leonard: Get Shorty & Be Cool, 2 volume set - Photos
2925-001 - Get Shorty
2925-002 - Be Cool
2926 - Mark Twain: The Complete Short Stories - Photos
2927 - L M Montgomery: Anne of Green Gables - Photos
2928 - Ken Garfield: Billy Graham, A Life in Pictures - Photos
2929 - Henry Louis Gates Jr: The African Americans, Many Rivers to Cross - Photos
2930 - Hiroshige: One Hundred Famous Views of Edo - Photos
2931 - Larry Lucchino: For Boston, Commemorating the 2013 Championship Season - Photos
2932 - John Jakes: The North and South Trilogy, 3 volume set - Photos
2932-001 - North and South
2932-002 - Love and War
2932-003 - Heaven and Hell
2933 - Abraham Lincoln: The Complete Writings, 8 volume set - Photos
2933-001 - 1832-1843
2933-002 - 1843-1858
2933-003 - The Lincoln Douglas Debates Volume 1
2933-004 - The Lincoln Douglas Debates Volume 2
2933-005 - 1858-1862
2933-006 - 1862-1863
2933-007 - 1863-1865
2933-008 - The Life of Lincoln
2934 - Jorge Mario Bergoglio: Pope Francis, Thoughts and Words for the Soul - Photos
2935 - The New York Times: Complete World War II 1939-1945 - Photos
2936 - Joseph Millis: Jerusalem, The Illustrated History of the Holy City - Photos
2938 - Jay Scarfone & William Stillman: The Wizard of Oz, 75th Anniversary of the Film - Photos
2939 - Plutarch: Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, 5 volume set - Photos
2939-001 - Volume 1
2939-002 - Volume 2
2939-003 - Volume 3
2939-004 - Volume 4
2939-005 - Volume 5
2940 - Clint Hill & Lisa McCubbin: Five Days in November - Photos
2941 - The Lewis and Clark Expedition, 2 volume set
2941-001 - Journals of Lewis and Clark volume 1
2941-002 - Journals of Lewis and Clark volume 2
2942 - Jay Ben Adlersberg (Photographer): Ireland, In Word and Image - Photos
2943 - John Esten Cooke: A Life of General Robert E Lee - Photos
2944 - Time: Nelson Mandela, A Hero's Journey - Photos
2945 - Doris Kearns Goodwin: The Bully Pulpit - Photos
2946 - Stefano Zuffi: Italy - Photos
2947 - William L Shirer: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - Photos
2948 - Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Moon Maid Trilogy - Photos
2949 - Jack London: The Call of the Wild - Photos
2950 - Smithsonian World War I, The Definitive Visual History - Photos
2951 - Ronald Reagan, 100 Years - Photos
2952 - Wisdom of Marcus Aurelius & Sayings of Epictetus, 2 volume set - Photos
2952-001 - Marcus Aurelius: Wisdom of Marcus Aurelius
2952-002 - Epictetus: Sayings of Epictetus
2953 - The Holy Bible, Douay-Rheims Translation - Photos
2954 - Henry R Schoolcraft: The Indian Tribes of the United States, 6 volume set - Photos
2954-001 - Volume 1
2954-002 - Volume 2
2954-003 - Volume 3
2954-004 - Volume 4
2954-005 - Volume 5
2954-006 - Volume 6
2955 - Francois Rabelais, Gustave Dore (Illustrator): The Works of Rabelais - Photos
2956 - Susanne Everett: The History of Slavery - Photos
2957 - Scott Gustafson: Bedtime Stories - Photos
2958 - Nicholas Meyer: The Seven-Per-Cent Solution - Photos
2959 - Robert I Girardi: The Civil War Generals - Photos
2960 - Jacob A Riis: How the Other Half Lives - Photos
2961 - Michael Furman: American Auto Legends - Photos
2962 - Frances Hodgson Burnett: The Secret Garden Set, 3 volume set - Photos
2962-001 - The Secret Garden
2962-002 - A Little Princess
2962-003 - Little Lord Fauntleroy
2963 - William Shakespeare: The Works of, 3 volume set - Photos
2963-001 - Volume 1
2963-002 - Volume 2
2963-003 - Volume 3
2964 - Robert Louis Stevenson: Treasure Island - Photos
2965 - David Roberts: The Holy Land, 3 volume set - Photos
2965-001 - Jerusalem & Galilee, Jordan & Bethlehem
2965-002 - Idumea & Petra, Egypt & Nubia
2965-003 - Egypt & Nubia
2966 - Modern Military Aircraft - Photos
2967 - David Ross: Visual Encyclopedia of Ships - Photos
2968 - H G Wells: The War of the Worlds - Photos
2969 - Gerald R Ford: Humor and the Presidency - Photos
2970 - Life: The Vietnam Wars, 50 Years Ago Two Countries Torn Apart - Photos
2971 - Life: The Wizard of Oz, 75 Years Along the Yellow Brick Road - Photos
2972 - Paul Ruditis: Star Trek, The Visual Dictionary - Photos
2973 - Henry J Raymond: The Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln - Photos
2974 - Smithsonian: Music, The Definitive Visual History - Photos
2975 - Suetonius: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars - Photos
2976 - Edward A Pollard: The Lost Cause, A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates - Photos
2977 - John Frost: A Pictorial Biography of Andrew Jackson - Photos
2978 - Arthur Rackham (Illustrator): Grimm's Fairy Tales - Photos
2979 - C S Forester: The Complete Horatio Hornblower, 4 volume set - Photos
2979-001 - Volume 1
2979-002 - Volume 2
2979-003 - Volume 3
2979-004 - Volume 4
2980 - John Milton, John Martin (Illustrator): Paradise Lost, 2 volume set - Photos
2980-001 - Volume 1
2980-002 - Volume 2
2981 - Veronica Roth: The Divergent Trilogy, 3 volume set - Photos
2981-001 - Divergent
2981-002 - Insurgent
2981-003 - Allegiant
2982 - Life: Gone With the Wind, 75 Years of the Great American Movie - Photos
2983 - Evert A Duyckinck: The War for the Union, 3 volume set - Photos
2983-001 - Volume 1
2983-002 - Volume 2
2983-003 - Volume 3
2984 - Essence: Maya Angelou, Her Phenomenal Life and Her Poetic Journey - Photos
2985 - The Declaration of Independence & The Constitution of the United States - Photos
2986 - Edgar Allen Poe: Stories & Poems - Photos
2987 - Ernest Hemingway: The Masterpieces, 5 volume set - Photos
2987-001 - A Farewell to Arms
2987-002 - The Sun Also Rises
2987-003 - For Whom the Bell Tolls
2987-004 - The Old Man and the Sea
2987-005 - The Complete Short Stories
2988 - The Hall, Celebration of Baseball Greats - Photos
2989 - Art That Changed the World - Photos
2990 - Robert B Strassler (Editor) Thucydides & Herodotus: The Peloponnesian War & The Histories, 2 volume set - Photos
2990-001 - Thucydides: A Comprehensive Guide to The Peloponnesian War
2990-002 - Herodotus: The Histories
2991 - The Vanished World - Photos
2992 - James Newman: The World of Mathematics, 4 volume set - Photos
2992-001 - Volume 1
2992-002 - Volume 2
2992-003 - Volume 3
2992-004 - Volume 4
2993 - Mark Twain: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Photos
2994 - Charles Dickens: Great Expectations, 2 volume set - Photos
2994-001 - Volume 1
2994-002 - Volume 2
2995 - The New York Times: Derek Jeter, Excellence and Elegance - Photos
2996 - Honolulu Star Bulletin: Hawaii at War - Photos
2997 - Dwight D Eishenhower: Eisenhower's Own Story of the War - Photos
2998 - Jane Austen: In Her Own Hand, 3 volume set - Photos
2998-001 - Volume 1
2998-002 - Volume 2
2998-003 - Volume 3

Unused Item Numbers: 2911, 2937, 2999
Total Number of Books: 156

Editado: Ene 6, 2020, 2:31 pm

3000 - Chester G Hearn: The Civil War State by State - Photos
3001 - The New York Times: The Captain, Derek Jeter - Photos
3002 - Leonardo Da Vinci: The Notebooks, 500th Anniversary - Photos
3003 - Chartwell Books (Editors): The Timechart of Biblical History - Photos
3004 - Jean-Michel Guesdon & Philippe Margotin: The Beatles, All the Songs - Photos
3005 - Neil Gaiman: Stardust - Photos
3006 - J R R Tolkien: Beowulf - Photos
3007 - Time: Alexander Hamilton - Photos
3008 - Graeme Base: Animalia - Photos
3009 - Theodore Gray: Molecules - Photos
3010 - David Gibbons: The Timechart History of the World - Photos
3011 - Jeff Kinney: Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Photos
3012 - Sir John Froissart: Chronicles, 2 volume set - Photos
3012-001 - Volume 1
3012-002 - Volume 2
3013 - People: Robin Williams - Photos
3014 - Rick Riordan: Percy Jackson & The Olympians, 5 volume set - Photos
3014-001 - The Lightning Thief
3014-002 - The Sea of Monsters
3014-003 - The Titan's Curse
3014-004 - The Battle of the Labyrinth
3014-005 - The Last Olympian
3015 - Life: Lauren Bacall - Photos
3016 - Erasmus: In Praise of Folly - Photos
3017 - Alcoholics Anonymous, 75th Anniversary - Photos
3018 - Henry Kissinger: World Order - Photos
3019 - Ryan White: Springsteen, Album by Album - Photos
3020 - Porter & Wright: Report on Indians Taxed and Indians not Taxed in the United States - Photos
3021 - The New York Times: The Struggle for Civil Rights 1954-1968 - Photos
3022 - Time Life: War Comes to the US - Dec 7 1941, The First 30 Hours - Photos
3023 - Abraham Lincoln: The Gettysburg Address - Photos
3024 - Edward Fitzgerald (Translator), Edmund J Sullivan (Illustrator): Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam - Photos
3025 - Mark Twain: Speeches - Photos
3026 - The Story of the Unsinkable Titanic - Photos
3027 - Henry M Robert: Robert's Rules of Order - Photos
3028 - Charles Santore (Illustrator): The Night Before Christmas - Photos
3029 - John Wayne, 100 Years in the West - Photos
3030 - Life: The Sound of Music, 50th Anniversary - Photos
3031 - Tim Hill: JKF, His Life, His Legacy - Photos
3032 - Charles Schulz: Happiness is a Warm Puppy - Photos
3033 - Elbert Hubbard: A Message to Garcia and 13 Other Things - Photos
3034 - Jessie M King (Illustrator): The High History of the Holy Graal - Photos
3035 - Nicholas Vincent and Others: Magna Carta, The Foundation of Freedom - Photos
3036 - Charlotte Guest, Alan Lee (Illustrator): The Mabinogion - Photos
3037 - The New Testament WWII Issue - Photos
3038 - George Anderson: Captain Cook's Voyages, 2 volume set - Photos
3038-001 - Volume 1
3038-002 - Volume 2
3039 - George A Crofutt: Crofutt's New Overland Tourist - Photos
3040 - Kurz & Allison: Civil War Art Print Portfolio - Photos
3041 - Owen Jones: The Victoria Psalter - Photos
3042 - Sir Walter Scott: Ivanhoe - Photos
3043 - J A Spencer & Benson J Lossing: History of the United States, Centennial Edition, 4 volume set - Photos
3043-001 - Volume 1
3043-002 - Volume 2
3043-003 - Volume 3
3043-004 - Volume 4
3044 - Paul F Mottelay: The Soldier in Our Civil War, 2 volume set - Photos
3044-001 - Volume 1
3044-002 - Volume 2
3045 - Edward Detmold (Illustrator): The Fables of Aesop - Photos
3046 - Max Brooks: World War Z - Photos
3047 - David Mitchell: The Bone Clocks - Photos
3048 - Cicero: Orations and Essays - Photos
3049 - Steven D Levitt & Stephen J Dubner: Freakonomics, 3 volume set - Photos
3049-001 - Freakonomics
3049-002 - SuperFreakonomics
3049-003 - Think Like A Freak
3050 - Philippa Gregory: The Other Boleyn Girl - Photos
3051 - Chris Roberts: Michael Jackson The King of Pop - Photos
3052 - Maya Angelou: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Photos
3053 - Jan Brett: The Twelve Days of Christmas - Photos
3054 - Washington Irving: The Life of George Washington, 5 volume set - Photos
3054-001 - Volume 1
3054-002 - Volume 2
3054-003 - Volume 3
3054-004 - Volume 4
3054-005 - Volume 5
3055 - Richard Flanagan: The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Photos
3056 - Nicky Wright: The Classic Era of American Comics - Photos
3057 - Anthony Doerr: All the Light We Cannot See - Photos
3058 - Pope Francis: The Joy of the Gospel - Photos
3059 - Lauren Weisberger: The Devil Wears Prada - Photos
3060 - The Holy Bible Antiquarian 1873 - Photos
3061 - Dante Alighieri: Dante's Inferno - Photos
3062 - Howard Pyle: The Illustrted Legends of King Arthur, 4 volume set - Photos
3062-001 - The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
3062-002 - The Story of the Champions of the Round Table
3062-003 - The Story of Lancelot and His Companions
3062-004 - The Story of the Grail and the Passing of Arthur
3063 - The New York Times: Obama, The Actual Historic Newspaper - Photos
3064 - Chuck Palahniuk: A Survivor - Photos
3065 - Personalized Family Bible - Photos
3066 - Jacques Pepin: The New Complete Techniques - Photos
3067 - Alice M Greenwald (Editor): The Stories They Tell, A Journey of Remebrance - Photos
3068 - Douglas Adams: The Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Photos
3069 - George Ebers: Picturesque Egypt, 2 volume set - Photos
3069-001 - Volume 1
3069-002 - Volume 2
3070 - Maya Angelou: Rainbow in the Cloud, The Wisdom and Spirit of Maya Angelou - Photos
3071 - John Cleese: So, Anyway - Photos
3072 - Jody Revenson: Harry Potter, The Creature Vault - Photos
3073 - Virgil: The Works of, Translated by Mr Dryden - Photos
3074 - Helen Strudwick (Editor): The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt - Photos
3075 - Neil Gaiman: Neverwhere - Photos
3076 - Louisa M Alcott: Little Women - Photos
3077 - Reader's Choice X, 2015 - Photos
3077-001 (2585-060) - Christopher Wren: Beau Geste - Photos
3077-002 (2585-061) - Alistair MacLean: Where Eagles Dare - Photos
3077-003 (2585-062) - Max Brand: Destry Rides Again - Photos
3077-004 (2585-063) - Horace Walpole: The Castle of Otranto - Photos
3077-005 (2585-064) - Lewis Carroll: The Hunting of the Snark - Photos
3077-006 (2585-065) - John Hersey: A Bell for Adano - Photos
3077-007 (2585-066) - Eugene Burdick and William J Lederer: The Ugly American - Photos
3077-008 (2585-067) - Patrick Dennis: Auntie Mame - Photos
3077-009 (2585-068) - Jean Rhys: Wide Sargasso Sea - Photos
3077-010 (2585-069) - Howard Pyle: Men of Iron - Photos
3078 - Chicago Tribune: Ernie, Mr. Cub 1931-2015 - Photos
3079 - The Charlotte Observer: Dean Smith, More Than A Coach 1931-2015 - Photos
3080 - Victor Hugo: The Toilers of the Sea, 2 volume set - Photos
3080-001 - Volume 1
3080-002 - Volume 2
3081 - Chris Cleave: Little Bee - Photos
3082 - Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice Peacock Edition - Photos
3083 - Robert A Caro: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, 4 volume set - Photos
3083-001 - The Path To Power
3083-002 - Means of Ascent
3083-003 - Master of the Senate
3083-004 - The Passage of Power
3084 - Diana Gabaldon: Written in My Own Heart's Blood - Photos
3085 - Lady Murasaki: The Tale of Genji, 2 volume set - Photos
3085-001 - Volume 1
3085-002 - Volume 2
3086 - Chris Van Allsburg: The Polar Express - Photos
3088 - Roy Thomas: Superheroes, The War Years, 3 volume set - Photos
3088-001 - Superman 1938-1945
3088-002 - Batman 1939-1945
3088-003 - Wonder Woman 1941-1945
3089 - Lao Tzu: The Tao Te Ching, The Way to Goodness and Power - Photos
3090 - Entertainment Weekly: Leonard Nimoy: Remembering The Man Behind Spock 1931-2015 - Photos
3091 - Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Photos
3092 - Charles Mackay: Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, 2 volume set - Photos
3092-001 - Volume 1
3092-002 - Volume 2
3093 - Jefferson Davis: The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, 2 volume set - Photos
3093-001 - Volume 1
3093-002 - Volume 2
3094 - Irvine Welsh: Trainspotting - Photos
3095 - Thomas Newdick: The World's Greatest Military Aircraft - Photos
3096 - Ben Hubbard: Gladiator - Photos
3097 - Wagner's Ring Cycle: The Rhinegold and the Valkyrie & Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods, 2 volume set - Photos
3097-001 - The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie
3097-002 - Siegfried & The Twilight of the Gods
3098 - Narrative of Sojourner Truth - Photos

Unused Item Numbers: 3087, 3099
Total Number of Books: 137

Editado: Feb 11, 2020, 1:25 pm

3100 - Paulo Coelho: The Alchemist - Photos
3101 - The Book of Common Prayer: 1845 Edition - Photos
3102 - William Goldman: The Princess Bride - Photos
3103 - James Fenimore Cooper: The Leatherstocking Tales, 5 volume set - Photos
3103-001 - The Deerslayer
3103-002 - The Last of the Mohicans
3103-003 - The Pathfinder
3103-004 - The Pioneers
3103-005 - The Prairie
3104 - Kurt Vonnegut: The Masterpieces, 5 volume set - Photos
3104-001 - Slaughterhouse-Five
3104-002 - The Sirens of Titan
3104-003 - Cat's Cradle
3104-004 - Breakfast of Champions
3104-005 - Mother Night
3105 - Thomas Carlyle: The French Revolution, 3 volume set - Photos
3105-001 - The Bastille
3105-002 - The Constitution
3105-003 - The Guillotine
3106 - Harriet Beecher Stowe: Uncle Tom's Cabin - Photos
3107 - Edmund Burke: An Impartial History of the War in America Between Great Britain and Her Colonies - Photos
3108 - Sports Illustrated: Super Bowl Gold, 50 Years of the Big Game - Photos
3109 - Cheryl Strayed: Wild - Photos
3110 - Fannie Flagg: Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe - Photos
3111 - Michael Haskew: Tanks Inside Out, 100 Years of Tank Warfare - Photos
3112 - John Le Carre: The Karla Trilogy, 3 volume set - Photos
3112-001 - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
3112-002 - The Honourable Schoolboy
3112-003 - Smiley's People
3113 - Stephen Mitchell (Translator): Gilgamesh - Photos
3114 - Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan: The Life of Nelson, 2 volume set - Photos
3114-001 - Volume 1
3114-002 - Volume 2
3115 - Thomas Jefferson: Quotations - Photos
3116 - Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Death by Black Hole - Photos
3117 - Anthony Horowitz: The House of Silk & Moriarty, 2 volume set - Photos
3117-001 - The House of Silk
3117-002 - Moriarty
3118 - Rudyard Kipling: Just So Stories - Photos
3119 - Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm: German Popular Stories, 2 volume set - Photos
3119-001 - Volume 1
3119-002 - Volume 2
3120 - William Gibson: Neuromancer - Photos
3121 - Sir Francis Richard Burton (Translator): Vikram and the Vampire - Photos
3122 - Meriwether Lewis and William Clark: Journals of the Expedition, 2 volume set - Photos
3122-001 - Volume 1
3122-002 - Volume 2
3123 - Jack London: To Build A Fire - Photos
3124 - Thomas R Gray: The Confessions of Nat Turner - Photos
3126 - Ross King & Anja Grebe: Florence, The Paintings & Frescoes 1250-1743 - Photos
3127 - Thomas H Kean & Lee H Hamilton: Without Precedent - Photos
3128 - Life: The Enduring Power of To Kill A Mockingbird - Photos
3129 - Orson Scott Card: Ender's Game - Photos
3131 - Jody Revenson: Harry Potter, The Character Vault - Photos
3132 - Richard Connell: The Most Dangerous Game - Photos
3133 - William Caxton (Translator): The History of Reynard the Foxe - Photos
3134 - Andy Weir: The Martian - Photos
3135 - Tomie DePaola: Strega Nona - Photos
3136 - Michael Collins: Pope Francis, A Photographic Portrait of the People's Pope - Photos
3137 - Frederick Richardson (Illustrator): Mother Goose, Volland Edition - Photos
3138 - Peter and Dan Snow: The Battle of Waterloo Experience - Photos
3139 - Joann Eckstut & Arielle Eckstut: The Secret Language of Color - Photos
3140 - The Disney Book, An Extraordinary Visual Exploration of All Things Disney - Photos
3141 - Lew Freedman: Chicago's Big Teams - Photos
3142 - E T Chalmers Werner: Myths and Legends of China - Photos
3143 - Bill Price: The History of Chess in Fifty Moves - Photos
3144 - Alfred Lord Tennyson: Idylls of the King - Photos
3145 - DK Publishing: Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family - Photos
3146 - Saemund Sigfusson & Snorre Sturleson, Justin Sweet (Illustrator): The Eddas - Photos
3147 - Edward S Curtis: The North American Indian - Photos
3148 - William M Timlin: The Ship That Sailed to Mars - Photos
3149 - Marek Halter: The Jewish Odyssey, An Illustrated History - Photos
3150 - Major Proctor: History of the Crusades - Photos
3151 - Nigel Cawthorne: Tesla, The Life and Times of an Electric Messiah - Photos
3152 - Scott Christianson: 100 Documents that Changed the World - Photos
3153 - Johann D Wyss: The Swiss Family Robinson - Photos
3154 - Homer: The Odyssey - Photos
3155 - A Matter of Time, Science Fiction Masterpieces of Time Travel, 6 volume set - Photos
3155-001 - Isaac Asimov: The End of Eternity
3155-002 - Robert A Heinlein: Door Into Summer
3155-003 - Tim Powers: The Anubis Gate
3155-004 - Connie Willis: Doomsday Book
3155-005 - Ken Grimwood: Replay
3155-006 - Joe Haldeman: The Accidental Time Machine
3156 - Bruce Wexler: The Mysterious World of Sherlock Holmes - Photos
3157 - Hokusai: Prints & Drawings - Photos
3158 - Jane Austen Porcelain Mugs - 6 piece set - Photos
3159 - Arthur Szyk: The Haggadah - Photos
3160 - Rodney Castleden: Vikings, Raiders, Traders & Masters of the Sea - Photos
3161 - China Mieville: The City & The City - Photos
3162 - Jerry White: London, The Story of a Great City - Photos
3163 - Chuck Palahniuk: Make Something Up - Photos
3164 - Gerald Ford: A Time to Heal, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3165 - Anthony Doerr: All the Light We Cannot See, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3166 - Bret Easton Ellis: American Psycho, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3167 - Jimmy Carter: Beyond the White House, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3168 - Chuck Palahniuk: Fight Club, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3169 - Clint Hill: Five Days in November, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3170 - Steven D Levitt & Stephen Dubner: Freakonomics, 3 volume set, Personalilzed Bookplate - Photos
3170-001 - Freakonomics
3170-002 - SuperFreakonomics
3170-003 - Think Like A Freak
3171 - Gerald R Ford: Humor and the Presidency, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3172 - Maya Angelou: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3173 - Desmond Tutu & Mpho Tutu: Made for Goodness, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3174 - Neil Gaiman: Neverwhere, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3175 - Anne Rice: Prince Lestat, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3176 - Edgar Allan Poe: Stories & Poems, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3177 - David Mitchell: The Bone Clocks, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3178 - Doris Kearns Goodwin: The Bully Pulpit, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3179 - Arthur Conan Doyle: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3180 - Jacques Pepin: The New Complete Techniques, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3181 - H G Wells: The War of the Worlds, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3182 - Edgar Mitchell: The Way of the Explorer, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3183 - Sir Edmund Hillary: View From the Summit, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3184 - Henry Kissinger: World Order, Personalized Bookplate - Photos
3185 - E L Doctorow: Ragtime - Photos
3186 - Milan Kundera: Masterpieces, 3 volume set - Photos
3186-001 - The Unbearable Lightness Of Being
3186-002 - The Book Of Laughter and Forgetting
3186-003 - The Festival of Insignificance
3187 - W Fletcher Johnson: Life of Sitting Bull and the Indian War of 1890-91 - Photos
3188 - Mark Twain: Pudd'nhead Wilson - Photos
3189 - David Brooks: The Road to Character - Photos
3190 - Gaston Leroux: The Phantom of the Opera - Photos
3191 - General A L Long: Memoirs of Robert E Lee - Photos
3192 - Winston Groom: Forrest Gump - Photos
3193 - Eoin Colfer: Artemis Fowl - Photos
3194 - The New York Times: Yogi, 1925-2015 - Photos
3195 - Life: The Story of Santa - Photos
3196 - Reader's Choice XI, 2016 - Photos
3196-001 - Nevil Shute: A Town Like Alice - Photos
3196-002 - Alistair MacLean: Ice Station Zebra - Photos
3196-003 - William F Nolan & George Clayton Johnson: Logan's Run - Photos
3196-004 - Richard Matheson: Somewhere in Time - Photos
3196-005 - Saki: The Chronicles of Clovis - Photos
3196-006 - Mark Twain: The Diaries of Adam and Eve - Photos
3196-007 - Trevanian: The Eiger Sanction - Photos
3196-008 - Frans B Bengtsson: The Long Ships - Photos
3196-009 - Dorothy M Johnson: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - Photos
3196-010 - Richard Condon: The Manchurian Candidate - Photos
3197 - Katherine Paterson: Bridge to Terabithia - Photos
3198 - Robert Sullivan: Secrets of the Vatican - Photos
3199 - The Holy Bible Illustrated by Barry Moser - Photos

Unused Item Numbers: 3125, 3130
Total Number of Books: 131

Editado: Jul 15, 2021, 2:09 pm

3200 - Geza Vermes (Translator): The Dead Sea Scrolls - Photos
3201 - John James Audubon: Birds of America, 7 volume set - Photos
3201-001 - Vol I
3201-002 - Vol II
3201-003 - Vol III
3201-004 - Vol IV
3201-005 - Vol V
3201-006 - Vol VI
3201-007 - Vol VII
3202 - O. Henry, Caniglia (Illustrator): Stories - Photos
3203 - Robert Hooke: Micrographia - Photos
3204 - Martin J Dougherty: King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table - Photos
3205 - Michael Kerrigan: Celtic Legends - Photos
3206 - Life: Queen Elizabeth at 90 - Photos
3207 - Time: Star Trek, Inside the Most Influential Science-Fiction Series Ever - Photos
3208 - George H W Bush & Jon Meacham: Destiny and Power - Photos
3209 - Jimmy Carter: A Full Life - Photos
3210 - William Shakespeare: Poems, 2 volume set - Photos
3210-001 - Volume I
3210-002 - Volume II
3211 - Frederik Pohl: Gateway - Photos
3212 - Harper Lee: Go Set A Watchman - Photos
3213 - Ursula LeGuin, Vanessa Lemen (Illustrator): The Left Hand of Darkness - Photos
3214 - Biblia Sacra Latina, Facisimile of the Gutenberg Bible - Photos
3215 - Thomas More: Utopia - Photos
3216 - Andrew Lang: Tales of Troy and Greece - Photos
3217 - Ernest Cline: Ready Player One - Photos
3218 - Grace James: Green Willow and Other Japanese Fairy Tales - Photos
3220 - US Military Academy: The West Point History of the Civil War - Photos
3221 - J M Barrie, Arthur Rackham (Illustrator): Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens - Photos
3222 - Carolyn Vaughn (Editor): Michelangelo's Notebooks - Photos
3224 - Stefan Fischer: Hieronymus Bosch - Photos
3225 - Time: Remembering the Reagans - Photos
3226 - The Story of D-Day, June 6 1944 - Photos
3227 - Chris McNab: Hitler's Armies - Photos
3228 - Armistead Maupin: Tales of the City - Photos
3230 - Isaac Asimov, Bob Eggleton (Illustrator): The Foundation Trilogy - Photos
3231 - DK, Smithsonian: The American Revolution, A Visual History - Photos
3232 - Charles Dickens: The Adventures of Oliver Twist - Photos
3235 - Chris McNab: Native American Warriors - Photos
3236 - Jules Verne: Hector Servadac or The Career of a Comet - Photos
3238 - George Smoot: Wrinkles in Time - Photos
3239 - Mother Teresa: A Call to Mercy - Photos
3240 - William Shakespeare, Luke Hillestad (Illustrator): The Tragedy of Macbeth - Photos
3241 - Buffalo Bill: Story of the Wild West and Campfire Chats - Photos
3242 - Erin Morgenstern: The Night Circus - Photos
3243 - Oscar Wilde: Salome, 2 volume set - Photos
3243-001 - Volume 1, Andre Derain (Illustrator)
3243-002 - Volume 2, Aubrey Beardsley (Illustrator)
3244 - Essence: The Obamas, The White House Years - Photos
3245 - James Grady: Six Days of the Condor - Photos
3246 - Colm Toibin: Brooklyn - Photos
3247 - Neil Gaiman: The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Photos
3248 - Miyamoto Musashi: The Five Rings - Photos
3249 - The Boston Globe: Big Papi, The Legend and Legacy of David Ortiz - Photos
3252 - William Shakespeare: The First Folio - Photos
3253 - William Styron: Sophie's Choice - Photos
3254 - Mobeen Azhar: Prince, His Life in Pictures 1958-2016 - Photos
3255 - Neil deGrasse Tyson: Space Chronicles - Photos
3257 - Tony Kushner: Angels in America - Photos
3258 - Isabel Allende: The House of the Spirits - Photos
3262 - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah - Photos
3263 - Viet Thanh Nguyen: The Sympathizer - Photos
3264 - Hans Andersen, Edmund Dulac (Illustrator): Stories - Photos
3265 - J R R Tolkien: The Story of Kullervo - Photos
3267 - Bookmark: I Cannot Live Without Books, Personalized - Photos
3268 - Flip Schulke (Editor): Martin Luther King Jr, From Montgomery to Memphis - Photos
3270 - Clifford A Pickover: The Physics Book - Photos
3272 - Peter Henshaw & Ian Kerr: Harley-Davidson: An Illustrated Guide - Photos
3274 - Bill Nye: Unstoppable - Photos
3275 - Thomas Keneally: Schindler's List - Photos
3276 - Charlie Lovett: The Bookman's Tale - Photos
3277 - Joseph Bedier: The Romance of Tristan and Iseult - Photos
3278 - Natalie Babbitt: Tuck Everlasting - Photos
3279 - Bookmark: With God All Things Are Possible, Personalized - Photos
3280 - Bookmark: Love Conquers All, Personalized - Photos
3281 - Sports Illustrated: Muhammad Ali, The Tribute 1942-2016 - Photos
3283 - Anthony Horowitz: Trigger Mortis - Photos
3284 - Life: Pearl Harbor, 75 Years Later - Photos
3285 - Michio Kaku: The Future of the Mind - Photos
3286 - Judah Goldon (Transalator): The Living Talmud - Photos
3287 - Edgar Rice Burroughs: Tarzan of the Apes, The First Three Novels - Photos
3288 - Richard Price: Clockers - Photos
3289 - The New York Times: The Obama Inauguration, The Actual Historic Newspaper - Photos
3290 - Reader's Choice XII, 2017 - Photos
3290-001 - James Fenimore Cooper: The Pilot, A Tale of the Sea - Photos
3290-002 - Jack Higgins: The Eagle Has Landed - Photos
3290-003 - Anita Loos: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes - Photos
3290-004 - Robert Bloch: Psycho - Photos
3290-005 - John Ball: In the Heat of the Night - Photos
3290-006 - Frederick Marryat: Mr Midshipman Easy - Photos
3290-007 - Isaac Asimov: The Gods Themselves - Photos
3290-008 - Zane Grey: Desert Gold - Photos
3290-009 - Madeline L'Engle: A Wrinkle in Time - Photos
3290-010 - Felix Salten: Bambi, A Life in the Woods - Photos
3291 - Diana Gabaldon: Dragonfly in Amber - Photos
3292 - William Shakespeare: Henry the Sixth, 3 volume set - Photos
3292-001 - Volume I
3292-002 - Volume II
3292-003 - Volume III
3293 - Niccolo Machiavelli, David Ho (Illustrator): The Prince - Photos
3298 - H G Wells, Ivica Stevanovic (Illustrator): The Island of Doctor Moreau - Photos
3299 - Disney: Mickey and Minnie Storybook Collection - Photos

Unused Item Numbers: 3219, 3223, 3229, 3233, 3234, 3237, 3250, 3251, 3256, 3259, 3260,
3261, 3266, 3269, 3271, 3273, 3282, 3294, 3295, 3296, 3297
Non-Book Item Numbers: 3267, 3279, 3280
Total Number of Books: 95

Editado: Jul 4, 2021, 11:27 am

3300 - Sebastien Mamerot: A Chronicle of the Crusades - Photos
3301 - Robin Cook: Coma - Photos
3302 - Easton Press Under the Window Bookshelf - Photos
3304 - George Orwell, Bill Mayer (Illustrator): Animal Farm - Photos
3307 - Deborah Willis: Black, A Celebration of Culture - Photos
3308 - Life: Gene Wilder, 1933-2016 - Photos
3309 - James O'Barr: The Crow - Photos
3310 - Colson Whitehead: The Underground Railroad - Photos
3311 - Sports Illustrated: Arnold Palmer 1929-2016 - Photos
3314 - Walter Mosley: Devil in a Blue Dress - Photos
3315 - Colin Beveridge PhD: The Mathematics Bible - Photos
3317 - Beatrix Potter: The Complete Tales - Photos
3318 - Anne Rice: Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis - Photos
3319 - Time: Donald Trump, 45th President of The United States - Photos
3320 - George H W Bush: All the Best - Photos
3321 - J R R Tolkien: The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun - Photos
3323 - Marlon James: A Brief History of Seven Killings - Photos
3324 - Believe It! Chicago Cubs World Series Champions - Photos
3325 - Time: John Glenn, A Hero's Life 1921-2016 - Photos
3326 - Anne Rice: Interview With the Vampire - Photos
3327 - Clement Moore, W W Denslow (Illustrator): Night Before Christmas - Photos
3329 - J R R Tolkien: Beren and Luthien - Photos
3330 - Time: Barack Obama, Eight Years - Photos
3331 - Diana Gabaldon: Outlander - Photos
3332 - Reader's Choice XIII, 2018 - Photos
3332-001 (2585-074) - Zane Grey: The Lone Star Ranger - Photos
3332-002 (2585-075) - Michael Crichton: Sphere - Photos
3332-003 (2585-076) - Glendon Swarthout: The Shootist - Photos
3332-004 (2585-077) - Zora Neale Hurston: Their Eyes Were Watching God - Photos
3332-005 (2585-078) - Dalton Trumbo: Johnny Got His Gun - Photos
3332-006 (2585-079) - Agatha Christie: Curtain, Poirot's Last Case - Photos
3332-007 (2585-080) - Jim Thompson: The Killer Inside Me - Photos
3332-008 (2585-081) - Ian Fleming: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, The Magical Car - Photos
3332-009 - H Rider Haggard: King Solomon's Mines - Photos
3332-010 (2585-082) - Rudolph Erich Raspe, Gustave Dore (Illustrator): The Adventures of Baron Munchausen - Photos
3333 - Victor Hugo: Les Miserables - Photos
3334 - H P Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction - Photos
3335 - The New York Times: Complete Civil War 1861-1865 - Photos
3336 - Yoann Lossel (Illustrator): Beowulf - Photos
3337 - Captain John Brown: The Life, Trial and Execution of - Photos
3338 - Peter Baker: Obama, The Call of History - Photos
3339 - Philip Katcher: Flags of the Civil War - Photos
3340 - Elie Wiesel: Night, Memorial Edition - Photos
3341 - Beauty and the Beast, The Story of Belle - Photos
3342 - Charters of Freedom, Democracy's Founding Documents - Photos
3343 - Nicholas Owen: Diana, The People's Princess - Photos
3345 - Barack Obama: We Are the Change We Seek - Photos
3346 - Louis Sachar: Holes - Photos
3347 - Charlotte Montague: John F Kennedy, The Life and Death of a U S President - Photos
3348 - Darcy Eveleigh, Diana Canedy, Damien Cave: Unseen, Unpublished Black History - Photos
3349 - Chris Bishop: Submarines, World War I to the Present - Photos
3350 - Mark Greenberg: Obama, The Historic Presidency - Photos
3351 - Gregory Bassham: The Philosophy Book - Photos
3352 - Antonia Felix: Michelle Obama, A Photographic Journey - Photos
3353 - Erik Larson: The Devil in the White City - Photos
3354 - Deborah Jaffe: Victoria - Photos
3355 - William Derham: Lost Ireland 1860-1960 - Photos
3356 - Adam Bray: Star Wars, The Visual Encyclopedia - Photos
3357 - Thomas F Madden: Crusades - Photos
3358 - Mark Twain: Life on the Mississippi - Photos
3359 - Scott Gustafson: Storybook Fables - Photos
3360 - Luce Lebart: Lady Liberty - Photos
3361 - Reader's Choice XIV, 2019 - Photos
3361-001 (2585-083) - Edward L Beach: Run Silent, Run Deep - Photos
3361-002 (2585-101) - George MacDonald Fraser: Flashman - Photos
3361-003 (2585-102) - Shirley Jackson: We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Photos
3361-004 (2585-084) - Edgar Rice Burroughs: Beyond Thirty - Photos
3361-005 (2585-088) - Sinclair Lewis: It Can't Happen Here - Photos
3361-006 (2585-089) - Sheridan Le Fanu: The Evil Guest - Photos
3361-007 (2585-085) - John Steinbeck: Sweet Thursday - Photos
3361-008 (2585-086) - Max Brand: The Untamed - Photos
3361-009 (2585-087) - Zane Grey: The Last of the Plainsmen - Photos
3361-010 (2585-090) - Robert W Chambers: The King in Yellow - Photos
3362 - Neil Gaiman: The Graveyard Book - Photos
3364 - Diana Gabaldon: Voyager - Photos
3365 - Time: Harry Potter 20 Years of Magic - Photos
3366 - The Dark Side of the Moon, 4 volume set - Photos
3366-001 - Arthur C Clarke: A Fall of Moondust
3366-002 - Algis Budrys: Rogue Moon
3366-003 - Jack McDevitt: Moonfall
3366-004 - Robert A Heinlein: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
3367 - William A DeGregorio: The Complete Book of US Presidents - Photos
3368 - Time Life: World War II, Dunkirk - Photos
3369 - John Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath - Photos
3370 - Alice Hoffman: Practical Magic - Photos
3371 - Robert E Howard: Conan the Cimmerian Barbarian - Photos
3372 - Jules Verne: Michael Strogoff, the Courier of the Czar - Photos
3373 - The American Anti-Slavery Almanacs 1836-1847 - Photos
3374 - Diana Gabaldon: Seven Stones to Stand or Fall - Photos
3376 - Apollonius of Rhodes, Michael Komarck (Illustrator): Jason and the Argonauts - Photos
3377 - George Orwell, Bruce Waldman (Illustrator): Nineteen Eighty-Four - Photos
3378 - Jules Verne, Samuel Araya (Illustrator): A Journey to the Center of the Earth - Photos
3379 - J R R Tolkien: The Lays of Beleriand - Photos
3380 - Charles Dickens, Robert Ingpen (Illustrator): A Christmas Carol - Photos
3381 - Rolling Stone: Tom Petty - Photos
3382 - History Earned, Houston Astros World Champions - Photos
3383 - Tara Bennett: The Making of Outlander The Series - Photos
3384 - Mother Teresa: A Simple Path - Photos
3385 - Tom Jackson: Physics, An Illustrated History - Photos
3386 - Bret Easton Ellis: Less Than Zero - Photos
3388 - Welche Gordon: Jesse James and His Band of Notorious Outlaws - Photos
3389 - Condoleezza Rice: Democracy Stories From the Long Road to Freedom - Photos
3390 - Anne Rice: The Wolf Gift Chronices, 2 volume set - Photos
3390-001 - The Wolf Gift
3390-002 - The Wolves of Midwinter
3391 - Rudyard Kipling: The Jungle Book - Photos
3392 - Jesmyn Ward: Salvage the Bones - Photos
3393 - Pablo Hidalgo: Star Wars, The Last Jedi Visual Dictionary - Photos
3394 - Andrea G Stillman (Editor): Ansel Adams 400 Photographs - Photos
3395 - The New York Times: The History of World War II - Photos
3396 - Catherine Ryan: The Queen, The Life and Times of Elizabeth II - Photos
3397 - Karen Lehrman Bloch: Passage to Israel - Photos
3398 - Alfred Wertheimer: Elvis, A King in the Making - Photos
3399 - The West Point History of World War II - Photos
3399-001 - Volume 1
3399-002 - Volume 2

Unused Item Numbers: 3303, 3305, 3306, 3312, 3313, 3316, 3322, 3328, 3344, 3363, 3375, 3387
Non-Book Item Numbers:
Total Number of Books: 110

Editado: Jul 4, 2021, 11:24 am

3400 - Angela Peel: Harry and Meghan, The Royal Wedding Album - Photos
3402 - Angela Peel: Harry and Meghan, An Invitation to the Royal Wedding - Photos
3403 - John le Carre: The Spy Who Came in From the Cold - Photos
3404 - Fredrik Backman: A Man Called Ove - Photos
3405 - Arthur Rackham (Illustrator): Mother Goose, The Old Nursery Rhymes - Photos
3406 - Sara Donati: Into the Wilderness - Photos
3407 - Laurence Rees: The Holocaust, A New History - Photos
3408 - Eagles Fly, Super Bowl 2018 - Photos
3409 - Robert Peary: The North Pole - Photos
3410 - End Table Bookshelf - Photos
3411 - Flip Schulke: He Had A Dream, Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement - Photos
3412 - National Geographic: Remembering Diana - Photos
3413 - Artists: Their Lives and Works - Photos
3414 - Martin Cohen: The Philosophy Bible - Photos
3415 - Clement Clarke Moore, Dennis Lyall (Illustrator): The Night Before Christmas - Photos
3416 - Wayne L Youngblood: Edward S Curtis Portraits - Photos
3417 - Stephen G Hyslop: The Old West - Photos
3419 - The New York Times: Barack Obama Folio - Photos
3420 - J M Bourgery & N H Jacob: The Complete Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery - Photos
3421 - Diana Gabaldon: The Drums of Autumn - Photos
3423 - Derek B Lowe: The Chemistry Book - Photos
3424 - John Wayne: The John Wayne Code - Photos
3426 - Connie Willis: Blackout & All Clear, 2 volume set - Photos
3426-001 - Blackout
3426-002 - All Clear
3428 - Tom Jackson (Editor): Mathematics, an Illustrated History of Numbers - Photos
3429 - Mark Twain: The Innocent's Abroad - Photos
3430 - Nikki Giovanni: A Good Cry - Photos
3432 - Anton Treuer: The Indian Wars - Photos
3433 - Charles Dickens, Mark Summers (Illustrator): A Christmas Carol - Photos
3435 - Rogers, Seidule & Watson (Editors): The West Point History of the American Revolution - Photos
3436 - D M Giangreco: United States Army, The Definitive Illustrated History - Photos
3437 - Gustav Klimt: Drawings & Paintings - Photos
3438 - Jim Davis: Age Happens, Garfield Hits the Big 4-0 - Photos
3439 - Ta-Nehisi Coates: Black Panther, A Nation Under Our Feet - Photos
3441 - Alice M Greenwald: No Day Shall Erase You: The Story of 9/11 - Photos
3442 - Roger Matuz: The Presidents Fact Book - Photos
3445 - Life: First Ladies, Portraits of Grace and Leadership - Photos
3446 - Robert J Dalessandro: Over There, America in the Great War - Photos
3447 - George Saunders: Lincoln in the Bardo - Photos
3448 - Noel Rae: The Great Stain - Photos
3449 - Joseph T Wilson: The Black Phalanx - Photos
3451 - Worth the Wait, The Washington Capitals' Memorable Journey to the 2018 Stanley Cup - Photos
3452 - Jules Verne: In Search of the Castaways - Photos
3453 - Major John Andres: Major Andres' Journal - Photos
3454 - J R R Tolkien: The Art of The Lord of the Rings - Photos
3455 - Life: Moses, How His Teachings Shaped the World - Photos
3456 - J R R Tolkien: The Fall of Gondolin - Photos
3458 - Andrew Sean Greer: Less - Photos
3460 - Andy Weir: Artemis - Photos
3461 - Bill Yenne: B-52 Stratofortress - Photos
3462 - Martin K A Morgan: D-Day, A Photographic History of the Normady Invasion - Photos
3463 - Neil Gaiman: Coraline - Photos
3464 - Monumental America: The Memorials and Statues That Celebrate US History - Photos
3465 - Michelle Obama: Her Inspiring Story - Photos
3466 - Aretha Franklin: The Queen of Soul 1942-2018 - Photos
3467 - Nigel Cawthorne: Gettysburg, The Battle For Liberty, Equality and Brotherhood - Photos
3468 - World War II: A Photographic History - Photos
3469 - Elaine S Povich: John McCain, American Maverick - Photos
3470 - Melba Patillo Beals: Warriors Don't Cry - Photos
3471 - Doris Stevens: Jailed For Freedom - Photos
3472 - Ayn Rand, Jim Salvati (Illustrator): Atlas Shrugged - Photos
3473 - David Brin: The Postman - Photos
3474 - The Night Before Christmas Mug Collection, Personalized - Photos
3475 - Brian Clegg: The Quantum Physics Bible - Photos
3476 - Jean-Pierre Isbouts: The Story of Christianity - Photos
3477 - Alexander Roob: Alchemy & Mysticism - Photos
3478 - J R R Tolkien: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, Sir Orfeo - Photos
3479 - Geoffrey C Ward & Ken Burns: The Vietnam War, An Intimate History - Photos
3481 - Robert F Kennedy Jr: American Values - Photos
3482 - Reader's Choice XV - Photos
3482-001 (2585-091) - Michael Crichton: Dragon Teeth - Photos
3482-002 (2585-092) - Edward Streeter: Father of the Bride - Photos
3482-003 (2585-093) - Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Herland - Photos
3482-004 (2585-094) - Saul Bellow: Herzog - Photos
3482-005 (2585-095) - Clarence E Mulford: Hopalong Cassidy - Photos
3482-006 (2585-096) - Jack London: The Iron Heel - Photos
3482-007 (2585-097) - Edward Abbey: The Monkey Wrench Gang - Photos
3482-008 (2585-098) - Eric Hodgins: Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House - Photos
3482-009 (2585-099) - Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Mucker - Photos
3482-010 (2585-100) - Edith Nesbit: The Railway Children - Photos
3484 - Diana Gabaldon: The Fiery Cross - Photos
3485 - Joan Blaeu: Atlas Maior of 1665 - Photos
3486 - Denise Despeyroux (Editor): The Philosophers - Photos
3488 - John Grisham: The Firm - Photos
3489 - Jason Matthews: Red Sparrow - Photos
3490 - Thomas Fuller: The Historie of the Holy Warre - Photos
3491 - Christopher Kimball: The Complete Milk Street TV Show Cookbook - Photos
3492 - Signed First Editions - Photos
3493 - Harold S Kushner: When Bad Things Happen to Good People - Photos
3494 - Scott Turow: Presumed Innocent - Photos
3495 - Disney: The Disney Christmas Card - Photos
3496 - Garfinkel, Grunspan: The Computer Book - Photos
3497 - Freeman Dyson: Disturbing the Universe - Photos
3498 - Amanda Lucidon: Chasing Light, Michelle Obama - Photos

Unused Item Numbers: 3401, 3418, 3422, 3425, 3427, 3431, 3434, 3440, 3443, 3444, 3450, 3457, 3459, 3480, 3483, 3487, 3499
Non-Book Item Numbers:
Total Number of Books: 90

Editado: Jul 1, 2021, 8:45 am

3503 - Thomas a Kempis: The Imitation of Christ - Photos
3504 - Jules Verne: Around the World in Eighty Days - Photos
3505 - Diane Setterfield: The Thirteenth Tale - Photos
3506 - Christina Baker Kline: Orphan Train - Photos
3507 - R L Dabney D D: Life of General Stonewall Jackson - Photos
3508 - Anne Rice: Prince Lestat - Photos
3509 - Mike Greenberg: My Father's Wives - Photos
3510 - Jeffrey Eugenides: Middlesex - Photos
3511 - Rob Reischel: Aaron Rodgers Titletown MVP - Photos
3512 - Duke, In His Own Words - Photos
3513 - Gloria Naylor: The Women of Brewster Place - Photos
3514 - Mary Boykin Chesnut: A Diary From Dixie - Photos
3515 - Robert Louis Stevenson: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Photos
3516 - Henry David Thoreau: Walden, or Life in the Woods - Photos
3517 - Prevention: The Doctors Book of Home Remedies - Photos
3518 - Edward Gibbon: The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, 2 volume set - Photos
3518-001 - Volume I
3518-002 - Volume II
3519 - David Bowie, His Life on Earth by Time - Photos
3520 - Relentless Boston Red Sox - Photos
3522 - Chris Van Allsburg: Jumanji - Photos
3523 - Harry Louis Gates Jr: And Still I Rise, Black America Since MLK - Photos
3524 - Philip Van Doren Stern: The Greatest Gift - Photos
3525 - Paolo Bacigalupi: The Windup Girl - Photos
3526 - Rita Mae Brown: Rubyfruit Jungle - Photos
3528 - Won for the Ages, Chicago Cubs 2016 Commemorative Edition - Photos
3529 - P T Barnum: Struggles and Triumphs or Forty Years Recollections - Photos
3530 - Harry Benson: The Beatles on the Road 1961-1966 - Photos
3531 - Time: George H W Bush 1924-2018 - Photos
3532 - Jules Verne: The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras - Photos
3533 - Signed Modern Masterworks Series - Photos
3533-001 - Doris Kearns Goodwin: Leadership In Turbulent Times
3533-002 - Margot Lee Shetterly: Hidden Figures
3533-003 - Harold Kushner: When Bad Things Happen to Good People
3533-004 - Freeman Dyson: Disturbing the Universe
3533-005 - Ron Stallworth: Black Klansman
3533-006 - Melba Pattillo Beals: Warriors Don't Cry
3533-007 - Jon Krakauer: Into Thin Air
3533-008 - Jimmy Carter: Remarkable Mother
3533-009 - Marjane Satrapi: The Complete Persepolis
3533-010 - Julian Bond: Eyes on the Prize
3533-011 - Julia Cameron: The Artist's Way
3533-012 - Robert F Kennedy Jr: American Values
3533-013 - Jimmy Carter: Peace in the Holy Land
3533-014 - Jimmy Carter: Sharing Good Times
3533-015 - Jimmy Carter: Endangered Values
3533-016 - Jimmy Carter: Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
3533-017 - Jimmy Carter: Beyond the White House
3533-018 - Sandra Day o'Connor: Lazy B
3534 - Ron Stallworth: Black Klansman - Photos
3535 - Mark Twain: Roughing It - Photos
3536 - Mark Twain, Norman Rockwell (Illustrator): Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Photos
3539 - Kagan & Hyslop (Editors): Smithsonian Civil War, Inside the National Collection - Photos
3541 - Kath Stathers: The Bucket List - Photos
3542 - David Livingstone: Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa - Photos
3544 - Just Like Us, Science-Fiction's Robot Masterpieces, 5 volume set - Photos
3544-001 - Marge Piercy: He, She and It
3544-002 - Isaac Asimov: I, Robot
3544-003 - Walter Tevis: Mockingbird
3544-004 - Daniel H Wilson: Robopocalypse
3544-005 - Karel Capek: R. U. R.
3546 - J R R Tolkien: Morgoth's Ring & The War of the Jewels, 2 volume set - Photos
3546-001 - Morgoth's Ring
3546-002 - The War of the Jewels
3547 - J R R Tolkien: The Shaping of Middle-Earth - Photos
3548 - J R R Tolkien: The Lost Road and Other Writings - Photos
3549 - J R R Tolkien: The Peoples of Middle-Earth - Photos
3550 - Martin J Dougherty: Ireland, The Emerald Isle - Photos
3551 - Claudia Martin: Italy, The Birthplace of the Renaissance - Photos
3552 - Alastair Horne: Paris, The City of Light - Photos
3553 - Alastair Horne: London, Global City of Commerce and Culture - Photos
3554 - Carlos Gomez (Editor): The Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece - Photos
3555 - Oliver Byrne: Elements of Euclid, the First Six Books - Photos
3556 - Joseph O'Neill: Netherland - Photos
3557 - Jane Austen, C E Brock (Illustrator): The Novels, 6 volume set - Photos
3557-001 - Pride & Prejudice
3557-002 - Sense & Sensibility
3557-003 - Emma
3557-004 - Northanger Abbey
3557-005 - Mansfield Park
3557-006 - Persuasion
3558 - Marjane Satrapi: The Complete Persepolis - Photos
3559 - Celeste Ng: Little Fires Everywhere - Photos
3560 - Doris Kearns Goodwin: Leadership in Turbulent Times - Photos
3562 - Margot Lee Shetterly: Hidden Figures - Photos
3563 - John Wayne: Made in America - Photos
3564 - Writers, Their Lives and Works - Photos
3565 - Maya Angelou: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Photos
3566 - Sebastian Schutze: Caravaggio, The Complete Works - Photos
3567 - Readers Choice XVI, 2020 - Photos
3567-001 (2585-103) - Roger Lancelyn Green: The Adventures of Robin Hood
3567-002 (2585-104) - Hermann Hesse: Steppenwolf
3567-003 (2585-105) - Vera Caspary: Laura
3567-004 (2585-106) - Graham Greene: Our Man in Havana
3567-005 (2585-107) - John Steinbeck: Travels With Charley
3567-006 (2585-108) - Thorne Smith: Topper
3567-007 (2585-109) - Edgar Rice Burroughs: Tarzan and the Golden Lion
3567-008 (2585-110) - Agatha Christie: The Murder on the Links
3570 - George Bourne: Picture of Slavery in the United States of America - Photos
3571 - Julia Cameron: The Artist's Way - Photos
3572 - Fingernagel & Gastbeger (Editors): The Book of Bibles - Photos
3573 - Ingo F Walther & Rainer Metzger: Vincent Van Gogh, The Complete Paintings - Photos
3574 - Al Cimino: Apollo, The Mission to Land A Man on the Moon - Photos
3575 - Charles Dickens: The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby - Photos
3576 - Mitchell Zuckoff: Fall and Rise, The Story of 9/11 - Photos
3577 - Davy Crockett: Life of Colonel Davy Crockett - Photos
3579 - Michael Ochs: 1000 Record Covers - Photos
3581 - Catherine Chambers: Ancient Egyptian Myths - Photos
3582 - Kelly DeVries & Others: Battles of the Crusades 1097-1444, From Dorylaeum to Varna - Photos
3583 - Brenda Ralph Lewis: Churchill, An Illustrated Life - Photos
3586 - Life: Anne Frank, Her Life and Legacy - Photos
3587 - Signed Modern Classics Offer: Andy Weir, The Martian - Photos
3588 - Rick Sapp: Native Americans State by State - Photos
3590 - Stephen Hawking (Editor): God Created the Integers - Photos
3591 - National Museum of African American History & Culture: Dream A World Anew - Photos
3592 - Philip Wilkinson: Myths & Legends - Photos
3593 - Nostradamus, The Prophecies - Photos
3594 - The Unofficial Ultimate Harry Potter Spellbook - Photos
3595 - Signed Modern Classics Offer: Neil Gaiman, Coraline - Photos
3596 - National Geographic, Jonathan Alderfer (Editor): Complete Birds of North America - Photos
3597 - Juan Williams: Eyes on the Prize, America's Civil Rights Years 1954-1965 - Photos
3598 - Frederick Forsyth: The Day of the Jackal - Photos
3599 - David T Gilbert: Civil War Battlefields - Photos

Unused Item Numbers: 3500, 3501, 3502, 3521, 3527, 3537, 3538, 3540, 3543, 3545, 3561, 3568, 3569, 3578, 3580, 3584, 3585, 3589
Non-Book Item Numbers:
Total Number of Books: 117

Editado: Jul 15, 2021, 2:23 pm

3600 - James Mustich: 1,000 Books to Read Before You Die - Photos
3601 - Signed Modern Classics Offer: Celeste Ng, Little Fires Everywhere - Photos
3602 - Antonia Felix: Notre-Dame de Paris - Photos
3603 - Dibbs, Ramsey, Robert Renner: Storm of Eagles, The Greatest Aviation Photographs of World War II - Photos
3604 - Signed Modern Classics Offer: Neil Gaiman, The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Photos
3606 - Signed Modern Classics Offer: John Krakauer, Into Thin Air - Photos
3607 - Craig Ellenport: NFL 100, The Greatest Moments of The NFL's Century - Photos
3608 - Where Valor Rests, Arlington National Cemetery - Photos
3609 - Kagan & Hyslop: Eyewitness to the Civil War - Photos
3610 - Orson Scott Card: Speaker of the Dead - Photos
3611 - Duncan & Muller (Editors): Horror Cinema - Photos
3612 - Couper & Henbest: The Astronomy Bible - Photos
3613 - John Le Carre: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy - Photos
3614 - Smithsonian: World War II, Map by Map - Photos
3615 - DK, Kathryn Hennessy (Editor): How Money Works, The Facts Visually Explained - Photos
3616 - Signed Modern Classics Offer: Winston Groom, Forrest Gump - Photos
3617 - Carole Taylor: Astrology - Photos
3619 - Rod Pyle: The Apollo Missions, In the Astronaut's Own Words - Photos
3620 - Charles Dickens, P J Lynch (Illustrator): A Christmas Carol - Photos
3622 - Marvin Meyer (Editor): The Nag Hammadi Scriptures - Photos
3623 - Diana Gabaldon: A Breath of Snow and Ashes - Photos
3624- John G Nicolay, John Hay: Abraham Lincoln, The Complete Works, 2 volume set - Photos
3624-001 - Volume 1
3624-002 - Volume 2
3625 - Goldstein, Dillon, and Wenger: Nuts!, The Battle of the Bulge - Photos
3627 - Arthur Rackham (Illustrator): Aesop's Fables - Photos
3628 - Pat F Garrett: The Authentic Life of Billy the Kid - Photos
3629 - Al Cimino: Gunfighters - Photos
3630 - Noel Daniel (Editor): The Magic Book - Photos
3631 - The Math Book - Photos
3632 - Elie Wiesel (Commentator), Mark Podwal (Illustrator): A Passover Haggadah - Photos
3635 - Michael Kerrigan: The Knights Templar - Photos
3636 - Colin Colbourn: The Marines - Photos
3637 - Rebecca Mileham: The Elements Bible - Photos
3638 - Gustave Dore (Illustrator): Fairy Tales Told Again - Photos
3639 - Signed Modern Classics Offer: William Gibson, Neuromancer - Photos
3640 - Signed Modern Classics Offer: Louis Sachar, Holes - Photos
3643 - David Day: The Illustrated World of Tolkien - Photos
3645 - Jules Verne: The Castle of the Carpathians - Photos
3646 - Jules Verne: From the Earth to the Moon - Photos
3648 - Neil Gaiman: The Anansi Boys - Photos
3649 - Lawrence Jackson: Yes We Did - Photos
3650 - Marshall Brain: The Engineering Book - Photos
3651 - Michael H Roffer: The Law Book - Photos
3652 - The Philosophy Book - Photos
3654 - Matt Derrick: Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl 2020 Commemorative Edition - Photos
3655 - Diana Gabaldon: An Echo in the Bone - Photos
3656 - Mary Shelley, Douglas Bell (Illustrator): Frankenstein - Photos
3658 - Los Angeles Daily News: Kobe Forever - Photos
3659 - Steven G Medema: The Economics Book - Photos
3660 - Paul Levitz: The Golden Age of DC Comics - Photos
3661 - Stephen Hawking (Editor): On the Shoulders of Giants - Photos
3662 - David Hockney: My Window - Photos
3663 - Daniel Wildenstein: Monet,The Triumph of Impressionism - Photos
3664 - Mark Twain: Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc - Photos
3665 - Alfred J Kolatch: The Jewish Book of Why, 2 volume set - Photos
3665-001 - The Jewish Book of Why
3665-002 - The Second Jewish Book of Why
3666 - Silver & Ursini, Eds Duncan & Muller: Film Noir - Photos
3667 - Andrea Kettenmann: Kahlo - Photos
3668 - Signs & Symbols - Photos
3669 - Mahlon F Craft, Kinuko Y Craft: Beauty and the Beast - Photos
3671 - Mugglenut: The Unofficial Ultimate Harry Potter Character Compendium - Photos
3672 - Rocky, The Complete Films (Signed by Sylvester Stallone) Limited to 1976 - Photos
3673 - The Walt Disney Film Archives, The Animated Movies 1921-1968 - Photos
3674 - Jesse Jackson: Keeping Hope Alive - Photos
3675 - Delia Owens: Where the Crawdads Sing - Photos
3676 - Arthur Edward Waite (Translator): The Hermetic Museum, 2 volume set - Photos
3676-001 - Volume I
3676-002 - Volume II
3678 - Gillian Flynn: Gone Girl - Photos
3679 - Ciaran Carson (Translator), Howard David Johnson (Illustrator): Tain Bo Cuailnge - Photos
3680 - Sir Thomas Malory, Anna-Marie Ferguson (Illustrator): Le Morte D'Arthur - Photos
3681 - America's Heroes, Stories of Courage and Hope - Photos
3682 - Ken Okona-Mensah: The Anatomy Bible - Photos
3683 - Chis McNab: The Crusades - Photos
3684 - Martin J Dougherty: Norse Myths -Photos
3685 - D-Day & Battle of the Bulge, 2 volume set - Photos
3685-001 - Will Fowler: D-Day, The Longest Day, 6 June 1944
3685-002 - David Jordan: Battle of the Bulge, Germany's Last Offensive December 1944 - January 1945
3686 - Zollner & Thoenes: Michelangelo, The Complete Paintings, Sculptures and Architecture - Photos
3687 - Hidalgo, Horton, Zehr: The Star Wars Book - Photos
3688 - The Medical Check-Up Book - Photos
3689 - Suzannah Lipscomb: A History of Magic, Witchcraft & The Occult - Photos
3690 - John C Guntzelman: The Wild West In Color - Photos
3691 - Cally Hall: Gemstones - Photos
3692 - Tom Jackson: Astronomy - Photos
3694 - Car, The Definitive Visual History of the Automobile - Photos
3695 - Martina Padberg: Louvre - Photos
3696 - Anton Treuer: Atlas of Indian Nations - Photos
3697 - Janet Giovanelli: The True Story of Santa Claus - Photos
3698 - Nicole Wetsman: The White House Atlas - Photos
3699 - Kelly Farrell, Robert Edelstein: Vikings, Legendary Warriors of Land and Sea - Photos

Unused Item Numbers: 3605, 3618, 3621, 3626, 3633, 3634, 3641, 3642, 3644, 3647, 3653, 3657, 3670, 3677, 3693
Non-Book Item Numbers:
Total Number of Books: 97

Editado: Mar 21, 3:34 am

3700 - Morin Bishop: Women of the Bible - Photos
3701 - John Ferguson: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mysticism and the Mystery Religions - Photos
3702 - Daniel Boone: Biographical Memoir of Daniel Boone, The First Settler of Kentucky - Photos
3703 - Sandro Vannini: King Tut - Photos
3704 - Pierre-Joseph Redoute: The Book of Flowers - Photos
3707 - Neil Kagan, Stephen Hyslop: Eyewitness to World War II - Photos
3708 - Richard K Morgan: Altered Carbon - Photos
3709 - Chris Buzelli (Illustrator): The Arabian Nights - Photos
3710 - Jennie Bond: Elizabeth - Photos
3711 - Brian Clegg: Essential Science - Photos
3712 - Dr Richard Gunderman: Marie Curie - Photos
3713 - Jules Verne, S W Ward (Illustrator): Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas - Photos
3714 - Seb McKinnon (Illustrator): The Kalevala - Photos
3715 - Edgar Allan Poe, Gustave Dore (Illustrator): The Raven - Photos
3716 - Jonathan Swift, Arthur Rackham (Illustrator): Gulliver's Travels - Photos
3717 - The Book of Ser Marco Polo, The Venetian, Concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East, 2 volume set - Photos
3717-001 - Volume 1
3717-002 - Volume 2
3718 - Mark Twain: A Tramp Abroad - Photos
3719 - Mark Twain: Following the Equator - Photos
3720 - Mark Twain: Tom Sawyer Abroad, Tom Sawyer Detective and Other Stories - Photos
3721 - National Geographic: 50 States 5000 Ideas - Photos
3722 - Zane Grey: Masterpieces of the Old West - Photos
3723 - The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Warfare, From Ancient Egypt to Iraq - Photos
3724 - Smithsonian: History of the World Map by Map - Photos
3725 - Gustav Davidson: A Dictionary of Angels - Photos
3726 - Ray Bradbury: All of Me is Illustrated - Photos
3727 - How Psychology Works - Photos
3728 - Frederick Douglass, Booker T Washington, WEB DuBois: African American Masterpieces - Photos
3729 - Marshall Brain: The Doomsday Book - Photos
3730 - Kurt A Raaflaub (Editor): The Landmark Julius Caesar, The Complete Works - Photos
3731 - Andrew Wiest: The Navy - Photos
3732 - Martin J Dougherty: Hindu Myths - Photos
3733 - McCall & McNab: Dragons & Mythical Creatures - Photos
3734 - MuggleNet (Editors): The Unofficial Harry Potter Bestiary - Photos
3735 - Antonia Felix: The Unstoppable Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Photos
3736 - The Religions Book - Photos
3737 - Dan Peel: The History of the Civil Rights Movement - Photos
3739 - Larry J Zimmerman: The Sacred Wisdom of the Native Americans - Photos
3740 - Mitchell G Reddish: Apocalyptic Literature - Photos
3741 - Los Angeles Daily News: Legacy, The Los Angeles Lakers Unforgettable Run to the 2020 NBA Title - Photos
3742 - Jim Bell: The Earth Book - Photos
3743 - Jalal al-Din Rumi, Coleman Barks (Translator): The Essential Rumi - Photos
3744 - Neil Leifer: Leifer Boxing, 60 Years of Fights and Fighters - Photos
3745 - The Tibetan Book of the Dead - Photos
3746 - E T Bell: Men of Mathematics - Photos
3747 - Kathleen Perricone: Barack Obama, His Legacy of Hope & Change - Photos
3748 - Gilles Neret: Renoir - Photos
3749 - Plutarch: Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, 5 volume set - Photos
3749-001 - Volume I
3749-002 - Volume II
3749-003 - Volume III
3749-004 - Volume IV
3749-005 - Volume V
3750 - Martin Kemp: Leonardo Da Vinci, The 100 Milestones - Photos
3751 - Orson Scott Card: Xenocide - Photos
3752 - Neil Gaiman: Smoke and Mirrors - Photos
3753 - Jessica Hundley: Tarot - Photos
3754 - Alice Hoffman: The Rules of Magic - Photos
3755 - Daniel C Matt: The Essential Kabbalah - Photos
3756 - Jimmy Carter: Keeping Faith, Memoirs of a President - Photos
3757 - Irvin Khaytman: Dumbledore, The Life and Lies of Hogwarts's Renowned Headmaster, An Unofficial Exploration - Photos
3758 - Charlotte Montague: Edgar Allan Poe - Photos
3760 - Lewis Carroll, Arantza Sestayo (Illustrator): Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Photos
3762 - Reader's Choice 2021 - Photos
3762-001 (2585-116) - Graham Greene: The Third Man
3762-002 (2585-117) - Wilkie Collins: The Woman in White
3762-003 (2585-112) - Thomas Harris: Red Dragon
3762-004 (2585-114) - Jonathan Swift: The Tale of a Tub
3762-005 (2585-111) - Max Brand: The Night Horseman
3762-006 (2585-113) - Agatha Christie: The Secret Adversary
3762-007 (2585-118) - Eric Rucker Eddison: The Worm Ouroboros
3762-008 (2585-115) - Edgar Rice Burroughs: Tarzan the Untamed
3763 - John Garth: The Worlds of J R R Tolkien - Photos
3764 - Victor Hugo: Les Miserables 2 volume set - Photos
3764-001 - Volume I
3764-002 - Volume II
3766 - Yana Movchan (Illustrator): The Book of Genesis - Photos
3768 - Time Travel Science Fiction
3768-002 - Tim Powers: The Anubis Gates
3768-003 - Connie Willis: Doomsday Book - Photos
3768-004 - Joe Haldeman: The Accidental Time Machine - Photos
3769 - Andrea Richards: Astrology - Photos
3771 - Orson Scott Card: Ender's Shadow - Photos
3772 - Raymond Feist: Magician - Photos
3773 - Malaika Adero: Vice President Kamala Harris - Photos
3774 - Miguel de Cervantes, J L Munoz (Illustrator): Don Quixote - Photos
3775 - David Day: The Ring Legends of Tolkien - Photos
3776 - How Philosophy Works - Photos
3777 - Martin J Dougherty: Greek Myths, From the Titans to Icarus and Odysseus - Photos
3778 - Neil Turitz: Horror - Photos
3779 - Witches Then & Now - Photos
3780 - September 11, The 9/11 Story, Aftermath & Legacy - Photos
3781 - Herman Melville, Jim Salvati (Illustrator): Moby Dick - Photos
3782 - Edward O Wilson: Consilience - Photos
3783 - First Contact 5 volume set - Photos
3783-001 - Arthur C Clarke: Rendezvous with Rama
3783-002 - Carl Sagan: Contact
3783-003 - Greg Bear: The Forge of God
3783-004 - Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle: The Mote in God's Eye
3783-005 - Peter Watts: Blindsight
3784 - Peter Mavrikis: Ancient Egypt, The Cradle of Civilization - Photos
3785 - J M Debord: The Dream Interpretation Dictionary - Photos
3786 - Jessie Carney Smith: Black Firsts - Photos
3787 - How the Body Works - Photos
3788 - C M Steedman, Paul Woodroffe (Illustrator): The Child's Life of Jesus - Photos
3789 - Paul J Ruditis: The Star Trek Book - Photos
3790 - Anusuya Chinsamy-Turan: Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Life - Photos
3791 - Scott Raab, Joe Woolhead: Once More To The Sky, The Rebuilding of the World Trade Center - Photos
3792 - Shirley Jackson, Johnathan Marks Barravecchia (Illustrator): The Haunting of Hill House - Photos
3793 - Humphrey Carpenter: J R R Tolkien A Biography - Photos
3794 - Ursula K Le Guin: The Left Hand of Darkness - Photos
3795 - F Scott Fitzgerald, Hsiao Ron Cheng (Illustrator): The Great Gatsby - Photos
3796 - J R R Tolkien: Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle Earth - Photos
3797 - Charles Dickens, Arthur Rackham (Illustrator): A Christmas Carol - Photos
3798 - Ultimate Star Wars - Photos

Editado: Mar 21, 2:45 am

3800 - Sam Chase, J J Baker: Secrets of the Titanic - Photos
3801 - David Schonauer: Winning World War II - Photos
3802 - Paul Woodadge: World War II Battlefields, Battle Sites Today - Photos
3803 - Klaus Walter Littger, Werner Dressendorfer: Basilius Besler's Florilegium - Photos
3804 - The History Book - Photos
3806 - H P Lovecraft, David Palumbo (Illustrator): At the Mountains of Madness - Photos
3807 - Delos W Lovelace, Bob Eggleton (Illustrator): King Kong - Photos
3808 - Edgar Rice Burroughs, Patrick Faricy (Illustrator): The Land That Time Forgot Trilogy - Photos
3809 - Ernest Hemingway, Gregory Manchess (Illustrator): The Sun Also Rises - Photos
3812 - J R R Tolkien: The Nature of Middle-Earth - Photos
3813 - Harry Benson: Paul - Photos
3815-001 - Frank Herbert: Dune - Photos
3815-002 - Isaac Asimov: The Foundation Trilogy - Photos
3815-003 - H G Wells: The War of the Worlds - Photos
3815-004 - George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four - Photos
3815-005 - Arthur C Clarke: 2001: A Space Odyssey - Photos
3815-006 - Jules Verne: From the Earth to the Moon - Photos
3815-007 - Edgar Rice Burroughs: At the Earth's Core & A Princess of Mars - Photos
3815-008 - Ray Bradbury: The Martian Chronicles - Photos
3815-009 - Dan Simmons: Hyperion - Photos
3815-010 - Kurt Vonnegut Jr: The Sirens of Titan - Photos
3815-011 - H G Wells: The Invisible Man - Photos
3815-012 - Edgar Rice Burroughs: Tarzan of the Apes - Photos
3815-013 - Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash - Photos
3815-014 - Larry Niven: Ringworld - Photos
3815-015 - H G Wells: The Island of Dr Moreau - Photos
3815-016 - Daniel Keyes: Flowers For Algernon - Photos
3815-017 - Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451 - Photos
3815-018 - Isaac Asimov: I, Robot - Photos
3815-019 - Anthony Burgess: A Clockwork Orange - Photos
3815-020 - Walter M Miller Jr: A Canticle for Leibowitz - Photos
3815-021 - Ursula K Le Guin: The Dispossessed - Photos
3816 - Orson Scott Card: Children of the Mind - Photos
3817 - Frank Wilczek: Fundamentals, Ten Keys To Reality - Photos
3818 - David S Reynolds: Abe, Abraham Lincoln in His Times - Photos
3819 - Ayn Rand: We the Living & Anthem, 2 Volume Set - Photos
3819-001 - We the Living
3819-002 - Anthem
3820 - America Illustrated - Photos
3821 - Jules Verne: The Science Fiction Masterpieces, 6 Volume Set - Photos
3821-001 - 20,000 Leagues Under the Seas
3821-002 - From the Earth to the Moon
3821-003 - Journey to the Center of the Earth
3821-004 - Dropped from the Clouds
3821-005 - The Abandoned
3821-006 - The Secret Island
3822 - Jules Verne: Five Weeks in a Balloon - Photos
3824 - David Day: Encyclopedia of Tolkien - Photos
3825 - Lyndsay Faye: Dust and Shadow - Photos
3826 - Matt Haig: The Midnight Library - Photos
3828 - Raymond Feist: Silverthorn - Photos
3829 - Raymond Feist: A Darkness at Sethanon - Photos
3830 - Nicole Krauss: The History of Love - Photos
3831 - Marcus Borg: Jesus and Buddha - Photos
3832 - Smithsonian: Animal, the Definitive Visual Guide - Photos
3834 - Mark Twain, Norman Rockwell (Illustrator): Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Photos
3835 - Kahlil Gibran: The Prophet - Photos
3836 - Classic Car, the Definitive Visual Guide - Photos
3837 - Frank C Pape (Illustrator): The Book of Psalms - Photos
3839 - Orson Scott Card: Ender in Exile - Photos
3840 - The Mythology Book - Photos
3841 - The Bible Book - Photos
3842 - The Physics Book - Photos
3843 - Karl Schutz: Vermeer, The Complete Works - Photos
3844 - Albertus Seba: Cabinet of Natural Curiosities - Photos
3845 - Gregory Maguire: Son of a Witch - Photos
3846 - Jim Butcher: Storm Front - Photos
3847 - Stefan Fischer: Hieronymus Bosch, The Complete Works - Photos
3848 - Lev Grossman: The Magicians - Photos
3849 - Turitz Zimmerman: Inside Secret Societies - Photos
3850 - Charlotte & Peter Fiell: Ultimate Collector Cars, 2 volume set - Photos
3850-001 - Volume I
3850-002 - Volume II
3851 - Jeremy P Maxwell: The Army - Photos
3852 - Edgar Rice Burroughs: Mars, The First Novels - Photos
3853 - Agatha Christie: Hercule Poirot, The First Novels - Photos
3854 - Blake Crouch: Dark Matter - Photos
3855 - Kristin Hannah: The Nightingale - Photos
3857 - Masterpieces of Science Fiction - Photos
3858 - Rafael Sabatini: The Sabatini Anthology, Captain Blood, The Sea Hawk, Scaramouche - Photos
3859 - Michael Kerrigan: Amazing Temples of the World - Photos
3860 - David J Carter: Butterflies and Moths - Photos
3861 - Andrew Chevallier: Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine - Photos
3862 - The Marvel Book - Photos
3863 - The Law Book - Photos
3864 - Jane Austen, Angela Rizza (Illustrator): Pride & Prejudice - Photos
3865 - Witchcraft - Photos
3866 - Dennis Lehane: Shutter Island - Photos
3867 - Marvel: The Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 - Photos
3868 - Man-Made Wonders of the World - Photos
3869 - Audubon: Nature Handbook - Photos
3870 - Smithsonian: Encyclopedia of Garden Plants for Every Location - Photos
3871 - The Black History Book - Photos
3872 - Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Jason Mowry (Illustrator): Grimm's Fairy Tales - Photos
3873 - Rudyard Kipling: Captains Courageous - Photos
3874 - Alexandre Dumas: The Three Musketeers - Photos
3876 - Andy Weir: Project Hail Mary - Photos
3877 - Alice Hoffman: The Probable Future - Photos
3878 - Alohomora: The Unofficial Harry Potter Companion, Sorcerer's Stone - Photos
3879 - Graeme Simsion: The Rosie Project - Photos
3880 - Heather Morris: The Tattooist of Auschwitz - Photos
3881 - J R R Tolkien: Lost Tales of Middle-Earth, 2 Volume Set - Photos
3881-001 - Part One
3881-002 - Part Two
3882 - Robert J Ford: Weather - Photos
3883 - Kinshasha Holman Conwill, Paul Gardullo: Make Good the Promises - Photos
3884 - Morin Bishop: Rediscovering the Founding Fathers - Photos
3885 - Bill Bragg (Illustrator): Ghostly Tales - Photos
3886 - The Unofficial Harry Potter Hogwarts Handbook - Photos
3887 - The World War II Book - Photos
3888 - The Story of Kit Carson's Life and Adventures - Photos
3889 - James Hibberd: Fire Cannot Kill A Dragon - Photos
3890 - F Scott Fitzgerald: Classics, 7 Volume Set - Photos
3890-001 - This Side of Paradise
3890-002 - Tales of the Jazz Age
3890-003 - The Great Gatsby
3890-004 - Tender is the Night
3890-005 - The Last Tycoon
3890-006 - Babylon Revisited
3890-007 - The Beautiful and the Damned
3891 - Michael Kerrigan: English Myths - Photos
3892 - Robbie Busch, Jonathan Kirby, Julius Weidemann: Rock Covers - Photos
3893 - Architectural Theory - Photos
3894 - 100 All-Time Favorite Movies of the 20th Century - Photos
3895 - Modern Art - Photos
3896 - Neil Gaiman, Leslie S Klinger: The Annotated Sandman Volume 1 - Photos
3897 - Christopher Tolkien: Pictures by J R R Tolkien - Photos
3898 - Marvel: The Avengers - Photos
3899 - Marvel Comics Library: The Avengers Vol 1 DLE - Photos

Editado: Jun 10, 2022, 11:01 pm

3998-001 - Herman Melville: Moby Dick - Photos
3998-002 - William Shakespeare: Hamlet - Photos
3998-003 - Henry David Thoreau: Walden - Photos
3998-004 - Harper Lee: To Kill A Mockingbird - Photos
3998-005 - Aldous Huxley: Brave New World - Photos
3998-006 - John Steinbeck: Of Mice and Men - Photos
3998-007 - Charles Dickens: Great Expectations - Photos
3998-008 - Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina - Photos
3998-009 - H G Wells: The Time Machine - Photos
3998-010 - Richard Burton: Arabian Nights - Photos
3998-011 - Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures In Wonderland - Photos
3998-012 - George Eliot: Silas Marner - Photos
3998-013 - William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Nights Dream - Photos
3998-014 - Mary Shelley: Frankenstein - Photos
3998-015 - Mark Twain: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Photos
3998-016 - Fyodor Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment - Photos
3998-017 - The Sound and the Fury - Photos
3998-018 - George Orwell: Animal Farm - Photos
3998-019 - Oscar Wilde: The Picture of Dorian Gray - Photos
3998-020 - Ivan Turgenev: Fathers and Sons - Photos
3998-021 - William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet - Photos
3998-022 - Henry Fielding: Tom Jones - Photos
3998-023 - Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness - Photos
3998-024 - Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights - Photos
3998-025 - Plato: The Republic - Photos
3998-026 - Sir Walter Scott: The Talisman - Photos
3998-027 - Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe - Photos
3998-028 - Aristotle: Politics and Poetics - Photos
3998-029 - Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities - Photos
3998-030 - Omar Khayyam: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam - Photos
3998-031 - The Analects of Confucius - Photos
3998-032 - John Milton: Paradise Lost - Photos
3998-033 - Robert Louis Stevenson: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Photos
3998-034 - William Shakespeare: The Histories - Photos
3998-035 - George Bernard Shaw: Pygmalion & Candida - Photos
3998-036 - John Bunyan: The Pilgrim's Progress - Photos
3998-037 - Edgar Allan Poe: Tales of Mystery and Imagination - Photos
3998-038 - Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass - Photos
3998-039 - Louisa May Alcott: Little Women - Photos
3998-040 - Washington Irving: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories - Photos
3998-041 - Alexandre Dumas: The Count of Monte Cristo - Photos
3998-042 - Miguel de Cervantes: Don Quixote - Photos
3998-043 - Victor Hugo: Les Miserables - Photos
3998-044 - Maya Angelou: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Photos
3998-045 - Bram Stoker: Dracula - Photos
3998-046 - Fyodor Dostoevsky: The Brothers Karamazov - Photos
3998-047 - D H Lawrence: Lady Chatterley's Lover - Photos
3998-048 - Emily Dickinson: Poems - Photos
3998-049 - The Confessions of Saint Augustine - Photos
3998-050 - Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre - Photos
3998-051 - Robert Frost: Poetry - Photos

Editado: Oct 1, 2020, 9:47 pm

4000 - Greatest Books Ever Written - Photos
4000-001 - Herman Melville: Moby Dick
4000-002 - Henry David Thoreau: Walden
4000-003 - Jules Verne: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
4000-004 - William Shakespeare: Hamlet
4000-005 - Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe
4000-006 - Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter
4000-007 - Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice
4000-008 - Mark Twain: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
4000-009 - F Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby
4000-010 - Edgar Allan Poe: Tales of Mystery and Imagination
4000-011 - John Steinbeck: Of Mice and Men
4000-012 - Harper Lee: To Kill a Mockingbird
4000-013 - Aldous Huxley: Brave New World
4000-020 - George Orwell: Animal Farm
4000-021 - A Conan Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
4000-051 - Ivan Turgenev: Fathers and Sons
4000-052 - Robert Louis Stevenson: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
4000-053 - H G Wells: The Time Machine
4000-054 - Fyodor Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment
4000-055 - William Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury
4000-056 - Richard Burton: Tales From the Arabian Nights
4000-057 - Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina

Ene 1, 2020, 3:25 am


Ene 1, 2020, 3:26 am

Just in case

Feb 10, 2020, 4:34 pm

Bumped up for new updates.

Jul 1, 2020, 11:07 pm

If anyone finds a dead link, please let me know. I don't have time to try every link on all browsers, and sometimes a certain browser doesn't like all of the links. (I'm looking at you IE)

Jun 9, 2021, 5:51 am

This is a great resource. Thanks

Jun 9, 2021, 10:45 pm

At present, this DB is only half complete. I have a LOT more information I can throw in here in an unedited form. This year I do not have time to work on this project. If you all would like to see some information over no information I may be able to find the time to at least fill in most of the gaps, in a rough way. It will be next year, at earliest before I am able to pick this project back up.

Vota: Would you like to see more information although unedited?

Recuento actual: 12, No 0

Jun 10, 2021, 10:24 am

Este usuario ha sido eliminado por spam.

Jun 11, 2021, 8:06 pm

>69 Wootle: This really is a great resource. Thanks for putting this together, Wootle. What a labour of love!

I wonder if it would be worth it to copy this into a Google Sheet and allow those of us interested to help you edit it?

Jun 12, 2021, 8:49 am

>71 Neil_Luvs_Books:

What about a Wiki site?

Wootle, what steered you away from the Wikipedia-style approach?

Editado: Jun 14, 2021, 2:15 pm

>72 treereader: I didn’t suggest a Wiki simply because I have never used one!


Whereas I have used Google Sheets which works well as a database but does not have as pretty a user interface as a well designed wiki might.

Jun 14, 2021, 11:13 pm

>73 Neil_Luvs_Books:

I was just curious. I’m guessing Wootle considered it at one point but had concerns about it and wondered what they were.

Jun 27, 2021, 9:29 am

Hi Wootle, I just noticed that books published by Easton as part of their Masterpieces of Fantasy are not listed here. Is that an oversight or for a particular reason?
I suspect that you just haven’t found the time to get to this series!

Editado: Jun 27, 2021, 10:04 am

Series 0120 has been added above.

It appears there is NOT a lot of interest in this project at this time, so I will wait until next year to fill in the blanks.

>70 Bob_Reader: If he sends me one, certainly.

>72 treereader: Ultimately keeping control of the content. I know there is a lot of well meaning individuals, but not everyone has done the research that needs to be done in order to submit accurate information.

I would very much like everyone to be involved if they would like to be. But a page that anyone and everyone can add to and edit, could be disastrous for accuracy. There has been a lot of time invested in weeding out bad information, I have spent thousands of hours on this project. I am happy to add any information that is posted if it can be verified.

All of those blank posts above have been worked on, and many are probably close to being complete. I like checking and double checking the information before posting it. Take for example the 0120 series that I just posted. There are a lot of sites on the internet that has this list, but I found none that was 100% accurate. None of them have the item numbers correct, some of them don't have the correct titles either. I had to gather them directly from the source over a long series of emails. I know the item numbers don't mean much to most people, but having them correct means a lot to me, that's what this entire project is about, keeping the history accurate.

If you have any specific requests you would like to see this year, post them below and I'll try to get them added, time permitting.

Jun 27, 2021, 10:12 am

Wootie, just want to say thanks for all your efforts over the years! I have found and continue to find your posts immensely helpful in my EP collecting! Many, many thanks!!

Jun 27, 2021, 10:21 am

Thank you whytewolf1

Jun 27, 2021, 11:30 pm

>76 Wootle: Thanks for the reply. I have been finding this list very useful since I returned to collecting EP this past year. I really appreciate you maintaining it.

I understand your concerns over accuracy. For example, the reason I was looking for series 0120 - Masterpieces of Fantasy was because I came across a blog that discussed an EP release of David Eddings entire 5 volumes of The Belgariad and it was implied that it was released as part of the MF series. But I think the 5 volume set must have been a series release separate from the MF (see here for example: https://veryfinebooks.com/easton-press-the-belgariad-david-eddings-signed-limite....

Jun 28, 2021, 12:27 am

Exactly the problem, to much misinformation out there. The Eddings 5 volume set is #1492, not part of 0120.

Now you see my concerns with allowing everyone to do edits.

1492 - David Eddings: The Belgariad, 5 Volume set - Photos

Jun 28, 2021, 12:38 pm

>69 Wootle: Awesome work on this thread and love that you have such thorough information in one place.
Thank You!

Sep 14, 2021, 7:35 pm

Thanks Wootle as usual and thanks sdawson for pinning!

Dic 1, 2021, 1:32 am

Added everything from the beginning through 0999 that I had in unedited format. Gives you all something to look at anyway. Please excuse the mess, it is definitely a work in progress. This has been a hard year for me to make progress, I'm barely keeping up with new releases, so I have not made any progress on the history.

I know it's a mess.

Dic 1, 2021, 1:55 am

>83 Wootle: All of your efforts are greatly appreciated!

Dic 1, 2021, 7:51 pm

>83 Wootle: I posted this elsewhere but Wootle, maybe you know. Initially, books in the Signed First Editions of Science Fiction series did not include a COA or notes card but rather included an introduction at the beginning of the book that does the work of the notes cards (e.g., as found in their Masterpieces of Science Fiction, Masterpieces of Fantasy, and their current Signed First editions series).

Somewhere between Queen of Angels (#0106-021) and Child of Venus (#0106-161) EP stopped including an introduction at the beginning of the book replacing that with a "notes card" in addition to a COA.

When did EP change their publication practice for their series Signed First Editions of Science Fiction?

Dic 1, 2021, 10:04 pm

Regarding series 0106 Signed First Editions of Science Fiction. The COA started with 0106-105. The Note Card started with book 0106-127.

Editado: Dic 2, 2021, 8:13 pm

>86 Wootle: Thank you! You are always a reliable source of EP information. So of significance to me, the COA was started a couple of volumes after EP published Blue Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson in 1996 and then the note card a couple of volumes after EP published Foundation and Chaos by Greg Bear in 1998. Of significance to me because those are books that are still on my EP wish list if I can ever find them for a price that fits my budget.

Mar 24, 2022, 2:04 pm

Thank you for this amazing piece of work. Is there any reliable information on the old Masterpieces of American Literature series? I didn’t see it referenced here. I have about 35 of them. I know there is some debate about leather vs. bonded, marbled end papers vs moire etc. All of mine have the Masterpieces logo. However, I have a Two Years Before the Mast that has marbled end pages and states it’s bonded. No others say they’re bonded but I have 5 more titles with marbled end pages. I also have two copies of Cape Cod that have the logo and moire end pages but different bindings. I wonder what the beginning and ending date was for this series.

Editado: Mar 26, 2022, 9:05 am

Would love to see a photo of that book with respect to the bonded attribute. Any chance you could email or post some photos. Was this some very short lived experiment on their part or what?

I friended you and can give you my email address.

Mar 26, 2022, 12:09 pm

I put a title page photo on my profile. Give me your email and I’ll send others. I’m new here. Is there away to post photos other than profile page?

Mar 26, 2022, 3:51 pm

This site is not very friendly with photo posting. Lots of folks use another service and just link to it from here.

Mar 30, 2022, 2:38 pm

Greetings! I came across a listing for Robert A Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress that I have never seen before:

Is it the same as the one listed above? 3366-004 - Robert A Heinlein: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Was 3366-004 part of the Masterpieces of Science Fiction series or a volume in a different series? It is certainly different from the current version that is being offered as part of the 4-volume Dark Side of the Moon series:

Thanks! I am just curious.

Mar 30, 2022, 8:37 pm

>92 Neil_Luvs_Books: That is not an EP book that you have linked.

Mar 31, 2022, 12:29 am

>93 Wootle: oh! Is the listing on eBay incorrect? When I go to that URL the reseller has Easton Press as the publisher. The photo looks like what an EP book would look like.

Editado: Mar 31, 2022, 1:29 am

Search for that book and look at an opened copy. There's a couple on ebay.


Just looks like a deluxe edition by Tor. Maybe EP bound it for them, but lots of things wrong with it. Looks like padded leather, skinny ribbon marker, no mention of EP.

Mar 31, 2022, 2:35 pm

Thanks Wootle!

Ene 18, 2023, 10:22 pm

>22 Wootle:

Not sure if you are still updating the lists, but here are the current offerings from the ongoing series that I was just given by customer service.


Ene 19, 2023, 9:23 am

Excellent. Thank you Luke.

Dic 23, 2023, 3:49 pm

Does anyone use this database? If so, what information would you like to see added to make it more useful?

My time is very limited, so I want to add things that are of use.

I won't have time to dig into historical listings next year, but I am going to try and keep the newly added books up to date.

Editado: Dic 24, 2023, 3:46 pm

>99 Wootle: I do use it every now and then to check on what has been released by EP. I find publication years and photos really useful. In addition, any info on enclosures that came bundled loose unbound with the book when newly released (e.g., collectors notes cards) is very helpful to me.

Abr 17, 8:05 pm

Ok, I finally completed a spreadsheet of Easton Press' "Masterpieces of Fantasy" similar to the one I did for their "Masterpieces of Science Fiction." This is the link:
Masterpieces of Fantasy

As you can see it is missing PDFs of the collector's notes for most titles. So if any of you have these books please send a scan to me. You can send me a personal message through LT. You will also notice that the PDFs that are there are not as high quality as what I was able to produce for the Masterpieces of Science of Fiction spreadsheet. My scanner died when I upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11. Actually, it didn't die. It's just that Windows 11 would not play nice with my 10-year-old HP scanner. So, I have had to resort to using PhotoScan by Google Photos on my iPhone. The resolution is not as nice but it will have to do. Unless anybody out there can produce better high-quality scans?



Abr 18, 7:09 pm

I've run into the "new version of Windows won't accept previous version's drivers" problem on printers before. In a few cases, I was able to completely circumvent the idiocy but connecting the printer to the newer Windows via network instead of USB. Perhaps the network-based drivers are of a simpler nature and less fully-featured, but for my purposes, I lost no functionality. In those cases, the printer had either built-in ethernet or Wi-fi. The idea should work for scanners, but if yours doesn't have built-in networking, you're back to needing a separate (or virtual) computer with an older or altogether different OS, and at that point the network part is optional.

Abr 18, 7:39 pm

>102 treereader: Unfortunately, my old HP ScanJet was not WiFi capable. So off to Value Village it went. Today’s good news however is that I discovered that my spouse’s WiFi printer is also a scanner! Problem solved. 😀

Abr 19, 7:46 pm

>99 Wootle: I just noticed that there are two entries for Starship Mutiny by Mike Resnick: 0106-219 and 0106-233. My suspicion is that 0106-219 should be Starship Pirate by Mike Resnick. Are you able to confirm or refute? Thanks!

Abr 24, 2:25 pm

I finally completed the spreadsheet for the Signed First Editions of Science Fiction series by Easton Press. If anyone can supply scans of the many missing note cards by EP, that would be much appreciated. You may message me through LT. I have only been able to include four of them.

Editado: Abr 24, 2:28 pm

I deleted this post because it was a mistaken duplicate of a previous post.

Abr 24, 2:31 pm

>104 Neil_Luvs_Books: I'll look into that when I get some time, thanks for pointing it out.

Abr 27, 9:05 pm

>101 Neil_Luvs_Books: I just have to say that these lists are amazing. I know I'll be using them in addition to the lists on this thread.

I agree with your previous comment that release years and any inserts included would be helpful.

Abr 28, 12:10 am

>108 Luke.w: awesome! If you have any of the notes cards missing in the list please snap a photo and send it to me. I can clean it up and link it in the spreadsheet as a PDF.

Editado: mayo 22, 3:24 am

>104 Neil_Luvs_Books: Doing a little research it appears this should be the order.

0106-219 Starship, Mutiny
0106-233 Starship, Pirate

I did not confirm this from the source, however looking at COA dates for both, this appears to be the correct order.

When I am able to get this going again, I will try to 100% confirm, but I am confident at this point this is accurate.

Edited: I see you have Mercenary as 0106-233, that should be 0106-248

mayo 23, 2:51 am

>110 Wootle: Thanks for catching that error. I’ll correct it in the spreadsheet.

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